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// Purpose: Valve Pak utility class.
// packedstore.cpp
// Note: VPK's are created in pairs of a directory file and pack file(s).
// - <locale><target>_<level>.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk --> directory file.
// - <target>_<level>.bsp.pak000_<patch>.vpk --> pack file.
// - Assets larger than 1MiB are fragmented into chunks of 1MiB or smaller (ENTRY_MAX_LEN).
// - A VPK directory file could be patched up to 512 times before full rebuild is required.
#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "tier1/cvar.h"
#include "mathlib/adler32.h"
#include "mathlib/crc32.h"
#include "mathlib/sha1.h"
#include "filesystem/filesystem.h"
#include "vpc/keyvalues.h"
#include "vpklib/packedstore.h"
// Purpose: initialize parameters for compression algorithm
void CPackedStore::InitLzCompParams(void)
/*| PARAMETERS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
m_lzCompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = VPK_DICT_SIZE;
m_lzCompParams.m_level = GetCompressionLevel();
m_lzCompParams.m_compress_flags = lzham_compress_flags::LZHAM_COMP_FLAG_DETERMINISTIC_PARSING;
m_lzCompParams.m_max_helper_threads = fs_packedstore_max_helper_threads->GetInt();
// Purpose: initialize parameters for decompression algorithm
void CPackedStore::InitLzDecompParams(void)
/*| PARAMETERS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
m_lzDecompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = VPK_DICT_SIZE;
m_lzDecompParams.m_decompress_flags = lzham_decompress_flags::LZHAM_DECOMP_FLAG_OUTPUT_UNBUFFERED;
m_lzDecompParams.m_struct_size = sizeof(lzham_decompress_params);
// Purpose: gets the LZHAM compression level
// output : lzham_compress_level
lzham_compress_level CPackedStore::GetCompressionLevel(void) const
const char* pszLevel = fs_packedstore_compression_level->GetString();
if(strcmp(pszLevel, "fastest") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_FASTEST;
else if (strcmp(pszLevel, "faster") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_FASTER;
else if (strcmp(pszLevel, "default") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
else if (strcmp(pszLevel, "better") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_BETTER;
else if (strcmp(pszLevel, "uber") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_UBER;
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
// Purpose: obtains and returns the entry block to the vector
// Input : hDirectoryFile -
// output : vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> CPackedStore::GetEntryBlocks(FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile) const
string svName, svPath, svExtension;
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> vEntryBlocks;
while (!(svExtension = FileSystem()->ReadString(hDirectoryFile)).empty())
while (!(svPath = FileSystem()->ReadString(hDirectoryFile)).empty())
while (!(svName = FileSystem()->ReadString(hDirectoryFile)).empty())
const string svFilePath = FormatEntryPath(svPath, svName, svExtension);
vEntryBlocks.push_back(VPKEntryBlock_t(hDirectoryFile, svFilePath));
return vEntryBlocks;
// Purpose: scans the input directory and returns the paths to the vector
// Input : &svWorkspace -
// Output : vpk keyvalues vector of all existing entry paths
vector<VPKKeyValues_t> CPackedStore::GetEntryValues(const string& svWorkspace) const
vector<VPKKeyValues_t> vEntryValues;
vector<string> vIgnoredList = GetIgnoreList(svWorkspace);
fs::recursive_directory_iterator dir(svWorkspace), end;
while (dir != end)
const vector<string>::iterator it = std::find(vIgnoredList.begin(), vIgnoredList.end(),
GetExtension(dir->path().filename().u8string(), true, true));
if (it != vIgnoredList.end())
dir.disable_recursion_pending(); // Skip all ignored folders and extensions.
else if (fs::file_size(*dir) > 0) // Empty files are not supported.
