mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
* All libraries have been isolated from each other, and build into separate artifacts. * Project has been restructured to support isolating libraries. * CCrashHandler now calls a callback on crash (setup from core/dllmain.cpp, this can be setup in any way for any project. This callback is getting called when the apllication crashes. Useful for flushing buffers before closing handles to logging files for example). * Tier0 'CoreMsgV' function now calls a callback sink, which could be set by the user (currently setup to the SDK's internal logger in core/dllmain.cpp). TODO: * Add a batch file to autogenerate all projects. * Add support for dedicated server. * Add support for client dll. Bugs: * Game crashes on the title screen after the UI script compiler has finished (root cause unknown). * Curl error messages are getting logged twice for the dedicated server due to the removal of all "DEDICATED" preprocessor directives to support isolating projects. This has to be fixed properly!
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493 lines
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// Purpose: Implementation of the pylon server backend.
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <core/stdafx.h>
#include <tier1/cvar.h>
#include <tier2/curlutils.h>
#include <networksystem/pylon.h>
#include <engine/server/server.h>
// Purpose: gets a vector of hosted servers.
// Input : &outMessage -
// Output : vector<NetGameServer_t>
vector<NetGameServer_t> CPylon::GetServerList(string& outMessage) const
vector<NetGameServer_t> vecServers;
nlohmann::json requestJson = nlohmann::json::object();
requestJson["version"] = SDK_VERSION;
nlohmann::json responseJson;
CURLINFO status;
if (!SendRequest("/servers", requestJson, responseJson,
outMessage, status, "server list error"))
return vecServers;
if (!responseJson.contains("servers"))
outMessage = Format("Invalid response with status: %d", int(status));
return vecServers;
for (auto& obj : responseJson["servers"])
obj.value("hidden","false") == "true",
obj.value("port", ""),
obj.value("version", SDK_VERSION),
obj.value("playerCount", ""),
obj.value("maxPlayers", ""),
obj.value("timeStamp", 0),
obj.value("publicRef", ""),
obj.value("cachedId", ""),
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "%s - %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
vecServers.clear(); // Clear as the vector may be partially filled.
return vecServers;
// Purpose: Gets the server by token string.
// Input : &outGameServer -
// &outMessage -
// &token -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CPylon::GetServerByToken(NetGameServer_t& outGameServer,
string& outMessage, const string& token) const
nlohmann::json requestJson = nlohmann::json::object();
requestJson["token"] = token;
nlohmann::json responseJson;
CURLINFO status;
if (!SendRequest("/server/byToken", requestJson, responseJson,
outMessage, status, "server not found"))
return false;
if (!responseJson.contains("server"))
outMessage = Format("Invalid response with status: %d", int(status));
return false;
nlohmann::json& serverJson = responseJson["server"];
outGameServer = NetGameServer_t
serverJson.value("hidden","false") == "true",
serverJson.value("port", ""),
serverJson.value("version", SDK_VERSION),
serverJson.value("playerCount", ""),
serverJson.value("maxPlayers", ""),
serverJson.value("timeStamp", 0),
serverJson.value("publicRef", ""),
serverJson.value("cachedId", ""),
return true;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "%s - %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return false;
// Purpose: Sends host server POST request.
// Input : &outMessage -
// &outToken -
// &netGameServer -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CPylon::PostServerHost(string& outMessage, string& outToken,
const NetGameServer_t& netGameServer) const
nlohmann::json requestJson = nlohmann::json::object();
requestJson["name"] = netGameServer.m_svHostName;
requestJson["description"] = netGameServer.m_svDescription;
requestJson["hidden"] = netGameServer.m_bHidden;
requestJson["map"] = netGameServer.m_svHostMap;
requestJson["playlist"] = netGameServer.m_svPlaylist;
requestJson["ip"] = netGameServer.m_svIpAddress;
requestJson["port"] = netGameServer.m_svGamePort;
requestJson["key"] = netGameServer.m_svEncryptionKey;
requestJson["checksum"] = netGameServer.m_svRemoteChecksum;
requestJson["version"] = netGameServer.m_svSDKVersion;
requestJson["playerCount"] = netGameServer.m_svPlayerCount;
requestJson["maxPlayers"] = netGameServer.m_svMaxPlayers;
requestJson["timeStamp"] = netGameServer.m_nTimeStamp;
requestJson["publicRef"] = netGameServer.m_svPublicRef;
requestJson["cachedId"] = netGameServer.m_svCachedId;
nlohmann::json responseJson;
CURLINFO status;
if (!SendRequest("/servers/add", requestJson, responseJson,
outMessage, status, "server host error"))
return false;
if (netGameServer.m_bHidden)
nlohmann::json& tokenJson = responseJson["token"];
if (!tokenJson.is_string())
outMessage = Format("Invalid response with status: %d", int(status));
return false;
outToken = tokenJson.get<string>();
return true;
// Purpose: Send keep alive request to Pylon Master Server.
// Input : &netGameServer -
// Output : Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool CPylon::KeepAlive(const NetGameServer_t& netGameServer)
if (!g_pServer->IsActive() || !sv_pylonVisibility->GetBool()) // Check for active game.
return false;
string errorMsg;
string hostToken;
const bool result = PostServerHost(errorMsg, hostToken, netGameServer);
if (!result)
if (!errorMsg.empty() && m_ErrorMsg.compare(errorMsg) != NULL)
m_ErrorMsg = errorMsg;
Error(eDLL_T::SERVER, NO_ERROR, "%s\n", errorMsg.c_str());
else // Attempt to log the token, if there is one.
if (!hostToken.empty() && m_Token.compare(hostToken) != NULL)
m_Token = hostToken;
DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Published server with token: %s'%s%s%s'\n",
g_svReset, g_svGreyB,
hostToken, g_svReset);
return result;
// Purpose: Checks a list of clients for their banned status.
