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synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
* Move member vars to correct place, to match it with the engine. * Added out-of-band network message ID's for the R5 engine. Also implemented 'ServerDataBlockSender::SendDataBlock()' and 'ClientDataBlockReceiver::AcknowledgeTransmission()'. NOTE that these are currently not tested, and also not in use! The code uses the version stored in the vftable which is what the engine itself provides. These have been implemented for reference only. If they need to be used, they need to be thoroughly tested first!
174 lines
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174 lines
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// Purpose: data block sender & receiver
// the maximum size of each data block fragment
// the maximum amount of fragments per data block
// the maximum size of a data block fragment packet (encoded header + actual data)
// Forward decelerations
class CClient;
class CClientState;
abstract_class NetDataBlockSender
virtual ~NetDataBlockSender();
virtual void SendDataBlock(const short transferId, const int transferSize,
const short transferNr, const short blockNr, const uint8_t* const blockData, const int blockSize) = 0;
virtual float GetResendRate() const = 0;
virtual const char* GetReceiverName() const = 0;
void StartBlockSender(const int transferSize, const bool isMultiplayer, const char* const debugName);
void ResetBlockSender();
char pad_0008[56];
char pad_0048[56];
// the server side client handle that is our 'receiving' end
CClient* m_pClient;
char m_bInitialized;
char m_bStartedTransfer;
char m_bMultiplayer;
char field_8B;
// the current transfer id, and the global transfer count for this
// particular client. the transfer nr keeps getting incremented on
// each new context setup
short m_nTransferId;
short m_nTransferNr;
// the total transfer size for the data, and the number of blocks this data
// has been carved up to
int m_nTransferSize;
int m_nTotalBlocks;
// last block that has been ack'd, and the current block that is pending to
// be sent to the receiver
int m_nBlockAckTick;
int m_nCurrentBlock;
// the total number of bytes remaining to be sent, and the number of times
// we attempted to send data blocks
int m_nTotalSizeRemaining;
int m_nBlockSendsAttempted;
// the resend rate for this connection, which depends of the stability/loss
// and other factors computed from the netchan
float m_flResendRate;
char pad_00AC[4]; // padding, in case we want to stuff our own vars in here
// times used to determine when a data block has been sent, and how long it
// took to get this out and acknowledged
double m_TimeCurrentSend;
double m_TimeFirstSend;
double m_TimeLastSend;
// the last time we attempted to send this block, this gets updated when
// a data block hasn't been acknowledged in time and is being resent
double m_flBlockSendTimes[MAX_DATABLOCK_FRAGMENTS];
// the debug name used when details get dumped to the console
// if a data block has been acknowledged by the receiver, we mark that
// particular block as acknowledged
bool m_bBlockAckStatus[MAX_DATABLOCK_FRAGMENTS];
uint8_t* m_pScratchBuffer;
bool m_bDumbDataBlockInfo;
abstract_class NetDataBlockReceiver
virtual ~NetDataBlockReceiver() {};
// Called when cvar 'net_debugDataBlockReceiver' is set;
// currently a nullsub in the engine.
virtual void DebugDataBlockReceiver() {};
virtual void AcknowledgeTransmission() = 0;
void StartBlockReceiver(const int transferSize, const double startTime);
void ResetBlockReceiver(const short transferNr);
// the client side 'client' handle
CClientState* m_pClientState;
// whether the transfer has been started and completed
bool m_bStartedRecv;
bool m_bCompletedRecv;
bool byte12;
// the current transfer id, and the global transfer count for this
// particular client. the transfer nr keeps getting incremented on
// each new context setup
short m_TransferId;
short m_nTransferNr;
bool m_bInitialized;
// the total transfer size, and the # amount of blocks the data has been
// carved into
int m_nTransferSize;
int m_nTotalBlocks;
int m_nBlockAckTick;
// the time the data block receiver was started for this transfer
double m_flStartTime;
// if we successfully processed a data block, we mark it as processed
char* m_pScratchBuffer;
inline void* (*NetDataBlockSender__Destructor)(NetDataBlockSender* thisptr);
inline void* (*NetDataBlockReceiver__Destructor)(NetDataBlockReceiver* thisptr);
class VNetDataBlock : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
LogFunAdr("NetDataBlockSender::~NetDataBlockSender", NetDataBlockSender__Destructor);
LogFunAdr("NetDataBlockReceiver::~NetDataBlockReceiver", NetDataBlockReceiver__Destructor);
virtual void GetFun(void) const
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 89 5C 24 ?? 57 48 83 EC 20 8B DA 48 8B F9 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? F6 C3 01 74"
" 0D BA ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B CF E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B C7 48 8B 5C 24 ?? 48 83 C4 20 5F C3 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 48 89 5C 24"
" ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? 57 48 83 EC 20 33 F6 66 C7 81 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??").GetPtr(NetDataBlockSender__Destructor);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 89 5C 24 ?? 57 48 83 EC 20 8B DA 48 8B F9 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? F6 C3 01 74"
" 0D BA ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B CF E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B C7 48 8B 5C 24 ?? 48 83 C4 20 5F C3 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 48 89 5C 24"
" ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? 57 48 83 EC 20 48 8D 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? C6 41 12 00").GetPtr(NetDataBlockReceiver__Destructor);
virtual void GetVar(void) const { }
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Detour(const bool bAttach) const { }
#endif // IDATABLOCK_H