Kawe Mazidjatari de06d51ef0 Server: upgrade live_api events.proto
Upgraded to "R5pc_r5-201_J29_CL6350311_EX6402312_6403685_2024_03_22".
2024-04-05 18:35:05 +02:00

780 lines
20 KiB
Protocol Buffer

// Apex Legends Live API
// Copyright 2023 Respawn Entertainment
// Contains all messages used by LiveAPI with annotations as comments
// See readme.txt for more information on how to consume this file
syntax = "proto3";
package rtech.liveapi;
// Intermediary messages:
// Not used directly, but as part of other messages
message Vector3
float x = 1;
float y = 2;
float z = 3;
message Player
string name = 1;
uint32 teamId = 2;
Vector3 pos = 3;
Vector3 angles = 4;
uint32 currentHealth = 5;
uint32 maxHealth = 6;
uint32 shieldHealth = 7;
uint32 shieldMaxHealth = 8;
string nucleusHash = 9;
string hardwareName = 10;
string teamName = 11;
uint32 squadIndex = 12;
string character = 13;
string skin = 14;
message CustomMatch_LobbyPlayer
string name = 1;
uint32 teamId = 2;
string nucleusHash = 3;
string hardwareName = 4;
message Datacenter
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
string name = 3;
message Version
uint32 major_num = 1;
uint32 minor_num = 2;
uint32 build_stamp = 3;
string revision = 4;
message InventoryItem
int32 quantity = 1;
string item = 2;
// any mods or additional info on the item
string extraData = 3;
message LoadoutConfiguration
repeated InventoryItem weapons = 1;
repeated InventoryItem equipment = 2;
// Output messages:
// Game events that describe the ongoing state of the match
// Every message will have a timestamp and category
// Traffic initialization
// This message is sent upon successfully connecting over WebSockets
message Init
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
string gameVersion = 3;
Version apiVersion = 4;
string platform = 5;
// Named specified by `liveapi_session_name`
string name = 6;
// Response to the CustomMatch_GetLobbyPlayers
// Contains the list of all players in the lobby
message CustomMatch_LobbyPlayers
string playerToken = 1;
repeated CustomMatch_LobbyPlayer players = 2;
// Observer Events
// Event when the observer camera switches from viewing one player to another
message ObserverSwitched
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player observer = 3;
Player target = 4;
repeated Player targetTeam = 5;
// Used by observers to annotate events uniquely
message ObserverAnnotation
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
int32 annotationSerial = 3;
// Match Information
// Sent during the first phase of a match. This event gives a full description of what match is being played
message MatchSetup
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
string map = 3;
string playlistName = 4;
string playlistDesc = 5;
Datacenter datacenter = 6;
bool aimAssistOn = 7;
bool anonymousMode = 8;
string serverId = 9;
LoadoutConfiguration startingLoadout = 10;
// Sent whenever the match changes phases (e.g. prematch, playing)
message GameStateChanged
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
string state = 3;
// Occurs when any player has locked in a character during legend select
message CharacterSelected
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
// Event to summarize the match after it has ended
message MatchStateEnd
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
string state = 3;
repeated Player winners = 4;
// Fired whenever the ring begins moving in a match
message RingStartClosing
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
uint32 stage = 3;
Vector3 center = 4;
float currentRadius = 5;
float endRadius = 6;
float shrinkDuration= 7;
// Used when the ring has finished moving and prior to it moving again
message RingFinishedClosing
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
uint32 stage = 3;
Vector3 center = 4;
float currentRadius = 5;
float shrinkDuration= 7;
// Used when a player has connected to the match
message PlayerConnected
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
// Used when a player has disconnected, even temporarily
// `canReconnect` will indicate if the player is able to reconnect or has forfeited
message PlayerDisconnected
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
bool canReconnect = 4;
bool isAlive = 5;
// Generic event for a change in the player stats
// Common stat names that can come with this event include "knockdowns", "revivesGiven", "kills"
message PlayerStatChanged
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string statName = 4;
oneof newValue // R5R: formerly of type `uint32`
uint32 intValue = 5;
float floatValue= 6;
bool boolValue = 7;
// Event used to notify when a player goes above their current tier level
