Kawe Mazidjatari edc52ad669 IDetour: remove extraneous pointer assignments
Originally, we store the search results in a CMemory instance which we then assign to the actual function pointer. CMemory is just a pointer class; we can assign the results directly to the actual function pointer. This commit reduces a lot of code verbosity, and also reduced roughly 2KiB worth of static pointers in the resulting executable. This commit also officially deprecates the support for any GameDLL's below S3 (Season 3), since it makes more sense to port the assets from earlier/later games back to the version this SDK supports.
2024-04-05 17:19:32 +02:00

470 lines
21 KiB

#include <tier0/annotations.h>
#include <tier0/threadtools.h>
#include <tier1/utlvector.h>
#include <tier1/utlstring.h>
#include <public/ipackedstore.h>
#include <public/appframework/IAppSystem.h>
typedef void* FileHandle_t;
typedef void* FileNameHandle_t; // !TODO: Check if this is 4 or 8 bytes (model_t was 4 bytes in mem).
typedef void* FileCacheHandle_t;
typedef void* FileFindHandle_t;
#define FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ( FileHandle_t )nullptr
#define GAMEINFOPATH_TOKEN "|gameinfo_path|"
#define BASESOURCEPATHS_TOKEN "|all_source_engine_paths|"
// Purpose: Forward declarations
class KeyValues;
class CUtlBuffer;
// Structures used by the interface
struct FileSystemStatistics
CInterlockedUInt nReads,
struct FileSystemCacheDescriptor
const char* pszFilePath;
const char* pszFileName;
const char* pszFileExt;
void* pUnk0; // Ptr to ptr of some dynamically allocated buffer.
int nFileSize;
int nFileFlags; // Might be wrong.
void* pUnk1; // Ptr to some data; compressed perhaps?
int nUnk0;
int nUnk1;
int nUnk2;
int nUnk3;
int nUnk4;
int nPadding;
struct FileSystemCacheBuffer
byte* pData; // Actual file buffer.
void* pUnk;
int nUnk0;
volatile LONG nLock;
int nUnk1;
int nUnk2; // Used to index into arrays.
struct FileSystemCache
int nUnk0; // Most of the time, this is set to '1'.
FileSystemCacheDescriptor* pDescriptor;
FileSystemCacheBuffer* pBuffer;
// File system allocation functions. Client must free on failure
typedef void* (*FSAllocFunc_t)(const char* pszFileName, unsigned nBytes);
// Used to display dirty disk error functions
typedef void (*FSDirtyDiskReportFunc_t)();
// Used for FileSystem logging
typedef void (*FileSystemLoggingFunc_t)(const char* fileName, const char* accessType);
// Asynchronous support types
const FSAsyncFile_t FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE = (FSAsyncFile_t)(0x0000ffff);
enum FilesystemMountRetval_t
// search path filtering
enum PathTypeFilter_t
FILTER_NONE = 0, // no filtering, all search path types match
FILTER_CULLPACK = 1, // pack based search paths are culled (maps and zips)
FILTER_CULLNONPACK = 2, // non-pack based search paths are culled
FILTER_CULLLOCALIZED = 3, // Ignore localized paths, assumes CULLNONPACK
FILTER_CULLLOCALIZED_ANY = 4, // Ignore any localized paths
// search path querying (bit flags)
PATH_IS_NORMAL = 0x00, // normal path, not pack based
PATH_IS_PACKFILE = 0x01, // path is a pack file
PATH_IS_MAPPACKFILE = 0x02, // path is a map pack file
PATH_IS_DVDDEV = 0x04, // path is the dvddev cache
typedef uint32 PathTypeQuery_t;
#define IS_DVDDEV( n ) ( n & PATH_IS_DVDDEV )
enum class SearchPathAdd_t : int
PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD, // First path searched
PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL, // Last path searched
PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL_ATINDEX, // First path searched
enum class FileWarningLevel_t : int
FILESYSTEM_WARNING = -1, // A problem!
FILESYSTEM_WARNING_QUIET = 0, // Don't print anything
FILESYSTEM_WARNING_REPORTUNCLOSED, // On shutdown, report names of files left unclosed
FILESYSTEM_WARNING_REPORTUSAGE, // Report number of times a file was opened, closed
FILESYSTEM_WARNING_REPORTALLACCESSES, // Report all open/close events to console ( !slow! )
FILESYSTEM_WARNING_REPORTALLACCESSES_READ, // Report all open/close/read events to the console ( !slower! )
FILESYSTEM_WARNING_REPORTALLACCESSES_READWRITE, // Report all open/close/read/write events to the console ( !slower! )
FILESYSTEM_WARNING_REPORTALLACCESSES_ASYNC // Report all open/close/read/write events and all async I/O file events to the console ( !slower(est)! )
enum FileMode_t
enum FileType_t
enum FileSystemSeek_t
abstract_class IBaseFileSystem
virtual ssize_t Read(void* pOutput, ssize_t size, FileHandle_t file) = 0;
virtual ssize_t Write(void const* pInput, ssize_t size, FileHandle_t file) = 0;
// if pathID is NULL, all paths will be searched for the file
virtual FileHandle_t Open(const char* pFileName, const char* pOptions, const char* pPathID = 0, int64_t unknown = 0) = 0;
virtual void Close(FileHandle_t file) = 0;
virtual void Seek(FileHandle_t file, ptrdiff_t pos, FileSystemSeek_t seekType) = 0;
virtual ptrdiff_t Tell(FileHandle_t file) = 0;
virtual ssize_t FSize(const char* pFileName, const char* pPathID = 0) = 0; // Gets optimized away if it isn't named differently or used.
