mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
DirtySDK (EA's Dirty Sockets library) will be used for the LiveAPI implementation, and depends on: EABase, EAThread.
1584 lines
48 KiB
1584 lines
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\File voice.c
Test Voice over IP
Copyright (c) Electronic Arts 2004-2005. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
\Version 07/22/2004 (jbrookes) First Version
\Version 07/09/2012 (akirchner) Added functionality to play pre-recorded file
/*** Include files ****************************************************************/
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning(push,0)
#include <windows.h>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "DirtySDK/platform.h"
#include "DirtySDK/dirtysock.h"
#include "DirtySDK/dirtysock/dirtymem.h"
#include "DirtySDK/dirtysock/netconn.h"
#include "DirtySDK/voip/voip.h"
#include "DirtySDK/voip/voipdef.h"
#include "DirtySDK/voip/voipgroup.h"
#include "DirtySDK/voip/voipnarrate.h"
#include "DirtySDK/voip/voiptranscribe.h"
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_XBOXONE) || defined(DIRTYCODE_GDK)
#include "DirtySDK/DirtySock/dirtyaddr.h"
#include "libsample/zlib.h"
#include "libsample/zfile.h"
#include "libsample/zmem.h"
#include "testersubcmd.h"
#include "testermodules.h"
#if !defined(DIRTYCODE_PS4) && (!defined(DIRTYCODE_XBOXONE) || !defined(DIRTYCODE_GDK))
#include "DirtySDK/voip/voipcodec.h"
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_PC)
#include "t2hostresource.h"
#include "voipaux/voipspeex.h"
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_PS4) || defined(DIRTYCODE_PC) || defined(DIRTYCODE_STADIA)
#include "voipaux/voipopus.h"
/*** Defines **********************************************************************/
// defined in math.h but not part of the standard so just define it here
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
/*** Macros ***********************************************************************/
/*** Type Definitions *************************************************************/
typedef struct VoiceAppT // gamer daemon state
VoipRefT *pVoip;
VoipGroupRefT *pVoipGroup;
int16_t *pBuffer;
ZFileT iFile;
int32_t iAddress;
int32_t iConnID;
int32_t iSamples;
int32_t iModulation;
uint8_t bRecording;
uint8_t bPlaying;
uint8_t bZCallback;
uint8_t _pad;
uint32_t uClientId;
} VoiceAppT;
/*** Function Prototypes **********************************************************/
static void _VoiceCreate(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceDestroy(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceConnect(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
#if !defined(DIRTYCODE_PS4) && !defined(DIRTYCODE_STADIA)
static void _VoiceCodecControl(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceSTT(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceTTS(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceControl(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceRecord(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoicePlay(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceModulate(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceResetChannels(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceSelectChannel(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceShowChannels(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceVolume(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceConn(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceUserLocal(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceUserRemote(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceSetLocalUser(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _VoiceActivateLocalUser(void *CmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
/*** Variables ********************************************************************/
static T2SubCmdT _Voice_Commands[] =
{ "create", _VoiceCreate },
{ "destroy", _VoiceDestroy },
{ "connect", _VoiceConnect },
#if !defined(DIRTYCODE_PS4) && (!defined(DIRTYCODE_XBOXONE) || !defined(DIRTYCODE_GDK)) && !defined(DIRTYCODE_STADIA)
{ "cdec", _VoiceCodecControl },
{ "ctrl", _VoiceControl },
{ "record", _VoiceRecord },
{ "play", _VoicePlay },
{ "modulate", _VoiceModulate },
{ "resetchans", _VoiceResetChannels },
{ "selectchan", _VoiceSelectChannel },
{ "showchans", _VoiceShowChannels },
{ "volume", _VoiceVolume },
{ "conn", _VoiceConn },
{ "userlocal", _VoiceUserLocal },
{ "userremote", _VoiceUserRemote },
{ "set", _VoiceSetLocalUser },
{ "activate", _VoiceActivateLocalUser },
{ "stt", _VoiceSTT },
{ "tts", _VoiceTTS },
{ "", NULL },
static VoiceAppT _Voice_App = { NULL, NULL, NULL, (ZFileT)NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/*** Private Functions ************************************************************/
\Function _VoiceSpkrModulate
Voice modulation using a simple ring modulation filter. Used to test
modification of voice data using the speaker callback.
