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950 lines
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950 lines
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// Purpose: pak file loading and unloading
#include "rtech/ipakfile.h"
#include "rtech/async/asyncio.h"
#include "paktools.h"
#include "pakstate.h"
#include "pakpatch.h"
#include "pakalloc.h"
#include "pakparse.h"
#include "pakdecode.h"
#include "pakstream.h"
// resolve the target guid from lookuo table
static bool Pak_ResolveAssetDependency(const PakFile_t* const pak, PakGuid_t currentGuid,
const PakGuid_t targetGuid, int& currentIndex, const bool shouldCheckTwo)
while (true)
if (shouldCheckTwo && currentGuid == 2)
if (pak->memoryData.pakHeader.assetCount)
return false;
if (currentIndex >= PAK_MAX_ASSETS)
return false;
currentIndex &= PAK_MAX_ASSETS_MASK;
currentGuid = g_pPakGlobals->m_assets[currentIndex].guid;
if (currentGuid == targetGuid)
return true;
// resolve guid relations for asset
void Pak_ResolveAssetRelations(PakFile_t* const pak, const PakAsset_t* const asset)
PakPage_t* const pGuidDescriptors = &pak->memoryData.guidDescriptors[asset->dependenciesIndex];
volatile uint32_t* v5 = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint32_t*>(*(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(g_pPakGlobals) + 0x17 * (pak->memoryData.pakId & PAK_MAX_HANDLES_MASK) + 0x160212));
if (pak_debugrelations->GetBool())
Msg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Resolving relations for asset: '0x%-16llX', dependencies: %-4u; in pak '%s'\n",
asset->guid, asset->dependenciesCount, pak->memoryData.fileName);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < asset->dependenciesCount; i++)
void** const pCurrentGuid = reinterpret_cast<void**>(pak->memoryData.memPageBuffers[pGuidDescriptors[i].index] + pGuidDescriptors[i].offset);
// get current guid
const PakGuid_t targetGuid = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(*pCurrentGuid);
// get asset index
int currentIndex = targetGuid & PAK_MAX_ASSETS_MASK;
const PakGuid_t currentGuid = g_pPakGlobals->m_assets[currentIndex].guid;
const int64_t v9 = 2i64 * InterlockedExchangeAdd(v5, 1u);
*reinterpret_cast<PakGuid_t*>(const_cast<uint32_t*>(&v5[2 * v9 + 2])) = targetGuid;
*reinterpret_cast<PakGuid_t*>(const_cast<uint32_t*>(&v5[2 * v9 + 4])) = asset->guid;
if (currentGuid != targetGuid)
// are we some special asset with the guid 2?
if (!Pak_ResolveAssetDependency(pak, currentGuid, targetGuid, currentIndex, true))
PakAsset_t* assetEntries = pak->memoryData.assetEntries;
uint64_t a = 0;
for (; assetEntries->guid != targetGuid; a++, assetEntries++)
if (a >= pak->memoryData.pakHeader.assetCount)
if (!Pak_ResolveAssetDependency(pak, currentGuid, targetGuid, currentIndex, false))
// the dependency couldn't be resolved, this state is irrecoverable;
// error out
Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to resolve asset dependency %u of %u\n"
"pak: '%s'\n"
"asset: '0x%llX'\n"
"target: '0x%llX'\n"
"current: '0x%llX'\n",
i, asset->dependenciesCount,
currentIndex = pak->memoryData.qword2E0[a];
// finally write the pointer to the guid entry
*pCurrentGuid = g_pPakGlobals->m_assets[currentIndex].m_head;