const string svEntryPath = dir->path().u8string();
if (!GetExtension(svEntryPath).empty())
return vEntryValues;
// Purpose: scans the input directory and returns the values to the vector if path exists in manifest
// Input : &svWorkspace -
// *pManifestKV -
// Output : vpk keyvalues vector of all existing and included entry paths
vector<VPKKeyValues_t> CPackedStore::GetEntryValues(const string& svWorkspace, KeyValues* pManifestKV) const
vector<VPKKeyValues_t> vEntryValues;
if (!pManifestKV)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Invalid VPK build manifest KV; unable to parse entry list\n");
return vEntryValues;
vector<string> vIgnoredList = GetIgnoreList(svWorkspace);
fs::recursive_directory_iterator dir(svWorkspace), end;
while (dir != end)
const vector<string>::iterator it = std::find(vIgnoredList.begin(), vIgnoredList.end(),
GetExtension(dir->path().filename().u8string(), true, true));
if (it != vIgnoredList.end())
dir.disable_recursion_pending(); // Skip all ignored folders and extensions.
const string svFullPath = ConvertToWinPath(dir->path().u8string());
if (!GetExtension(svFullPath).empty())
// Remove workspace path by offsetting it by its size.
const char* pszEntry = (svFullPath.c_str() + svWorkspace.length());
KeyValues* pEntryKV = pManifestKV->FindKey(pszEntry);
if (pEntryKV)
if (!file_size(*dir)) // Empty files are not supported.
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "File '%s' listed in build manifest appears truncated\n", dir->path().relative_path().u8string().c_str());
int16_t(pEntryKV->GetInt("preloadSize", NULL)),
pEntryKV->GetInt("loadFlags", static_cast<uint32_t>(EPackedLoadFlags::LOAD_VISIBLE) | static_cast<uint32_t>(EPackedLoadFlags::LOAD_CACHE)),
int16_t(pEntryKV->GetInt("textureFlags", static_cast<uint16_t>(EPackedTextureFlags::TEXTURE_DEFAULT))),
pEntryKV->GetBool("useCompression", true),
pEntryKV->GetBool("useDataSharing", true))
return vEntryValues;
// Purpose: gets the parts of the directory file name
// Input : &svDirectoryName -
// nCaptureGroup - (1 = locale + target, 2 = level)
// Output : part of directory file name as string
string CPackedStore::GetNameParts(const string& svDirectoryName, int nCaptureGroup) const
std::smatch smRegexMatches;
std::regex_search(svDirectoryName, smRegexMatches, DIR_REGEX);
return smRegexMatches[nCaptureGroup].str();
// Purpose: gets the level name from the directory file name
// Input : &svDirectoryName -
// Output : level name as string (e.g. "mp_rr_box")
string CPackedStore::GetLevelName(const string& svDirectoryName) const
std::smatch smRegexMatches;
std::regex_search(svDirectoryName, smRegexMatches, DIR_REGEX);
return smRegexMatches[1].str() + smRegexMatches[2].str();
// Purpose: gets the manifest file associated with the VPK name (must be freed after wards)
// Input : &svWorkspace -
// &svManifestName -
// Output : KeyValues (build manifest pointer)
KeyValues* CPackedStore::GetManifest(const string& svWorkspace, const string& svManifestName) const
string svPathOut = Format("%s%s%s.txt", svWorkspace.c_str(), "manifest/", svManifestName.c_str());
KeyValues* pManifestKV = FileSystem()->LoadKeyValues(IFileSystem::TYPE_COMMON, svPathOut.c_str(), "GAME");
if (!pManifestKV)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Failed to parse VPK build manifest: '%s'\n", svPathOut.c_str());
return pManifestKV;
// Purpose: gets the contents from the global ignore list (.vpkignore)
// Input : &svWorkspace -
// Output : a string vector of ignored directories/files and extensions
vector<string> CPackedStore::GetIgnoreList(const string& svWorkspace) const
string svIgnore = svWorkspace + ".vpkignore";
FileHandle_t hIgnoreFile = FileSystem()->Open(svIgnore.c_str(), "rt", "GAME");
if (!hIgnoreFile)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "No ignore file provided; continuing build without...\n");
return vector<string>();
vector<string> vIgnore;
char szIgnore[MAX_PATH];
while (FileSystem()->ReadLine(szIgnore, sizeof(szIgnore) - 1, hIgnoreFile))
if (!strstr(szIgnore, "//"))
if (char* pEOL = strchr(szIgnore, '\n'))
// Null newline character.
