Kawe Mazidjatari b8178e9299 NetworkSystem: fix numerous issues
This patch splits host logic from CServerListManager. CServerListManager is actually meant for the client to manage the server list to which the client could connect to. The hosting logic has been moved to the new CServerHostManager class.

Previously, we stored all the hosting details in CServerListManager, with connection criteria in CPylon, this data has been moved over to CServerHostManager as well.

Previously, we also needed a mutex to access the server host data, function HostState_KeepAlive() has been refactored to the point this mutex is no longer necessary as the only threaded process is the actual request, the rest is being applied in the main thread. We also now only construct a NetGameServer_t struct if we actually plan to host.

Access to CPylon::m_Language is now also protected by a mutex, as the change callback of cvar 'language' and the threaded method 'CPylon::QueryServer()' are competing for access.
2024-04-05 18:24:36 +02:00

541 lines
19 KiB

// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// client.cpp: implementation of the CClient class.
#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "tier1/cvar.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "engine/server/server.h"
#include "engine/client/client.h"
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
#include "networksystem/hostmanager.h"
#include "jwt/include/decode.h"
#include "mbedtls/include/mbedtls/sha256.h"
// Absolute max string cmd length, any character past this will be NULLED.
// Purpose: throw away any residual garbage in the channel
void CClient::Clear(void)
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
GetClientExtended()->Reset(); // Reset extended data.
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: throw away any residual garbage in the channel
// Input : *pClient -
void CClient::VClear(CClient* pClient)
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: gets the extended client data
// Output : CClientExtended* -
CClientExtended* CClient::GetClientExtended(void) const
return m_pServer->GetClientExtended(m_nUserID);
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
static const char JWT_PUBLIC_KEY[] =
"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
static ConVar sv_onlineAuthEnable("sv_onlineAuthEnable", "1", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Enables the server-side online authentication system");
static ConVar sv_onlineAuthValidateExpiry("sv_onlineAuthValidateExpiry", "1", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Validate the online authentication token 'expiry' claim");
static ConVar sv_onlineAuthValidateIssuedAt("sv_onlineAuthValidateIssuedAt", "1", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Validate the online authentication token 'issued at' claim");
static ConVar sv_onlineAuthExpiryTolerance("sv_onlineAuthExpiryTolerance", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "The online authentication token 'expiry' claim tolerance in seconds", true, 0.f, true, float(UINT8_MAX), "Must range between [0,255]");
static ConVar sv_onlineAuthIssuedAtTolerance("sv_onlineAuthIssuedAtTolerance", "30", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "The online authentication token 'issued at' claim tolerance in seconds", true, 0.f, true, float(UINT8_MAX), "Must range between [0,255]");
static ConVar sv_quota_stringCmdsPerSecond("sv_quota_stringCmdsPerSecond", "16", FCVAR_RELEASE, "How many string commands per second clients are allowed to submit, 0 to disallow all string commands", true, 0.f, false, 0.f);
// Purpose: check whether this client is authorized to join this server
// Input : *playerName -
// *reasonBuf -
// reasonBufLen -
// Output : true if authorized, false otherwise
bool CClient::Authenticate(const char* const playerName, char* const reasonBuf, const size_t reasonBufLen)
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
// don't bother checking origin auth on bots or local clients
if (IsFakeClient() || GetNetChan()->GetRemoteAddress().IsLoopback())
return true;
l8w8jwt_claim* claims = nullptr;
size_t numClaims = 0;
// formats the error reason, and frees the claims and returns
#define ERROR_AND_RETURN(fmt, ...) \
do {\
V_snprintf(reasonBuf, reasonBufLen, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
if (claims) {\
l8w8jwt_free_claims(claims, numClaims); \
return false; \
} while(0)\
KeyValues* const cl_onlineAuthTokenKv = this->m_ConVars->FindKey("cl_onlineAuthToken");
KeyValues* const cl_onlineAuthTokenSignature1Kv = this->m_ConVars->FindKey("cl_onlineAuthTokenSignature1");
KeyValues* const cl_onlineAuthTokenSignature2Kv = this->m_ConVars->FindKey("cl_onlineAuthTokenSignature2");
if (!cl_onlineAuthTokenKv || !cl_onlineAuthTokenSignature1Kv)
ERROR_AND_RETURN("Missing token");
const char* const onlineAuthToken = cl_onlineAuthTokenKv->GetString();
const char* const onlineAuthTokenSignature1 = cl_onlineAuthTokenSignature1Kv->GetString();
const char* const onlineAuthTokenSignature2 = cl_onlineAuthTokenSignature2Kv->GetString();
char fullToken[1024]; // enough buffer for 3x255, which is cvar count * userinfo str limit.
