Kawe Mazidjatari 144d5f62e1 IDetour: code refactor
Utilize the new IDetour::DetourSetup() code, IDetour::Attach and IDetour::Detach have been removed in favor of this (significantly reduces chance of user error). Since the template check happens in the idetour header, it is much more aggressive on type mismatches, such as a difference in parameter types, between the function and detour, will now raise a compile time error. As a result, some type mismatches have been fixed in this commit as well.
2024-04-05 16:41:09 +02:00

287 lines
9.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "tier1/NetAdr.h"
#include "tier1/mempool.h"
#include "common/protocol.h"
#include "public/inetmsghandler.h"
#include "public/isnapshotmgr.h"
#include "engine/net_chan.h"
#include "engine/debugoverlay.h"
#include "engine/clockdriftmgr.h"
#include "engine/framesnapshot.h"
#include "engine/packed_entity.h"
#include "datablock_receiver.h"
struct connectparams_t
const char* netAdr;
const char* netKey;
int unkReconnect;
int unk;
bool challengeRequest;
bool asSpectator_MAYBE;
class CClientSnapshotManager : public IClientSnapshotManager
virtual ~CClientSnapshotManager(void){};
void* m_Frames;
CUtlMemoryPool m_ClientFramePool;
class CClientState : CS_INetChannelHandler, IConnectionlessPacketHandler, IServerMessageHandler, CClientSnapshotManager
friend class ClientDataBlockReceiver;
public: // Hook statics.
static void VConnectionClosing(CClientState* thisptr, const char* szReason);
static bool _ProcessStringCmd(CClientState* thisptr, NET_StringCmd* msg);
static bool VProcessServerTick(CClientState* thisptr, SVC_ServerTick* msg);
static void VConnect(CClientState* thisptr, connectparams_t* connectParams);
bool IsPaused() const;
bool IsActive(void) const;
bool IsConnected(void) const;
bool IsConnecting(void) const;
float GetClientTime() const;
int GetTick() const;
int GetServerTickCount() const; // Get the server tick count.
void SetServerTickCount(int tick);
int GetClientTickCount() const; // Get the client tick count.
void SetClientTickCount(int tick);
float GetFrameTime(void) const;
bool Authenticate(connectparams_t* connectParams, char* const reasonBuf, const size_t reasonBufLen) const;
FORCEINLINE CClientState* GetShiftedBasePointer(void)
char* const pShifted = reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) - 0x10; // Shifted due to compiler optimizations.
return reinterpret_cast<CClientState*>(pShifted);
int m_Socket;
int _padding_maybe;
CNetChan* m_NetChannel;
double m_flConnectTime;
_DWORD m_nRetryNumber;
_DWORD m_nChallengeRetryLimit;
_BYTE encrypted_connection_MAYBE;
_BYTE gap79[3];
netadr_t addr;
bool m_bUnk_used_during_auth;
char m_bSendChallengeRequest;
_BYTE m_bDoNetParamsReconnect_MAYBE;
_BYTE field_97;
SIGNONSTATE m_nSignonState;
_BYTE gap9C[4];
double m_flNextCmdTime;
int m_nServerCount;
int m_nInSequenceNr;
float m_flClockDriftFrameTime;
CClockDriftMgr m_ClockDriftMgr;
_BYTE field_148;
_BYTE field_149;
int m_nDeltaTick;
