mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
Fully implemented ConVar class so we could statically construct all SDK convars, this avoids a level of indirection, and allows for creating ConVar's everywhere in the project. This patch also removed the settings tab of the ImGui server browser, as it has threading issues, while it technically never caused a crash yet, it has been removed as there was no point keeping it vs the work required to make it thread save (it only managed 2 convars which are perfectly manageable through cfg's or the in-game console). Also temporarily disabled the creation of ConVar's in the mod system due to a memory leak, we would allocate and register a convar based on details parsed out of a mod file definition, but never unregister and free it.
713 lines
31 KiB
713 lines
31 KiB
// Purpose: Shared AI utility.
// ai_utility_shared.cpp: requires server.dll and client.dll!
#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "tier1/cvar.h"
#include "mathlib/color.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "mathlib/ssemath.h"
#include "engine/debugoverlay.h"
#include "game/shared/ai_utility_shared.h"
#include "game/server/ai_utility.h"
#include "game/server/ai_networkmanager.h"
#include "game/server/ai_network.h"
#include "game/client/viewrender.h"
#include "thirdparty/recast/Detour/Include/DetourCommon.h"
#include "thirdparty/recast/Detour/Include/DetourNavMesh.h"
static ConVar ai_script_nodes_draw_range("ai_script_nodes_draw_range", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Debug draw AIN script nodes ranging from shift index to this cvar");
static ConVar ai_script_nodes_draw_nearest("ai_script_nodes_draw_nearest", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Debug draw AIN script node links to nearest node (build order is used if null)");
static ConVar navmesh_debug_type("navmesh_debug_type", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "NavMesh debug draw hull index", true, 0.f, true, 4.f, nullptr, "0 = small, 1 = med_short, 2 = medium, 3 = large, 4 = extra large");
static ConVar navmesh_debug_tile_range("navmesh_debug_tile_range", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "NavMesh debug draw tiles ranging from shift index to this cvar", true, 0.f, false, 0.f);
static ConVar navmesh_debug_camera_range("navmesh_debug_camera_range", "2000", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Only debug draw tiles within this distance from camera origin", true, 0.f, false, 0.f);
static ConVar navmesh_draw_bvtree("navmesh_draw_bvtree", "-1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Draws the BVTree of the NavMesh tiles", false, 0.f, false, 0.f, nullptr, "Index: >= 0 && < mesh->m_tileCount");
static ConVar navmesh_draw_portal("navmesh_draw_portal", "-1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Draws the portal of the NavMesh tiles", false, 0.f, false, 0.f, nullptr, "Index: >= 0 && < mesh->m_tileCount");
static ConVar navmesh_draw_polys("navmesh_draw_polys", "-1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Draws the polys of the NavMesh tiles", false, 0.f, false, 0.f, nullptr, "Index: >= 0 && < mesh->m_tileCount");
static ConVar navmesh_draw_poly_bounds("navmesh_draw_poly_bounds", "-1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Draws the bounds of the NavMesh polys", false, 0.f, false, 0.f, nullptr, "Index: >= 0 && < mesh->m_tileCount");
static ConVar navmesh_draw_poly_bounds_inner("navmesh_draw_poly_bounds_inner", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Draws the inner bounds of the NavMesh polys (requires navmesh_draw_poly_bounds)");
// Purpose:
: m_BoxColor(0, 255, 0, 255)
, m_LinkColor(255, 0, 0, 255)
static const VectorAligned s_vMaxs = { 50.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f };
static const VectorAligned s_vSubMask = { 25.0f, 25.0f, 25.0f };
static const fltx4 s_xMins = LoadZeroSIMD();
static const fltx4 s_xMaxs = LoadAlignedSIMD(s_vMaxs);
static const fltx4 s_xSubMask = LoadAlignedSIMD(s_vSubMask);
// Purpose: run the NavMesh renderer
void CAI_Utility::RunRenderFrame(void)
const int iScriptNodeIndex = ai_script_nodes_draw->GetInt();
const int iNavMeshBVTreeIndex = navmesh_draw_bvtree.GetInt();
const int iNavMeshPortalIndex = navmesh_draw_portal.GetInt();
const int iNavMeshPolyIndex = navmesh_draw_polys.GetInt();
const int iNavMeshPolyBoundIndex = navmesh_draw_poly_bounds.GetInt();
if (iScriptNodeIndex <= -1 &&
iNavMeshBVTreeIndex <= -1 &&
iNavMeshPortalIndex <= -1 &&
iNavMeshPolyIndex <= -1 &&
iNavMeshPolyBoundIndex <= -1)
// Nothing to render.