*pEOL = '\0';
if (pEOL - szIgnore > 0)
// Null carriage return.
if (*(pEOL - 1) == '\r')
*(pEOL - 1) = '\0';
return vIgnore;
// Purpose: formats the file entry path
// Input : &svPath -
// &svName -
// &svExtension -
// Output : formatted entry path
string CPackedStore::FormatEntryPath(const string& svPath, const string& svName, const string& svExtension) const
return Format("%s%s%s.%s", svPath.c_str(), svPath.empty() ? "" : "/", svName.c_str(), svExtension.c_str());
// Purpose: builds the VPK manifest file
// Input : &vBlock -
// &svWorkspace -
// &svManifestName -
void CPackedStore::BuildManifest(const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vBlock, const string& svWorkspace, const string& svManifestName) const
KeyValues kv("BuildManifest");
KeyValues* pManifestKV = kv.FindKey("BuildManifest", true);
for (const VPKEntryBlock_t& vEntry : vBlock)
const VPKChunkDescriptor_t& vDescriptor = vEntry.m_vFragments[0];
KeyValues* pEntryKV = pManifestKV->FindKey(ConvertToWinPath(vEntry.m_svEntryPath).c_str(), true);
pEntryKV->SetInt("preloadSize", vEntry.m_iPreloadSize);
pEntryKV->SetInt("loadFlags", vDescriptor.m_nLoadFlags);
pEntryKV->SetInt("textureFlags", vDescriptor.m_nTextureFlags);
pEntryKV->SetBool("useCompression", vDescriptor.m_nCompressedSize != vDescriptor.m_nUncompressedSize);
pEntryKV->SetBool("useDataSharing", true);
string svPathOut = Format("%s%s%s.txt", svWorkspace.c_str(), "manifest/", svManifestName.c_str());
CUtlBuffer uBuf(0i64, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER);
kv.RecursiveSaveToFile(uBuf, 0);
FileSystem()->CreateDirHierarchy(Format("%s%s", svWorkspace.c_str(), "manifest/").c_str(), "GAME");
FileSystem()->WriteFile(svPathOut.c_str(), "GAME", uBuf);
// Purpose: validates extraction result with precomputed CRC32 hash
// Input : &svAssetPath -
// : nFileCRC -
void CPackedStore::ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(const string& svAssetPath, const uint32_t nFileCRC)
FileHandle_t hAsset = FileSystem()->Open(svAssetPath.c_str(), "rb", "GAME");
if (!hAsset)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to open '%s' (insufficient rights?)\n", __FUNCTION__, svAssetPath.c_str());
uint32_t nLen = FileSystem()->Size(hAsset);
uint8_t* pBuf = MemAllocSingleton()->Alloc<uint8_t>(nLen);
FileSystem()->Read(pBuf, nLen, hAsset);
uint32_t nCrc32 = crc32::update(NULL, pBuf, nLen);
if (nCrc32 != nFileCRC)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Computed checksum '0x%lX' doesn't match expected checksum '0x%lX'. File may be corrupt!\n", nCrc32, nFileCRC);
nCrc32 = NULL;
// Purpose: packs all files from workspace path into VPK file
// Input : &vPair -
// &svWorkspace -
// &svBuildPath -
// bManifestOnly -
void CPackedStore::PackWorkspace(const VPKPair_t& vPair, const string& svWorkspace, const string& svBuildPath, bool bManifestOnly)
const string svPackFilePath = string(svBuildPath + vPair.m_svPackName);
FileHandle_t hPackFile = FileSystem()->Open(svPackFilePath.c_str(), "wb", "GAME");
if (!hPackFile)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to write to '%s' (read-only?)\n", __FUNCTION__, svPackFilePath.c_str());
uint8_t* pEntryBuffer = MemAllocSingleton()->Alloc<uint8_t>(ENTRY_MAX_LEN);
if (!pEntryBuffer)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to allocate memory for entry buffer!\n", __FUNCTION__);
vector<VPKKeyValues_t> vEntryValues;
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> vEntryBlocks;
KeyValues* pManifestKV = nullptr;
if (bManifestOnly)
pManifestKV = GetManifest(svWorkspace, GetLevelName(vPair.m_svDirectoryName));
vEntryValues = GetEntryValues(svWorkspace, pManifestKV);
if (pManifestKV)
else // Pack all files in workspace.