int m_nStringTableAckTick;
int m_nProcesseedDeltaTick;
int m_nProcessedStringTableAckTick;
bool m_bPendingTicksAvailable;
_BYTE field_15D;
_BYTE field_15E;
_BYTE field_15F;
_BYTE m_bPaused;
char field_161;
char field_162;
_DWORD dword164;
int m_nViewEntity_MAYBE_ClientSlot_Plus_One;
int m_nPlayerSlot;
char m_szLevelFileName[64];
char m_szLevelBaseName[64];
char m_szLastLevelBaseName[64];
char m_szSkyBoxBaseName[64];
char m_szServerAddresString[128];
int m_bInMpLobbyMenu;
int m_nTeam;
_DWORD m_nMaxClients;
_DWORD field_2FC;
_DWORD reconnect_unk;
float m_flTickTime;
float m_flOldTickTime;
_BYTE m_bSignonChallengeReceived;
_DWORD challenge;
netadr_t challengeAddr;
bool m_bUseLocalSendTableFile;
_QWORD m_pServerClasses;
int m_nServerClasses;
int m_nServerClassBits;
__int64 m_StringTableContainer;
char m_PersistenceData[98304];
#if defined (GAMEDLL_S0) || defined (GAMEDLL_S1)
char pads0[8];
_BYTE m_bPersistenceBaselineRecvd;
int m_nPersistenceBaselineEntries;
int field_18350;
bool m_bRestrictServerCommands;
bool m_bRestrictClientCommands;
char buffer_0x400[1024];
ClientDataBlockReceiver m_DataBlockReceiver;
char client_requested_disconnect;
char error_message[512];
_BYTE gap18CA1[3];
_DWORD last_usercmd_time_from_server_maybe;
CFrameSnapshot* m_PrevFrameSnapshot;
_QWORD qword18CB0;
CFrameSnapshot* m_CurrFrameSnapshot;
_BYTE gap18CC0[8];
char m_bClockCorrectionEnabled;
char m_b_unknown;
bool m_bLocalPredictionInitialized_MAYBE;
int m_nServerTick;
int dword18CD0;
int field_18CD4;
float m_flFrameTime;
int m_nOutgoingCommandNr;
int current_movement_sequence_number;
char gap18CE4[4];
__int64 qword18CE8;
int field_18CF0;
int hit_prespawn;
int field_18CF8;
int dword18CFC;
float m_flClockDriftUnknown_rounded;
char something_with_prediction;
char field_18D05;
char gap18D06[2];
int dword18D08;
char gap18D0C[13];
char do_local_prediction_update;
char gap18D1A[2];
int dword18D1C;
__int64 qword18D20;
int dword18D28;
int dword18D2C;
Vector3D field_18D30;
int dword18D3C;
int dword18D40;
char gap18D44[4];
__int64 qword18D48;
__int64 qword18D50;
__int64 qword18D58;
int dword18D60;
char gap18D64[4];
__int64 qword18D68;
char buffer_47128[47128];
char entitlements_bitfield[16];
__int64 maybe_some_ll_stuff;
__int64 qword245A8;
__int64 qword245B0;
__int64 qword245B8;
__int64 qword245C0;
__int64 qword245C8;
__int64 qword245D0;
__int64 qword245D8;
__int64 qword245E0;
__int64 qword245E8;
__int64 qword245F0;
int dword245F8;
char gap245FC[1024];
int dword249EC;
__int64 m_pModelPrecacheTable;
__int64 qword24A10;
__int64 m_pInstanceBaselineTable;
__int64 m_pLightStyleTable;
__int64 m_pUserInfoTable;
__int64 m_pServerStartupTable;
PackedEntity m_pEntityBaselines_maybe[4096];
char byte34A38;
char field_34A39[7];
#if defined (GAMEDLL_S0) || defined (GAMEDLL_S1)
static_assert(sizeof(CClientState) == 0x34A28);
static_assert(sizeof(CClientState) == 0x34A20);
extern CClientState* g_pClientState;
extern CClientState** g_pClientState_Shifted; // Shifted by 0x10 forward!