const Vector3D& vCamera = MainViewOrigin();
const QAngle& aCamera = MainViewAngles();
const Vector3D vNormal = vCamera - aCamera.GetNormal() * 256.0f;
const VPlane vCullPlane(vNormal, aCamera);
const float flCameraRange = navmesh_debug_camera_range.GetFloat();
const int nTileRange = navmesh_debug_tile_range.GetInt();
const bool bUseDepthBuffer = r_debug_draw_depth_test.GetBool();
if (iScriptNodeIndex > -1)
g_pAIUtility->DrawAIScriptNetwork(*g_pAINetwork, vCamera, iScriptNodeIndex, flCameraRange, bUseDepthBuffer);
if (iNavMeshBVTreeIndex > -1)
g_pAIUtility->DrawNavMeshBVTree(nullptr, vCamera, vCullPlane, iNavMeshBVTreeIndex, flCameraRange, nTileRange, bUseDepthBuffer);
if (iNavMeshPortalIndex > -1)
g_pAIUtility->DrawNavMeshPortals(nullptr, vCamera, vCullPlane, iNavMeshPortalIndex, flCameraRange, nTileRange, bUseDepthBuffer);
if (iNavMeshPolyIndex > -1)
g_pAIUtility->DrawNavMeshPolys(nullptr, vCamera, vCullPlane, iNavMeshPolyIndex, flCameraRange, nTileRange, bUseDepthBuffer);
if (iNavMeshPolyBoundIndex > -1)
g_pAIUtility->DrawNavMeshPolyBoundaries(nullptr, vCamera, vCullPlane, iNavMeshPolyBoundIndex, flCameraRange, nTileRange, bUseDepthBuffer);
// Purpose: draw AI script network
// Input : *pNetwork -
// &vCameraPos -
// iNodeIndex -
// flCameraRange -
// bUseDepthBuffer -
void CAI_Utility::DrawAIScriptNetwork(
const CAI_Network* pNetwork,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const int iNodeIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const bool bUseDepthBuffer) const
if (!pNetwork)
return; // AI Network not build or loaded.
const bool bDrawNearest = ai_script_nodes_draw_nearest.GetBool();
const int nNodeRange = ai_script_nodes_draw_range.GetInt();
OverlayBox_t::Transforms vTransforms;
std::unordered_set<int64_t> uLinkSet;
for (int i = iNodeIndex, ns = pNetwork->NumScriptNodes(); i < ns; i++)
if (nNodeRange && i > nNodeRange)
const CAI_ScriptNode* pScriptNode = &pNetwork->m_ScriptNode[i];
const fltx4 xOrigin = SubSIMD(// Subtract 25.f from our scalars to align box with node.
LoadUnaligned3SIMD(&pScriptNode->m_vOrigin), s_xSubMask);
if (flCameraRange > 0.0f)
// Flip the script node Z axis with that of the camera, so that it won't be used for
// the final distance computation. This allows for viewing the AI Network from above.
const fltx4 xOriginCamZ = SetComponentSIMD(xOrigin, 2, vCameraPos.z);
if (vCameraPos.DistTo(*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xOriginCamZ)) > flCameraRange)
continue; // Do not render if node is not within range set by cvar 'navmesh_debug_camera_range'.
// Construct box matrix transforms.