// Input : &inBannedVec -
// &outBannedVec -
// Output : True on success, false otherwise.
bool CPylon::GetBannedList(const BannedVec_t& inBannedVec, BannedVec_t& outBannedVec) const
nlohmann::json arrayJson = nlohmann::json::array();
for (const auto& bannedPair : inBannedVec)
nlohmann::json player;
player["id"] = bannedPair.second;
player["ip"] = bannedPair.first;
nlohmann::json playerArray;
playerArray["players"] = arrayJson;
string outMessage;
CURLINFO status;
if (!SendRequest("/banlist/bulkCheck", playerArray,
arrayJson, outMessage, status, "banned bulk check error"))
return false;
if (!arrayJson.contains("bannedPlayers"))
outMessage = Format("Invalid response with status: %d", int(status));
return false;
for (auto& obj : arrayJson["bannedPlayers"])
obj.value("reason", "#DISCONNECT_BANNED"),
obj.value("id", uint64_t(0))
return true;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "%s - %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return false;
// Purpose: Checks if client is banned on the comp server.
// Input : &ipAddress -
// nucleusId -
// &outReason - <- contains banned reason if any.
// Output : True if banned, false if not banned.
bool CPylon::CheckForBan(const string& ipAddress, const uint64_t nucleusId,
const string& personaName, string& outReason) const
nlohmann::json requestJson = nlohmann::json::object();
requestJson["name"] = personaName;
requestJson["id"] = nucleusId;
requestJson["ip"] = ipAddress;
nlohmann::json responseJson;
string outMessage;
CURLINFO status;
if (!SendRequest("/banlist/isBanned", requestJson,
responseJson, outMessage, status, "banned check error"))
return false;
if (responseJson["banned"].is_boolean() &&
outReason = responseJson.value("reason", "#DISCONNECT_BANNED");
return true;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "%s - %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return false;
// Purpose: Sends request to Pylon Master Server.
// Input : *endpoint -
// &requestJson -
// &responseJson -
// &outMessage -
// &status -
// Output : True on success, false on failure.
bool CPylon::SendRequest(const char* endpoint, const nlohmann::json& requestJson,
nlohmann::json& responseJson, string& outMessage, CURLINFO& status, const char* errorText) const
string responseBody;
if (!QueryServer(endpoint, requestJson.dump(4).c_str(), responseBody, outMessage, status))
return false;
if (status == 200) // STATUS_OK
responseJson = nlohmann::json::parse(responseBody);
if (responseJson["success"].is_boolean() &&
return true;
ExtractError(responseJson, outMessage, status);
return false;
ExtractError(responseBody, outMessage, status, errorText);
return false;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "%s - Exception while parsing response:\n%s\n", __FUNCTION__, ex.what());
return false;
// Purpose: Sends query to master server.
// Input : *endpoint -
// *request -
// &outResponse -
// &outMessage - <- contains an error message on failure.
// &outStatus -
// Output : True on success, false on failure.
bool CPylon::QueryServer(const char* endpoint, const char* request,
string& outResponse, string& outMessage, CURLINFO& outStatus) const
const bool showDebug = pylon_showdebuginfo->GetBool();
const char* hostName = pylon_matchmaking_hostname->GetString();
if (showDebug)
DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "Sending request to '%s' with endpoint '%s':\n%s\n",
hostName, endpoint, request);
string finalUrl;
CURLFormatUrl(finalUrl, hostName, endpoint);
curl_slist* sList = nullptr;
CURL* curl = CURLInitRequest(finalUrl.c_str(), request, outResponse, sList);
if (!curl)
return false;
CURLcode res = CURLSubmitRequest(curl, sList);
if (!CURLHandleError(curl, res, outMessage))
return false;
outStatus = CURLRetrieveInfo(curl);
if (showDebug)
DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "Host '%s' replied with status: '%d'\n",
hostName, outStatus);
return true;
// Purpose: Extracts the error from the result json.
// Input : &resultJson -
// &outMessage -
// status -
// *errorText -
void CPylon::ExtractError(const nlohmann::json& resultJson, string& outMessage,
CURLINFO status, const char* errorText) const
if (resultJson["error"].is_string())
outMessage = resultJson["error"].get<string>();
if (!errorText)
errorText = "unknown error";
outMessage = Format("Failed with status: %d (%s)",
int(status), errorText);
// Purpose: Extracts the error from the response buffer.
// Input : &response -
// &outMessage -
// status -
// *errorText -
void CPylon::ExtractError(const string& response, string& outMessage,
CURLINFO status, const char* errorText) const
if (!response.empty())
nlohmann::json resultBody = nlohmann::json::parse(response);
ExtractError(resultBody, outMessage, status, errorText);
else if (status)
outMessage = Format("Failed server query: %d", int(status));
outMessage = Format("Failed to reach server: %s",
"connection timed out");
// Purpose: Logs the response body if debug is enabled.
// Input : &responseJson -
void CPylon::LogBody(const nlohmann::json& responseJson) const
if (pylon_showdebuginfo->GetBool())
const string responseBody = responseJson.dump(4);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "\n%s\n", responseBody.c_str());
CPylon* g_pMasterServer(new CPylon());