Kawe Mazidjatari 00f349c745 Use ICVar iterator for console partial suggest
Added public interface to ICVarIteratorInternal, this class also deals with the deletion of the iterator. This fixes the problem of cvars not showing up that have been registered after 'CModAppSystemGroup::Create()' has been called. Currently, no cvar is registered after it. This will/could change when the plugin system is utilized.

Additional changes:
- Cvar 'con_suggestion_flags_realtime' has been removed, as we no longer keep an early copy anymore; real time flags are always shows from now on.
 - Fixed a bug in 'CConsole::FindFromPartial()' where we would return in the loop when 'm_vSuggest.size() >= con_suggestion_limit->GetInt()', instead of breaking out, which skips the element sorting process.
2023-07-22 14:51:15 +02:00

190 lines
6.8 KiB

#ifndef ICVAR_H
#define ICVAR_H
#include "tier0/annotations.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystem.h"
// Forward declarations
class ConCommandBase;
class ConCommand;
class ConVar;
class IAppSystem;
class Color;
// ConVars/ComCommands are marked as having a particular DLL identifier
typedef int CVarDLLIdentifier_t;
// ConVars/ComCommands are marked as having a particular DLL identifier
typedef int CVarDLLIdentifier_t;
// Used to display console messages
abstract_class IConsoleDisplayFunc
virtual void ColorPrint(const Color & clr, const char* pMessage) = 0;
virtual void Print(const char* pMessage) = 0;
virtual void DPrint(const char* pMessage) = 0;
virtual void GetConsoleText(char* pchText, size_t bufSize) const = 0;
// Purpose: Applications can implement this to modify behavior in ICvar
abstract_class ICvarQuery : public IAppSystem
// Can these two convars be aliased?
virtual bool AreConVarsLinkable(const ConVar * child, const ConVar * parent) = 0;
// Purpose: DLL interface to ConVars/ConCommands
abstract_class ICvar : public IAppSystem
// Allocate a unique DLL identifier
virtual CVarDLLIdentifier_t AllocateDLLIdentifier() = 0;
// Register, unregister commands
virtual void RegisterConCommand( ConCommandBase *pCommandBase ) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterConCommand( ConCommandBase *pCommandBase ) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterConCommands( CVarDLLIdentifier_t id ) = 0;
// If there is a +<varname> <value> on the command line, this returns the value.
// Otherwise, it returns NULL.
virtual const char* GetCommandLineValue( const char *pVariableName ) = 0;
// Try to find the cvar pointer by name
virtual ConCommandBase *FindCommandBase( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual const ConCommandBase *FindCommandBase( const char *name ) const = 0;
virtual ConVar *FindVar ( const char *var_name ) = 0;
virtual const ConVar *FindVar ( const char *var_name ) const = 0;
virtual ConCommand *FindCommand( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual const ConCommand *FindCommand( const char *name ) const = 0;
virtual void sub_140599640() = 0;
virtual void sub_140599BA0() = 0;
// Install a global change callback (to be called when any convar changes)
virtual void InstallGlobalChangeCallback(FnChangeCallback_t callback) = 0;
virtual void RemoveGlobalChangeCallback(FnChangeCallback_t callback) = 0;
virtual void CallGlobalChangeCallbacks(ConVar* var, const char* pOldString/*, float flOldValue*/) = 0;
// Install a console printer
virtual void InstallConsoleDisplayFunc(IConsoleDisplayFunc* pDisplayFunc) = 0;
virtual void RemoveConsoleDisplayFunc(IConsoleDisplayFunc* pDisplayFunc) = 0;
virtual void ConsoleColorPrintf(const Color& clr, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char* pFormat, ...) const FMTFUNCTION(3, 4) = 0;
virtual void ConsolePrintf(PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char* pFormat, ...) const FMTFUNCTION(2, 3) = 0;
virtual void ConsoleDPrintf(PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char* pFormat, ...) const FMTFUNCTION(2, 3) = 0;
virtual void sub_140598730() = 0;
// Method allowing the engine ICvarQuery interface to take over
// A little hacky, owing to the fact the engine is loaded
// well after ICVar, so we can't use the standard connect pattern
virtual void InstallCVarQuery( ICvarQuery *pQuery ) = 0;
virtual void SetMaxSplitScreenSlots(int nSlots) = 0;
virtual int GetMaxSplitScreenSlots() const = 0;
virtual int GetConsoleDisplayFuncCount() const = 0;
virtual void GetConsoleText(int nDisplayFuncIndex, char* pchText, size_t bufSize) const = 0;
// Utilities for convars accessed by the material system thread
virtual bool IsMaterialThreadSetAllowed() const = 0;
virtual void QueueMaterialThreadSetValue(ConVar* pConVar, const char* pValue) = 0;
virtual void QueueMaterialThreadSetValue(ConVar* pConVar, int nValue) = 0;
virtual void QueueMaterialThreadSetValue(ConVar* pConVar, float flValue) = 0;
virtual bool HasQueuedMaterialThreadConVarSets() const = 0;
virtual int ProcessQueuedMaterialThreadConVarSets() = 0;
protected: class ICVarIteratorInternal;
/// Iteration over all cvars.
/// usage:
/// { ICVar::Iterator iter(g_pCVar);
/// for ( iter.SetFirst() ; iter.IsValid() ; iter.Next() )
/// {
/// ConCommandBase *cmd = iter.Get();
/// }
/// }
/// The Iterator class actually wraps the internal factory methods
/// so you don't need to worry about new/delete -- scope takes care
// of it.
/// We need an iterator like this because we can't simply return a
/// pointer to the internal data type that contains the cvars --
/// it's a custom, protected class with unusual semantics and is
/// prone to change.
class Iterator
inline void SetFirst(void) RESTRICT;
inline void Next(void) RESTRICT;
inline bool IsValid(void) RESTRICT;
inline ConCommandBase* Get(void) RESTRICT;
inline Iterator(ICvar* icvar);
inline ~Iterator(void);
ICVarIteratorInternal* m_pIter;
// internals for ICVarIterator
class ICVarIteratorInternal
virtual void SetFirst(void) = 0;
virtual void Next(void) = 0;
virtual bool IsValid(void) = 0;
virtual ConCommandBase* Get(void) = 0;
virtual ~ICVarIteratorInternal(void) { }
virtual ICVarIteratorInternal* FactoryInternalIterator(void) = 0;
inline void ICvar::Iterator::SetFirst(void) RESTRICT
inline void ICvar::Iterator::Next(void) RESTRICT
inline bool ICvar::Iterator::IsValid(void) RESTRICT
return m_pIter->IsValid();
inline ConCommandBase* ICvar::Iterator::Get(void) RESTRICT
return m_pIter->Get();
inline ICvar::Iterator::Iterator(ICvar* icvar)
m_pIter = icvar->FactoryInternalIterator();
inline ICvar::Iterator::~Iterator(void)
delete m_pIter;
#endif // ICVAR_H