vEntryValues = GetEntryValues(svWorkspace);
uint64_t nSharedTotal = NULL;
uint32_t nSharedCount = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0, ps = vEntryValues.size(); i < ps; i++)
const VPKKeyValues_t& vEntryValue = vEntryValues[i];
FileHandle_t hAsset = FileSystem()->Open(vEntryValue.m_svEntryPath.c_str(), "rb", "GAME");
if (!hAsset)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to open '%s' (insufficient rights?)\n", __FUNCTION__, vEntryValue.m_svEntryPath.c_str());
const char* szDestPath = (vEntryValue.m_svEntryPath.c_str() + svWorkspace.length());
uint32_t nLen = FileSystem()->Size(hAsset);
uint8_t* pBuf = MemAllocSingleton()->Alloc<uint8_t>(nLen);
FileSystem()->Read(pBuf, nLen, hAsset);
FileSystem()->Seek(hAsset, 0, FileSystemSeek_t::FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "Packing entry '%zu' ('%s')\n", i, szDestPath);
vEntryBlocks.push_back(VPKEntryBlock_t(pBuf, nLen, FileSystem()->Tell(hPackFile), vEntryValue.m_iPreloadSize, 0, vEntryValue.m_nLoadFlags, vEntryValue.m_nTextureFlags, szDestPath));
VPKEntryBlock_t& vEntryBlock = vEntryBlocks[i];
for (size_t j = 0, es = vEntryBlock.m_vFragments.size(); j < es; j++)
VPKChunkDescriptor_t& vDescriptor = vEntryBlock.m_vFragments[j];
FileSystem()->Read(pEntryBuffer, int(vDescriptor.m_nCompressedSize), hAsset);
vDescriptor.m_nPackFileOffset = FileSystem()->Tell(hPackFile);
if (vEntryValue.m_bUseDataSharing)
string svEntryHash = sha1(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pEntryBuffer), vDescriptor.m_nUncompressedSize));
auto p = m_mChunkHashMap.insert({ svEntryHash, vDescriptor });
if (!p.second) // Map to existing chunk to avoid having copies of the same data.
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "Mapping chunk '%zu' ('%s') to existing chunk at '0x%llx'\n", j, svEntryHash.c_str(), p.first->second.m_nPackFileOffset);
vDescriptor = p.first->second;
nSharedTotal += vDescriptor.m_nCompressedSize;
if (vEntryValue.m_bUseCompression)
lzham_compress_status_t lzCompStatus = lzham_compress_memory(&m_lzCompParams, pEntryBuffer, &vDescriptor.m_nCompressedSize, pEntryBuffer,
vDescriptor.m_nUncompressedSize, nullptr);
if (lzCompStatus != lzham_compress_status_t::LZHAM_COMP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Status '%d' for chunk '%zu' within entry '%zu' in block '%hu' (chunk packed without compression)\n",
lzCompStatus, j, i, vEntryBlocks[i].m_iPackFileIndex);
vDescriptor.m_nCompressedSize = vDescriptor.m_nUncompressedSize;
else // Write data uncompressed.