{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xOrigin));
v_RenderBox(vTransforms.mat, *reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&s_xMins),
*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&s_xMaxs), m_BoxColor, bUseDepthBuffer);
if (bDrawNearest) // Render links to the nearest node.
int nNearest = GetNearestNodeToPos(pNetwork, &pScriptNode->m_vOrigin);
if (nNearest != NO_NODE) // NO_NODE = -1
shortx8 packedLinks = PackNodeLink(i, nNearest);
packedLinks = _mm_srli_si128(packedLinks, 8); // Only the upper 64bits are used.
auto p = uLinkSet.insert(reinterpret_cast<int64_t&>(packedLinks));
if (p.second) // Only render if link hasn't already been rendered.
const CAI_ScriptNode* pNearestNode = &pNetwork->m_ScriptNode[nNearest];
v_RenderLine(pScriptNode->m_vOrigin, pNearestNode->m_vOrigin, m_LinkColor, bUseDepthBuffer);
else if (i > 0) // Render links in the order the AI Network was build.
v_RenderLine((pScriptNode - 1)->m_vOrigin, pScriptNode->m_vOrigin, m_LinkColor, bUseDepthBuffer);
// Purpose: draw NavMesh BVTree
// Input : *pMesh -
// &vCameraPos -
// &vCullPlane -
// iBVTreeIndex -
// flCameraRange -
// nTileRange -
// bDepthBuffer -
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshBVTree(
const dtNavMesh* pMesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iBVTreeIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bDepthBuffer) const
if (!pMesh)
pMesh = GetNavMeshForHull(navmesh_debug_type.GetInt());
if (!pMesh)
return; // NavMesh for hull not loaded.
OverlayBox_t::Transforms vTransforms;
for (int i = iBVTreeIndex, nt = pMesh->getTileCount(); i < nt; ++i)
if (nTileRange > 0 && i > nTileRange)
const dtMeshTile* pTile = &pMesh->m_tiles[i];
if (!pTile->header)
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCullPlane, vCameraPos, flCameraRange))
const float flCellSize = 1.0f / pTile->header->bvQuantFactor;
const fltx4 xTileAABB = LoadGatherSIMD(pTile->header->bmin[0], pTile->header->bmin[1], pTile->header->bmin[2], 0.0f);
const fltx4 xCellSize = LoadGatherSIMD(flCellSize, flCellSize, flCellSize, 0.0f);
for (int j = 0, nc = pTile->header->bvNodeCount; j < nc; ++j)
const dtBVNode* pNode = &pTile->bvTree[j];
if (pNode->i < 0) // Leaf indices are positive.
vTransforms.xmm[0] = LoadGatherSIMD(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vTransforms.xmm[1] = LoadGatherSIMD(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
vTransforms.xmm[2] = LoadGatherSIMD(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// Formula: tile->header->bm##[axis]+node->bm##[axis]*cs;
const fltx4 xMins = MaddSIMD(LoadGatherSIMD(pNode->bmin[0], pNode->bmin[1], pNode->bmin[2], 0.0f), xCellSize, xTileAABB);
const fltx4 xMaxs = MaddSIMD(LoadGatherSIMD(pNode->bmax[0], pNode->bmax[1], pNode->bmax[2], 0.0f), xCellSize, xTileAABB);
v_RenderBox(vTransforms.mat, *reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xMins), *reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xMaxs),
Color(188, 188, 188, 255), bDepthBuffer);
// Purpose: draw NavMesh portals
// Input : *pMesh -
// &vCameraPos -
// &vCullPlane -
// iPortalIndex -
// flCameraRange -
// nTileRange -
// bDepthBuffer -
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPortals(const dtNavMesh* pMesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iPortalIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bDepthBuffer) const
if (!pMesh)
pMesh = GetNavMeshForHull(navmesh_debug_type.GetInt());
if (!pMesh)
return; // NavMesh for hull not loaded.
for (int i = iPortalIndex, nt = pMesh->getTileCount(); i < nt; ++i)
if (nTileRange > 0 && i > nTileRange)
const dtMeshTile* pTile = &pMesh->m_tiles[i];
if (!pTile->header)
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCullPlane, vCameraPos, flCameraRange))
// Draw portals
const float flPadX = 0.04f;
const float flPadZ = pTile->header->walkableClimb;
for (int nSide = 0; nSide < 8; ++nSide)
unsigned short m = DT_EXT_LINK | static_cast<unsigned short>(nSide);
for (int j = 0, np = pTile->header->polyCount; j < np; ++j)
const dtPoly* pPoly = &pTile->polys[j];
// Create new links.
