Kawe Mazidjatari b62cf7c017 Add support for .vpkignore file
Folders can be globally excluded using the '.vpkignore' file (placed in the workspace root).
To exclude specific files, use the manifest file.
2022-06-06 23:08:53 +02:00

828 lines
30 KiB

* ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗ ██╗██████╗ ██╗ ██╗ ██╗ ██╗██████╗ *
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#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "tier1/cvar.h"
#include "mathlib/adler32.h"
#include "mathlib/crc32.h"
#include "mathlib/sha1.h"
#include "vpklib/packedstore.h"
// Purpose: initialize parameters for compression algorithm
void CPackedStore::InitLzCompParams(void)
/*| PARAMETERS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
m_lzCompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = VPK_DICT_SIZE;
m_lzCompParams.m_level = lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_UBER;
m_lzCompParams.m_compress_flags = lzham_compress_flags::LZHAM_COMP_FLAG_DETERMINISTIC_PARSING | lzham_compress_flags::LZHAM_COMP_FLAG_TRADEOFF_DECOMPRESSION_RATE_FOR_COMP_RATIO;
m_lzCompParams.m_max_helper_threads = -1;
// Purpose: initialize parameters for decompression algorithm
void CPackedStore::InitLzDecompParams(void)
/*| PARAMETERS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
m_lzDecompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = VPK_DICT_SIZE;
m_lzDecompParams.m_decompress_flags = lzham_decompress_flags::LZHAM_DECOMP_FLAG_OUTPUT_UNBUFFERED | lzham_decompress_flags::LZHAM_DECOMP_FLAG_COMPUTE_CRC32;
m_lzDecompParams.m_struct_size = sizeof(lzham_decompress_params);
// Purpose: gets a directory structure for sepcified file
// Input : svPackDirFile -
// Output : VPKDir_t
VPKDir_t CPackedStore::GetDirectoryFile(string svPackDirFile) const
/*| PACKDIRFILE |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
std::regex rgArchiveRegex("pak000_([0-9]{3})");
std::smatch smRegexMatches;
std::regex_search(svPackDirFile, smRegexMatches, rgArchiveRegex);
if (smRegexMatches.size() != 0)
StringReplace(svPackDirFile, smRegexMatches[0], "pak000_dir");
for (size_t i = 0; i < DIR_LOCALE.size(); i++)
if (strstr(svPackDirFile.c_str(), DIR_CONTEXT[i].c_str()))
for (size_t j = 0; j < DIR_CONTEXT.size(); j++)
if (strstr(svPackDirFile.c_str(), DIR_CONTEXT[j].c_str()))
string svPackDirPrefix = DIR_LOCALE[i] + DIR_LOCALE[i];
StringReplace(svPackDirFile, DIR_LOCALE[i].c_str(), svPackDirPrefix.c_str());
goto escape;
VPKDir_t vDir(svPackDirFile);
return vDir;
// Purpose: formats pack file path for specific directory file
// Input : &svPackDirFile -
// iArchiveIndex -
// output : string
string CPackedStore::GetPackFile(const string& svPackDirFile, uint16_t iArchiveIndex) const
/*| ARCHIVES ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
string svPackChunkFile = StripLocalePrefix(svPackDirFile);
ostringstream oss;
oss << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << iArchiveIndex;
string svPackChunkIndex = "pak000_" + oss.str();
StringReplace(svPackChunkFile, "pak000_dir", svPackChunkIndex);
return svPackChunkFile;
// Purpose: obtains and returns the entry block to the vector
// Input : *pReader -
// output : vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> CPackedStore::GetEntryBlocks(CIOStream* pReader) const
/*| ENTRYBLOCKS |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
string svName, svPath, svExtension;
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> vBlocks;
while (!(svExtension = pReader->ReadString()).empty())
while (!(svPath = pReader->ReadString()).empty())
while (!(svName = pReader->ReadString()).empty())
string svFilePath = FormatEntryPath(svPath, svName, svExtension);
vBlocks.push_back(VPKEntryBlock_t(pReader, svFilePath));
return vBlocks;
// Purpose: scans the input directory and returns the paths to the vector
// Input : &svPathIn -
// Output : vector<string>
vector<string> CPackedStore::GetEntryPaths(const string& svPathIn) const
vector<string> vPaths;
vector<string> vIgnore = GetIgnoreList(svPathIn);
fs::recursive_directory_iterator dir(svPathIn), end;
while (dir != end)
if (std::find(vIgnore.begin(), vIgnore.end(), dir->path().filename()) != vIgnore.end())
dir.disable_recursion_pending(); // Skip all ignored folders.