uint32_t Pak_ProcessRemainingPagePointers(PakFile_t* const pak)
uint32_t processedPointers = 0;
for (processedPointers = pak->numProcessedPointers; processedPointers < pak->GetPointerCount(); ++processedPointers)
PakPage_t* const curPage = &pak->memoryData.virtualPointers[processedPointers];
int curCount = curPage->index - pak->firstPageIdx;
if (curCount < 0)
curCount += pak->memoryData.pakHeader.memPageCount;
if (curCount >= pak->processedPageCount)
PakPage_t* const ptr = reinterpret_cast<PakPage_t*>(pak->GetPointerForPageOffset(curPage));
ptr->ptr = pak->memoryData.memPageBuffers[ptr->index] + ptr->offset;
return processedPointers;
void __fastcall Rebuild_14043E030(PakFile_t* const pak)
__int64 numAssets; // rsi
PakAsset_t* pakAsset; // rdi
__int64 _numAssets; // r14
unsigned int assetBind; // ebp
__int64 v13; // rcx
__int64 qword2D8_low; // rdi
JobID_t qword2D8_high; // ebp
JobTypeID_t v16; // si
pak->numProcessedPointers = Pak_ProcessRemainingPagePointers(pak);
numAssets = (unsigned int)pak->processedAssetCount;
if ((_DWORD)numAssets != pak->memoryData.pakHeader.assetCount)
pakAsset = &pak->memoryData.assetEntries[numAssets];
_numAssets = (unsigned int)numAssets;
if ((int)pakAsset->pageEnd <= pak->processedPageCount)
while ((unsigned __int16)*word_167ED7BDE <= 0xC8u)
assetBind = pakAsset->HashTableIndexForAssetType();
pak->memoryData.qword2E0[_numAssets] = (int)sub_14043D3C0(pak, pakAsset);
v13 = assetBind;
if (g_pPakGlobals->m_assetBindings[(unsigned __int64)assetBind].loadAssetFunc)
qword2D8_low = pak->memoryData.pakId;
qword2D8_high = pak->memoryData.unkJobID;
v16 = *((_BYTE*)&*g_pPakGlobals + v13 + 13207872);
JTGuts_AddJob(v16, qword2D8_high, (void*)qword2D8_low, (void*)_numAssets);
if (_InterlockedExchangeAdd16((volatile signed __int16*)&pakAsset->numRemainingDependencies, 0xFFFFu) == 1)
sub_14043D150(pak, pakAsset, (unsigned int)numAssets, assetBind);
numAssets = (unsigned int)++pak->processedAssetCount;
if ((_DWORD)numAssets == pak->memoryData.pakHeader.assetCount)
_numAssets = (unsigned int)numAssets;
pakAsset = &pak->memoryData.assetEntries[numAssets];
if (pakAsset->pageEnd > pak->processedPageCount)
// load user-requested pak files on-demand
PakHandle_t Pak_LoadAsync(const char* const fileName, CAlignedMemAlloc* const allocator, const int nIdx, const bool bUnk)
PakHandle_t pakId = INVALID_PAK_HANDLE;
if (Pak_FileExists(fileName))
Msg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Loading pak file: '%s'\n", fileName);
pakId = v_Pak_LoadAsync(fileName, allocator, nIdx, bUnk);
Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, NO_ERROR, "%s: Failed read '%s' results '%d'\n", __FUNCTION__, fileName, pakId);
Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, NO_ERROR, "%s: Failed; file '%s' doesn't exist\n", __FUNCTION__, fileName);
return pakId;
// unloads loaded pak files
void Pak_UnloadAsync(PakHandle_t handle)
const PakLoadedInfo_t* const pakInfo = Pak_GetPakInfo(handle);
if (pakInfo && pakInfo->fileName)
Msg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Unloading pak file: '%s'\n", pakInfo->fileName);
#define CMD_INVALID -1
// only patch cmds 4,5,6 use this array to determine their data size
static const int s_patchCmdToBytesToProcess[] = { CMD_INVALID, CMD_INVALID, CMD_INVALID, CMD_INVALID, 3, 7, 6, 0 };