// Tier levels start at 1. Following this event, players may have Upgrades to their legend
// Selection of upgrades will produce a separate `LegendUpgradeSelected` event
message PlayerUpgradeTierChanged
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
int32 level = 4;
// Combat events
// Event describing a player taking damage
// Details include the attacker, victim, the weapon used and the amount of damage
message PlayerDamaged
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player attacker = 3;
Player victim = 4;
string weapon = 5;
uint32 damageInflicted = 6;
// Sent when a player is killed. Details are similar to PlayerDamaged event
// The `awardedTo` field describes the player that the kill is given to
message PlayerKilled
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player attacker = 3;
Player victim = 4;
Player awardedTo = 5;
string weapon = 6;
// Event describing a player that has been downed after taking sufficient damage
// Similar to PlayerDamaged, but may not be sent in certain game modes (e.g. Control)
message PlayerDowned
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player attacker = 3;
Player victim = 4;
string weapon = 5;
// Sent when a player is killed if there is an assist awarded
// This event may come in rapid succession to the PlayerKilled event with a corresponding `victim` field
message PlayerAssist
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player assistant = 3;
Player victim = 4;
string weapon = 5;
// Occurs when the entire squad in a game has been eliminated
// The event contains all player in said squad. May not occur in certain game modes
message SquadEliminated
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
repeated Player players = 3;
// Occurs when Gibraltars shield has taken any enemy damage
// The field `damageInflicted` will indicate how much was absorbed by the shield
message GibraltarShieldAbsorbed
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player attacker = 3;
Player victim = 4;
uint32 damageInflicted = 6;
// Occurs when Revenant, while using his Forged Shadows ultimate, takes any enemy damage
// This event is distinct from `PlayerDamaged` since the player may receive no actual damage if the shadow is able to absorb it
// The field `damageInflicted` will indicate how much damage (in total) was dealt
// If there is any leftover damage that goes affects the player, that amount will be what is registered in a different `PlayerDamaged` event
message RevenantForgedShadowDamaged
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player attacker = 3;
Player victim = 4;
uint32 damageInflicted = 6;
// Interaction events
// Sent when a player is respawned and comes back into game
// For example, when using a respawn beacon
message PlayerRespawnTeam
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
repeated Player respawned = 4; // R5R: formerly of type `string`
// Occurs when a player finishes assisting a downed player
// May not be sent in certain game modes (e.g. Control)
message PlayerRevive
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
Player revived = 4;
// Specific Arenas-only event that occurs when players select an item
message ArenasItemSelected
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string item = 4;
int32 quantity = 5;
// Specific Arenas-only event that occurs when players deselect an item
message ArenasItemDeselected
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string item = 4;
int32 quantity = 5;
// Event that occurs when a player has picked up loot into their inventory
message InventoryPickUp
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string item = 4;
int32 quantity = 5;
// Event that occurs when a player has dropped loot from their inventory
// The item itself may have attachments that will be described in the `extraData` field
message InventoryDrop
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string item = 4;
int32 quantity = 5;
repeated string extraData = 6;
// Used to indicate the player has used a consumable item (e.g. syringe, shield cell) from their inventory
message InventoryUse
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string item = 4;
int32 quantity = 5;
// Event used when a teammate banner has been picked up
message BannerCollected
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
Player collected = 4;
// Used to indicate that the player has activated one of their legend's abilities
// The ability can be a Tactical or an Ultimate and is decribed in the `linkedEntity` field
// For example: `linkedEntity: "Tactical (Eye of the Allfather)"` for Bloodhound's tactical
message PlayerAbilityUsed
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string linkedEntity = 4;