vDescriptor.m_nCompressedSize = vDescriptor.m_nUncompressedSize;
vDescriptor.m_bIsCompressed = vDescriptor.m_nCompressedSize != vDescriptor.m_nUncompressedSize;
FileSystem()->Write(pEntryBuffer, int(vDescriptor.m_nCompressedSize), hPackFile);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Build block totaling '%zu' bytes with '%zu' shared bytes among '%lu' chunks\n", FileSystem()->Tell(hPackFile), nSharedTotal, nSharedCount);
VPKDir_t vDirectory;
vDirectory.BuildDirectoryFile(svBuildPath + vPair.m_svDirectoryName, vEntryBlocks);
// Purpose: rebuilds manifest and extracts all files from specified VPK file
// Input : &vDirectory -
// &svWorkspace -
void CPackedStore::UnpackWorkspace(const VPKDir_t& vDirectory, const string& svWorkspace)
if (vDirectory.m_vHeader.m_nHeaderMarker != VPK_HEADER_MARKER ||
vDirectory.m_vHeader.m_nMajorVersion != VPK_MAJOR_VERSION ||
vDirectory.m_vHeader.m_nMinorVersion != VPK_MINOR_VERSION)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "Unsupported VPK directory file (invalid header criteria)\n");
uint8_t* pDestBuffer = MemAllocSingleton()->Alloc<uint8_t>(ENTRY_MAX_LEN);
uint8_t* pSourceBuffer = MemAllocSingleton()->Alloc<uint8_t>(ENTRY_MAX_LEN);
if (!pDestBuffer || !pSourceBuffer)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to allocate memory for entry buffer!\n", __FUNCTION__);
BuildManifest(vDirectory.m_vEntryBlocks, svWorkspace, GetLevelName(vDirectory.m_svDirectoryPath));
const string svPath = RemoveFileName(vDirectory.m_svDirectoryPath) + '/';
for (size_t i = 0, fs = vDirectory.m_vPackFile.size(); i < fs; i++)
const string svPackFile = svPath + vDirectory.m_vPackFile[i];
// Read from each pack file.
FileHandle_t hPackFile = FileSystem()->Open(svPackFile.c_str(), "rb", "GAME");
if (!hPackFile)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to open '%s' (insufficient rights?)\n", __FUNCTION__, svPackFile.c_str());
for (size_t j = 0, es = vDirectory.m_vEntryBlocks.size(); j < es; j++)
const VPKEntryBlock_t& vEntryBlock = vDirectory.m_vEntryBlocks[j];
if (vEntryBlock.m_iPackFileIndex != static_cast<uint16_t>(i))
else // Chunk belongs to this block.
string svFilePath;
CreateDirectories(svWorkspace + vEntryBlock.m_svEntryPath, &svFilePath);
FileHandle_t hAsset = FileSystem()->Open(svFilePath.c_str(), "wb", "GAME");
if (!hAsset)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to write to '%s' (read-only?)\n", __FUNCTION__, svFilePath.c_str());
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "Unpacking entry '%zu' from block '%zu' ('%s')\n", j, i, vEntryBlock.m_svEntryPath.c_str());
for (size_t k = 0, cs = vEntryBlock.m_vFragments.size(); k < cs; k++)
const VPKChunkDescriptor_t& vChunk = vEntryBlock.m_vFragments[k];
FileSystem()->Seek(hPackFile, int(vChunk.m_nPackFileOffset), FileSystemSeek_t::FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD);
FileSystem()->Read(pSourceBuffer, int(vChunk.m_nCompressedSize), hPackFile);
if (vChunk.m_bIsCompressed)
size_t nDstLen = ENTRY_MAX_LEN;
assert(vChunk.m_nCompressedSize <= nDstLen);
if (vChunk.m_nCompressedSize > nDstLen)
break; // Corrupt or invalid chunk descriptor.
lzham_decompress_status_t lzDecompStatus = lzham_decompress_memory(&m_lzDecompParams, pDestBuffer,
&nDstLen, pSourceBuffer, vChunk.m_nCompressedSize, nullptr);
if (lzDecompStatus != lzham_decompress_status_t::LZHAM_DECOMP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "Status '%d' for chunk '%zu' within entry '%zu' in block '%hu' (chunk not decompressed)\n",
lzDecompStatus, m_nChunkCount, i, vEntryBlock.m_iPackFileIndex);
else // If successfully decompressed, write to file.
FileSystem()->Write(pDestBuffer, int(nDstLen), hAsset);
else // If not compressed, write source data into output file.