// loads and processes a pak file (handles decompression and patching)
bool Pak_ProcessPakFile(PakFile_t* const pak)
PakFileHeader_t* pakHeader; // r8
PakFileStream_t* fileStream; // rsi
PakMemoryData_t* memoryData; // r14
__int64 dwordB8; // rcx
unsigned int v6; // eax // [was: int]
__int64 v7; // rax
char v8; // r13
//signed __int64 index_Maybe; // rdi
//char v10; // r15
//__int64 v11; // rdx
//const char* v12; // rbp
size_t bytesProcessed; // eax
char byteBF; // al
unsigned __int64 v16; // r9
unsigned __int8 v17; // cl
unsigned __int64 v18; // r8
uint8_t byte1F8; // al
uint8_t byte1FD; // cl
PakFileStream_t::Descriptor* v22; // rdi
size_t dataOffset; // rax
PakDecoder_t* decodeContext; // rbp
size_t decompressedSize; // rax
size_t compressedSize; // rdx
uint64_t qword1D0; // rcx
__int64 v28; // rax
unsigned int numBitsRemaining; // r8d
int v35; // ecx
int v39; // r10d
int v40; // r9d
unsigned int v42; // ecx
unsigned int v43; // r8d
unsigned int v44; // r12d
char byteBC; // r15
__int64 v46; // rbp
__int64 v47; // r8
unsigned __int64 v48; // rbp
unsigned __int64 qword8; // rax
__int64 v50; // rdi
char c; // al
char* it; // rcx
char* i; // rdx
int v56; // edi
unsigned int patchCount; // r15
unsigned __int64 v58; // rdx
char pakPatchPath[MAX_PATH]; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-148h] BYREF
unsigned __int64 v62; // [rsp+190h] [rbp+8h]
size_t numBytesToProcess; // [rsp+198h] [rbp+10h] BYREF
fileStream = &pak->fileStream;
memoryData = &pak->memoryData;
dwordB8 = (unsigned int)pak->fileStream.dwordB8;
if ((_DWORD)dwordB8)
v62 = dwordB8 << 19;
v62 = sizeof(PakFileHeader_t);
v6 = fileStream->unsigned_intB4;
if (v6 != (_DWORD)dwordB8)
while (1)
v7 = v6 & 0x1F;
v8 = fileStream->gap94[v7];
if (v8 != 1)
v6 = fileStream->unsigned_intB4 + 1;
fileStream->unsigned_intB4 = v6;
if (v6 == fileStream->dwordB8)
goto LABEL_18;
const char* statusMsg = "(no reason)";
const uint8_t currentStatus = g_pakLoadApi->CheckAsyncRequest((unsigned char)fileStream->gap14[v7], &bytesProcessed, &statusMsg);
if (currentStatus == AsyncHandleStatus_t::FS_ASYNC_PENDING)
goto LABEL_18;
if (currentStatus == AsyncHandleStatus_t::FS_ASYNC_ERROR)
Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, EXIT_FAILURE, "Error reading pak file \"%s\" -- %s\n", pak->memoryData.fileName, statusMsg);
fileStream->qword1D0 += bytesProcessed;
if (v8)
byteBF = fileStream->byteBF++;
pakHeader = &pak->memoryData.pakHeader;
v16 = (unsigned __int64)fileStream->unsigned_intB4 << 19;
if (v8 == 2)
v18 = v16 & fileStream->qword1C8;
fileStream->qword1D0 = bytesProcessed + v16;
pakHeader = (PakFileHeader_t*)&fileStream->buffer[v18];
v17 = byteBF & 7;
fileStream->m_descriptors[v17].dataOffset = v16 + sizeof(PakFileHeader_t);
fileStream->m_descriptors[v17].compressedSize = v16 + pakHeader->compressedSize;
fileStream->m_descriptors[v17].decompressedSize = pakHeader->decompressedSize;
fileStream->m_descriptors[v17].isCompressed = pakHeader->IsCompressed();
goto LABEL_17;
byte1F8 = pak->byte1F8;
if (byte1F8 != fileStream->byteBF)
const bool usesCustomCompression = pak->GetHeader().flags & PAK_HEADER_FLAGS_ZSTD;
byte1FD = pak->byte1FD;
v22 = &fileStream->m_descriptors[byte1F8 & 7];