\Input *pApp - module state
\Input *pFrameData - pointer to output data
\Input iNumSamples - number of samples in output data
\Version 11/27/2018 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceSpkrModulate(VoiceAppT *pApp, int16_t *pFrameData, int32_t iNumSamples)
static int _iCounter = 0;
int32_t iSample;
double dSin;
if (pApp->iModulation == 0)
for (iSample = 0; iSample < iNumSamples; iSample += 1)
dSin = sin(2 * M_PI * pApp->iModulation * _iCounter/15999);
pFrameData[iSample] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)pFrameData[iSample] * (int32_t)(dSin*32768.0))/32768);
if (++_iCounter >= 16000)
_iCounter = 0;
\Function _VoiceEvntCallback
Event callback - optional callback to receive voice events
\Input *pVoip - voip module state
\Input eCbType - callback type (VOIP_CBTYPE_*)
\Input iValue - callback value
\Input *pUserData - user data pointer
\Version 10/31/2011 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceEvntCallback(VoipRefT *pVoip, VoipCbTypeE eCbType, int32_t iValue, void *pUserData)
ZPrintf("voice: %s event callback (iValue=%d)\n", _strEventName[eCbType], iValue);
\Function _VoiceSpkrCallback
Speaker callback - optional callback to receive voice data ready for
output; this module uses this callback to capture voice data for writing
to a file.
\Input *pFrameData - pointer to output data
\Input iNumSamples - number of samples in output data
\Input *pUserData - app ref
\Version 10/31/2011 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceSpkrCallback(int16_t *pFrameData, int32_t iNumSamples, void *pUserData)
VoiceAppT *pApp = (VoiceAppT *)pUserData;
int32_t iDataSize, iResult;
// apply modulation if enabled
_VoiceSpkrModulate(pApp, pFrameData, iNumSamples);
// no file to write to?
if (pApp->iFile <= 0)
// write audio to output file
iDataSize = iNumSamples * sizeof(*pFrameData);
if ((iResult = ZFileWrite(pApp->iFile, pFrameData, iDataSize)) != iDataSize)
ZPrintf("voice: error %d writing %d samples to file\n", iResult, iNumSamples);
pApp->iSamples += iNumSamples;
ZPrintf("voice: wrote %d samples to output file (%d total)\n", iNumSamples, pApp->iSamples);
\Function _VoiceFirstyParytIdCallback
Retrieves the id of the local user for testing loopback
\Input uPersonaId - unused
\Input *pUserData - unused
uint64_t - local player id or zero (error/unhandled)
static uint64_t _VoiceFirstyParytIdCallback(uint64_t uPersonaId, void *pUserData)
uint64_t uPlayerId = 0;
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_XBOXONE) || defined(DIRTYCODE_GDK)
NetConnStatus('xuid', 0, &uPlayerId, sizeof(uPlayerId));
#elif defined(DIRTYCODE_STADIA)
NetConnStatus('gpid', 0, &uPlayerId, sizeof(uPlayerId));
\Function _VoiceDisplayTranscribedTextCallback
Callback handling notification about transcribed text being ready for local display.
\Input iConnId - connection identifier
\Input iRemoteUserIndex - remote user index
\Input *pText - transcribed text
\Input *pUserData - callback user data
int32_t - TRUE
\Version 10/31/2018 (jbrookes)
static int32_t _VoiceDisplayTranscribedTextCallback(int32_t iConnId, int32_t iUserIndex, const char *pText, void *pUserData)
ZPrintf("voice: %s user[%d] \"%s\"\n", ((iConnId != -1) ? "remote" : "local"), iUserIndex, pText);
\Function _CmdVoiceDevSelectProc
Voice device select for PC,
\Input win - window handle
\Input msg - window message
\Input wparm - message parameter
\Input lparm - message parameter
\Version 07/22/2004 (jbrookes)
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_PC)
static LRESULT CALLBACK _CmdVoiceDevSelectProc(HWND win, UINT msg, WPARAM wparm, LPARAM lparm)
// handle init special (create the class)
if (msg == WM_INITDIALOG)
char pDeviceName[64];
int32_t iDevice, iNumDevices;
VoipRefT *pVoip;
pVoip = VoipGetRef();
// add input devices to combo box and select the first item
iNumDevices = VoipStatus(pVoip, 'idev', -1, NULL, 0);
for (iDevice = 0; iDevice < iNumDevices; iDevice++)
VoipStatus(pVoip, 'idev', iDevice, pDeviceName, 64);
SendDlgItemMessage(win, IDC_VOICEINP, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pDeviceName);
// select default input device, if available; otherwise just pick the first
if ((iDevice = VoipStatus(pVoip, 'idft', 0, NULL, 0)) == -1)
iDevice = 0;
SendDlgItemMessage(win, IDC_VOICEINP, CB_SETCURSEL, iDevice, 0);
// add output devices to combo box and select the first item
iNumDevices = VoipStatus(pVoip, 'odev', -1, NULL, 0);
for (iDevice = 0; iDevice < iNumDevices; iDevice++)
VoipStatus(pVoip, 'odev', iDevice, pDeviceName, 64);
SendDlgItemMessage(win, IDC_VOICEOUT, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pDeviceName);
// select default output device, if available; otherwise just pick the first
if ((iDevice = VoipStatus(pVoip, 'odft', VOIP_DEFAULTDEVICE_VOICECOM, NULL, 0)) == -1)
iDevice = 0;
SendDlgItemMessage(win, IDC_VOICEOUT, CB_SETCURSEL, iDevice, 0);
// handle ok
if ((msg == WM_COMMAND) && (LOWORD(wparm) == IDOK))
VoipRefT *pVoip;
int32_t iInpDev, iOutDev;
pVoip = VoipGetRef();
iInpDev = SendDlgItemMessage(win, IDC_VOICEINP, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
iOutDev = SendDlgItemMessage(win, IDC_VOICEOUT, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
VoipControl(pVoip, 'idev', iInpDev, NULL);
VoipControl(pVoip, 'odev', iOutDev, NULL);
// let windows handle
\Function _VoiceDestroyApp
Destroy app, freeing modules.
