Kawe Mazidjatari 9f2b1b1bb5 Improve CL_Move rebuild
Ported the logic from the more recent builds into the SDK rebuild. Note that this isn't all that has changed in the live builds, but were the only things worth porting back. Frame times are now properly clamped on the client. Some testing revealed that the movement now feels identical to the live version of the game, which was the target. This commit also fixes a bug in CL_Move were the datagram was not send, and the next cmd time wasn't set if the client was NOT active, while it should have.
2023-06-05 00:27:36 +02:00

242 lines
7.9 KiB

#ifndef GLOBAL_H
#define GLOBAL_H
extern ConVar* sdk_fixedframe_tickinterval;
extern ConVar* single_frame_shutdown_for_reload;
extern ConVar* old_gather_props;
extern ConVar* enable_debug_overlays;
extern ConVar* debug_draw_box_depth_test;
extern ConVar* developer;
extern ConVar* fps_max;
// taken from S15:
extern ConVar* usercmd_frametime_max;
extern ConVar* usercmd_frametime_min;
extern ConVar* staticProp_defaultBuildFrustum;
extern ConVar* staticProp_no_fade_scalar;
extern ConVar* staticProp_gather_size_weight;
extern ConVar* model_defaultFadeDistScale;
extern ConVar* model_defaultFadeDistMin;
extern ConVar* ip_cvar;
extern ConVar* hostname;
extern ConVar* hostdesc;
extern ConVar* hostip;
extern ConVar* hostport;
extern ConVar* host_hasIrreversibleShutdown;
extern ConVar* host_timescale;
extern ConVar* mp_gamemode;
extern ConVar* rcon_address;
extern ConVar* rcon_password;
extern ConVar* r_debug_overlay_nodecay;
extern ConVar* r_debug_overlay_invisible;
extern ConVar* r_debug_overlay_wireframe;
extern ConVar* r_debug_draw_depth_test;
extern ConVar* r_drawWorldMeshes;
extern ConVar* r_drawWorldMeshesDepthOnly;
extern ConVar* r_drawWorldMeshesDepthAtTheEnd;
extern ConVar* r_visualizetraces;
extern ConVar* r_visualizetraces_duration;
#endif // !DEDICATED
extern ConVar* stream_overlay;
extern ConVar* stream_overlay_mode;
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
extern ConVar* ai_ainDumpOnLoad;
extern ConVar* ai_ainDebugConnect;
extern ConVar* ai_script_nodes_draw;
extern ConVar* ai_script_nodes_draw_range;
extern ConVar* ai_script_nodes_draw_nearest;
extern ConVar* navmesh_always_reachable;
extern ConVar* navmesh_debug_type;
extern ConVar* navmesh_debug_tile_range;
extern ConVar* navmesh_debug_camera_range;
extern ConVar* navmesh_draw_bvtree;
extern ConVar* navmesh_draw_portal;
extern ConVar* navmesh_draw_polys;
extern ConVar* navmesh_draw_poly_bounds;
extern ConVar* navmesh_draw_poly_bounds_inner;
#endif // DEDICATED
extern ConVar* sv_showconnecting;
extern ConVar* sv_globalBanlist;
extern ConVar* sv_pylonVisibility;
extern ConVar* sv_pylonRefreshRate;
extern ConVar* sv_banlistRefreshRate;
extern ConVar* sv_statusRefreshRate;
extern ConVar* sv_forceChatToTeamOnly;
extern ConVar* sv_updaterate_mp;
extern ConVar* sv_updaterate_sp;
extern ConVar* sv_autoReloadRate;
extern ConVar* sv_simulateBots;
extern ConVar* sv_showhitboxes;
extern ConVar* sv_stats;
extern ConVar* sv_quota_stringCmdsPerSecond;
extern ConVar* sv_validatePersonaName;
extern ConVar* sv_minPersonaNameLength;
extern ConVar* sv_maxPersonaNameLength;
extern ConVar* sv_voiceEcho;
extern ConVar* sv_voiceenable;
extern ConVar* sv_alltalk;
//#ifdef DEDICATED
extern ConVar* sv_rcon_debug;
extern ConVar* sv_rcon_sendlogs;
extern ConVar* sv_rcon_banpenalty;
extern ConVar* sv_rcon_maxfailures;
extern ConVar* sv_rcon_maxignores;
extern ConVar* sv_rcon_maxsockets;
extern ConVar* sv_rcon_maxconnections;
extern ConVar* sv_rcon_maxpacketsize;
extern ConVar* sv_rcon_whitelist_address;
//#endif // DEDICATED
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
extern ConVar* sv_cheats;