if (byte1FD)
pak->byte1FD = 0;
pak->inputBytePos = v22->dataOffset;
if (v22->isCompressed)
pak->isOffsetted_MAYBE = 0;
pak->isCompressed = 1;
dataOffset = sizeof(PakFileHeader_t);
pak->isOffsetted_MAYBE = 1;
pak->isCompressed = 0;
dataOffset = v22->dataOffset;
memoryData->processedPatchedDataSize = dataOffset;
if (!pak->isCompressed)
compressedSize = v22->compressedSize;
qword1D0 = compressedSize;
if (fileStream->qword1D0 < compressedSize)
qword1D0 = fileStream->qword1D0;
goto LABEL_41;
decodeContext = &pak->pakDecoder;
decompressedSize = Pak_InitDecoder(&pak->pakDecoder, fileStream->buffer,
PAK_DECODE_IN_BUFFER_MASK, v22->compressedSize - (v22->dataOffset - sizeof(PakFileHeader_t)),
v22->dataOffset - sizeof(PakFileHeader_t), sizeof(PakFileHeader_t), usesCustomCompression);
if (decompressedSize != v22->decompressedSize)
"Error reading pak file \"%s\" -- decompressed size %zu doesn't match expected value %zu\n",
pak->pakDecoder.outputBuf = pak->decompBuffer;
pak->pakDecoder.outputMask = PAK_DECODE_OUT_BUFFER_SIZE_MASK;
decodeContext = &pak->pakDecoder;
if (!pak->isCompressed)
goto LABEL_35;
qword1D0 = pak->pakDecoder.outBufBytePos;
if (qword1D0 != pak->pakDecoder.decompSize)
const bool didDecode = Pak_StreamToBufferDecode(decodeContext, fileStream->qword1D0, memoryData->processedPatchedDataSize + PAK_DECODE_OUT_BUFFER_SIZE, usesCustomCompression);
qword1D0 = pak->pakDecoder.outBufBytePos;
pak->inputBytePos = pak->pakDecoder.inBufBytePos;
if (didDecode)
if (usesCustomCompression && decodeContext->zstreamContext)
decodeContext->zstreamContext = nullptr;
compressedSize = v22->compressedSize;
if (pak->inputBytePos != compressedSize || memoryData->processedPatchedDataSize != qword1D0)
goto LABEL_45;
byte1FD = 1;
byte1F8 = pak->byte1F8 + 1;
pak->byte1FD = 1;
pak->byte1F8 = byte1F8;
} while (byte1F8 != fileStream->byteBF);
qword1D0 = memoryData->processedPatchedDataSize;
v28 = memoryData->field_2A8;
numBytesToProcess = qword1D0 - memoryData->processedPatchedDataSize;
if (memoryData->patchSrcSize + v28)
// if there are no bytes left to process in this patch operation
if (!memoryData->numBytesToProcess_maybe)
RBitRead& bitbuf = memoryData->bitBuf;
numBitsRemaining = bitbuf.m_bitsRemaining; // number of "free" bits in the bitbuf (how many to fetch)
// fetch remaining bits
bitbuf.m_dataBuf |= *(_QWORD*)memoryData->patchData << (64 - (unsigned __int8)numBitsRemaining);
// advance patch data buffer by the number of bytes that have just been fetched
memoryData->patchData = &memoryData->patchData[numBitsRemaining >> 3];
// store the number of bits remaining to complete the data read
bitbuf.m_bitsRemaining = numBitsRemaining & 7; // number of bits above a whole byte
const unsigned __int8 index1 = static_cast<unsigned __int8>(bitbuf.ReadBits(6));
v35 = memoryData->PATCH_field_68[index1]; // number of bits to discard from bitbuf
__int8 cmd = memoryData->patchCommands[index1];
// get the next patch function to execute
memoryData->patchFunc = g_pakPatchApi[cmd];
if (cmd <= 3u)
const unsigned __int8 index2 = static_cast<unsigned __int8>(bitbuf.ReadBits(8));
v39 = memoryData->PATCH_unk3[index2];
v40 = memoryData->PATCH_unk2[index2]; // number of stored bits for the data size