\Input *pApp - app state
\Version 12/12/2005 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceDestroyApp(VoiceAppT *pApp)
if (pApp->pVoipGroup != NULL)
if (pApp->pVoip)
VoipShutdown(pApp->pVoip, 0);
ds_memclr(pApp, sizeof(*pApp));
\Function _VoiceConnSharingCb
Connection Sharing Callback fired by the VoipGroup
\Input *pVoipGroup - voip group ref
\Input eCbType - event identifier
\Input iConnId - connection ID
\Input *pUserData - user callback data
\Input bSending - client sending flag
\Input bReceiving - client receiving flag
\Version 02/13/2019 (eesponda)
static void _VoiceConnSharingCb(VoipGroupRefT *pVoipGroup, ConnSharingCbTypeE eCbType, int32_t iConnId, void *pUserData, uint8_t bSending, uint8_t bReceiving)
// no behavior is implemented, the connections should be tracked if we want to support multiple concurrent groups
ZPrintf("voice: conn sharing callback hit with %s for id %d\n",
Voice Commands
\Function _VoiceCreate
Voice subcommand - create voice module
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Output None.
\Version 12/12/2005 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceCreate(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
int32_t iArg=2, iMaxPeers, iQuality=-1;
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_PC)
uint8_t bDevSelect = TRUE;
#elif defined(DIRTYCODE_XBOXONE) || defined(DIRTYCODE_GDK)
const char *pOpt;
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s create -nodevselect -qual <maxpeers>\n", argv[0]);
// check for device select disable
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_PC)
if ((argc > 2) && !strcmp(argv[iArg], "-nodevselect"))
bDevSelect = FALSE;
iArg += 1;
argc -= 1;
// set quality?
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_XBOXONE) || defined(DIRTYCODE_GDK)
if ((argc > 2) && ((pOpt = strstr(argv[iArg], "-qual")) != NULL))
pOpt += strlen("-qual") + 1;
iQuality = strtol(pOpt, NULL, 10);
iArg += 1;
argc -= 1;
// allow setting of max number of remote clients, defaulting to sixteen
iMaxPeers = (argc == 3) ? strtol(argv[iArg], NULL, 10) : 16;
// start up voice module if it isn't already started
if ((pApp->pVoip = VoipGetRef()) == NULL)
if ((pApp->pVoip = VoipStartup(iMaxPeers, 0)) == NULL)
ZPrintf("voice: failed to create voip module\n");
// register and select speex (for PC) and set the default volume to 90
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_PC)
VoipControl(pApp->pVoip, 'creg', 'spex', (void *)&VoipSpeex_CodecDef);
VoipControl(pApp->pVoip, 'svol', 90, NULL);
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_PS4) || defined(DIRTYCODE_PC) || defined(DIRTYCODE_STADIA)
VoipControl(pApp->pVoip, 'creg', 'opus', (void *)&VoipOpus_CodecDef);
VoipControl(pApp->pVoip, 'cdec', 'opus', NULL);
// set speaker callback
VoipSpkrCallback(pApp->pVoip, _VoiceSpkrCallback, pApp);
// set first party id callback
VoipRegisterFirstPartyIdCallback(pApp->pVoip, _VoiceFirstyParytIdCallback, pApp);
if (iQuality != -1)
VoipControl(pApp->pVoip, 'qual', iQuality, NULL);
// create the voipgroup, with max 8 groups
pApp->pVoipGroup = VoipGroupCreate(8);
// set event callback
VoipGroupSetEventCallback(pApp->pVoipGroup, _VoiceEvntCallback, pApp);
// set the connection sharing callback
VoipGroupSetConnSharingEventCallback(pApp->pVoipGroup, _VoiceConnSharingCb, pApp);
// set our clientId using local address
pApp->uClientId = SocketInfo(NULL, 'addr', 0, NULL, 0);
VoipGroupControl(pApp->pVoipGroup, 'clid', pApp->uClientId, 0, NULL);
// select output device (PC only)
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_PC)
if (bDevSelect)
ShowWindow(CreateDialogParam(GetModuleHandle(NULL), "VOICEDEVSELECT", HWND_DESKTOP, (DLGPROC)_CmdVoiceDevSelectProc,0), TRUE);
\Function _VoiceDestroy
Voice subcommand - destroy voice module
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Output None.