// Signals that a player has selected an upgrade at a particular tier level
// Updates to their tier level will be sent as a PlayerUpgradeTierChanged event
message LegendUpgradeSelected
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string upgradeName = 4;
string upgradeDesc = 5;
int32 level = 6;
// Indicates that a player has started using the zipline
message ZiplineUsed
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string linkedEntity = 4;
// Used to indicate that a player has tossed a grenade
// The `linkedEntity` will describe the grenade in further detail and it may be a legend's Ability
// For example: `linkedEntity: "Ultimate (Rolling Thunder)"` for Bangalore's Ultimate ability
message GrenadeThrown
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string linkedEntity = 4;
// Event specifying that a player has picked up loot from Loba's Black Market
// This event may fire in quick succession to the InventoryPickUp event
message BlackMarketAction
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string item = 4;
// Used to indicate a player has traversed a Wraith Portal
message WraithPortal
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
// Used to indicate a player has traversed a Warp Gate
message WarpGateUsed
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
// Used to indicate that a player has used ammo
// This event may not fire immediately and updates may be batched to save bandwidth
message AmmoUsed
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string ammoType = 4;
uint32 amountUsed = 5;
uint32 oldAmmoCount = 6;
uint32 newAmmoCount = 7;
// Used to indicate that a player has switched weapons, either to a weapon in their inventory or swapped with a weapon on the ground
message WeaponSwitched
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
Player player = 3;
string oldWeapon = 4;
string newWeapon = 5;
// Custom events
// Event defining custom user data that is otherwise too specific to create dedicated messages for
message CustomEvent
uint64 timestamp = 1;
string category = 2;
repeated google.protobuf.Any customData = 3;
// Input messages:
// Used by observers to programmatically interact with the game
// Enum used to quickly described the target of a ChangeCamera operation
enum PlayerOfInterest
// cycle through known Players in a team
NEXT = 1;
// Go to an interesting player
// Request to change the observer camera
// If changing by a target's name, be aware that the
// - server may skip the request if the player is not actively in the game (i.e. waiting for reconnect, downed or killed)
// - If the string is longer than 256 characters, the request will fail
message ChangeCamera
oneof target
// Set the camera to an interesting player (e.g. the Kill Leader)
PlayerOfInterest poi = 1;
// Change camera to a player by name
string name = 2;
// Request message to toggle pause in a match type that supports it
message PauseToggle
float preTimer = 1;
// Request to create a custom match lobby
message CustomMatch_CreateLobby
// Request to join an existing custom match lobby identified by the `roleToken`
message CustomMatch_JoinLobby
string roleToken = 1;
// Request to leave a custom match lobby
message CustomMatch_LeaveLobby
// Request to programatically change your player's ready state in a custom match lobby
message CustomMatch_SetReady
bool isReady = 1;
// Request to retrieve all connected players in a custom match lobby
message CustomMatch_GetLobbyPlayers
// Request to change the state of matchmaking in a custom match lobby
// When enabled is True, the lobby will attempt to being a match
message CustomMatch_SetMatchmaking
bool enabled = 1;
// Request to assign a particular player to a specific team
// Note that the `targetHardwareName` and `targetNucleusHash` can be obtained from a prior request to CustomMatch_GetLobbyPlayers
// If the parameters do not match any lobby player, the request is ignored
// The `teamId` is across the entire lobby. Meaning, observers have a teamId of 0 and match players will be teamId of 1 and upwards
message CustomMatch_SetTeam
int32 teamId = 1;
string targetHardwareName = 2;
string targetNucleusHash = 3;
// Request to remove a player from the currently connected custom match lobby
message CustomMatch_KickPlayer
string targetHardwareName = 1;
string targetNucleusHash = 2;
// Request to alter the settings of a custom match lobby
// Your request should specify all fields being set with the new value
// For convinience, call `CustomMatch_GetSettings` to get the full state of settings
message CustomMatch_SetSettings
string playlistName = 1;
bool adminChat = 2;
bool teamRename = 3;
bool selfAssign = 4;
bool aimAssist = 5;