const int tokenLen = snprintf(fullToken, sizeof(fullToken), "%s.%s%s",
onlineAuthToken, onlineAuthTokenSignature1, onlineAuthTokenSignature2);
if (tokenLen < 0)
ERROR_AND_RETURN("Token stitching failed");
struct l8w8jwt_decoding_params params;
params.alg = L8W8JWT_ALG_RS256;
params.jwt = (char*)fullToken;
params.jwt_length = tokenLen;
params.verification_key = (unsigned char*)JWT_PUBLIC_KEY;
params.verification_key_length = sizeof(JWT_PUBLIC_KEY);
params.validate_exp = sv_onlineAuthValidateExpiry.GetBool();
params.exp_tolerance_seconds = (uint8_t)sv_onlineAuthExpiryTolerance.GetInt();
params.validate_iat = sv_onlineAuthValidateIssuedAt.GetBool();
params.iat_tolerance_seconds = (uint8_t)sv_onlineAuthIssuedAtTolerance.GetInt();
enum l8w8jwt_validation_result validation_result;
const int r = l8w8jwt_decode(&params, &validation_result, &claims, &numClaims);
if (r != L8W8JWT_SUCCESS)
ERROR_AND_RETURN("Code %i", r);
if (validation_result != L8W8JWT_VALID)
char reasonBuffer[64];
l8w8jwt_get_validation_result_desc(validation_result, reasonBuffer, sizeof(reasonBuffer));
ERROR_AND_RETURN("%s", reasonBuffer);
bool foundSessionId = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numClaims; ++i)
// session id
if (!strcmp(claims[i].key, "sessionId"))
const char* const sessionId = claims[i].value;
char newId[256];
const int idLen = snprintf(newId, sizeof(newId), "%llu-%s-%s",
if (idLen < 0)
ERROR_AND_RETURN("Session ID stitching failed");
uint8_t sessionHash[32]; // hash decoded from JWT token
V_hextobinary(sessionId, strlen(sessionId), sessionHash, sizeof(sessionHash));
uint8_t oobHash[32]; // hash of data collected from out of band packet
const int shRet = mbedtls_sha256((const uint8_t*)newId, idLen, oobHash, NULL);
if (shRet != NULL)
ERROR_AND_RETURN("Session ID hashing failed");
if (memcmp(oobHash, sessionHash, sizeof(sessionHash)) != 0)
ERROR_AND_RETURN("Token is not authorized for the connecting client");
foundSessionId = true;
if (!foundSessionId)
ERROR_AND_RETURN("No session ID");
l8w8jwt_free_claims(claims, numClaims);
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
return true;
// Purpose: connect new client
// Input : *szName -
// *pNetChan -
// bFakePlayer -
// *conVars -
// *szMessage -
// nMessageSize -
// Output : true if connection was successful, false otherwise
bool CClient::Connect(const char* szName, CNetChan* pNetChan, bool bFakePlayer,
CUtlVector<NET_SetConVar::cvar_t>* conVars, char* szMessage, int nMessageSize)
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
GetClientExtended()->Reset(); // Reset extended data.
if (!CClient__Connect(this, szName, pNetChan, bFakePlayer, conVars, szMessage, nMessageSize))
return false;
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
#define REJECT_CONNECTION(fmt, ...) V_snprintf(szMessage, nMessageSize, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__);
if (sv_onlineAuthEnable.GetBool())
char authFailReason[512];
if (!Authenticate(szName, authFailReason, sizeof(authFailReason)))
REJECT_CONNECTION("Failed to verify authentication token [%s]", authFailReason);
const bool bEnableLogging = sv_showconnecting.GetBool();
if (bEnableLogging)
const char* const netAdr = pNetChan ? pNetChan->GetAddress() : "<unknown>";
Warning(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Client '%s' ('%llu') failed online authentication! [%s]\n",
netAdr, (NucleusID_t)m_DataBlock.userData, authFailReason);
return false;
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
return true;
// Purpose: connect new client
// Input : *pClient -
// *szName -
// *pNetChan -
// bFakePlayer -
// *a5 -
// *szMessage -
// nMessageSize -
// Output : true if connection was successful, false otherwise
bool CClient::VConnect(CClient* pClient, const char* szName, CNetChan* pNetChan, bool bFakePlayer,
CUtlVector<NET_SetConVar::cvar_t>* conVars, char* szMessage, int nMessageSize)
return pClient->Connect(szName, pNetChan, bFakePlayer, conVars, szMessage, nMessageSize);;
// Purpose: disconnect client
// Input : nRepLvl -
// *szReason -
// ... -
void CClient::Disconnect(const Reputation_t nRepLvl, const char* szReason, ...)