\Version 12/12/2005 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceDestroy(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s destroy\n", argv[0]);
if (pApp->pBuffer)
ZMemFree((void *) pApp->pBuffer);
pApp->pBuffer = NULL;
\Function _VoiceConnect
Voice subcommand - connect to peer
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Output None.
\Version 12/12/2005 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceConnect(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc > 5))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s connect <address[:port:port]> [rclientid] [connindex]\n", argv[0]);
if (argc >= 3)
uint32_t uRemoteAddr, uRemotePort, uManglePort, uRemoteClientId;
int32_t iClientIndex;
// get remote address, port, and local port (if specified) in addr:port:port2 format
SockaddrInParse2(&uRemoteAddr, (int32_t *)&uRemotePort, (int32_t *)&uManglePort, argv[2]);
if (uRemotePort == 0)
uRemotePort = VOIP_PORT;
if (uManglePort == 0)
uManglePort = VOIP_PORT;
// get remote client id, or use remote address if unspecified
uRemoteClientId = (argc >= 4) ? strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16) : uRemoteAddr;
iClientIndex = (argc >= 5) ? strtol(argv[4], NULL, 10) : VOIP_CONNID_NONE;
// disable loop-back mode, in case it was previously set
VoipGroupControl(pApp->pVoipGroup, 'loop', FALSE, 0, NULL);
// log connection attempt
ZPrintf("%s: connecting to %a:%u:%u (clientId=0x%08x)\n", argv[0], uRemoteAddr, uManglePort, uRemotePort, uRemoteClientId);
// start connect to remote peer
VoipGroupControl(pApp->pVoipGroup, 'vcid', iClientIndex, 0, &pApp->uClientId);
pApp->iConnID = VoipGroupConnect(pApp->pVoipGroup, iClientIndex, uRemoteAddr, uManglePort, uRemotePort, pApp->uClientId, 0, FALSE, uRemoteClientId);
#if !defined(DIRTYCODE_XBOXONE) || !defined(DIRTYCODE_GDK)
// set loopback
ZPrintf("%s: enabling loopback\n", argv[0]);
VoipGroupControl(pApp->pVoipGroup, 'loop', TRUE, 0, NULL);
ZPrintf("%s: loopback not supported on xboxone\n", argv[0]);
#if !defined(DIRTYCODE_PS4) && (!defined(DIRTYCODE_XBOXONE) || !defined(DIRTYCODE_GDK)) && !defined(DIRTYCODE_STADIA)
\Function _VoiceCodecControl
Voice control subcommand - set control options
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Output None.
\Version 05/06/2011 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceCodecControl(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s cdec <ident> <cmd> <arg1> [arg2]\n", argv[0]);
if ((argc > 4) && (argc < 7))
int32_t iIdent, iCmd, iValue = 0, iValue2 = 0;
iIdent = ZGetIntArg(argv[2]);
iCmd = ZGetIntArg(argv[3]);
if (argc > 4)
iValue = ZGetIntArg(argv[4]);
if (argc > 5)
iValue2 = ZGetIntArg(argv[5]);
VoipCodecControl(iIdent, iCmd, iValue, iValue2, NULL);
\Function _VoiceControl
Voice control subcommand - set control options
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Output None.