FileSystem()->Write(pSourceBuffer, int(vChunk.m_nUncompressedSize), hAsset);
if (m_nChunkCount == vEntryBlock.m_vFragments.size()) // Only validate after last entry in block had been written.
m_nChunkCount = NULL;
ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(svFilePath, vEntryBlock.m_nFileCRC);
// Purpose: 'VPKKeyValues_t' memory constructor
// Input : &svEntryPath -
// iPreloadSize -
// nLoadFlags -
// nTextureFlags -
// bUseCompression -
// bUseDataSharing -
VPKKeyValues_t::VPKKeyValues_t(const string& svEntryPath, uint16_t iPreloadSize, uint32_t nLoadFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, bool bUseCompression, bool bUseDataSharing)
m_svEntryPath = svEntryPath;
m_iPreloadSize = iPreloadSize;
m_nLoadFlags = nLoadFlags;
m_nTextureFlags = nTextureFlags;
m_bUseCompression = bUseCompression;
m_bUseDataSharing = bUseDataSharing;
// Purpose: 'VPKEntryBlock_t' file constructor
// Input : hDirectoryFile -
// &svEntryPath -
VPKEntryBlock_t::VPKEntryBlock_t(FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile, const string& svEntryPath)
m_svEntryPath = svEntryPath; // Set the entry path.
StringReplace(m_svEntryPath, "\\", "/"); // Flip windows-style backslash to forward slash.
StringReplace(m_svEntryPath, " /", ""); // Remove space character representing VPK root.
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nFileCRC, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_iPreloadSize, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_iPackFileIndex, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile); //
uint16_t nMarker = 0;
do // Loop through all chunks in the entry and add to list.
VPKChunkDescriptor_t entry(hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Read(&nMarker, sizeof(nMarker), hDirectoryFile);
} while (nMarker != static_cast<uint16_t>(PACKFILEINDEX_END));
// Purpose: 'VPKEntryBlock_t' memory constructor
// Input : *pData -
// nLen
// nOffset -
// iPreloadSize -
// iPackFileIndex -
// nLoadFlags -
// nTextureFlags -
// &svEntryPath -
VPKEntryBlock_t::VPKEntryBlock_t(const uint8_t* pData, size_t nLen, int64_t nOffset, uint16_t iPreloadSize,
uint16_t iPackFileIndex, uint32_t nLoadFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, const string& svEntryPath)
m_nFileCRC = crc32::update(NULL, pData, nLen);
m_iPreloadSize = iPreloadSize;
m_iPackFileIndex = iPackFileIndex;
m_svEntryPath = svEntryPath;
size_t nFragmentCount = (nLen + ENTRY_MAX_LEN - 1) / ENTRY_MAX_LEN;
size_t nFileSize = nLen;
int64_t nCurrentOffset = nOffset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nFragmentCount; i++) // Fragment data into 1 MiB chunks.
size_t nSize = std::min<uint64_t>(ENTRY_MAX_LEN, nFileSize);
nFileSize -= nSize;
m_vFragments.push_back(VPKChunkDescriptor_t(nLoadFlags, nTextureFlags, nCurrentOffset, nSize, nSize));
nCurrentOffset += nSize;
// Purpose: 'VPKChunkDescriptor_t' file constructor
// Input : hDirectoryFile -
VPKChunkDescriptor_t::VPKChunkDescriptor_t(FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile)
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nLoadFlags, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nTextureFlags, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nPackFileOffset, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirectoryFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nCompressedSize, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirectoryFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nUncompressedSize, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirectoryFile); //
m_bIsCompressed = (m_nCompressedSize != m_nUncompressedSize);
// Purpose: 'VPKChunkDescriptor_t' memory constructor
// Input : nLoadFlags -
// nTextureFlags -
// nArchiveOffset -
// nCompressedSize -
// nUncompressedSize -
VPKChunkDescriptor_t::VPKChunkDescriptor_t(uint32_t nLoadFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags,
uint64_t nPackFileOffset, uint64_t nCompressedSize, uint64_t nUncompressedSize)
m_nLoadFlags = nLoadFlags;
m_nTextureFlags = nTextureFlags;
m_nPackFileOffset = nPackFileOffset;
m_nCompressedSize = nCompressedSize;
m_nUncompressedSize = nUncompressedSize;
m_bIsCompressed = (m_nCompressedSize != m_nUncompressedSize);
// Purpose: builds a valid file name for the VPK
// Input : svLanguage -
// svTarget -
// &svLevel -
// nPatch -
// Output : a vpk file pair (block and directory file names)
VPKPair_t::VPKPair_t(string svLanguage, string svTarget, const string& svLevel, int nPatch)