char szBuf[1024];
va_list vArgs;
va_start(vArgs, szReason);
vsnprintf(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), szReason, vArgs);
szBuf[sizeof(szBuf) - 1] = '\0';
CClient__Disconnect(this, nRepLvl, szBuf);
// Purpose: activate player
// Input : *pClient -
void CClient::VActivatePlayer(CClient* pClient)
// Set the client instance to 'ready' before calling ActivatePlayer.
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
const CNetChan* pNetChan = pClient->GetNetChan();
if (pNetChan && sv_showconnecting.GetBool())
Msg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Activated player #%d; channel %s(%s) ('%llu')\n",
pClient->GetUserID(), pNetChan->GetName(), pNetChan->GetAddress(), pClient->GetNucleusID());
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: send a net message with replay.
// set 'CNetMessage::m_nGroup' to 'NoReplay' to disable replay.
// Input : *pMsg -
// bLocal -
// bForceReliable -
// bVoice -
bool CClient::SendNetMsgEx(CNetMessage* pMsg, bool bLocal, bool bForceReliable, bool bVoice)
if (!ShouldReplayMessage(pMsg))
// Don't copy the message into the replay buffer.
pMsg->m_nGroup = NetMessageGroup::NoReplay;
return CClient__SendNetMsgEx(this, pMsg, bLocal, bForceReliable, bVoice);
// Purpose: send a snapshot
// Input : *pClient -
// *pFrame -
// nTick -
// nTickAck -
void* CClient::VSendSnapshot(CClient* pClient, CClientFrame* pFrame, int nTick, int nTickAck)
return CClient__SendSnapshot(pClient, pFrame, nTick, nTickAck);
// Purpose: internal hook to 'CClient::SendNetMsgEx'
// Input : *pClient -
// *pMsg -
// bLocal -
// bForceReliable -
// bVoice -
bool CClient::VSendNetMsgEx(CClient* pClient, CNetMessage* pMsg, bool bLocal, bool bForceReliable, bool bVoice)
return pClient->SendNetMsgEx(pMsg, bLocal, bForceReliable, bVoice);
// Purpose: write data into data blocks to send to the client
// Input : &buf
void CClient::WriteDataBlock(CClient* pClient, bf_write& buf)
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if (net_data_block_enabled->GetBool())
buf.WriteUBitLong(net_NOP, NETMSG_TYPE_BITS);
const int remainingBits = buf.GetNumBitsWritten() % 8;
if (remainingBits && (8 - remainingBits) > 0)
// fill the last bits in the last byte with NOP
buf.WriteUBitLong(net_NOP, 8 - remainingBits);
const bool isMultiplayer = g_ServerGlobalVariables->m_nGameMode < GameMode_t::PVE_MODE;
pClient->m_DataBlock.sender.WriteDataBlock(buf.GetData(), buf.GetNumBytesWritten(), isMultiplayer, buf.GetDebugName());
pClient->m_NetChannel->SendData(buf, true);
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: some versions of the binary have an optimization that shifts the 'this'
// pointer of the CClient structure by 8 bytes to avoid having to cache the vftable
// pointer if it never get used. Here we shift it back so it aligns again.
CClient* AdjustShiftedThisPointer(CClient* shiftedPointer)
/* Original function called method "CClient::ExecuteStringCommand" with an optimization
* that shifted the 'this' pointer with 8 bytes.
* Since this has been inlined with "CClient::ProcessStringCmd" as of S2, the shifting
* happens directly to anything calling this function. */
char* pShifted = reinterpret_cast<char*>(shiftedPointer) - 8;
return reinterpret_cast<CClient*>(pShifted);
// Purpose: process string commands (kicking anyone attempting to DOS)
// Input : *pClient - (ADJ)
// *pMsg -
// Output : false if cmd should be passed to CServerGameClients
bool CClient::VProcessStringCmd(CClient* pClient, NET_StringCmd* pMsg)
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
CClient* const pClient_Adj = AdjustShiftedThisPointer(pClient);
// Jettison the cmd if the client isn't active.
if (!pClient_Adj->IsActive())
return true;
CClientExtended* const pSlot = pClient_Adj->GetClientExtended();
const double flStartTime = Plat_FloatTime();
const int nCmdQuotaLimit = sv_quota_stringCmdsPerSecond.GetInt();
if (!nCmdQuotaLimit)
return true;
const char* pCmd = pMsg->cmd;
// Just skip if the cmd pointer is null, we still check if the
// client sent too many commands and take appropriate actions.