\Version 05/05/2011 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceControl(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
void *pValue = NULL;
int32_t iValue2;
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s ctrl <cmd> <val> <strval>\n", argv[0]);
if (argc > 2)
int32_t iCmd, iValue = 0;
// get control selector
iCmd = ZGetIntArg(argv[2]);
// get control value if specified
if (argc > 3)
iValue = ZGetIntArg(argv[3]);
// if control is clid save the value
if (iCmd == 'clid')
pApp->uClientId = (unsigned)iValue;
// if enabling speech-to-text, set callback
if (iCmd == 'stot')
iValue2 = (argc > 4) ? ZGetIntArg(argv[4]) : 0;
pValue = &iValue2;
VoipGroupSetDisplayTranscribedTextCallback(pApp->pVoipGroup, _VoiceDisplayTranscribedTextCallback, pApp);
else if (argc > 4)
pValue = argv[4];
VoipControl(pApp->pVoip, iCmd, iValue, pValue);
ZPrintf("%s: invalid ctrl command\n", argv[0]);
\Function _VoiceRecord
Voice subcommand - start/stop recording
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 10/28/2011 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceRecord(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
uint8_t bStart;
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc < 3) || (argc > 4))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s record [start|stop] <filename>\n", argv[0]);
// see if we are stopping or starting
if (!strcmp(argv[2], "start"))
bStart = TRUE;
else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "stop"))
bStart = FALSE;
ZPrintf("%s: invalid start/stop argument %s\n", argv[0], argv[2]);
if (bStart)
if (pApp->bPlaying)
ZPrintf("%s: cannot start, currently playing\n", argv[0]);
if (pApp->bRecording)
ZPrintf("%s: cannot start, already recording\n", argv[0]);
if (argc != 4)
ZPrintf("%s: cannot record without a filename to write to\n", argv[0]);
ZPrintf("%s: error %d opening file '%s' for recording\n", pApp->iFile, argv[0], argv[3]);
ZPrintf("%s: opened file '%s' for recording\n", argv[0], argv[3]);
pApp->bRecording = TRUE;
pApp->iSamples = 0;
int32_t iResult;
ZFileT iFileId;
if (!pApp->bRecording)
ZPrintf("%s: cannot stop, not recording\n", argv[0]);
// save fileid, clear it from ref (stop the callback from writing to it)
iFileId = pApp->iFile;
pApp->iFile = 0;
pApp->bRecording = FALSE;
ZPrintf("%s: recording stopped, %d samples (%d bytes) written\n", argv[0], pApp->iSamples, pApp->iSamples * sizeof(int16_t));
// close the file
if ((iResult = ZFileClose(iFileId)) < 0)
ZPrintf("%s: error %d closing recording file\n", argv[0], iResult);
\Function _VoicePlay
Voice subcommand - start/stop playing
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 7/9/2012 (akirchner)
static void _VoicePlay(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT * pApp = & _Voice_App;
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s play [start|stop] <filename>\n", argv[0]);
if ((argc >= 3) && (!strcmp(argv[2], "start")))
int32_t iResult;
if (pApp->bRecording)
ZPrintf("%s: cannot start, currently recording\n", argv[0]);
if (pApp->bPlaying)
ZPrintf("%s: cannot start, already playing\n", argv[0]);
if (argc != 4)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s play start <filename>\n", argv[0]);
// open file
if ((pApp->iFile = ZFileOpen(argv[3], ZFILE_OPENFLAG_RDONLY|ZFILE_OPENFLAG_BINARY)) < 0)
ZPrintf("%s: error %d opening file '%s' for playing\n", argv[0], pApp->iFile, argv[3]);
// get size
if ((pApp->iSamples = ZFileSize(pApp->iFile)) < 0)
ZPrintf("%s: error %d invalid size of file '%s'\n", argv[0], pApp->iFile, argv[3]);
// read file
if ((pApp->pBuffer = (int16_t *) ZMemAlloc(pApp->iSamples)) == NULL)
ZPrintf("%s: error allocating %d bytes of memory\n", argv[0], pApp->iSamples);
if ((iResult = ZFileSeek(pApp->iFile, 0, ZFILE_SEEKFLAG_SET)) < 0)
ZMemFree((void *) pApp->pBuffer);
pApp->pBuffer = NULL;
ZPrintf("%s: error %d seeking begging of file '%s'\n", argv[0], iResult, argv[3]);
if (ZFileRead(pApp->iFile, (void *) pApp->pBuffer, pApp->iSamples) < 0)
ZMemFree((void *) pApp->pBuffer);
pApp->pBuffer = NULL;
ZPrintf("%s: error %d reading file '%s'\n", argv[0], pApp->iFile, argv[3]);
// close file
if ((iResult = ZFileClose(pApp->iFile)) < 0)
ZMemFree((void *) pApp->pBuffer);
pApp->pBuffer = NULL;
ZPrintf("%s: error %d closing file '%s' for playing\n", argv[0], iResult, argv[3]);
if (VoipControl(pApp->pVoip, 'play', pApp->iSamples, (void *) pApp->pBuffer) < 0)
ZMemFree((void *) pApp->pBuffer);
pApp->pBuffer = NULL;
ZPrintf("%s: failed to activate playing mode\n", argv[0]);