for (int v = 0, nv = pPoly->vertCount; v < nv; ++v)
// Skip edges which do not point to the right side.
if (pPoly->neis[v] != m)
// Create new links
const float* va = &pTile->verts[pPoly->verts[v] * 3];
const float* vb = &pTile->verts[pPoly->verts[(v + 1) % nv] * 3];
Vertex indices:
va - = 0 +------+
vb - = 1 | |
va + = 2 | |
vb + = 3 +------+
fltx4 xVerts = LoadGatherSIMD(va[2], vb[2], va[2], vb[2]);
Vector4D* vVerts = reinterpret_cast<Vector4D*>(&xVerts);
xVerts = SubSIMD(xVerts, LoadGatherSIMD(flPadZ, flPadZ, 0.0f, 0.0f));
xVerts = AddSIMD(xVerts, LoadGatherSIMD(0.0f, 0.0f, flPadZ, flPadZ));
if (nSide == 0 || nSide == 4)
Color col = nSide == 0 ? Color(188, 0, 0, 255) : Color(188, 0, 188, 255);
const float x = va[0] + ((nSide == 0) ? -flPadX : flPadX);
fltx4 xOrigin = LoadGatherSIMD(x, va[1], vVerts->x, 0);
fltx4 xDest = LoadGatherSIMD(x, va[1], vVerts->z, 0);
*reinterpret_cast<Vector3D*>(&xDest), col, bDepthBuffer);
xOrigin = LoadGatherSIMD(x, va[1], vVerts->z, 0);
xDest = LoadGatherSIMD(x, vb[1], vVerts->w, 0);
*reinterpret_cast<Vector3D*>(&xDest), col, bDepthBuffer);
xOrigin = LoadGatherSIMD(x, vb[1], vVerts->w, 0);
xDest = LoadGatherSIMD(x, vb[1], vVerts->y, 0);
*reinterpret_cast<Vector3D*>(&xDest), col, bDepthBuffer);
xOrigin = LoadGatherSIMD(x, vb[1], vVerts->y, 0);
xDest = LoadGatherSIMD(x, va[1], vVerts->x, 0);
*reinterpret_cast<Vector3D*>(&xDest), col, bDepthBuffer);
else if (nSide == 2 || nSide == 6)
Color col = nSide == 2 ? Color(0, 188, 0, 255) : Color(188, 188, 0, 255);
const float y = va[1] + ((nSide == 2) ? -flPadX : flPadX);
fltx4 xOrigin = LoadGatherSIMD(va[0], y, vVerts->x, 0);
fltx4 xDest = LoadGatherSIMD(va[0], y, vVerts->z, 0);
*reinterpret_cast<Vector3D*>(&xDest), col, bDepthBuffer);
xOrigin = LoadGatherSIMD(va[0], y, vVerts->z, 0);
xDest = LoadGatherSIMD(vb[0], y, vVerts->w, 0);
*reinterpret_cast<Vector3D*>(&xDest), col, bDepthBuffer);
xOrigin = LoadGatherSIMD(vb[0], y, vVerts->w, 0);
xDest = LoadGatherSIMD(vb[0], y, vVerts->y, 0);
*reinterpret_cast<Vector3D*>(&xDest), col, bDepthBuffer);
xOrigin = LoadGatherSIMD(vb[0], y, vVerts->y, 0);
xDest = LoadGatherSIMD(va[0], y, vVerts->x, 0);
*reinterpret_cast<Vector3D*>(&xDest), col, bDepthBuffer);
// Purpose: draw NavMesh polys
// Input : *pMesh -
// &vCameraPos -
// &vCullPlane -
// iPolyIndex -
// flCameraRange -
// nTileRange -
// bDepthBuffer -
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPolys(const dtNavMesh* pMesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iPolyIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bDepthBuffer) const
if (!pMesh)
pMesh = GetNavMeshForHull(navmesh_debug_type.GetInt());
if (!pMesh)
return; // NavMesh for hull not loaded.
