Kawe Mazidjatari c6f2c99619 Improve client-side online authentication error handling and UX
Display the error to the user without having to open the developer console or terminal window. This patch also adds printing to COM_ExplainDisconnection (which has been stripped out of the retail binary).
2024-04-05 16:34:28 +02:00

77 lines
2.1 KiB

#ifndef LOCALIZE_H
#define LOCALIZE_H
// direct references to localized strings
typedef unsigned long StringIndex_t;
const unsigned long INVALID_LOCALIZE_STRING_INDEX = (StringIndex_t)-1;
abstract_class ILocalize : public IAppSystem
virtual bool LoadLocalizationFileLists() = 0;
// adds the contents of a file to the localization table
virtual bool AddFile(const char* fileName, const char* pPathID = NULL) = 0;
// Remove all strings from the table
virtual void RemoveAll() = 0;
// Finds the localized text for tokenName
virtual wchar_t* Find(char const* tokenName) = 0;
virtual void* FindIndex_Unknown(StringIndex_t index) = 0;
// converts an english string to unicode
// returns the number of wchar_t in resulting string, including null terminator
virtual int ConvertANSIToUnicode(const char* ansi, OUT_Z_BYTECAP(unicodeBufferSizeInBytes) wchar_t* unicode, ssize_t unicodeBufferSizeInBytes) = 0;
// converts an unicode string to an english string
// unrepresentable characters are converted to system default
// returns the number of characters in resulting string, including null terminator
virtual int ConvertUnicodeToANSI(const wchar_t* unicode, OUT_Z_BYTECAP(ansiBufferSize) char* ansi, ssize_t ansiBufferSize) = 0;
virtual StringIndex_t FindIndex(StringIndex_t index) = 0;
//!!! TODO !!!
//void* func_80[3];
//virtual void ConstructString(CLocalize*, char*, __int64, __int64, ...);
//__int64(__fastcall* GetNameByIndex)(CLocalize*, int);
//__int64(__fastcall* GetValueByIndex)(CLocalize*, int);
//__int64(__fastcall* GetFirstStringIndex)(CLocalize*);
//__int64(__fastcall* GetNextStringIndex)(CLocalize*, int);
//void* func_C0[6];
//__int64(__fastcall* ReloadLocalizationFiles)(CLocalize*);
//void* func_F8[6];
//__int64(__fastcall* ConvertANSIToUCS2)(CLocalize*, const char*, void*, __int64);
//void(__fastcall* ConvertUCS2ToANSI)(CLocalize*, __int16*, char*, int);
inline const char* const g_LanguageNames[] = {
#endif // LOCALIZE_H