ZPrintf("%s: opened file '%s' of %d bytes for playing\n", argv[0], argv[3], pApp->iSamples);
pApp->iFile = 0;
pApp->bPlaying = TRUE;
else if ((argc >= 3) && (!strcmp(argv[2], "stop")))
if (argc != 3)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s play stop\n", argv[0]);
if (!pApp->bPlaying)
ZPrintf("%s: cannot stop, not playing\n", argv[0]);
if (VoipControl(pApp->pVoip, 'play', 0, NULL) < 0)
ZMemFree((void *) pApp->pBuffer);
ZPrintf("%s: failed to deactivate playing mode\n", argv[0]);
pApp->bPlaying = FALSE;
if (pApp->pBuffer)
ZMemFree((void *) pApp->pBuffer);
pApp->pBuffer = NULL;
ZPrintf("%s: playing stopped\n", argv[0]);
ZPrintf("%s: invalid argument. Neither start nor stop\n", argv[0]);
\Function _VoiceModulate
Voice subcommand - set voice modulation (zero=disabled)
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 11/27/2018 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceModulate(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT * pApp = & _Voice_App;
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc > 3))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s modulate <rate>\n", argv[0]);
// get modulation rate
pApp->iModulation = (argc == 3) ? strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10) : 1000;
\Function _VoiceResetChannels
Voice subcommand - reset channel configuration
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 02/16/2012 (mclouatre)
static void _VoiceResetChannels(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc != 2))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s resetchans\n", argv[0]);
ZPrintf("%s: resetting channel config\n", argv[0]);
VoipResetChannels(VoipGetRef(), 0);
\Function _VoiceSelectChannel
Voice subcommand - subscribe/unsubcribes to/from a voip channel
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 02/16/2012 (mclouatre)
static void _VoiceSelectChannel(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
int32_t iChannel;
VoipChanModeE eMode;
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc != 4))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s selectchan <channel id [0,63]> <talk|listen|both|none>\n", argv[0]);
sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &iChannel);
if ((iChannel < 0) && (iChannel > 63))
ZPrintf("%s: invalid channel id argument: %s\n", argv[0], argv[2]);
if (!strcmp(argv[3], "talk"))
else if (!strcmp(argv[3], "listen"))
else if (!strcmp(argv[3], "both"))
else if (!strcmp(argv[3], "none"))
ZPrintf("%s: invalid channel mode argument: %s\n", argv[0], argv[3]);
ZPrintf("%s: setting channel %d:%s\n", argv[0], iChannel, argv[3]);
VoipSelectChannel(VoipGetRef(), 0, iChannel, eMode);
\Function _VoiceTTS
Voice subcommand - Send Text as Voice
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 05/14/2018 (tcho)
static void _VoiceTTS(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
char strText[1024];
if (bHelp)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s tts config [params] or gender [male|female] or \"text you wish to say\" [user index]\n", argv[0]);
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[2], "config"))
if (argc == 6)
VoipNarrateProviderE eProvider = VOIPNARRATE_PROVIDER_NONE;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[3], "watson")) eProvider = VOIPNARRATE_PROVIDER_IBMWATSON;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[3], "microsoft")) eProvider = VOIPNARRATE_PROVIDER_MICROSOFT;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[3], "google")) eProvider = VOIPNARRATE_PROVIDER_GOOGLE;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[3], "amazon")) eProvider = VOIPNARRATE_PROVIDER_AMAZON;
VoipConfigNarration(VoipGetRef(), eProvider, argv[4], argv[5]);
ZPrintf(" usage: %s tts config [none|watson|microsoft|google] <url> <key>\n", argv[0]);
else if (!ds_stricmp(argv[2], "gender"))
VoipSynthesizedSpeechCfgT VoipSpeechConfig;
ds_memclr(&VoipSpeechConfig, sizeof(VoipSpeechConfig));
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[3], "female"))
VoipSpeechConfig.iPersonaGender = 1;
VoipControl(VoipGetRef(), 'voic', 0, &VoipSpeechConfig);
sscanf(argv[2], "%256[^\n]", strText);
VoipControl(VoipGetRef(), 'ttos', (argc > 3) ? ds_strtoll(argv[3], NULL, 10) : 0, strText);
\Function _VoiceSTT
Voice subcommand - Speech to Text functionality
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 12/13/2018 (jbrookes)
static void _VoiceSTT(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoipTranscribeProviderE eProvider = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_PROVIDER_NONE;