if (!GetExtension(dir->path().u8string()).empty())
return vPaths;
// Purpose: scans the input directory and returns the paths to the vector if path exists in manifest
// Input : &svPathIn -
// &jManifest -
// Output : vector<string>
vector<string> CPackedStore::GetEntryPaths(const string& svPathIn, const nlohmann::json& jManifest) const
vector<string> vPaths;
vector<string> vIgnore = GetIgnoreList(svPathIn);
fs::recursive_directory_iterator dir(svPathIn), end;
while (dir != end)
if (std::find(vIgnore.begin(), vIgnore.end(), dir->path().filename()) != vIgnore.end())
dir.disable_recursion_pending(); // Skip all ignored folders.
if (!GetExtension(dir->path().u8string()).empty())
if (!jManifest.is_null())
string svBlockPath = ConvertToUnixPath(dir->path().u8string());
if (jManifest.contains(StringReplaceC(svBlockPath, svPathIn, "")))
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Exception while reading VPK manifest file: '%s'\n", ex.what());
return vPaths;
// Purpose: gets the parts of the directory file name (1 = locale + context, 2 = levelname)
// Input : &svDirectoryName -
// nCaptureGroup -
// Output : string
string CPackedStore::GetNameParts(const string& svDirectoryName, int nCaptureGroup) const
std::regex rgArchiveRegex{ R"((?:.*\/)?([^_]*_)(.*)(.bsp.pak000_dir).*)" };
std::smatch smRegexMatches;
std::regex_search(svDirectoryName, smRegexMatches, rgArchiveRegex);
return smRegexMatches[nCaptureGroup].str();
// Purpose: gets the source of the directory file name
// Input : &svDirectoryName -
// Output : string
string CPackedStore::GetSourceName(const string& svDirectoryName) const
std::regex rgArchiveRegex{ R"((?:.*\/)?([^_]*_)(.*)(.bsp.pak000_dir).*)" };
std::smatch smRegexMatches;
std::regex_search(svDirectoryName, smRegexMatches, rgArchiveRegex);
return smRegexMatches[1].str() + smRegexMatches[2].str();
// Purpose: gets the manifest file assosiated with the VPK name
// Input : &svWorkSpace -
// &svManifestName -
// Output : json
nlohmann::json CPackedStore::GetManifest(const string& svWorkSpace, const string& svManifestName) const
ostringstream ostream;
ostream << svWorkSpace << "manifest/" << svManifestName << ".json";
fs::path fsPath = fs::current_path() /= ostream.str();
nlohmann::json jsOut;
if (fs::exists(fsPath))
ifstream iManifest(fsPath.string().c_str(), std::ios::binary);
jsOut = nlohmann::json::parse(iManifest);
return jsOut;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Exception while parsing VPK manifest file: '%s'\n", ex.what());
return jsOut;
return jsOut;
// Purpose: gets the contents from the global ignore list (.vpkignore)
// Input : &svWorkSpace -
// Output : vector<string>
vector<string> CPackedStore::GetIgnoreList(const string& svWorkSpace) const
fs::path fsIgnore = svWorkSpace + ".vpkignore";
ifstream iStream(fsIgnore);
vector<string> vIgnore;
if (iStream)
string svIgnore;
while (std::getline(iStream, svIgnore))
string::size_type nPos = svIgnore.find("//");
if (nPos == string::npos)
if (!svIgnore.empty() && std::find(vIgnore.begin(), vIgnore.end(), svIgnore) == vIgnore.end())
return vIgnore;
// Purpose: formats the file entry path
// Input : svPath -
// &svName -
// &svExtension -
// Output : string
string CPackedStore::FormatEntryPath(string svPath, const string& svName, const string& svExtension) const
if (!svPath.empty())
svPath += '/';
return svPath + svName + '.' + svExtension;
// Purpose: strips locale prefix from file path
// Input : &svDirectoryFile -
// Output : string
string CPackedStore::StripLocalePrefix(const string& svDirectoryFile) const
fs::path fsDirectoryFile(svDirectoryFile);
string svFileName = fsDirectoryFile.filename().u8string();
for (size_t i = 0; i < DIR_LOCALE.size(); i++)
if (strstr(svFileName.c_str(), DIR_LOCALE[i].c_str()))
StringReplace(svFileName, DIR_LOCALE[i].c_str(), "");
return svFileName;
// Purpose: builds a valid file name for the VPK
// Input : svLanguage -
// svContext -
// &svPakName -
// nPatch -
// Output : VPKPair_t
VPKPair_t CPackedStore::BuildFileName(string svLanguage, string svContext, const string& svPakName, int nPatch) const
if (std::find(DIR_LOCALE.begin(), DIR_LOCALE.end(), svLanguage) == DIR_LOCALE.end())
svLanguage = DIR_LOCALE[0];
if (std::find(DIR_CONTEXT.begin(), DIR_CONTEXT.end(), svContext) == DIR_CONTEXT.end())
svContext = DIR_CONTEXT[0];
VPKPair_t vPair;
vPair.m_svBlockName = fmt::format("{:s}_{:s}.bsp.pak000_{:03d}{:s}", svContext, svPakName, nPatch, ".vpk");
vPair.m_svDirectoryName = fmt::format("{:s}{:s}_{:s}.bsp.pak000_{:s}", svLanguage, svContext, svPakName, "dir.vpk");
return vPair;
// Purpose: builds the VPK manifest file
// Input : &vBlock -
// &svWorkSpace -
// &svManifestName -
void CPackedStore::BuildManifest(const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vBlock, const string& svWorkSpace, const string& svManifestName) const
nlohmann::json jEntry;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vBlock.size(); i++)
jEntry[vBlock[i].m_svEntryPath] =
{ "preloadSize", vBlock[i].m_iPreloadSize },
{ "LoadFlags", vBlock[i].m_vChunks[0].m_nLoadFlags },
{ "textureFlags", vBlock[i].m_vChunks[0].m_nTextureFlags },
{ "useCompression", vBlock[i].m_vChunks[0].m_nCompressedSize != vBlock[i].m_vChunks[0].m_nUncompressedSize },
{ "useDataSharing", true }
string svPathOut = svWorkSpace + "manifest/";
ofstream oManifest(svPathOut + svManifestName + ".json");
oManifest << jEntry.dump(4);
// Purpose: validates extraction result with precomputed ADLER32 hash
// Input : &svAssetFile -
void CPackedStore::ValidateAdler32PostDecomp(const string& svAssetFile)
CIOStream reader(svAssetFile, CIOStream::Mode_t::READ);
m_nAdler32 = adler32::update(NULL, reader.GetData(), reader.GetSize());
if (m_nAdler32 != m_nAdler32_Internal)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Computed checksum '0x%lX' doesn't match expected checksum '0x%lX'. File may be corrupt!\n", m_nAdler32, m_nAdler32_Internal);
m_nAdler32 = NULL;
m_nAdler32_Internal = NULL;
// Purpose: validates extraction result with precomputed CRC32 hash
// Input : &svAssetFile -
void CPackedStore::ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(const string& svAssetFile)
CIOStream reader(svAssetFile, CIOStream::Mode_t::READ);
m_nCrc32 = crc32::update(NULL, reader.GetData(), reader.GetSize());
if (m_nCrc32 != m_nCrc32_Internal)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Computed checksum '0x%lX' doesn't match expected checksum '0x%lX'. File may be corrupt!\n", m_nCrc32, m_nCrc32_Internal);
m_nCrc32 = NULL;
m_nCrc32_Internal = NULL;
// Purpose: packs all files from specified path into VPK file
// Input : &vPair -
// &svPathIn -
// &svPathOut -
// bManifestOnly -
void CPackedStore::PackAll(const VPKPair_t& vPair, const string& svPathIn, const string& svPathOut, bool bManifestOnly)
CIOStream writer(svPathOut + vPair.m_svBlockName, CIOStream::Mode_t::WRITE);
vector<string> vPaths;
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> vEntryBlocks;
nlohmann::json jManifest = GetManifest(svPathIn, GetSourceName(vPair.m_svDirectoryName));
if (bManifestOnly)
vPaths = GetEntryPaths(svPathIn, jManifest);
else // Pack all files in workspace.
vPaths = GetEntryPaths(svPathIn);
uint64_t nSharedTotal = 0i64;
uint32_t nSharedCount = 0i32;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vPaths.size(); i++)
CIOStream reader(vPaths[i], CIOStream::Mode_t::READ);
if (reader.IsReadable())
string svDestPath = StringReplaceC(vPaths[i], svPathIn, "");
uint16_t iPreloadSize = 0i16;
uint32_t nLoadFlags = static_cast<uint32_t>(EPackedLoadFlags::LOAD_VISIBLE) | static_cast<uint32_t>(EPackedLoadFlags::LOAD_CACHE);
uint16_t nTextureFlags = static_cast<uint16_t>(EPackedTextureFlags::TEXTURE_DEFAULT); // !TODO: Reverse these.
bool bUseCompression = true;
bool bUseDataSharing = true;
if (!jManifest.is_null())
nlohmann::json jEntry = jManifest[svDestPath];
if (!jEntry.is_null())
iPreloadSize = jEntry.at("preloadSize").get<uint32_t>();
nLoadFlags = jEntry.at("loadFlags").get<uint32_t>();
nTextureFlags = jEntry.at("textureFlags").get<uint16_t>();
bUseCompression = jEntry.at("useCompression").get<bool>();
bUseDataSharing = jEntry.at("useDataSharing").get<bool>();
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Exception while reading VPK manifest file: '%s'\n", ex.what());
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "Packing entry '%llu' ('%s')\n", i, svDestPath.c_str());
vEntryBlocks.push_back(VPKEntryBlock_t(reader.GetVector(), writer.GetPosition(), iPreloadSize, 0, nLoadFlags, nTextureFlags, svDestPath));
for (size_t j = 0; j < vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks.size(); j++)
uint8_t* pSrc = new uint8_t[vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nUncompressedSize];
uint8_t* pDest = new uint8_t[vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nUncompressedSize];
bool bShared = false;
bool bCompressed = bUseCompression;
reader.Read(*pSrc, vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nUncompressedSize);
vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nArchiveOffset = writer.GetPosition();
if (bUseCompression)
m_lzCompStatus = lzham_compress_memory(&m_lzCompParams, pDest,
&vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nCompressedSize, pSrc,
vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nUncompressedSize, &m_nAdler32_Internal, &m_nCrc32_Internal);
if (m_lzCompStatus != lzham_compress_status_t::LZHAM_COMP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Status '%d' for chunk '%llu' within entry '%llu' in block '%hu' (chunk packed without compression)\n",
m_lzCompStatus, j, i, vEntryBlocks[i].m_iPackFileIndex);
vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nCompressedSize = vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nUncompressedSize;
memmove(pDest, pSrc, vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nUncompressedSize);
else // Write data uncompressed.
vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nCompressedSize = vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nUncompressedSize;
memmove(pDest, pSrc, vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nUncompressedSize);
vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_bIsCompressed = vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nCompressedSize != vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nUncompressedSize;
if (bUseDataSharing)
string svEntryHash = sha1(string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(pDest), vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nCompressedSize));
if (auto it{ m_mChunkHashMap.find(svEntryHash) }; it != std::end(m_mChunkHashMap))
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "Mapping chunk '%lld' ('%s') to existing chunk at '0x%llx'\n", j, svEntryHash.c_str(), it->second.m_nArchiveOffset);
vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nArchiveOffset = it->second.m_nArchiveOffset;
nSharedTotal += it->second.m_nCompressedSize;
bShared = true;
else // Add entry to hashmap.
m_mChunkHashMap.insert({ svEntryHash, vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j] });
bShared = false;
if (!bShared)
writer.Write(pDest, vEntryBlocks[i].m_vChunks[j].m_nCompressedSize);
delete[] pDest;
delete[] pSrc;
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Build block totalling '%llu' bytes with '%llu' shared bytes among '%lu' chunks\n", writer.GetPosition(), nSharedTotal, nSharedCount);
VPKDir_t vDir = VPKDir_t();
vDir.Build(svPathOut + vPair.m_svDirectoryName, vEntryBlocks);
// Purpose: extracts all files from specified VPK file
// Input : &vDir -
// &svPathOut -
void CPackedStore::UnpackAll(const VPKDir_t& vDir, const string& svPathOut)
if (vDir.m_vHeader.m_nHeaderMarker != VPK_HEADER_MARKER ||
vDir.m_vHeader.m_nMajorVersion != VPK_MAJOR_VERSION ||
vDir.m_vHeader.m_nMinorVersion != VPK_MINOR_VERSION)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, "Invalid VPK directory file (header doesn't match criteria)\n");
BuildManifest(vDir.m_vEntryBlocks, svPathOut, GetSourceName(vDir.m_svDirPath));
for (size_t i = 0; i < vDir.m_vPackFile.size(); i++)
fs::path fspVpkPath(vDir.m_svDirPath);
string svPath = fspVpkPath.parent_path().u8string() + '\\' + vDir.m_vPackFile[i];
CIOStream iStream(svPath, CIOStream::Mode_t::READ); // Create stream to read from each archive.
for ( size_t j = 0; j < vDir.m_vEntryBlocks.size(); j++)
if (vDir.m_vEntryBlocks[j].m_iPackFileIndex != static_cast<uint16_t>(i))
goto escape;
else // Chunk belongs to this block.
string svFilePath = CreateDirectories(svPathOut + vDir.m_vEntryBlocks[j].m_svEntryPath);
CIOStream oStream(svFilePath, CIOStream::Mode_t::WRITE);
if (!oStream.IsWritable())
Error(eDLL_T::FS, "Unable to write file '%s'\n", svFilePath.c_str());
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "Unpacking entry '%llu' from block '%llu' ('%s')\n", j, i, vDir.m_vEntryBlocks[j].m_svEntryPath.c_str());
for (VPKChunkDescriptor_t vChunk : vDir.m_vEntryBlocks[j].m_vChunks)
uint8_t* pCompressedData = new uint8_t[vChunk.m_nCompressedSize];
iStream.Read(*pCompressedData, vChunk.m_nCompressedSize);
if (vChunk.m_bIsCompressed)
uint8_t* pLzOutputBuf = new uint8_t[vChunk.m_nUncompressedSize];
m_lzDecompStatus = lzham_decompress_memory(&m_lzDecompParams, pLzOutputBuf,
&vChunk.m_nUncompressedSize, pCompressedData,
vChunk.m_nCompressedSize, &m_nAdler32_Internal, &m_nCrc32_Internal);
if (m_lzDecompStatus != lzham_decompress_status_t::LZHAM_DECOMP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, "Status '%d' for chunk '%llu' within entry '%llu' in block '%hu' (- not decompressed)\n",
m_lzDecompStatus, m_nChunkCount, i, vDir.m_vEntryBlocks[j].m_iPackFileIndex);
else // If successfully decompressed, write to file.
oStream.Write(pLzOutputBuf, vChunk.m_nUncompressedSize);
delete[] pLzOutputBuf;
else // If not compressed, write raw data into output file.
oStream.Write(pCompressedData, vChunk.m_nUncompressedSize);
delete[] pCompressedData;
if (m_nChunkCount == vDir.m_vEntryBlocks[j].m_vChunks.size()) // Only validate after last entry in block had been written.
m_nChunkCount = 0;
m_nCrc32_Internal = vDir.m_vEntryBlocks[j].m_nFileCRC;
// Purpose: 'VPKEntryBlock_t' file constructor
// Input : *pReader -
// svEntryPath -
VPKEntryBlock_t::VPKEntryBlock_t(CIOStream* pReader, string svEntryPath)
StringReplace(svEntryPath, "\\", "/"); // Flip windows-style backslash to forward slash.
StringReplace(svEntryPath, " /", "" ); // Remove space character representing VPK root.
this->m_svEntryPath = svEntryPath; // Set the entry path.
pReader->Read<uint32_t>(this->m_nFileCRC); //
pReader->Read<uint16_t>(this->m_iPreloadSize); //
pReader->Read<uint16_t>(this->m_iPackFileIndex); //
do // Loop through all chunks in the entry and push them to the vector.
