Kawe Mazidjatari 2501c37044 Globally convert all byte patterns to strings
These get reconverted to masked byte patterns at runtime. With the signature map cache system, this will only happen when building the cache.
2022-12-01 22:44:55 +01:00

97 lines
4.1 KiB

#pragma once
#include "tier1/IConVar.h"
inline CMemory p_SetupGamemode;
inline auto SetupGamemode = p_SetupGamemode.RCast<bool(*)(const char* pszPlayList)>();
/* ==== CONCOMMANDCALLBACK ============================================================================================================================================== */
inline CMemory p_DownloadPlaylists_f;
inline auto _DownloadPlaylists_f = p_DownloadPlaylists_f.RCast<void(*)(void)>();
void MP_GameMode_Changed_f(IConVar* pConVar, const char* pOldString, float flOldValue);
void MP_HostName_Changed_f(IConVar* pConVar, const char* pOldString, float flOldValue);
void ToggleConsole_f(const CCommand& args);
void ToggleBrowser_f(const CCommand& args);
#endif // !DEDICATED
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
void Host_Kick_f(const CCommand& args);
void Host_KickID_f(const CCommand& args);
void Host_Ban_f(const CCommand& args);
void Host_BanID_f(const CCommand& args);
void Host_Unban_f(const CCommand& args);
void Host_ReloadBanList_f(const CCommand& args);
void Host_ReloadPlaylists_f(const CCommand& args);
void Host_Changelevel_f(const CCommand& args);
void Detour_HotSwap_f(const CCommand& args);
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
void Pak_ListPaks_f(const CCommand& args);
void Pak_RequestUnload_f(const CCommand& args);
void Pak_RequestLoad_f(const CCommand& args);
void Pak_Swap_f(const CCommand& args);
void RTech_StringToGUID_f(const CCommand& args);
void RTech_Decompress_f(const CCommand& args);
void VPK_Pack_f(const CCommand& args);
void VPK_Unpack_f(const CCommand& args);
void VPK_Mount_f(const CCommand& args);
void VPK_Unmount_f(const CCommand& args);
void NET_SetKey_f(const CCommand& args);
void NET_GenerateKey_f(const CCommand& args);
void NET_UseRandomKeyChanged_f(IConVar* pConVar, const char* pOldString, float flOldValue);
void CON_Help_f(const CCommand& args);
void CON_LogHistory_f(const CCommand& args);
void CON_RemoveLine_f(const CCommand& args);
void CON_ClearLines_f(const CCommand& args);
void CON_ClearHistory_f(const CCommand& args);
void RCON_CmdQuery_f(const CCommand& args);
void RCON_Disconnect_f(const CCommand& args);
#endif // !DEDICATED
void RCON_PasswordChanged_f(IConVar* pConVar, const char* pOldString, float flOldValue);
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
void SQVM_ServerScript_f(const CCommand& args);
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
void SQVM_ClientScript_f(const CCommand& args);
void SQVM_UIScript_f(const CCommand& args);
void Mat_CrossHair_f(const CCommand& args);
void Line_f(const CCommand& args);
void Sphere_f(const CCommand& args);
void Capsule_f(const CCommand& args);
#endif // !DEDICATED
#if !defined (GAMEDLL_S0) && !defined (GAMEDLL_S1)
void BHit_f(const CCommand& args);
#endif // !GAMEDLL_S0 && !GAMEDLL_S1
void CVHelp_f(const CCommand& args);
void CVList_f(const CCommand& args);
void CVDiff_f(const CCommand& args);
void CVFlag_f(const CCommand& args);
class VCallback : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
spdlog::debug("| FUN: SetupGamemode : {:#18x} |\n", p_SetupGamemode.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: DownloadPlaylist_f : {:#18x} |\n", p_DownloadPlaylists_f.GetPtr());
virtual void GetFun(void) const
p_SetupGamemode = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("40 53 48 83 EC 20 48 8B D9 48 C7 C0 ?? ?? ?? ??");
p_DownloadPlaylists_f = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("33 C9 C6 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? E9 ?? ?? ?? ??");
SetupGamemode = p_SetupGamemode.RCast<bool(*)(const char*)>(); /*40 53 48 83 EC 20 48 8B D9 48 C7 C0 ?? ?? ?? ??*/
_DownloadPlaylists_f = p_DownloadPlaylists_f.RCast<void(*)(void)>(); /*33 C9 C6 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? E9 ?? ?? ?? ??*/
virtual void GetVar(void) const { }
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Attach(void) const { }
virtual void Detach(void) const { }