VoipTranscribeTransportE eTransport = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_TRANSPORT_HTTP;
VoipTranscribeFormatE eFormat = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_FORMAT_LI16;
if (bHelp || ds_stricmp(argv[2], "config") || ((ds_stricmp(argv[3], "none") && (argc != 8))))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s stt config [none|watson|microsoft|google|amazon] [li16|wav|opus] [http|h2|ws] <url> <key>\n", argv[0]);
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[3], "watson")) eProvider = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_PROVIDER_IBMWATSON;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[3], "microsoft")) eProvider = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_PROVIDER_MICROSOFT;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[3], "google")) eProvider = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_PROVIDER_GOOGLE;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[3], "amazon")) eProvider = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_PROVIDER_AMAZON;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[4], "wav")) eFormat = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_FORMAT_WAV16;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[4], "opus")) eFormat = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_FORMAT_OPUS;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[5], "h2")) eTransport = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_TRANSPORT_HTTP2;
if (!ds_stricmp(argv[5], "ws")) eTransport = VOIPTRANSCRIBE_TRANSPORT_WEBSOCKETS;
VoipConfigTranscription(VoipGetRef(), VOIPTRANSCRIBE_PROFILE_CONSTRUCT(eProvider, eFormat, eTransport), argv[6], argv[7]);
\Function _VoiceShowChannels
Voice subcommand - show local voip channel config
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 02/16/2012 (mclouatre)
static void _VoiceShowChannels(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
int32_t iChannelSlot, iChannelId;
char *pChannelModeStr;
VoipChanModeE eChannelMode;
char strChannelId[8];
char strChannelSlot[32];
char strChannelCfg[32];
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc != 2))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s showchans\n", argv[0]);
for (iChannelSlot = 0; iChannelSlot < VoipGroupStatus(NULL, 'chnc', 0, NULL, 0); iChannelSlot++)
// get channel id and channel mode
iChannelId = VoipGroupStatus(NULL, 'chnl', iChannelSlot, &eChannelMode, sizeof(eChannelMode));
// init to default
pChannelModeStr = "UNKNOWN";
// initialize channel mode string and
switch (eChannelMode)
pChannelModeStr = "UNSUBSCRIBED";
ds_snzprintf(strChannelId, sizeof(strChannelId), "n/a");
pChannelModeStr = "TALK-ONLY";
ds_snzprintf(strChannelId, sizeof(strChannelId), "%03d", iChannelId);
pChannelModeStr = "LISTEN-ONLY";
ds_snzprintf(strChannelId, sizeof(strChannelId), "%03d", iChannelId);
pChannelModeStr = "TALK+LISTEN";
ds_snzprintf(strChannelId, sizeof(strChannelId), "%03d", iChannelId);
// build channel slot string
ds_snzprintf(strChannelSlot, sizeof(strChannelSlot), "VOIP channel slot %d", iChannelSlot);
// build channel config string
ds_snzprintf(strChannelCfg, sizeof(strChannelCfg), "id=%s mode=%s", strChannelId, pChannelModeStr);
ZPrintf(" %s ----> %s\n", strChannelSlot, strChannelCfg);
\Function _VoiceVolume
Voice subcommand - set the output volume level
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Output None.
\Version 04/22/2009 (cadam)
static void _VoiceVolume(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
float fOutputLevel;
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s volume <level>\n", argv[0]);
if (argc == 3)
fOutputLevel = strtod(argv[2], NULL);
ZPrintf("%s: setting volume to %f\n", argv[0], fOutputLevel);
VoipControl(pApp->pVoip, 'plvl', 0, &fOutputLevel);
static void _VoiceSetLocalUser(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
int32_t iLocalUserIndex;
uint32_t bRegister;
int32_t iOnOffIndex;
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_PS4) || defined(DIRTYCODE_XBOXONE) || defined(DIRTYCODE_GDK)
if (bHelp == TRUE || argc != 4)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s set <local user index> <on|off>\n", argv[0]);
iLocalUserIndex = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);
iOnOffIndex = 3;
if (bHelp == TRUE || argc != 3)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s set <on|off>\n", argv[0]);
iLocalUserIndex = 0;
iOnOffIndex = 2;
