Kawe Mazidjatari 6266549cd7 CEngineAPI::SetStartupInfo rebuild
Full rebuild of assembled function "CEngineAPI::SetStartupInfo". The assembly seems to match original function after rebuild. Does NOT support S1 yet, because TRACEINIT is inline in S1.
2022-11-07 22:25:20 +01:00

30 lines
1.2 KiB

inline CMemory p_TRACEINIT;
inline auto v_TRACEINIT = p_TRACEINIT.RCast<void(*)(void* undef, const char* initfunc, const char* shutdownfunc)>();
class VTraceInit : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
spdlog::debug("| FUN: TRACEINIT : {:#18x} |\n", p_TRACEINIT.GetPtr());
virtual void GetFun(void) const
p_TRACEINIT = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x48\x89\x74\x24\x00\x57\x48\x83\xEC\x20\x48\x8B\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x49\x8B\xF8\x48\x8B\xF2\x48\x85\xC0"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxxxxxx????xxxxxxxxx");
v_TRACEINIT = p_TRACEINIT.RCast<void (*)(void*, const char*, const char*)>(); /*48 89 5C 24 ? 48 89 74 24 ? 57 48 83 EC 20 48 8B 05 ? ? ? ? 49 8B F8 48 8B F2 48 85 C0*/
virtual void GetVar(void) const { }
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Attach(void) const { }
virtual void Detach(void) const { }
#endif // TRACEINIT_H