if (std::find(DIR_LOCALE.begin(), DIR_LOCALE.end(), svLanguage) == DIR_LOCALE.end())
svLanguage = DIR_LOCALE[0];
if (std::find(DIR_TARGET.begin(), DIR_TARGET.end(), svTarget) == DIR_TARGET.end())
svTarget = DIR_TARGET[0];
m_svPackName = Format("%s_%s.bsp.pak000_%03d.vpk", svTarget.c_str(), svLevel.c_str(), nPatch);
m_svDirectoryName = Format("%s%s_%s.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk", svLanguage.c_str(), svTarget.c_str(), svLevel.c_str());
// Purpose: 'VPKDir_t' file constructor
// Input : &svPath -
VPKDir_t::VPKDir_t(const string& svDirectoryPath)
// Purpose: 'VPKDir_t' file constructor with sanitation
// Input : svDirectoryName -
// bSanitizeName - retrieve the directory file name from block name
// Output : VPKDir_t
VPKDir_t::VPKDir_t(const string& svDirectoryPath, bool bSanitizeName)
if (!bSanitizeName)
std::smatch smRegexMatches;
std::regex_search(svDirectoryPath, smRegexMatches, BLOCK_REGEX);
if (smRegexMatches.empty())
string svSanitizedName = svDirectoryPath;
StringReplace(svSanitizedName, smRegexMatches[0], "pak000_dir");
bool bHasLocale = false;
for (const string& svLocale : DIR_LOCALE)
if (svSanitizedName.find(svLocale) != string::npos)
bHasLocale = true;
if (!bHasLocale) // Only sanitize if no locale was provided.
string svPackDirPrefix;
for (const string& svTarget : DIR_TARGET)
if (svSanitizedName.find(svTarget) != string::npos)
StringReplace(svSanitizedName, svTarget, svPackDirPrefix);
// Purpose: 'VPKDir_t' file constructor
// Input : &svDirectoryPath -
void VPKDir_t::Init(const string& svDirectoryPath)
// Create stream to read from each pack file.
FileHandle_t hDirectory = FileSystem()->Open(svDirectoryPath.c_str(), "rb", "GAME");
if (!hDirectory)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to open '%s' (insufficient rights?)\n", __FUNCTION__, svDirectoryPath.c_str());
FileSystem()->Read(&m_vHeader.m_nHeaderMarker, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectory);
FileSystem()->Read(&m_vHeader.m_nMajorVersion, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectory); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_vHeader.m_nMinorVersion, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectory); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectory); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_vHeader.m_nSignatureSize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectory); //
m_vEntryBlocks = g_pPackedStore->GetEntryBlocks(hDirectory);
m_svDirectoryPath = svDirectoryPath; // Set path to vpk directory file.
m_nPackFileCount = 0;
for (VPKEntryBlock_t vEntry : m_vEntryBlocks)
if (vEntry.m_iPackFileIndex > m_nPackFileCount)
m_nPackFileCount = vEntry.m_iPackFileIndex;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < m_nPackFileCount + 1; i++)
string svPackPath = GetPackFile(svDirectoryPath, i);
// Purpose: formats pack file path for specific directory file
// Input : &svDirectoryPath -
// iPackFileIndex -
// output : string
string VPKDir_t::GetPackFile(const string& svDirectoryPath, uint16_t iPackFileIndex) const
string svPackChunkName = StripLocalePrefix(svDirectoryPath);
string svPackChunkIndex = Format("pak000_%03d", iPackFileIndex);
StringReplace(svPackChunkName, "pak000_dir", svPackChunkIndex);
return svPackChunkName;
// Purpose: strips locale prefix from file path
// Input : &svDirectoryPath -
// Output : directory filename without locale prefix
string VPKDir_t::StripLocalePrefix(const string& svDirectoryPath) const
string svFileName = GetFileName(svDirectoryPath);
for (const string& svLocale : DIR_LOCALE)
if (svFileName.find(svLocale) != string::npos)
StringReplace(svFileName, svLocale, "");
return svFileName;
// Purpose: writes the vpk directory header
// Input : hDirectoryFile -
void VPKDir_t::WriteHeader(FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile) const
FileSystem()->Write(&m_vHeader.m_nHeaderMarker, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&m_vHeader.m_nMajorVersion, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&m_vHeader.m_nMinorVersion, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&m_vHeader.m_nSignatureSize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
// Purpose: writes the directory tree size
// Input : hDirectoryFile -
void VPKDir_t::WriteTreeSize(FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile) const