#endif // DEDICATED
/* ==== CCLIENTSTATE ==================================================================================================================================================== */
inline CMemory p_CClientState__RunFrame;
inline void(*CClientState__RunFrame)(CClientState* thisptr);
inline CMemory p_CClientState__Connect;
inline void(*CClientState__Connect)(CClientState* thisptr, connectparams_t* connectParams);
inline CMemory p_CClientState__Disconnect;
inline void(*CClientState__Disconnect)(CClientState* thisptr, bool bSendTrackingContext);
inline CMemory p_CClientState__ConnectionClosing;
inline void(*CClientState__ConnectionClosing)(CClientState* thisptr, const char* szReason);
inline CMemory p_CClientState__ProcessStringCmd;
inline bool(*CClientState__ProcessStringCmd)(CClientState* thisptr, NET_StringCmd* msg);
inline CMemory p_CClientState__ProcessServerTick;
inline bool(*CClientState__ProcessServerTick)(CClientState* thisptr, SVC_ServerTick* msg);
class VClientState : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
LogFunAdr("CClientState::RunFrame", p_CClientState__RunFrame.GetPtr());
LogFunAdr("CClientState::Connect", p_CClientState__Connect.GetPtr());
LogFunAdr("CClientState::Disconnect", p_CClientState__Disconnect.GetPtr());
LogFunAdr("CClientState::ConnectionClosing", p_CClientState__ConnectionClosing.GetPtr());
LogFunAdr("CClientState::ProcessStringCmd", p_CClientState__ProcessStringCmd.GetPtr());
LogFunAdr("CClientState::ProcessServerTick", p_CClientState__ProcessServerTick.GetPtr());
LogVarAdr("g_ClientState", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_pClientState));
LogVarAdr("g_ClientState_Shifted", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_pClientState_Shifted));
virtual void GetFun(void) const
#if defined (GAMEDLL_S0) || defined (GAMEDLL_S1)
p_CClientState__RunFrame = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 89 4C 24 ?? 57 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??");
p_CClientState__Disconnect = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 89 5C 24 ?? 55 57 41 56 48 83 EC 30 0F B6 EA");
p_CClientState__ConnectionClosing = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("40 53 48 83 EC 20 83 B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B DA 7E 6E");
#elif defined (GAMEDLL_S2) || defined (GAMEDLL_S3)
p_CClientState__RunFrame = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("40 53 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B D9 7D 0B");
p_CClientState__Disconnect = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("40 56 57 41 54 41 55 41 57 48 83 EC 30 44 0F B6 FA");
p_CClientState__ConnectionClosing = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("40 53 48 83 EC 20 83 B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B DA 0F 8E ?? ?? ?? ??");
p_CClientState__ProcessStringCmd = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("40 53 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 80 B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B DA");
p_CClientState__ProcessServerTick = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("40 57 48 83 EC 20 83 B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B F9 7C 66");
p_CClientState__Connect = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 89 5C 24 ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? 48 89 7C 24 ?? 41 56 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 32");
CClientState__RunFrame = p_CClientState__RunFrame.RCast<void(*)(CClientState*)>();
CClientState__Connect = p_CClientState__Connect.RCast<void(*)(CClientState*, connectparams_t*)>();
CClientState__Disconnect = p_CClientState__Disconnect.RCast<void(*)(CClientState*, bool)>();
CClientState__ConnectionClosing = p_CClientState__ConnectionClosing.RCast<void(*)(CClientState*, const char*)>();
CClientState__ProcessStringCmd = p_CClientState__ProcessStringCmd.RCast<bool(*)(CClientState*, NET_StringCmd*)>();
CClientState__ProcessServerTick = p_CClientState__ProcessServerTick.RCast<bool(*)(CClientState*, SVC_ServerTick*)>();
virtual void GetVar(void) const
g_pClientState = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("0F 84 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 83 C4 28").FindPatternSelf("48 8D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<CClientState*>(); /*0F 84 ? ? ? ? 48 8D 0D ? ? ? ? 48 83 C4 28*/
g_pClientState_Shifted = reinterpret_cast<CClientState**>(reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(g_pClientState)+1); // Shift by 8 bytes.
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Detour(const bool bAttach) const;