for (int i = iPolyIndex; i < pMesh->getTileCount(); ++i)
if (nTileRange > 0 && i > nTileRange)
const dtMeshTile* pTile = &pMesh->m_tiles[i];
if (!pTile->header)
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCullPlane, vCameraPos, flCameraRange))
for (int j = 0; j < pTile->header->polyCount; j++)
const dtPoly* pPoly = &pTile->polys[j];
Color col{ 110, 200, 220, 255 };
const unsigned int ip = (unsigned int)(pPoly - pTile->polys);
const dtOffMeshConnection* con = &pTile->offMeshCons[ip - pTile->header->offMeshBase];
v_RenderLine(Vector3D(con->pos[0], con->pos[1], con->pos[2]),
Vector3D(con->pos[3], con->pos[4], con->pos[5]), Color(188, 0, 188, 255), bDepthBuffer);
const dtPolyDetail* pDetail = &pTile->detailMeshes[ip];
fltx4 xTris[3] = { LoadZeroSIMD() };
for (int k = 0; k < pDetail->triCount; ++k)
const unsigned char* t = &pTile->detailTris[(pDetail->triBase + k) * 4];
for (int e = 0; e < 3; ++e)
if (t[e] < pPoly->vertCount)
float* pflVerts = &pTile->verts[pPoly->verts[t[e]] * 3];
xTris[e] = LoadGatherSIMD(pflVerts[0], pflVerts[1], pflVerts[2], 0.0f);
float* pflVerts = &pTile->detailVerts[(pDetail->vertBase + t[e] - pPoly->vertCount) * 3];
xTris[e] = LoadGatherSIMD(pflVerts[0], pflVerts[1], pflVerts[2], 0.0f);
v_RenderLine(*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xTris[0]),
*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xTris[1]), col, bDepthBuffer);
v_RenderLine(*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xTris[1]),
*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xTris[2]), col, bDepthBuffer);
v_RenderLine(*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xTris[2]),
*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xTris[0]), col, bDepthBuffer);
// Purpose : draw NavMesh poly boundaries
// Input : *pMesh -
// &vCameraPos -
// &vCullPlane -
// iBoundaryIndex -
// flCameraRange -
// nTileRange -
// bDepthBuffer -
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPolyBoundaries(const dtNavMesh* pMesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iBoundaryIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bDepthBuffer) const
static const float thr = 0.01f * 0.01f;
Color col{ 20, 140, 255, 255 };
if (!pMesh)
pMesh = GetNavMeshForHull(navmesh_debug_type.GetInt());
if (!pMesh)
return; // NavMesh for hull not loaded.
const bool bDrawInner = navmesh_draw_poly_bounds_inner.GetBool();
for (int i = iBoundaryIndex, nt = pMesh->getTileCount(); i < nt; ++i)
if (nTileRange > 0 && i > nTileRange)
const dtMeshTile* pTile = &pMesh->m_tiles[i];
if (!pTile->header)
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCullPlane, vCameraPos, flCameraRange))
for (int j = 0; j < pTile->header->polyCount; ++j)
const dtPoly* pPoly = &pTile->polys[j];
const dtPolyDetail* pd = &pTile->detailMeshes[j];
for (int e = 0, ne = static_cast<int>(pPoly->vertCount); e < ne; ++e)
if (bDrawInner)
if (pPoly->neis[e] == 0)
if (pPoly->neis[e] & DT_EXT_LINK)
bool bCon = false;
for (unsigned int k = pPoly->firstLink; k != DT_NULL_LINK; k = pTile->links[k].next)
if (pTile->links[k].edge == e)
bCon = true;
if (bCon)
col = Color(255, 255, 255, 255);
col = Color(0, 0, 0, 255);
col = Color(0, 48, 64, 255);
if (pPoly->neis[e] != 0)
const float* v0 = &pTile->verts[pPoly->verts[e] * 3];
const float* v1 = &pTile->verts[pPoly->verts[(e + 1) % ne] * 3];
// Draw detail mesh edges which align with the actual poly edge.
