Amos d5b2e58dae Code base refactor + major performance and readability improvement. Read description for details.
* Codebase restructured to SourceSDK codebase style and .cpp/.h assertion paths in the game executable.
* Document most functions with valve style 'Purpose' blocks.
* Rename variables to match the rest of the codebase and Valve's naming convention.
* Dedicated DLL and the SDKLauncher now share the same codebase as the DevSDK.

* Obtain globals or pointers directly instead of waiting for runtime initialized data.
* Dynamically search for all functions and globals (this doesn't count for dedicated yet!).
* Initialize most in-SDK variables.

* Move certain prints and other utilities under ConVars to reduce verbosity and increase performance.
* Print all pattern scan results through a virtual function to make it easier to add and debug new patterns in the future.
* Type global var pointers appropriately if class or type is known and implemented.
* Forward declare 'CClient' class to avoid having 2 'g_pClient' copies.
* Add IDA's pseudo definitions for easier prototyping with decompiled assembly code.

* RPAK decompress Command callback implementation.
* Load decompressed RPaks from 'paks\Win32\' overriding the ones in 'paks\Win64\' (the decompress callback will automatically fix the header and write it to 'paks\Win32\').

* VPK decompress Command callback implementation.
* Move CRC32 ands Adler32 to implementation files.

* Server will print out more details about the connecting client.

* Upgrade ImGui lib to v1.86.
* Don't compile id3dx.h for dedicated.
* Don't compile id3dx.cpp for dedicated
* Implement DevMsg print function allowing to print information to the in-game VGUI/RUI console overlay, ImGui console overlay and the external windows console

* Fixed bug where the Error function would not properly terminate the process when an error is called. This caused access violations for critical/non-recoverable errors.
* Fixed bug where the game would crash if the console or server browser was enabled while the game was still starting up.
* Several bug fixes for the dedicated server (warning: dedicated is still considered work-in-progress!).
2021-12-25 22:36:38 +01:00

