Amos 998de21d73 Implement new FileSystem hooks
The hooks will check if the file in question exist on the disk first before falling back to VPK or obtaining it from the cache.
2022-01-19 19:03:11 +01:00

24 lines
1.0 KiB

#pragma once
#include <thirdparty/spdlog/include/sinks/basic_file_sink.h>
// Internals
BOOL IsBadReadPtrV2(void* ptr);
BOOL FileExists(const char* szPath);
MODULEINFO GetModuleInfo(const char* szModule);
DWORD64 FindPatternSIMD(const char* szModule, const unsigned char* szPattern, const char* szMask);
// Utility
void DbgPrint(LPCSTR sFormat, ...);
void HexDump(const char* szHeader, int nFunc, const void* pData, int nSize);
std::string Base64Encode(const std::string& in);
std::string Base64Decode(const std::string& in);
bool StringReplace(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to);
std::string CreateDirectories(std::string svFilePath);
std::string ConvertToWinPath(const std::string& input);
std::string StringEscape(const std::string& input);
std::string StringUnescape(const std::string& input);