memoryData->numBytesToProcess_maybe = (1ull << v40) + bitbuf.ReadBits(v40);
memoryData->numBytesToProcess_maybe = s_patchCmdToBytesToProcess[cmd];
} while (pak->memoryData.patchFunc(pak, &numBytesToProcess) && memoryData->patchSrcSize + memoryData->field_2A8);
if (pak->isOffsetted_MAYBE)
pak->inputBytePos = memoryData->processedPatchedDataSize;
if (!fileStream->finishedLoadingPatches)
v42 = fileStream->unsigned_intB4;
v43 = fileStream->dwordB8;
if ((unsigned int)(pak->inputBytePos >> 19) < v42)
v42 = (unsigned int)pak->inputBytePos >> 19; // New cast added
v44 = v42 + 32;
if (v43 != v42 + 32)
while (1)
byteBC = fileStream->byteBC;
v46 = v43;
v47 = v43 & 0x1F;
v48 = (v46 + 1) << 19;
if (byteBC == 1)
qword8 = fileStream->qword8;
if (v62 < qword8)
v50 = (unsigned int)v47;
if (v48 < qword8)
qword8 = v48;
fileStream->gap14[(unsigned int)v47] = v_FS_ReadAsyncFile(
v62 - fileStream->qword0,
qword8 - v62,
&fileStream->buffer[v62 & fileStream->qword1C8],
fileStream->gap94[v50] = byteBC;
fileStream->byteBC = 0;
goto LABEL_65;
if (pak->patchCount >= pak->memoryData.pakHeader.patchIndex)
fileStream->fileHandle = INVALID_PAK_HANDLE;
fileStream->qword0 = 0i64;
fileStream->finishedLoadingPatches = true;
return memoryData->patchSrcSize == 0;
if (!pak->dword14)
return memoryData->patchSrcSize == 0;
sprintf(pakPatchPath, PLATFORM_PAK_PATH"%s", pak->memoryData.fileName);
patchCount = pak->patchCount++;
// get path of next patch rpak to load
if (pak->memoryData.patchIndices[patchCount])
c = pakPatchPath[0];
it = pakPatchPath;
for (i = nullptr; c; ++it)
if (c == '.')
i = it;
else if (c == '\\' || c == '/')
i = nullptr;
c = it[1];
if (i)
it = i;
// replace extension '.rpak' with '(xx).rpak'
snprintf(it, &pakPatchPath[sizeof(pakPatchPath)] - it,
"(%02u).rpak", pak->memoryData.patchIndices[patchCount]);
v56 = FS_OpenAsyncFile(pakPatchPath, 5i64, &numBytesToProcess);
Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, EXIT_FAILURE, "Couldn't open file \"%s\".\n", pakPatchPath);
if (numBytesToProcess < pak->memoryData.patchHeaders[patchCount].m_sizeDisk)
Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, EXIT_FAILURE, "File \"%s\" appears truncated; read size: %zu < expected size: %zu.\n",
pakPatchPath, numBytesToProcess, pak->memoryData.patchHeaders[patchCount].m_sizeDisk);
v43 = fileStream->dwordB8;
fileStream->fileHandle = v56;
v58 = (unsigned __int64)((v43 + 7) & 0xFFFFFFF8) << 19;
fileStream->qword0 = v58;
fileStream->byteBC = (v43 == ((v43 + 7) & 0xFFFFFFF8)) + 1;
fileStream->qword8 = v58 + pak->memoryData.patchHeaders[patchCount].m_sizeDisk;
if (v43 == v44)
return memoryData->patchSrcSize == 0;
fileStream->gap14[v47] = -2;
fileStream->gap94[v47] = 1;
if ((((_BYTE)v47 + 1) & 7) == 0)
fileStream->byteBC = 2;
v43 = ++fileStream->dwordB8;
v62 = v48;
goto LABEL_84;
return memoryData->patchSrcSize == 0;
// sets patch variables for copying the next unprocessed page into the relevant segment buffer
// if this is a header page, fetch info from the next unprocessed asset and copy over the asset's header
bool SetupNextPageForPatching(PakLoadedInfo_t* a1, PakFile_t* pak)
// numProcessedPointers has just been set in the above function call
pak->memoryData.numShiftedPointers = pak->numProcessedPointers;