// This is really slow.
for (int k = 0, ke = pd->triCount; k < ke; ++k)
const unsigned char* t = &pTile->detailTris[(pd->triBase + k) * 4];
const float* tv[3];
for (int m = 0; m < 3; ++m)
if (t[m] < pPoly->vertCount)
tv[m] = &pTile->verts[pPoly->verts[t[m]] * 3];
tv[m] = &pTile->detailVerts[(pd->vertBase + (t[m] - pPoly->vertCount)) * 3];
for (int m = 0, n = 2; m < 3; n = m++)
if ((dtGetDetailTriEdgeFlags(t[3], n) & DT_DETAIL_EDGE_BOUNDARY) == 0)
if (distancePtLine2d(tv[n], v0, v1) < thr &&
distancePtLine2d(tv[m], v0, v1) < thr)
v_RenderLine(Vector3D(tv[n][0], tv[n][1], tv[n][2]), Vector3D(tv[m][0], tv[m][1], tv[m][2]), col, bDepthBuffer);
// Purpose: packs 4 node indices together
// Input : a - (set 1)
// b -
// c - (set 2)
// d -
// Output : packed node set as i64x2
shortx8 CAI_Utility::PackNodeLink(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t c, int32_t d) const
shortx8 xResult = _mm_set_epi32(a, b, c, d);
// We shuffle a b and c d if following condition is met, this is to
// ensure we always end up with one possible combination of indices.
if (a < b) // Swap 'a' with 'b'.
xResult = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xResult, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 1, 0));
if (c < d) // Swap 'c' with 'd'.
xResult = _mm_shuffle_epi32(xResult, _MM_SHUFFLE(3, 2, 0, 1));
return xResult;
// Purpose: checks if the NavMesh tile is within the camera radius
// Input : *pTile -
// &vCamera -
// flCameraRadius -
// Output : true if within radius, false otherwise
bool CAI_Utility::IsTileWithinRange(const dtMeshTile* pTile, const VPlane& vPlane, const Vector3D& vCamera, const float flCameraRadius) const
const fltx4 xMinBound = LoadGatherSIMD(pTile->header->bmin[0], pTile->header->bmin[1], vCamera.z, 0.0f);
const fltx4 xMaxBound = LoadGatherSIMD(pTile->header->bmax[0], pTile->header->bmax[1], vCamera.z, 0.0f);
const Vector3D* vecMinBound = reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xMinBound);
const Vector3D* vecMaxBound = reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xMaxBound);
if (flCameraRadius > 0.0f)
// Too far from camera, do not render.
if (vCamera.DistTo(*vecMinBound) > flCameraRadius ||
vCamera.DistTo(*vecMaxBound) > flCameraRadius)
return false;
// Behind the camera, do not render.
if (vPlane.GetPointSide(*vecMinBound) != SIDE_FRONT ||
vPlane.GetPointSide(*vecMaxBound) != SIDE_FRONT)
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: gets the nearest node index to position
// Input : *pAINetwork -
// *vPos -
// Output : node index ('NO_NODE' if no node has been found)
int CAI_Utility::GetNearestNodeToPos(const CAI_Network* pAINetwork, const Vector3D* vPos) const
int result; // rax
unsigned int v3; // er10
__int64 v4; // rdx
float v5; // xmm3_4
unsigned int v6; // er8
CAI_ScriptNode* v7; // rax
float v8; // xmm4_4
float v9; // xmm5_4
float v10; // xmm6_4
float* v11; // rcx
float* v12; // rax
float v13; // xmm7_4
float v14; // xmm2_4
unsigned int v15; // er9
float v16; // xmm8_4
float v17; // xmm2_4
unsigned int v18; // er8
