Kawe Mazidjatari b3a68ed095 Add EABase, EAThread and DirtySDK to R5sdk
DirtySDK (EA's Dirty Sockets library) will be used for the LiveAPI implementation, and depends on: EABase, EAThread.
2024-04-05 18:29:03 +02:00

672 lines
19 KiB

\File ws.c
Test WebSockets
Websockets test URL: ws://echo.websocket.org/ (see
Copyright (c) Electronic Arts 2012.
\Version 11/27/2012 (jbrookes) First Version
/*** Include files ****************************************************************/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "DirtySDK/dirtysock.h"
#include "DirtySDK/proto/protowebsocket.h"
#include "libsample/zlib.h"
#include "libsample/zfile.h"
#include "libsample/zmem.h"
#include "testersubcmd.h"
#include "testermodules.h"
/*** Defines **********************************************************************/
/*** Macros ***********************************************************************/
/*** Type Definitions *************************************************************/
typedef struct WSAppT
ProtoWebSocketRefT *pWebSocket;
char *pSendBuf;
int32_t iSendLen;
int32_t iSendOff;
char *pRecvBuf;
int32_t iRecvBufLen;
uint8_t bUseMessageApis; // if TRUE, use message semantics for send/recv; specified as send argument
} WSAppT;
/*** Function Prototypes **********************************************************/
static void _WSCreate(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _WSDestroy(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _WSConnect(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _WSDisconnect(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _WSControl(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _WSStatus(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
static void _WSSend(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp);
/*** Variables ********************************************************************/
static T2SubCmdT _WS_Commands[] =
{ "create", _WSCreate },
{ "destroy", _WSDestroy },
{ "connect", _WSConnect },
{ "disconnect", _WSDisconnect },
{ "ctrl", _WSControl },
{ "stat", _WSStatus },
{ "send", _WSSend },
{ "", NULL },
static WSAppT _WS_App = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, "", 0, 0 };
/*** Private Functions ************************************************************/
\Function _WSResetApp
Reset app, freeing buffers / resetting state
\Input *pApp - app state
\Version 03/31/2017 (jbrookes)
static void _WSResetApp(WSAppT *pApp)
if (pApp->pSendBuf != NULL)
pApp->pSendBuf = NULL;
pApp->iSendLen = 0;
pApp->iSendOff = 0;
\Function _WSDestroyApp
Destroy app, freeing modules.
\Input *pApp - app state
\Version 11/27/2012 (jbrookes)
static void _WSDestroyApp(WSAppT *pApp)
// reset state
// free recv buffer
if (pApp->pRecvBuf != NULL)
pApp->pRecvBuf = NULL;
pApp->iRecvBufLen = 0;
// destroy module
if (pApp->pWebSocket != NULL)
ds_memclr(pApp, sizeof(*pApp));
WS Commands
\Function _WSCreate
WS subcommand - create websocket module
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 11/27/2012 (jbrookes)
static void _WSCreate(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
WSAppT *pApp = &_WS_App;
int32_t iBufSize = 4*1024;
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s create <bufsize>\n", argv[0]);
// if we already have one, skip
if (pApp->pWebSocket != NULL)
ZPrintf("%s: websocket module already created\n", argv[0]);
// bufsize arg?
if (argc > 2)
iBufSize = (int32_t)strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);
// create app receive buffer (+1 to hold terminator character)
if ((pApp->pRecvBuf = ZMemAlloc(iBufSize+1)) == NULL)
ZPrintf("%s: could not allocate memory for application receive buffer\n", argv[0]);
pApp->iRecvBufLen = iBufSize+1;
// create a websocket module if it isn't already started
if ((pApp->pWebSocket = ProtoWebSocketCreate(iBufSize)) == NULL)
ZPrintf("%s: error creating websocket module\n", argv[0]);
\Function _WSDestroy
WS subcommand - destroy websocket module
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 11/27/2012 (jbrookes)
static void _WSDestroy(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
WSAppT *pApp = &_WS_App;
if (bHelp == TRUE)
ZPrintf(" usage: %s destroy\n", argv[0]);
\Function _WSConnect
WS subcommand - connect to server
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 11/27/2012 (jbrookes)
static void _WSConnect(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
WSAppT *pApp = &_WS_App;
int32_t iArg, iStartArg = 2;
char strApndHdr[1024] = "";
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc < 3))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s connect <ws-url>\n", argv[0]);
// reset app state
// check for connect args
for (iArg = iStartArg; (iArg < argc) && (argv[iArg][0] == '-'); iArg += 1)
if (!ds_strnicmp(argv[iArg], "-header=", 8))
ds_strnzcat(strApndHdr, argv[iArg]+8, sizeof(strApndHdr));
ds_strnzcat(strApndHdr, "\r\n", sizeof(strApndHdr));
// skip any option arguments to find url and (optionally) filename
iStartArg += 1;
// log connection attempt
ZPrintf("%s: connecting to '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[iStartArg]);
// set append header?