if (pak->processedPageCount == pak->GetPageCount())
return false;
const uint32_t highestProcessedPageIdx = pak->processedPageCount + pak->firstPageIdx;
int v26 = highestProcessedPageIdx - pak->GetPageCount();
if (highestProcessedPageIdx < pak->GetPageCount())
v26 = highestProcessedPageIdx;
const PakPageHeader_t* const nextMemPageHeader = &pak->memoryData.pageHeaders[v26];
if ((pak->memoryData.segmentHeaders[nextMemPageHeader->segmentIdx].typeFlags & (SF_TEMP | SF_CPU)) != 0)
pak->memoryData.patchSrcSize = nextMemPageHeader->dataSize;
pak->memoryData.patchDstPtr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pak->memoryData.memPageBuffers[v26]);
return true;
// headers
PakAsset_t* pakAsset = pak->memoryData.ppAssetEntries[pak->memoryData.someAssetCount];
pak->memoryData.patchSrcSize = pakAsset->headerSize;
int assetTypeIdx = pakAsset->HashTableIndexForAssetType();
pak->memoryData.patchDstPtr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(a1->segmentBuffers[0]) + pak->memoryData.unkAssetTypeBindingSizes[assetTypeIdx];
pak->memoryData.unkAssetTypeBindingSizes[assetTypeIdx] += g_pPakGlobals->m_assetBindings[assetTypeIdx].nativeClassSize;
return true;
bool Pak_ProcessAssets(PakLoadedInfo_t* const a1)
PakFile_t* const pak = a1->pakFile;
while (pak->processedAssetCount != pak->GetAssetCount())
// TODO: invert condition and make the branch encompass the whole loop
if (!(pak->memoryData.patchSrcSize + pak->memoryData.field_2A8))
const bool res = SetupNextPageForPatching(a1, pak);
if (res)
if (!Pak_ProcessPakFile(pak))
return false;
// processedPageCount must be greater than 0 here otherwise the page index will be negative and cause a crash
// if this happens, something probably went wrong with the patch data condition at the start of the loop, as that
// function call should increment processedPageCount if it succeeded
assert(pak->processedPageCount > 0);
const uint32_t pageCount = pak->GetPageCount();
const uint32_t v4 = (pak->firstPageIdx - 1) + pak->processedPageCount;
uint32_t shiftedPageIndex = v4;
if (v4 >= pageCount)
shiftedPageIndex -= pageCount;
// if "temp_" segment
if ((pak->memoryData.segmentHeaders[pak->memoryData.pageHeaders[shiftedPageIndex].segmentIdx].typeFlags & (SF_TEMP | SF_CPU)) != 0)
const bool res = SetupNextPageForPatching(a1, pak);
if (res)
PakAsset_t* asset = pak->memoryData.ppAssetEntries[pak->memoryData.someAssetCount];
const uint32_t headPageOffset = asset->headPtr.offset;
char* v8 = pak->memoryData.patchDstPtr - asset->headerSize;
uint32_t newOffsetFromSegmentBufferToHeader = LODWORD(pak->memoryData.patchDstPtr)
- asset->headerSize
- LODWORD(a1->segmentBuffers[0]);
asset->headPtr.offset = newOffsetFromSegmentBufferToHeader;
uint32_t offsetSize = newOffsetFromSegmentBufferToHeader - headPageOffset;
for (uint32_t i = pak->memoryData.numShiftedPointers; i < pak->GetPointerCount(); pak->memoryData.numShiftedPointers = i)
PakPage_t* ptr = &pak->memoryData.virtualPointers[i];
if (ptr->index != shiftedPageIndex)
const uint32_t offsetToPointer = ptr->offset - headPageOffset;
if (offsetToPointer >= asset->headerSize)
PakPage_t* pagePtr = reinterpret_cast<PakPage_t*>(v8 + offsetToPointer);
ptr->offset += offsetSize;
if (pagePtr->index == shiftedPageIndex)