// The internal function discards the command if it's null.
if (pCmd)
// There is an issue in CUtlBuffer::ParseToken() that causes it to read
// past its buffer; mostly seems to happen on 32bit, but a carefully
// crafted string should work on 64bit too). The fix is to just null
// everything past the maximum allowed length. The second 'theoretical'
// fix would be to properly fix CUtlBuffer::ParseToken() by computing
// the UTF8 character size each iteration and check if it still doesn't
// exceed bounds.
'\0', sizeof(pMsg->buffer) - (STRINGCMD_MAX_LEN));
if (!V_IsValidUTF8(pCmd))
Warning(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Removing client '%s' from slot #%i ('%llu' sent invalid string command!)\n",
pClient_Adj->GetNetChan()->GetAddress(), pClient_Adj->GetUserID(), pClient_Adj->GetNucleusID());
pClient_Adj->Disconnect(Reputation_t::REP_MARK_BAD, "#DISCONNECT_INVALID_STRINGCMD");
return true;
if (flStartTime - pSlot->m_flStringCommandQuotaTimeStart >= 1.0)
pSlot->m_flStringCommandQuotaTimeStart = flStartTime;
pSlot->m_nStringCommandQuotaCount = 0;
if (pSlot->m_nStringCommandQuotaCount > nCmdQuotaLimit)
Warning(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Removing client '%s' from slot #%i ('%llu' exceeded string command quota!)\n",
pClient_Adj->GetNetChan()->GetAddress(), pClient_Adj->GetUserID(), pClient_Adj->GetNucleusID());
pClient_Adj->Disconnect(Reputation_t::REP_MARK_BAD, "#DISCONNECT_STRINGCMD_OVERFLOW");
return true;
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
return CClient__ProcessStringCmd(pClient, pMsg);
// Purpose: process set convar
// Input : *pClient - (ADJ)
// *pMsg -
// Output :
bool CClient::VProcessSetConVar(CClient* pClient, NET_SetConVar* pMsg)
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
CClient* const pAdj = AdjustShiftedThisPointer(pClient);
CClientExtended* const pSlot = pAdj->GetClientExtended();
// This loop never exceeds 255 iterations, NET_SetConVar::ReadFromBuffer(...)
// reads and inserts up to 255 entries in the vector (reads a byte for size).
FOR_EACH_VEC(pMsg->m_ConVars, i)
const NET_SetConVar::cvar_t& entry = pMsg->m_ConVars[i];
const char* const name = entry.name;
const char* const value = entry.value;
// Discard any ConVar change request if it contains funky characters.
bool bFunky = false;
for (const char* s = name; *s != '\0'; ++s)
if (!V_isalnum(*s) && *s != '_')
bFunky = true;
if (bFunky)
DevWarning(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Ignoring ConVar change request for variable '%s' from client '%s'; invalid characters in the variable name\n",
name, pAdj->GetClientName());
// The initial set of ConVars must contain all client ConVars that are
// flagged UserInfo. This is a simple fix to exploits that send bogus
// data later, and catches bugs, such as new UserInfo ConVars appearing
// later, which shouldn't happen.
if (pSlot->m_bInitialConVarsSet && !pAdj->m_ConVars->FindKey(name))
DevWarning(eDLL_T::SERVER, "UserInfo update from \"%s\" ignored: %s = %s\n",
pAdj->GetClientName(), name, value);
// Add ConVar to list and set string.
pAdj->m_ConVars->SetString(name, value);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "UserInfo update from \"%s\": %s = %s\n", pAdj->GetClientName(), name, value);
pSlot->m_bInitialConVarsSet = true;
pAdj->m_bConVarsChanged = true;
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
return true;
void VClient::Detour(const bool bAttach) const
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
DetourSetup(&CClient__Clear, &CClient::VClear, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&CClient__Connect, &CClient::VConnect, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&CClient__ActivatePlayer, &CClient::VActivatePlayer, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&CClient__SendNetMsgEx, &CClient::VSendNetMsgEx, bAttach);
//DetourSetup(&CClient__SendSnapshot, &CClient::VSendSnapshot, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&CClient__WriteDataBlock, &CClient::WriteDataBlock, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&CClient__ProcessStringCmd, &CClient::VProcessStringCmd, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&CClient__ProcessSetConVar, &CClient::VProcessSetConVar, bAttach);
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL