Kawe Mazidjatari bb28e160cf Override debug malloc functions and fix bug
* Override debug malloc functions, doesn't seem to be properly supported by the visual studio libraries, but it has to be done, else we crash trying to initialize the DLL (must use the same allocator as the game), a linker flag '/FORCE:MULTIPLE' had to be set to make this work, this should be set for only DEBUG builds in the future!.
* Fixed a bug in '_recalloc_base' where the allocation size was not calculated properly. Only the size was taken into account, but it should had been multiplied by the count.
* Stubbed additional CRT debug only memory debugging code, it will crash on our implementation in debug.
2023-06-29 00:24:22 +02:00

43 lines
1.0 KiB

cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.16 )
add_module( "shared_lib" "PluginSDK" "vpc" ${FOLDER_CONTEXT} TRUE TRUE )
add_sources( SOURCE_GROUP "Core"
end_sources( "${BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR}/bin/x64_retail/plugins/" )
target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
target_link_options( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE
"/STACK:8000000" # Match game executable stack reserve size
# The only reason this has to be done, is because
# the _xxxx_dbg malloc functions could otherwise
# throw a linker error, as they are already defined
# in the CRT library, but there doesn't seem to be
# a standard way to override these, unlike the
# _xxxx_base malloc functions. Since this is only
# relevant for debug builds, this linker flag should
# only be toggled for DEBUG builds!!!