if (strcmp(argv[iOnOffIndex], "on") == 0)
bRegister = TRUE;
ZPrintf("%s: registering local user at index %d with voip sub-system\n", argv[0], iLocalUserIndex);
bRegister = FALSE;
ZPrintf("%s: unregistering local user at index %d from voip sub-system\n", argv[0], iLocalUserIndex);
VoipSetLocalUser(pApp->pVoip, iLocalUserIndex, bRegister);
static void _VoiceActivateLocalUser(void *CmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
uint32_t iLocalUserIndex;
uint32_t bActivate;
int32_t iOnOffIndex;
#if defined(DIRTYCODE_PS4) || defined(DIRTYCODE_XBOXONE) || defined(DIRTYCODE_GDK)
if (bHelp == TRUE || argc != 4)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s participate <local user index> <on|off> \n", argv[0]);
iLocalUserIndex = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);
iOnOffIndex = 3;
if (bHelp == TRUE || argc != 3)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s participate <on|off> \n", argv[0]);
iLocalUserIndex = 0;
iOnOffIndex = 2;
if (strcmp(argv[iOnOffIndex], "on") == 0)
bActivate = TRUE;
ZPrintf("%s: promoting local user %d to participating state\n", argv[0], iLocalUserIndex);
bActivate = FALSE;
ZPrintf("%s: forcing local user %d out of participating state\n", argv[0], iLocalUserIndex);
VoipGroupActivateLocalUser(pApp->pVoipGroup, iLocalUserIndex, bActivate);
static void _VoiceConn(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
uint32_t uOutput;
int32_t iConnId = 0;
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s connremote <ConnId>\n", argv[0]);
if (argc == 3)
iConnId = strtod(argv[2], NULL);
uOutput = VoipGroupConnStatus(pApp->pVoipGroup, iConnId);
ZPrintf("Status = %08x\n", uOutput);
if (uOutput == 0)
ZPrintf("No VoipConnRemote flags set\n");
if (uOutput & VOIP_CONN_ACTIVE)
if (uOutput & VOIP_CONN_STOPPED)
static void _VoiceUserLocal(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
uint32_t uOutput;
int32_t iUserIndex = 0;
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s userlocal <userindex>\n", argv[0]);
if (argc == 3)
iUserIndex = strtod(argv[2], NULL);
uOutput = VoipLocalUserStatus(pApp->pVoip, iUserIndex);
ZPrintf("Status = %08x\n", uOutput);
if (uOutput == 0)
ZPrintf("No VoipUserLocal flags set\n");
static void _VoiceUserRemote(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
uint32_t uOutput;
int32_t iUserIndex = 0;
int32_t iConnId = 0;
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s userremote <ConnId> <userindex>\n", argv[0]);
if (argc == 4)
iConnId = strtod(argv[2], NULL);
iUserIndex = strtod(argv[3], NULL);
uOutput = VoipGroupRemoteUserStatus(pApp->pVoipGroup, iConnId, iUserIndex);
ZPrintf("Status = %08x\n", uOutput);
if (uOutput == 0)
ZPrintf("No VoipUserRemote flags set\n");
\Function _CmdVoiceCb
Update voice command
\Input *argz - environment
\Input argc - standard number of arguments
\Input *argv[] - standard arg list
\Output standard return value
\Version 07/22/2004 (jbrookes)
static int32_t _CmdVoiceCb(ZContext *argz, int32_t argc, char *argv[])
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
// check for kill
if (argc == 0)
ZPrintf("%s: killed\n", argv[0]);
// keep running
return(ZCallback(&_CmdVoiceCb, 16));
/*** Public functions *************************************************************/
\Function CmdVoice
Initiate Voice connection.
\Input *argz - environment
\Input argc - standard number of arguments
\Input *argv[] - standard arg list
\Output standard return value
\Version 07/22/2004 (jbrookes)
int32_t CmdVoice(ZContext *argz, int32_t argc, char *argv[])
T2SubCmdT *pCmd;
VoiceAppT *pApp = &_Voice_App;
unsigned char bHelp;
// handle basic help
if ((argc <= 1) || (((pCmd = T2SubCmdParse(_Voice_Commands, argc, argv, &bHelp)) == NULL)))
ZPrintf(" test the voip module\n");
T2SubCmdUsage(argv[0], _Voice_Commands);
// if no ref yet, make one
if ((pCmd->pFunc != _VoiceCreate) && (pApp->pVoip == NULL))
// only create the new ref if we are not exercising VoiceControl('dcde')\VoiceControl('drat')
// to modify the default sample rate and codec BEFORE the module creation
if ( !((strcmp(argv[1], "ctrl") == 0) && (strcmp(argv[2], "dcde") == 0)) &&
!((strcmp(argv[1], "ctrl") == 0) && (strcmp(argv[2], "drat") == 0)) )
char *pCreate = "create";
ZPrintf(" %s: ref has not been created - creating\n", argv[0]);
_VoiceCreate(pApp, 1, &pCreate, bHelp);
// hand off to command
pCmd->pFunc(pApp, argc, argv, bHelp);
// one-time install of periodic callback
if (pApp->bZCallback == FALSE)
pApp->bZCallback = TRUE;
return(ZCallback(_CmdVoiceCb, 16));