Kawe Mazidjatari b4cd72034e CModule: light cleanup
Remove the option to disable dynamic init, it was broken anyways as the string was getting constructed, and therefore, dynamic memory could be allocated if string exceeds a certain size where it has to be moved from stack to heap. The only functions we were interested in, while not allocating anything have been made static instead in the last refactor round.
2023-07-08 03:01:54 +02:00

77 lines
3.2 KiB

#ifndef MODULE_H
#define MODULE_H
#include "windows/tebpeb64.h"
class CModule
struct ModuleSections_t
ModuleSections_t(void) = default;
ModuleSections_t(QWORD pSectionBase, size_t nSectionSize) :
m_pSectionBase(pSectionBase), m_nSectionSize(nSectionSize) {}
inline bool IsSectionValid(void) const { return m_nSectionSize != 0; }
QWORD m_pSectionBase; // Start address of section.
size_t m_nSectionSize; // Size of section.
typedef unordered_map<string, ModuleSections_t> ModuleSectionsMap_t;
CModule(void) = default;
CModule(const char* szModuleName);
CModule(const QWORD nModuleBase);
void Init();
void LoadSections();
CMemory FindPatternSIMD(const char* szPattern, const ModuleSections_t* moduleSection = nullptr) const;
CMemory FindString(const char* szString, const ptrdiff_t occurrence = 1, bool nullTerminator = false) const;
CMemory FindStringReadOnly(const char* szString, bool nullTerminator) const;
CMemory FindFreeDataPage(const size_t nSize) const;
CMemory GetVirtualMethodTable(const char* szTableName, const size_t nRefIndex = 0);
static CMemory GetImportedSymbol(QWORD pModuleBase, const char* szModuleName, const char* szSymbolName, const bool bGetSymbolReference);
inline CMemory GetImportedSymbol(const char* szModuleName, const char* szSymbolName, const bool bGetSymbolReference) const
{ return GetImportedSymbol(m_pModuleBase, szModuleName, szSymbolName, bGetSymbolReference); }
static CMemory GetExportedSymbol(QWORD pModuleBase, const char* szSymbolName);
inline CMemory GetExportedSymbol(const char* szSymbolName) const
{ return GetExportedSymbol(m_pModuleBase, szSymbolName); }
inline const CModule::ModuleSections_t& GetSectionByName(const char* szSectionName) const
{ return m_ModuleSections.at(szSectionName); }
inline const ModuleSectionsMap_t& GetSections() const { return m_ModuleSections; }
inline QWORD GetModuleBase(void) const { return m_pModuleBase; }
inline DWORD GetModuleSize(void) const { return m_nModuleSize; }
inline const string& GetModuleName(void) const { return m_ModuleName; }
inline QWORD GetRVA(const QWORD nAddress) const { return (nAddress - GetModuleBase()); }
inline IMAGE_DOS_HEADER* GetDOSHeader() const { return GetDOSHeader(m_pModuleBase); }
inline static IMAGE_DOS_HEADER* GetDOSHeader(QWORD pModuleBase)
{ return reinterpret_cast<IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*>(pModuleBase); }
inline IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64* GetNTHeaders() const { return GetNTHeaders(m_pModuleBase); }
inline static IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64* GetNTHeaders(QWORD pModuleBase)
{ return reinterpret_cast<IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64*>(pModuleBase + GetDOSHeader(pModuleBase)->e_lfanew); }
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Win32_Thread_Information_Block
inline static PEB64* GetProcessEnvironmentBlock()
{ return reinterpret_cast<PEB64*>(__readgsqword(0x60)); }
void UnlinkFromPEB(void) const;
CMemory FindPatternSIMD(const uint8_t* pPattern, const char* szMask,
const ModuleSections_t* moduleSection = nullptr, const size_t nOccurrence = 0) const;
QWORD m_pModuleBase;
DWORD m_nModuleSize;
string m_ModuleName;
ModuleSectionsMap_t m_ModuleSections;
#endif // MODULE_H