Kawe Mazidjatari 138e7d99af Update '-forceborder' comments and add patch documentation file
The documentation file for all patches applied to 'r5apex.exe' could be found in 'r5dev/resource/patch/r5apex.patch'. This is a text file containing the offset to the patch and its original instructions followed by the new instructions.
2022-12-07 01:03:07 +01:00

37 lines
1.2 KiB

#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "tier0/commandline.h"
#include "public/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "engine/matsys_interface.h"
// Disabled, as this patch **only** works if we are writing the file.
// See 'resource/patch/patch_r5apex.exe' for more details regarding how
// this bug has been fixed in the engine module.
// Updates the material system config
bool UpdateCurrentVideoConfig(MaterialSystem_Config_t* pConfig)
// This is a bug in Respawn's engine. In
// 'OverrideMaterialSystemConfigFromCommandLine', they added
// a cmdline check for '-noborder' and '-forceborder'. However,
// '-noborder' and 'forceborder' perform the exact same operation.
if (CommandLine()->FindParm("-forceborder"))
pConfig->m_Flags &= ~2U;
return v_UpdateCurrentVideoConfig(pConfig);
void MatSys_Iface_Attach()
//DetourAttach(&v_UpdateCurrentVideoConfig, &UpdateCurrentVideoConfig);
void MatSys_Iface_Detach()
//DetourDetach(&v_UpdateCurrentVideoConfig, &UpdateCurrentVideoConfig);