bool anonMode = 6;
// Review all the current settings. This request will be replied to with
// `CustomMatch_SetSettings` from which you can modify and reply with any new values for your convenience
message CustomMatch_GetSettings
// Request to set the name of a team in custom match lobby
// Requires special access and is subject to text filtering
message CustomMatch_SetTeamName
int32 teamId = 1;
string teamName = 2;
// Request to programatically send a chat message to the entire custom match lobby
message CustomMatch_SendChat
string text = 1;
// Envelope message for any Live API request
// This allows a single uniform data structure for requests to be made and for the game to receive them
// Specifically, there is only one possible action per request. You can request an acknowledgement of your request by setting `withAck` to true
// Acknowledgements will come in the form of a Response message. More information can be found with that event
// A single example to create a CustomMatch_JoinLobby request in python is as follows
// ```
// req = Request()
// req.customMatch_JoinLobby.roleToken = "<some token>"
// req.withAck = True
// ```
// For more information, consult the Protobuf documentation for your language of choice and look at details regarding the `oneof` field (https://protobuf.dev/programming-guides/proto3/#oneof)
message Request
// Receive an acknowledgement of the request having been received
bool withAck = 1;
// Preshared key to use with the request. Only necessary if the connecting game has a preshared key specified through `cl_liveapi_requests_psk`
string preSharedKey = 2;
oneof actions
ChangeCamera changeCam = 4;
PauseToggle pauseToggle = 5;
// Custom Match specific requests (reserved 10 -> 30)
CustomMatch_CreateLobby customMatch_CreateLobby = 10;
CustomMatch_JoinLobby customMatch_JoinLobby = 11;
CustomMatch_LeaveLobby customMatch_LeaveLobby = 12;
CustomMatch_SetReady customMatch_SetReady = 13;
CustomMatch_SetMatchmaking customMatch_SetMatchmaking = 14;
CustomMatch_SetTeam customMatch_SetTeam = 15;
CustomMatch_KickPlayer customMatch_KickPlayer = 16;
CustomMatch_SetSettings customMatch_SetSettings = 17;
CustomMatch_SendChat customMatch_SendChat = 18;
CustomMatch_GetLobbyPlayers customMatch_GetLobbyPlayers = 19;
CustomMatch_SetTeamName customMatch_SetTeamName = 20;
CustomMatch_GetSettings customMatch_GetSettings = 21;
// Reply messages:
// Used by the game to send data to any connected clients
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
// Message used to indicate the status of a request
// Generally, it is used to provide a plain text, detailed response in case of failures or problems
message RequestStatus
string status = 1;
// Message used to indicate the response to a request made to the API
// Only the requesting part will receive this message and this message is only sent if the request required an acknowledgement by setting `withAck` to true in the Request object
// This message is always sent within a LiveAPIEvent and never on its own to allow any applications to have a uniform method of reading events over the wire
// If `success` is true, it does not mean that the Request has finished or that it was completed correctly. In this case, it means that it was successfully received and contains no issues (it is a well-formed request)
// The `result` field may sometimes be populated to give more context around the request, especially in the case of error
// Refer to the LiveAPIEvent message on how to the the Any field
message Response
bool success = 1;
google.protobuf.Any result = 2;
// Envelope for all LiveAPI Events
// Any game events or responses to requests will be sent using this message. The specific event or message is stored in the `gameMessage` field
// Before proceeding, familiarize yourself with the proto3 `Any` field type at: https://protobuf.dev/programming-guides/proto3/#any
// In order to read the message successfully, check the type contained in `gameMessage` and create an instance of that type where you can unpack the data to
// Protobuf has several ways of doing type to instance lookups that will allow you to do this after you've generated bindings
// For example, to read and unpack any LiveAPIEvent in Python, the following can be done (assume `pb_msg` contains the LiveAPIEvent object)
// ```
// from events_pb2 import *
// from google.protobuf import symbol_database
// [ ... ]
// result_type = pb_msg.gameMessage.TypeName()
// msg_result = symbol_database.Default().GetSymbol(result_type)()
// pb_msg.gameMessage.Unpack(msg_result) # msg_result now holds the actual event you want to read
// ```
message LiveAPIEvent
fixed32 event_size = 1;
google.protobuf.Any gameMessage = 3;