pagePtr->offset += offsetSize;
i = pak->memoryData.numShiftedPointers + 1;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < asset->dependenciesCount; ++j)
PakPage_t* descriptor = &pak->memoryData.guidDescriptors[asset->dependenciesIndex + j];
if (descriptor->index == shiftedPageIndex)
descriptor->offset += offsetSize;
const uint32_t v16 = ++pak->memoryData.someAssetCount;
PakAsset_t* v17 = nullptr;
if (v16 < pak->GetAssetCount() && (v17 = pak->memoryData.ppAssetEntries[v16], v17->headPtr.index == shiftedPageIndex))
pak->memoryData.field_2A8 = v17->headPtr.offset - headPageOffset - asset->headerSize;
pak->memoryData.patchSrcSize = v17->headerSize;
const uint8_t assetTypeIdx = v17->HashTableIndexForAssetType();
pak->memoryData.patchDstPtr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(a1->segmentBuffers[0]) + pak->memoryData.unkAssetTypeBindingSizes[assetTypeIdx];
pak->memoryData.unkAssetTypeBindingSizes[assetTypeIdx] += g_pPakGlobals->m_assetBindings[assetTypeIdx].nativeClassSize;
bool res = SetupNextPageForPatching(a1, pak);
if (res)
if (!JT_IsJobDone(pak->memoryData.unkJobID))
return false;
uint32_t i = 0;
PakAsset_t* pAsset = nullptr;
for (int j = pak->memoryData.pakId & PAK_MAX_HANDLES_MASK; i < pak->GetHeader().assetCount; a1->assetGuids[i - 1] = pAsset->guid)
pAsset = &pak->memoryData.assetEntries[i];
if (pAsset->numRemainingDependencies)
//printf("[%s] processing deps for %llX (%.4s)\n", pak->GetName(), pAsset->guid, (char*)&pAsset->magic);
Pak_ResolveAssetRelations(pak, pAsset);
const int v36 = pak->memoryData.qword2E0[i];
if (dword_167A40B3C[6 * g_pPakGlobals->m_assets[v36].unk_8] == j)
if (*qword_167ED7BC8)
uint64_t v38 = 0;
if ((*qword_167ED7BC8)->unk_0)
int* v39 = (*qword_167ED7BC8)->unk_array_9D410;
while (*v39 != v36)
if (v38 >= (*qword_167ED7BC8)->unk_0)
goto LABEL_41;
goto LABEL_42;
//printf("allocating thing\n");
*qword_167ED7BC8 = reinterpret_cast<UnknownPakStruct_t*>(AlignedMemAlloc()->Alloc(0x11D410, 8));
(*qword_167ED7BC8)->unk_0 = 0;
(*qword_167ED7BC8)->unk_4 = 0;
(*qword_167ED7BC8)->unk_8 = 0;
(*qword_167ED7BC8)->unk_array_9D410[(*qword_167ED7BC8)->unk_0] = v36;
if (*qword_167ED7BC8)
sub_14043D870(a1, 0);
a1->status = EPakStatus::PAK_STATUS_LOADED;
return true;
void Pak_StubInvalidAssetBinds(PakFile_t* const pak, PakSegmentDescriptor_t* const desc)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pak->GetAssetCount(); ++i)
PakAsset_t* const asset = &pak->memoryData.assetEntries[i];
pak->memoryData.ppAssetEntries[i] = asset;
const uint8_t assetTypeIndex = asset->HashTableIndexForAssetType();
PakAssetBinding_t* const assetBinding = &g_pPakGlobals->m_assetBindings[assetTypeIndex];
if (assetBinding->type == PakAssetBinding_t::NONE)
assetBinding->extension = asset->magic;
assetBinding->version = asset->version;
assetBinding->description = "<unknown>";
assetBinding->loadAssetFunc = nullptr;
assetBinding->unloadAssetFunc = nullptr;
assetBinding->replaceAssetFunc = nullptr;
assetBinding->allocator = AlignedMemAlloc();
assetBinding->headerSize = asset->headerSize;
assetBinding->nativeClassSize = asset->headerSize;
assetBinding->headerAlignment = pak->memoryData.pageHeaders[asset->headPtr.index].pageAlignment;
assetBinding->type = PakAssetBinding_t::STUB;