VPKChunkDescriptor_t entry(pReader);
} while (pReader->Read<uint16_t>() != UINT16_MAX);
// Purpose: 'VPKEntryBlock_t' memory constructor
// Input : &vData -
// nOffset -
// nPreloadSize -
// nArchiveIndex -
// nLoadFlags -
// nTextureFlags -
// &svBlockPath -
VPKEntryBlock_t::VPKEntryBlock_t(const vector<uint8_t> &vData, int64_t nOffset, uint16_t nPreloadSize, uint16_t nArchiveIndex, uint32_t nLoadFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, const string& svEntryPath)
m_nFileCRC = crc32::update(m_nFileCRC, vData.data(), vData.size());
m_iPreloadSize = nPreloadSize;
m_iPackFileIndex = nArchiveIndex;
m_svEntryPath = svEntryPath;
size_t nEntryCount = (vData.size() + ENTRY_MAX_LEN - 1) / ENTRY_MAX_LEN;
size_t nDataSize = vData.size();
int64_t nCurrentOffset = nOffset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nEntryCount; i++) // Fragment data into 1MiB chunks
size_t nSize = std::min<uint64_t>(ENTRY_MAX_LEN, nDataSize);
nDataSize -= nSize;
m_vChunks.push_back(VPKChunkDescriptor_t(nLoadFlags, nTextureFlags, nCurrentOffset, nSize, nSize));
nCurrentOffset += nSize;
// Purpose: 'VPKChunkDescriptor_t' file constructor
// Input : *pReader -
VPKChunkDescriptor_t::VPKChunkDescriptor_t(CIOStream* pReader)
pReader->Read<uint32_t>(this->m_nLoadFlags); //
pReader->Read<uint16_t>(this->m_nTextureFlags); //
pReader->Read<uint64_t>(this->m_nArchiveOffset); //
pReader->Read<uint64_t>(this->m_nCompressedSize); //
pReader->Read<uint64_t>(this->m_nUncompressedSize); //
this->m_bIsCompressed = (this->m_nCompressedSize != this->m_nUncompressedSize);
// Purpose: 'VPKChunkDescriptor_t' memory constructor
// Input : nLoadFlags -
// nTextureFlags -
// nArchiveOffset -
// nCompressedSize -
// nUncompressedSize -
VPKChunkDescriptor_t::VPKChunkDescriptor_t(uint32_t nLoadFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, uint64_t nArchiveOffset, uint64_t nCompressedSize, uint64_t nUncompressedSize)
m_nLoadFlags = nLoadFlags;
m_nTextureFlags = nTextureFlags;
m_nArchiveOffset = nArchiveOffset;
m_nCompressedSize = nCompressedSize;
m_nUncompressedSize = nUncompressedSize;
// Purpose: 'VPKDir_t' file constructor
// Input : &szPath -
VPKDir_t::VPKDir_t(const string& svPath)
CIOStream reader(svPath, CIOStream::Mode_t::READ);
reader.Read<uint16_t>(this->m_vHeader.m_nMajorVersion); //
reader.Read<uint16_t>(this->m_vHeader.m_nMinorVersion); //
reader.Read<uint32_t>(this->m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize); //
reader.Read<uint32_t>(this->m_nFileDataSize); //
this->m_vEntryBlocks = g_pPackedStore->GetEntryBlocks(&reader);
this->m_svDirPath = svPath; // Set path to vpk directory file.
for (VPKEntryBlock_t vEntry : this->m_vEntryBlocks)
if (vEntry.m_iPackFileIndex > this->m_iPackFileCount)
this->m_iPackFileCount = vEntry.m_iPackFileIndex;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < this->m_iPackFileCount + 1; i++)
string svArchivePath = g_pPackedStore->GetPackFile(svPath, i);
// Purpose: builds the vpk directory file
// Input : &svDirectoryFile -
// &vEntryBlocks -
void VPKDir_t::Build(const string& svDirectoryFile, const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vEntryBlocks)
CIOStream writer(svDirectoryFile, CIOStream::Mode_t::WRITE);
auto vMap = std::map<string, std::map<string, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>>();
uint64_t nDescriptors = 0i64;
for (VPKEntryBlock_t vBlock : vEntryBlocks)
string svExtension = GetExtension(vBlock.m_svEntryPath);
string svFilePath = RemoveFileName(vBlock.m_svEntryPath);
if (svFilePath.empty())
svFilePath = ' '; // Has to be padded with a space character if empty [root].
if (!vMap.count(svExtension))
vMap.insert({ svExtension, std::map<string, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>() });
if (!vMap[svExtension].count(svFilePath))
vMap[svExtension].insert({ svFilePath, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>() });
for (auto& iKeyValue : vMap)
for (auto& jKeyValue : iKeyValue.second)
for (auto& vEntry : jKeyValue.second)
writer.WriteString(GetFileName(vEntry.m_svEntryPath, true));
{/*Write entry block*/
for (size_t i = 0; i < vEntry.m_vChunks.size(); i++)
{/*Write chunk descriptor*/
if (i != (vEntry.m_vChunks.size() - 1))
const ushort s = 0;
const ushort s = UINT16_MAX;
m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize = static_cast<uint32_t>(writer.GetPosition() - sizeof(VPKDirHeader_t));
writer.SetPosition(offsetof(VPKDir_t, m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize));
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Build directory totalling '%llu' bytes with '%llu' entries and '%llu' descriptors\n",
sizeof(VPKDirHeader_t) + m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize, vEntryBlocks.size(), nDescriptors);
CPackedStore* g_pPackedStore = new CPackedStore();