extern ConVar* sv_visualizetraces;
extern ConVar* sv_visualizetraces_duration;
#if !defined (GAMEDLL_S0) && !defined (GAMEDLL_S1)
extern ConVar* bhit_enable;
extern ConVar* bhit_depth_test;
extern ConVar* bhit_abs_origin;
#endif // !GAMEDLL_S0 && !GAMEDLL_S1
extern ConVar* cl_rcon_request_sendlogs;
extern ConVar* cl_quota_stringCmdsPerSecond;
extern ConVar* cl_cmdrate;
extern ConVar* cl_move_use_dt;
extern ConVar* cl_notify_invert_x;
extern ConVar* cl_notify_invert_y;
extern ConVar* cl_notify_offset_x;
extern ConVar* cl_notify_offset_y;
extern ConVar* cl_showsimstats;
extern ConVar* cl_simstats_invert_x;
extern ConVar* cl_simstats_invert_y;
extern ConVar* cl_simstats_offset_x;
extern ConVar* cl_simstats_offset_y;
extern ConVar* cl_showgpustats;
extern ConVar* cl_gpustats_invert_x;
extern ConVar* cl_gpustats_invert_y;
extern ConVar* cl_gpustats_offset_x;
extern ConVar* cl_gpustats_offset_y;
extern ConVar* cl_showmaterialinfo;
extern ConVar* cl_materialinfo_offset_x;
extern ConVar* cl_materialinfo_offset_y;
extern ConVar* cl_threaded_bone_setup;
extern ConVar* con_drawnotify;
extern ConVar* con_notifylines;
extern ConVar* con_notifytime;
extern ConVar* con_notify_invert_x;
extern ConVar* con_notify_invert_y;
extern ConVar* con_notify_offset_x;
extern ConVar* con_notify_offset_y;
extern ConVar* con_notify_script_server_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_script_client_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_script_ui_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_native_server_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_native_client_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_native_ui_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_native_engine_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_native_fs_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_native_rtech_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_native_ms_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_native_audio_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_native_video_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_netcon_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_common_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_warning_clr;
extern ConVar* con_notify_error_clr;
extern ConVar* con_max_lines;
extern ConVar* con_max_history;
extern ConVar* con_suggestion_limit;
extern ConVar* con_suggestion_showhelptext;
extern ConVar* con_suggestion_showflags;
extern ConVar* con_suggestion_flags_realtime;
extern ConVar* origin_disconnectWhenOffline;
#endif // !DEDICATED
extern ConVar* fs_showWarnings;
extern ConVar* fs_showAllReads;
extern ConVar* fs_packedstore_entryblock_stats;
extern ConVar* fs_packedstore_workspace;
extern ConVar* fs_packedstore_compression_level;
extern ConVar* fs_packedstore_max_helper_threads;
extern ConVar* mat_alwaysComplain;
#endif // !DEDICATED
extern ConVar* script_show_output;
extern ConVar* script_show_warning;
extern ConVar* net_tracePayload;
extern ConVar* net_encryptionEnable;
extern ConVar* net_useRandomKey;
extern ConVar* net_usesocketsforloopback;
extern ConVar* net_processTimeBudget;
extern ConVar* pylon_matchmaking_hostname;
extern ConVar* pylon_host_update_interval;
extern ConVar* pylon_showdebuginfo;
extern ConVar* rtech_debug;
// RUI |
extern ConVar* rui_drawEnable;
extern ConVar* rui_defaultDebugFontFace;
#endif // !DEDICATED
// MILES |
extern ConVar* miles_debug;
extern ConVar* miles_language;
void ConVar_StaticInit(void);
void ConVar_InitShipped(void);
void ConVar_PurgeShipped(void);
void ConVar_PurgeHostNames(void);
void ConCommand_StaticInit(void);
void ConCommand_InitShipped(void);
void ConCommand_PurgeShipped(void);
#endif // GLOBAL_H