// this is dev only because it could spam a lot on older paks
// which isn't much help to the average user that can't rebuild other people's paks
if (asset->version != assetBinding->version)
"Unexpected asset version for \"%s\" (%.4s) asset with guid 0x%llX (asset %i in pakfile '%s'). Expected %i, found %i.\n",
i, pak->GetName(),
assetBinding->version, asset->version
bool Pak_StartLoadingPak(PakLoadedInfo_t* const loadedInfo)
PakFile_t* const pakFile = loadedInfo->pakFile;
if (pakFile->memoryData.patchSrcSize && !Pak_ProcessPakFile(pakFile))
return false;
PakSegmentDescriptor_t pakDescriptor = {};
Pak_StubInvalidAssetBinds(pakFile, &pakDescriptor);
const uint32_t numAssets = pakFile->GetAssetCount();
if (pakFile->memoryData.pakHeader.patchIndex)
pakFile->firstPageIdx = pakFile->memoryData.patchDataHeader->m_pageCount;
sub_140442740(pakFile->memoryData.ppAssetEntries, &pakFile->memoryData.ppAssetEntries[numAssets], numAssets, pakFile);
// pak must have no more than PAK_MAX_SEGMENTS segments as otherwise we will overrun the above "segmentSizes" array
// and write to arbitrary locations on the stack
if (pakFile->GetSegmentCount() > PAK_MAX_SEGMENTS)
Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, EXIT_FAILURE, "Too many segments in pakfile '%s'. Max %i, found %i.\n", pakFile->GetName(), PAK_MAX_SEGMENTS, pakFile->GetSegmentCount());
return false;
Pak_AlignSegmentHeaders(pakFile, &pakDescriptor);
Pak_AlignSegments(pakFile, &pakDescriptor);
// allocate segment buffers with predetermined alignments; pages will be
// copied into here
for (int8_t i = 0; i < PAK_SEGMENT_BUFFER_TYPES; ++i)
if (pakDescriptor.segmentSizeForType[i])
loadedInfo->segmentBuffers[i] = AlignedMemAlloc()->Alloc(pakDescriptor.segmentSizeForType[i], pakDescriptor.segmentAlignmentForType[i]);
Pak_CopyPagesToSegments(pakFile, loadedInfo, &pakDescriptor);
const PakFileHeader_t& pakHdr = pakFile->GetHeader();
if (*g_pUseAssetStreamingSystem)
const __int64 v106 = pakHdr.descriptorCount + 2 * (pakHdr.patchIndex + pakHdr.assetCount + 4ull * pakHdr.assetCount + pakHdr.virtualSegmentCount);
const __int64 patchDestOffset = pakHdr.GetTotalHeaderSize() + 2 * (pakHdr.patchIndex + 6ull * pakHdr.memPageCount + 4 * v106);
pakFile->dword14 = 1;
PakMemoryData_t& memoryData = pakFile->memoryData;
memoryData.patchSrcSize = pakFile->memoryData.qword2D0 - patchDestOffset;
memoryData.patchDstPtr = (char*)&pakHdr + patchDestOffset;
loadedInfo->status = EPakStatus::PAK_STATUS_LOAD_PAKHDR;
return true;
void V_PakParse::Detour(const bool bAttach) const
DetourSetup(&v_Pak_LoadAsync, &Pak_LoadAsync, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&v_Pak_UnloadAsync, &Pak_UnloadAsync, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&v_Pak_StartLoadingPak, &Pak_StartLoadingPak, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&v_Pak_ProcessPakFile, &Pak_ProcessPakFile, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&v_Pak_ResolveAssetRelations, &Pak_ResolveAssetRelations, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&v_Pak_ProcessAssets, &Pak_ProcessAssets, bAttach);
DetourSetup(&sub_14043E030, &Rebuild_14043E030, bAttach);
// Symbols taken from R2 dll's.
PakLoadFuncs_t* g_pakLoadApi = nullptr;