if (strApndHdr[0] != '\0')
ProtoWebSocketControl(pApp->pWebSocket, 'apnd', 0, 0, strApndHdr);
// start connect to remote user
ProtoWebSocketConnect(pApp->pWebSocket, argv[iStartArg]);
\Function _WSDisconnect
WS subcommand - disconnect from server
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 11/30/2012 (jbrookes)
static void _WSDisconnect(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
WSAppT *pApp = &_WS_App;
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc != 2))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s disconnect\n", argv[0]);
// log connection attempt
ZPrintf("%s: disconnecting from server\n", argv[0], argv[2]);
// start connect to remote user
\Function _WSControl
WS control subcommand - set control options
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 11/27/2012 (jbrookes)
static void _WSControl(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
WSAppT *pApp = &_WS_App;
int32_t iCmd, iValue = 0, iValue2 = 0;
void *pValue = NULL;
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc < 3) || (argc > 6))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s ctrl [cmd] <iValue> <iValue2> <pValue>\n", argv[0]);
// get the command
iCmd = ZGetIntArg(argv[2]);
// get optional arguments
if (argc > 3)
iValue = ZGetIntArg(argv[3]);
if (argc > 4)
iValue2 = ZGetIntArg(argv[4]);
if (argc > 5)
pValue = argv[5];
// issue the control call
ProtoWebSocketControl(pApp->pWebSocket, iCmd, iValue, iValue2, pValue);
\Function _WSStatus
WS status subcommand - query module status
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 11/27/2012 (jbrookes)
static void _WSStatus(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
WSAppT *pApp = &_WS_App;
int32_t iCmd, iResult;
char strBuffer[256] = "";
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc < 3) || (argc > 5))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s stat <cmd> <arg>\n", argv[0]);
// get the command
iCmd = ZGetIntArg(argv[2]);
// issue the status call
iResult = ProtoWebSocketStatus(pApp->pWebSocket, iCmd, strBuffer, sizeof(strBuffer));
// report result
ZPrintf("ws: ProtoWebSocketStatus('%C') returned %d (\"%s\")\n", iCmd, iResult, strBuffer);
\Function _WSSend
WS status subcommand - send data
\Input *pCmdRef - unused
\Input argc - argument count
\Input *argv[] - argument list
\Version 11/29/2012 (jbrookes)
static void _WSSend(void *pCmdRef, int32_t argc, char *argv[], unsigned char bHelp)
WSAppT *pApp = &_WS_App;
int32_t iMsgLen, iStartArg=2, iMinArgs=4;
char *pMessage;
if ((bHelp == TRUE) || (argc < iMinArgs))
ZPrintf(" usage: %s send [-msg] -f <file> -m \"message\"\n", argv[0]);
if (pApp->pSendBuf != NULL)
ZPrintf("%s: already sending data, please try later\n", argv[0]);
if (!strcmp(argv[iStartArg], "-msg"))
pApp->bUseMessageApis = TRUE;
iStartArg += 1;
iMinArgs += 1;
if (!strcmp(argv[iStartArg], "-f") && (argc == iMinArgs))
char *pFileData;
int32_t iFileSize;
// try to open file
if ((pFileData = ZFileLoad(argv[iStartArg+1], &iFileSize, ZFILE_OPENFLAG_RDONLY|ZFILE_OPENFLAG_BINARY)) != NULL)
pMessage = pFileData;
iMsgLen = iFileSize;
ZPrintf("%s: could not open file '%s' for sending\n", argv[0], argv[iStartArg+1]);
else if (!strcmp(argv[iStartArg], "-m"))
if ((iMsgLen = (int32_t)strlen(argv[iStartArg+1])) > 0)
pMessage = ZMemAlloc(iMsgLen+1);
ds_strnzcpy(pMessage, argv[iStartArg+1], iMsgLen+1);
ZPrintf("%s: will not send empty message\n", argv[0]);
ZPrintf("%s: unknown send option '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[iStartArg]);
// set up send params
pApp->pSendBuf = pMessage;
pApp->iSendLen = iMsgLen;
pApp->iSendOff = 0;
\Function _CmdWSSend
Wraps ProtoWebSocketSend/Message
\Input *pApp - WS app ref
\Input *pBuffer - send data
\Input iLength - length of send data