FileSystem()->Seek(hDirectoryFile, offsetof(VPKDir_t, m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize), FileSystemSeek_t::FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD);
FileSystem()->Write(&m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_SEP, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
// Purpose: writes the vpk chunk descriptors
// Input : hDirectoryFile -
// &vMap -
// Output : number of descriptors written
uint64_t VPKDir_t::WriteDescriptor(FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile, std::map<string, std::map<string, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>>& vMap) const
uint64_t nDescriptors = NULL;
for (auto& iKeyValue : vMap)
FileSystem()->Write(iKeyValue.first.c_str(), int(iKeyValue.first.length() + 1), hDirectoryFile);
for (auto& jKeyValue : iKeyValue.second)
FileSystem()->Write(jKeyValue.first.c_str(), int(jKeyValue.first.length() + 1), hDirectoryFile);
for (auto& vEntry : jKeyValue.second)
string pszEntryPath = GetFileName(vEntry.m_svEntryPath, true);
FileSystem()->Write(pszEntryPath.c_str(), int(pszEntryPath.length() + 1), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&vEntry.m_nFileCRC, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&vEntry.m_iPreloadSize, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&vEntry.m_iPackFileIndex, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
for (size_t i = 0, nc = vEntry.m_vFragments.size(); i < nc; i++)
/*Write chunk descriptor*/
const VPKChunkDescriptor_t* pDescriptor = &vEntry.m_vFragments[i];
FileSystem()->Write(&pDescriptor->m_nLoadFlags, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&pDescriptor->m_nTextureFlags, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&pDescriptor->m_nPackFileOffset, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&pDescriptor->m_nCompressedSize, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&pDescriptor->m_nUncompressedSize, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirectoryFile);
if (i != (nc - 1))
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_SEP, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
else // Mark end of entry.
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_END, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_SEP, sizeof(uint8_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_SEP, sizeof(uint8_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_SEP, sizeof(uint8_t), hDirectoryFile);
return nDescriptors;
// Purpose: builds the vpk directory tree
// Input : &vEntryBlocks -
// &vMap -
void VPKDir_t::BuildDirectoryTree(const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vEntryBlocks, std::map<string, std::map<string, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>>& vMap) const
for (const VPKEntryBlock_t& vBlock : vEntryBlocks)
string svExtension = GetExtension(vBlock.m_svEntryPath);
string svFilePath = RemoveFileName(vBlock.m_svEntryPath);
if (svFilePath.empty())
svFilePath = ' '; // Has to be padded with a space character if empty [root].
if (!vMap.count(svExtension))
vMap.insert({ svExtension, std::map<string, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>() });
if (!vMap[svExtension].count(svFilePath))
vMap[svExtension].insert({ svFilePath, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>() });
// Purpose: builds the vpk directory file
// Input : &svDirectoryPath -
// &vEntryBlocks -
void VPKDir_t::BuildDirectoryFile(const string& svDirectoryPath, const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vEntryBlocks)
FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile = FileSystem()->Open(svDirectoryPath.c_str(), "wb", "GAME");
if (!hDirectoryFile)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to write to '%s' (read-only?)\n", __FUNCTION__, svDirectoryPath.c_str());
auto vMap = std::map<string, std::map<string, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>>();
BuildDirectoryTree(vEntryBlocks, vMap);
uint64_t nDescriptors = WriteDescriptor(hDirectoryFile, vMap);
m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize = static_cast<uint32_t>(FileSystem()->Tell(hDirectoryFile) - sizeof(VPKDirHeader_t));
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Build directory totaling '%zu' bytes with '%zu' entries and '%zu' descriptors\n",
size_t(sizeof(VPKDirHeader_t) + m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize), vEntryBlocks.size(), nDescriptors);
// Singleton
CPackedStore* g_pPackedStore = new CPackedStore();