float v19; // xmm9_4
float v20; // xmm2_4
unsigned int v21; // er9
float v22; // xmm7_4
float v23; // xmm2_4
float* v24; // r9
float v25; // xmm4_4
float v26; // xmm2_4
unsigned int v27; // ecx
if (pAINetwork)
v3 = pAINetwork->m_iNumScriptNodes;
v4 = 0i64;
v5 = 640000.0;
v6 = (unsigned int)NO_NODE;
if (v3 >= 4)
v7 = pAINetwork->m_ScriptNode;
v8 = vPos->x;
v9 = vPos->y;
v10 = vPos->z;
v11 = &v7->m_vOrigin.z;
v12 = &v7[1].m_vOrigin.y;
v13 = v5;
v14 = (float)((float)((float)(*(v11 - 1) - v9) * (float)(*(v11 - 1) - v9)) + (float)((float)(*(v11 - 2) - v8) * (float)(*(v11 - 2) - v8))) + (float)((float)(*v11 - v10) * (float)(*v11 - v10));
if (v5 > v14)
v5 = (float)((float)((float)(*(v11 - 1) - v9) * (float)(*(v11 - 1) - v9)) + (float)((float)(*(v11 - 2) - v8) * (float)(*(v11 - 2) - v8))) + (float)((float)(*v11 - v10) * (float)(*v11 - v10));
v15 = (unsigned int)v4;
if (v13 <= v14)
v15 = v6;
v16 = v5;
v17 = (float)((float)((float)(*(v12 - 1) - v9) * (float)(*(v12 - 1) - v9)) + (float)((float)(v11[3] - v8) * (float)(v11[3] - v8))) + (float)((float)(*v12 - v10) * (float)(*v12 - v10));
if (v5 > v17)
v5 = (float)((float)((float)(*(v12 - 1) - v9) * (float)(*(v12 - 1) - v9)) + (float)((float)(v11[3] - v8) * (float)(v11[3] - v8))) + (float)((float)(*v12 - v10) * (float)(*v12 - v10));
v18 = (unsigned int)v4 + 1;
if (v16 <= v17)
v18 = v15;
v19 = v5;
v20 = (float)((float)((float)(v12[4] - v9) * (float)(v12[4] - v9)) + (float)((float)(v11[8] - v8) * (float)(v11[8] - v8))) + (float)((float)(v12[5] - v10) * (float)(v12[5] - v10));
if (v5 > v20)
v5 = (float)((float)((float)(v12[4] - v9) * (float)(v12[4] - v9)) + (float)((float)(v11[8] - v8) * (float)(v11[8] - v8))) + (float)((float)(v12[5] - v10) * (float)(v12[5] - v10));
v21 = (unsigned int)v4 + 2;
if (v19 <= v20)
v21 = v18;
v22 = v5;
v23 = (float)((float)((float)(v12[9] - v9) * (float)(v12[9] - v9)) + (float)((float)(v11[13] - v8) * (float)(v11[13] - v8))) + (float)((float)(v12[10] - v10) * (float)(v12[10] - v10));
if (v5 > v23)
v5 = (float)((float)((float)(v12[9] - v9) * (float)(v12[9] - v9)) + (float)((float)(v11[13] - v8) * (float)(v11[13] - v8))) + (float)((float)(v12[10] - v10) * (float)(v12[10] - v10));
v6 = (unsigned int)v4 + 3;
if (v22 <= v23)
v6 = v21;
v11 += 20;
v12 += 20;
v4 = (unsigned int)(v4 + 4);
} while ((unsigned int)v4 < v3 - 3);
if ((unsigned int)v4 < v3)
v24 = &pAINetwork->m_ScriptNode->m_vOrigin.x + 5 * v4;
v25 = v5;
v26 = (float)((float)((float)(v24[1] - vPos->y) * (float)(v24[1] - vPos->y)) + (float)((float)(*v24 - vPos->x) * (float)(*v24 - vPos->x)))
+ (float)((float)(v24[2] - vPos->z) * (float)(v24[2] - vPos->z));
if (v5 > v26)
v5 = (float)((float)((float)(v24[1] - vPos->y) * (float)(v24[1] - vPos->y)) + (float)((float)(*v24 - vPos->x) * (float)(*v24 - vPos->x)))
+ (float)((float)(v24[2] - vPos->z) * (float)(v24[2] - vPos->z));
v27 = (unsigned int)v4;
if (v25 <= v26)
v27 = v6;
v24 += 5;
LODWORD(v4) = (unsigned int)v4 + 1;
v6 = v27;
} while ((unsigned int)v4 < v3);
result = v6;
result = NULL;
return result;
CAI_Utility* g_pAIUtility = new (CAI_Utility);