\Version 04/11/2017 (jbrookes)
static int32_t _CmdWSSend(WSAppT *pApp, const char *pBuffer, int32_t iLength)
return ((pApp->bUseMessageApis) ? ProtoWebSocketSendMessage(pApp->pWebSocket, pBuffer, iLength) : ProtoWebSocketSend(pApp->pWebSocket, pBuffer, iLength));
\Function _CmdWSRecv
Wraps ProtoWebSocketRecv/Message
\Input *pApp - WS app ref
\Input *pBuffer - [out] recv buffer
\Input iLength - length of recv buffer
\Version 04/11/2017 (jbrookes)
static int32_t _CmdWSRecv(WSAppT *pApp, char *pBuffer, int32_t iLength)
return ((pApp->bUseMessageApis) ? ProtoWebSocketRecvMessage(pApp->pWebSocket, pBuffer, iLength) : ProtoWebSocketRecv(pApp->pWebSocket, pBuffer, iLength));
\Function _CmdWSCb
Update WS command
\Input *argz - environment
\Input argc - standard number of arguments
\Input *argv[] - standard arg list
int32_T -standard return value
\Version 11/27/2012 (jbrookes)
static int32_t _CmdWSCb(ZContext *argz, int32_t argc, char *argv[])
WSAppT *pApp = &_WS_App;
int32_t iResult;
// check for kill
if (argc == 0)
ZPrintf("%s: killed\n", argv[0]);
// give life to the module
if (pApp->pWebSocket != NULL)
// update the module
// processing, if we're connected
if (ProtoWebSocketStatus(pApp->pWebSocket, 'stat', NULL, 0) == 1)
// try and receive some data
if ((iResult = _CmdWSRecv(pApp, pApp->pRecvBuf, pApp->iRecvBufLen - 1)) > 0)
NetPrintf(("%s: received %d byte server frame\n", argv[0], iResult));
// null terminate it so we can print it
pApp->pRecvBuf[iResult] = '\0';
// print it
NetPrintWrap(pApp->pRecvBuf, 80);
// clear message flag
pApp->bUseMessageApis = FALSE;
else if (iResult == SOCKERR_NOMEM)
// our buffer is too small, so double it
int32_t iRecvBufLen = pApp->iRecvBufLen * 2;
char *pRecvBuf = ZMemAlloc(iRecvBufLen);
if (pRecvBuf != NULL)
ZPrintf("%s: increasing receive buffer to %d bytes\n", argv[0], iRecvBufLen);
ds_memcpy_s(pRecvBuf, iRecvBufLen, pApp->pRecvBuf, pApp->iRecvBufLen);
pApp->pRecvBuf = pRecvBuf;
pApp->iRecvBufLen = iRecvBufLen;
ZPrintf("%s: error allocating %d bytes of memory for receive buffer\n", iRecvBufLen);
else if (iResult < 0)
ZPrintf("%s: error %d receiving\n", argv[0], iResult);
// clear message flag
pApp->bUseMessageApis = FALSE;
// keep running
return(ZCallback(&_CmdWSCb, 16));
// try and send some data
if (pApp->pSendBuf != NULL)
if ((iResult = _CmdWSSend(pApp, pApp->pSendBuf + pApp->iSendOff, pApp->iSendLen - pApp->iSendOff)) > 0)
pApp->iSendOff += iResult;
if (pApp->iSendOff == pApp->iSendLen)
ZPrintf("%s: sent %d byte message\n", argv[0], pApp->iSendLen);
pApp->pSendBuf = NULL;
else if (iResult < 0)
ZPrintf("%s: error %d sending message\n", argv[0], iResult);
// keep running
return(ZCallback(&_CmdWSCb, 16));
/*** Public functions *************************************************************/
\Function CmdWS
WS (WebSocket) command
\Input *argz - environment
\Input argc - standard number of arguments
\Input *argv[] - standard arg list
int32_t - standard return value
\Version 11/27/2012 (jbrookes)
int32_t CmdWS(ZContext *argz, int32_t argc, char *argv[])
T2SubCmdT *pCmd;
WSAppT *pApp = &_WS_App;
int32_t iResult = 0;
uint8_t bHelp;
// handle basic help
if ((argc <= 1) || (((pCmd = T2SubCmdParse(_WS_Commands, argc, argv, &bHelp)) == NULL)))
ZPrintf(" test the websocket module\n");
T2SubCmdUsage(argv[0], _WS_Commands);
// if no ref yet, make one
if ((pCmd->pFunc != _WSCreate) && (pApp->pWebSocket == NULL))
char *pCreate = "create";
ZPrintf(" %s: ref has not been created - creating\n", argv[0]);
_WSCreate(pApp, 1, &pCreate, bHelp);
iResult = ZCallback(_CmdWSCb, 16);
// hand off to command
pCmd->pFunc(pApp, argc, argv, bHelp);
// one-time install of periodic callback
if (pCmd->pFunc == _WSCreate)
iResult = ZCallback(_CmdWSCb, 16);