Kawe Mazidjatari 48c2401cf9 Fix rare crash on Dear ImGui shutdown
Fix a rare crash that occurs in AMD driver code, when ImGui shutdown was called. The crash did not occur if the library was shutdown after having rendered one of the ImGui panels for one frame. The fix is to just never call 'ImGui_ImplDX11_NewFrame()', 'ImGui_ImplWin32_NewFrame()' and 'ImGui::NewFrame()', 'ImGui::EndFrame()', 'ImGui::Render()' if none of the windows are visible. code has been tested on a system that would trigger the crash, and after the patch, the crash no longer happened.
2023-06-15 21:33:37 +02:00

83 lines
2.0 KiB

#pragma once
#include "common/sdkdefs.h"
#include "windows/resource.h"
#include "networksystem/serverlisting.h"
#include "networksystem/pylon.h"
#include "public/isurfacesystem.h"
#include "thirdparty/imgui/misc/imgui_utility.h"
class CBrowser : public ISurface
virtual ~CBrowser(void);
virtual bool Init(void);
virtual void Think(void);
virtual void RunFrame(void);
virtual void RunTask(void);
virtual void DrawSurface(void);
void BrowserPanel(void);
void RefreshServerList(void);
void HiddenServersModal(void);
void HostPanel(void);
void UpdateHostingStatus(void);
void SendHostingPostRequest(const NetGameServer_t& gameServer);
void ProcessCommand(const char* pszCommand) const;
void SettingsPanel(void);
void SetHostName(const char* pszHostName);
virtual void SetStyleVar(void);
inline bool IsVisible() { return m_flFadeAlpha > 0.0f; }
const char* m_pszBrowserLabel;
bool m_bActivate;
bool m_bInitialized;
bool m_bReclaimFocus;
bool m_bReclaimFocusTokenField;
bool m_bQueryListNonRecursive; // When set, refreshes the server list once the next frame.
bool m_bQueryGlobalBanList;
char m_szServerAddressBuffer[128];
char m_szServerEncKeyBuffer[30];
float m_flFadeAlpha;
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* m_idLockedIcon;
mutable std::mutex m_Mutex;
// Server List //
ImGuiTextFilter m_imServerBrowserFilter;
string m_svServerListMessage;
string m_szMatchmakingHostName;
// Host Server //
string m_svHostRequestMessage;
string m_svHostToken;
ImVec4 m_HostRequestMessageColor;
// Private Server //
string m_svHiddenServerToken;
string m_svHiddenServerRequestMessage;
ImVec4 m_ivHiddenServerMessageColor;
ImGuiStyle_t m_Style;
extern CBrowser* g_pBrowser;