296 lines
9.4 KiB

// Copyright(c) 2015-present, Gabi Melman & spdlog contributors.
// Distributed under the MIT License (
// spdlog main header file.
// see example.cpp for usage example
#ifndef SPDLOG_H
#define SPDLOG_H
#pragma once
#include <thirdparty/spdlog/include/common.h>
#include <thirdparty/spdlog/include/details/registry.h>
#include <thirdparty/spdlog/include/logger.h>
#include <thirdparty/spdlog/include/version.h>
#include <thirdparty/spdlog/include/details/synchronous_factory.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace spdlog {
using default_factory = synchronous_factory;
// Create and register a logger with a templated sink type
// The logger's level, formatter and flush level will be set according the
// global settings.
// Example:
// spdlog::create<daily_file_sink_st>("logger_name", "dailylog_filename", 11, 59);
template<typename Sink, typename... SinkArgs>
inline std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> create(std::string logger_name, SinkArgs &&...sink_args)
return default_factory::create<Sink>(std::move(logger_name), std::forward<SinkArgs>(sink_args)...);
// Initialize and register a logger,
// formatter and flush level will be set according the global settings.
// Useful for initializing manually created loggers with the global settings.
// Example:
// auto mylogger = std::make_shared<spdlog::logger>("mylogger", ...);
// spdlog::initialize_logger(mylogger);
SPDLOG_API void initialize_logger(std::shared_ptr<logger> logger);
// Return an existing logger or nullptr if a logger with such name doesn't
// exist.
// example: spdlog::get("my_logger")->info("hello {}", "world");
SPDLOG_API std::shared_ptr<logger> get(const std::string &name);
// Set global formatter. Each sink in each logger will get a clone of this object
SPDLOG_API void set_formatter(std::unique_ptr<spdlog::formatter> formatter);
// Set global format string.
// example: spdlog::set_pattern("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%e %l : %v");
SPDLOG_API void set_pattern(std::string pattern, pattern_time_type time_type = pattern_time_type::local);
// enable global backtrace support
SPDLOG_API void enable_backtrace(size_t n_messages);
// disable global backtrace support
SPDLOG_API void disable_backtrace();
// call dump backtrace on default logger
SPDLOG_API void dump_backtrace();
// Get global logging level
SPDLOG_API level::level_enum get_level();
// Set global logging level
SPDLOG_API void set_level(level::level_enum log_level);
// Determine whether the default logger should log messages with a certain level
SPDLOG_API bool should_log(level::level_enum lvl);
// Set global flush level
SPDLOG_API void flush_on(level::level_enum log_level);
// Start/Restart a periodic flusher thread
// Warning: Use only if all your loggers are thread safe!
SPDLOG_API void flush_every(std::chrono::seconds interval);
// Set global error handler
SPDLOG_API void set_error_handler(void (*handler)(const std::string &msg));
// Register the given logger with the given name
SPDLOG_API void register_logger(std::shared_ptr<logger> logger);
// Apply a user defined function on all registered loggers
// Example:
// spdlog::apply_all([&](std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> l) {l->flush();});
SPDLOG_API void apply_all(const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<logger>)> &fun);
// Drop the reference to the given logger
SPDLOG_API void drop(const std::string &name);
// Drop all references from the registry
SPDLOG_API void drop_all();
// stop any running threads started by spdlog and clean registry loggers
SPDLOG_API void shutdown();
// Automatic registration of loggers when using spdlog::create() or spdlog::create_async
SPDLOG_API void set_automatic_registration(bool automatic_registration);
// API for using default logger (stdout_color_mt),
// e.g: spdlog::info("Message {}", 1);
// The default logger object can be accessed using the spdlog::default_logger():
// For example, to add another sink to it:
// spdlog::default_logger()->sinks().push_back(some_sink);
// The default logger can replaced using spdlog::set_default_logger(new_logger).
// For example, to replace it with a file logger.
// The default API is thread safe (for _mt loggers), but:
// set_default_logger() *should not* be used concurrently with the default API.
// e.g do not call set_default_logger() from one thread while calling spdlog::info() from another.
SPDLOG_API std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> default_logger();
SPDLOG_API spdlog::logger *default_logger_raw();
SPDLOG_API void set_default_logger(std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> default_logger);
template<typename FormatString, typename... Args>
inline void log(source_loc source, level::level_enum lvl, const FormatString &fmt, Args&&...args)
default_logger_raw()->log(source, lvl, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename FormatString, typename... Args>
inline void log(level::level_enum lvl, const FormatString &fmt, Args&&...args)
default_logger_raw()->log(source_loc{}, lvl, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename FormatString, typename... Args>
inline void trace(const FormatString &fmt, Args&&...args)
default_logger_raw()->trace(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename FormatString, typename... Args>
inline void debug(const FormatString &fmt, Args&&...args)
default_logger_raw()->debug(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename FormatString, typename... Args>
inline void info(const FormatString &fmt, Args&&...args)
default_logger_raw()->info(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename FormatString, typename... Args>
inline void warn(const FormatString &fmt, Args&&...args)
default_logger_raw()->warn(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename FormatString, typename... Args>
inline void error(const FormatString &fmt, Args&&...args)
default_logger_raw()->error(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename FormatString, typename... Args>
inline void critical(const FormatString &fmt, Args&&...args)
default_logger_raw()->critical(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template<typename T>
inline void log(source_loc source, level::level_enum lvl, const T &msg)
default_logger_raw()->log(source, lvl, msg);
template<typename T>
inline void log(level::level_enum lvl, const T &msg)
default_logger_raw()->log(lvl, msg);
template<typename T>
inline void trace(const T &msg)
template<typename T>
inline void debug(const T &msg)
template<typename T>
inline void info(const T &msg)
template<typename T>
inline void warn(const T &msg)
template<typename T>
inline void error(const T &msg)
template<typename T>
inline void critical(const T &msg)
} // namespace spdlog
// enable/disable log calls at compile time according to global level.
// define SPDLOG_ACTIVE_LEVEL to one of those (before including spdlog.h):
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_CALL(logger, level, ...) (logger)->log(spdlog::source_loc{__FILE__, __LINE__, SPDLOG_FUNCTION}, level, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_TRACE(logger, ...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_CALL(logger, spdlog::level::trace, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_TRACE(...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_TRACE(spdlog::default_logger_raw(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_TRACE(logger, ...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_TRACE(...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_DEBUG(logger, ...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_CALL(logger, spdlog::level::debug, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_DEBUG(...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_DEBUG(spdlog::default_logger_raw(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_DEBUG(logger, ...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_DEBUG(...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(logger, ...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_CALL(logger, spdlog::level::info, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_INFO(...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(spdlog::default_logger_raw(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_INFO(logger, ...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_INFO(...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_WARN(logger, ...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_CALL(logger, spdlog::level::warn, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_WARN(...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_WARN(spdlog::default_logger_raw(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_WARN(logger, ...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_WARN(...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_ERROR(logger, ...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_CALL(logger, spdlog::level::err, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_ERROR(...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_ERROR(spdlog::default_logger_raw(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_ERROR(logger, ...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_ERROR(...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_CRITICAL(logger, ...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_CALL(logger, spdlog::level::critical, __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_CRITICAL(...) SPDLOG_LOGGER_CRITICAL(spdlog::default_logger_raw(), __VA_ARGS__)
#define SPDLOG_LOGGER_CRITICAL(logger, ...) (void)0
#define SPDLOG_CRITICAL(...) (void)0
#include "spdlog-inl.h"
#endif // SPDLOG_H