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synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
Must be converted to actual msecs in floats since 'sv_clockcorrection_msecs' uses msec as base to store the cvar value.
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242 lines
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//======== Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "common/protocol.h"
#include "game/shared/shareddefs.h"
#include "game/shared/usercmd.h"
#include "game/server/movehelper_server.h"
#include "gameinterface.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "engine/server/server.h"
// Purpose: executes a null command for this player
void CPlayer::RunNullCommand(void)
CUserCmd cmd;
float flOldFrameTime = (*g_pGlobals)->m_flFrameTime;
float flOldCurTime = (*g_pGlobals)->m_flCurTime;
cmd.frametime = flOldFrameTime;
cmd.command_time = flOldCurTime;
pl.fixangle = FIXANGLE_NONE;
PlayerRunCommand(&cmd, MoveHelperServer());
(*g_pGlobals)->m_flFrameTime = flOldFrameTime;
(*g_pGlobals)->m_flCurTime = flOldCurTime;
// Purpose: gets the eye angles of this player
// Input : *pAngles -
// Output : QAngle*
QAngle* CPlayer::EyeAngles(QAngle* pAngles)
return v_CPlayer__EyeAngles(this, pAngles);
// Purpose: sets the time base for this player
// Input : flTimeBase -
inline void CPlayer::SetTimeBase(float flTimeBase)
float flTime = float(TIME_TO_TICKS(flTimeBase));
if (flTime < 0.0f)
flTime = 0.0f;
float flSimulationTime = flTimeBase - m_lastUCmdSimulationRemainderTime * (*g_pGlobals)->m_flTickInterval;
if (flSimulationTime >= 0.0f)
flTime = flSimulationTime;
// Purpose: sets the last user cmd simulation remainder time
// Input : flRemainderTime -
void CPlayer::SetLastUCmdSimulationRemainderTime(float flRemainderTime)
if (m_lastUCmdSimulationRemainderTime != flRemainderTime)
edict_t nEdict = NetworkProp()->GetEdict();
if (nEdict != FL_EDICT_INVALID)
_InterlockedOr16((SHORT*)(*g_pGlobals)->m_pEdicts + nEdict + 32, 0x200u);
m_lastUCmdSimulationRemainderTime = flRemainderTime;
// Purpose: sets the total extra client cmd time attempted
// Input : flAttemptedTime -
void CPlayer::SetTotalExtraClientCmdTimeAttempted(float flAttemptedTime)
if (m_totalExtraClientCmdTimeAttempted != flAttemptedTime)
edict_t nEdict = NetworkProp()->GetEdict();
if (nEdict != FL_EDICT_INVALID)
_InterlockedOr16((SHORT*)(*g_pGlobals)->m_pEdicts + nEdict + 32, 0x200u);
m_totalExtraClientCmdTimeAttempted = flAttemptedTime;
// Purpose: processes user cmd's for this player
// Input : *cmds -
// numCmds -
// totalCmds -
// droppedPackets -
// paused -
void CPlayer::ProcessUserCmds(CUserCmd* cmds, int numCmds, int totalCmds,
int droppedPackets, bool paused)
if (totalCmds <= 0)
const CClient* client = g_pServer->GetClient(GetEdict() - 1);
const CNetChan* chan = client->GetNetChan();
CUserCmd* lastCmd = &m_Commands[MAX_QUEUED_COMMANDS_PROCESS];
const float clockDriftMsecs = sv_clockcorrection_msecs->GetFloat() / 1000.0f;
const float maxUnlag = sv_maxunlag->GetFloat();
const float latencyAmount = Clamp(chan->GetLatency(FLOW_OUTGOING), 0.0f, maxUnlag);
const float serverTime = (*g_pGlobals)->m_flCurTime;
for (int i = totalCmds - 1; i >= 0; i--)
CUserCmd* cmd = &cmds[i];
const int commandNumber = cmd->command_number;
if (commandNumber <= m_latestCommandQueued)
m_latestCommandQueued = commandNumber;
const int lastCommandNumber = lastCmd->command_number;
if (lastCommandNumber == MAX_QUEUED_COMMANDS_PROCESS)
// Command issue time from client, note that this value can be altered
// from the client, and therefore be used to exploit lag compensation.
const float commandTime = cmd->command_time;
const float lastCommandTime = m_LastCmd.command_time;
const float commandDelta = fabs(commandTime - serverTime);
bool recomputeUnlag = false;
// Check delta first, otherwise player could set commandTime to a fixed
// time and circumvent the system, as commandTime < lastCommandTime or
// commandTime > localCurTime will always fail.
if (commandDelta > maxUnlag)
// Too much to unlag, clamp to max !!!
recomputeUnlag = true;
if (IsDebug())
Warning(eDLL_T::SERVER, "%s: commandDelta( %f ) > maxUnlag( %f ) !!!\n",
__FUNCTION__, commandDelta, maxUnlag);
else if (commandTime < (lastCommandTime - clockDriftMsecs))
// Can never be lower than last !!!
recomputeUnlag = true;
if (IsDebug())
Warning(eDLL_T::SERVER, "%s: cmd->command_time( %f ) < (m_LastCmd.command_time( %f ) - clockDriftMsecs( %f )) !!!\n",
__FUNCTION__, commandTime, lastCommandTime, clockDriftMsecs);
else if (commandTime > (serverTime + clockDriftMsecs))
// Too far in the future, clamp to max !!!
recomputeUnlag = true;
if (IsDebug())
Warning(eDLL_T::SERVER, "%s: cmd->command_time( %f ) > (g_pGlobals->m_flCurTime( %f ) + clockDriftMsecs( %f )) !!!\n",
__FUNCTION__, commandTime, serverTime, clockDriftMsecs);
if (recomputeUnlag)
// Clamp it to server time minus latency. Note that it could still
// be lower than previous, hence the clamp on the recomputation.
float newCommandTime = Clamp(serverTime - latencyAmount, lastCommandTime, serverTime);
cmd->command_time = newCommandTime;
if (IsDebug())
Warning(eDLL_T::SERVER, "%s: Clamped cmd->command_time( %f ) to %f !!!\n",
__FUNCTION__, commandTime, newCommandTime);
CUserCmd* queuedCmd = &m_Commands[lastCommandNumber];
if (++lastCmd->command_number > player_userCmdsQueueWarning->GetInt())
const float curTime = float(Plat_FloatTime());
if ((curTime - m_lastCommandCountWarnTime) > 0.5f)
m_lastCommandCountWarnTime = curTime;
lastCmd->tick_count += droppedPackets;
m_bGamePaused = paused;
// Purpose: runs user command for this player
// Input : *pUserCmd -
// *pMover -
void CPlayer::PlayerRunCommand(CUserCmd* pUserCmd, IMoveHelper* pMover)
v_CPlayer__PlayerRunCommand(this, pUserCmd, pMover);
// Purpose: stores off a user command
// Input : *pUserCmd -
void CPlayer::SetLastUserCommand(CUserCmd* pUserCmd)
} |