virtual ssize_t Size(FileHandle_t file) = 0;
virtual void Flush(FileHandle_t file) = 0;
virtual bool Precache(const char* pFileName, const char* pPathID = 0) = 0;
virtual bool FileExists(const char* pFileName, const char* pPathID = 0) = 0;
virtual bool IsFileWritable(char const* pFileName, const char* pPathID = 0) = 0;
virtual bool SetFileWritable(char const* pFileName, bool writable, const char* pPathID = 0) = 0;
virtual long long GetFileTime(const char* pFileName, const char* pPathID = 0) = 0;
// Reads/writes files to utlbuffers. Use this for optimal read performance when doing open/read/close.
virtual bool ReadFile(const char* pFileName, const char* pPath, CUtlBuffer& buf, ssize_t nMaxBytes = 0, ptrdiff_t nStartingByte = 0, FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL) = 0;
virtual bool WriteFile(const char* pFileName, const char* pPath, CUtlBuffer& buf) = 0;
virtual bool UnzipFile(const char* pFileName, const char* pPath, const char* pDestination) = 0;
abstract_class IFileSystem : public IAppSystem, public IBaseFileSystem
virtual bool IsSteam() const = 0;
// Supplying an extra app id will mount this app in addition
// to the one specified in the environment variable "steamappid"
// If nExtraAppId is < -1, then it will mount that app ID only.
// (Was needed by the dedicated server b/c the "SteamAppId" env var only gets passed to steam.dll
// at load time, so the dedicated couldn't pass it in that way).
virtual FilesystemMountRetval_t MountSteamContent(int nExtraAppId = -1) = 0;
virtual bool InitFeatureFlags() = 0;
virtual bool InitFeatureFlags(const char* pszFlagSetFile) = 0;
virtual void AddSearchPath(const char* pPath, const char* pPathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType) = 0;
virtual bool RemoveSearchPath(const char* pPath, const char* pPathID) = 0;
virtual void RemoveAllSearchPaths(void) = 0; // Remove all search paths (including write path?)
virtual void RemoveSearchPaths(const char* szPathID) = 0; // Remove search paths associated with a given pathID
// This is for optimization. If you mark a path ID as "by request only", then files inside it
// will only be accessed if the path ID is specifically requested. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
// If there are currently no search paths with the specified path ID, then it will still
// remember it in case you add search paths with this path ID.
virtual void MarkPathIDByRequestOnly(const char* pPathID, bool bRequestOnly) = 0;
// converts a partial path into a full path
virtual const char* RelativePathToFullPath(const char* pFileName, const char* pPathID, char* pLocalPath, ssize_t localPathBufferSize, PathTypeFilter_t pathFilter = FILTER_NONE, PathTypeQuery_t* pPathType = NULL) = 0;
#if IsGameConsole()
// Given a relative path, gets the PACK file that contained this file and its offset and size. Can be used to prefetch a file to a HDD for caching reason.
virtual bool GetPackFileInfoFromRelativePath(const char* pFileName, const char* pPathID, char* pPackPath, ssize_t nPackPathBufferSize, ptrdiff_t& nPosition, ssize_t& nLength) = 0;
// Returns the search path, each path is separated by ;s. Returns the length of the string returned
virtual ssize_t GetSearchPath(const char* pathID, bool bGetPackFiles, char* pPath, ssize_t nMaxLen) = 0;
virtual bool AddPackFile(const char* fullpath, const char* pathID) = 0; // interface for custom pack files > 4Gb
// File manipulation operations
virtual void RemoveFile(char const* pRelativePath, const char* pathID = 0) = 0; // Deletes a file (on the WritePath)
virtual bool RenameFile(char const* pOldPath, char const* pNewPath, const char* pathID = 0) = 0; // Renames a file (on the WritePath)
virtual int CreateDirHierarchy(const char* path, const char* pathID = 0) = 0; // create a local directory structure
virtual bool IsDirectory(const char* pFileName, const char* pathID = 0) = 0; // File I/O and info
virtual ssize_t FileTimeToString(char* pStrip, ssize_t maxCharsIncludingTerminator, long fileTime) = 0; // Returns the string size
// Open file operations
virtual void SetBufferSize(FileHandle_t file/*, ssize_t nBytes*/) = 0; // Amos: unsure if this is accurate, no longer takes the second argument?
virtual bool IsOk(FileHandle_t file) = 0;
virtual bool EndOfFile(FileHandle_t file) = 0;
virtual char* ReadLine(char* pOutput, size_t maxChars, FileHandle_t file) = 0;
#if ! defined(SWIG)
// Don't let SWIG see the PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING attribute or it will complain.
virtual ssize_t FPrintf(FileHandle_t file, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char* pFormat, ...) FMTFUNCTION(3, 4) = 0;
virtual ssize_t FPrintf(FileHandle_t file, const char* pFormat, ...) FMTFUNCTION(3, 4) = 0;
// Dynamic library operations
// load/unload modules
virtual CSysModule* LoadModule(const char* pFileName, const char* pPathID = 0, bool bValidatedDllOnly = true) = 0;
virtual void UnloadModule(CSysModule* pModule) = 0;
// File searching operations
// FindFirst/FindNext. Also see FindFirstEx.
virtual const char* FindFirst(const char* pWildCard, FileFindHandle_t* pHandle) = 0;
virtual const char* FindNext(FileFindHandle_t handle) = 0;
virtual bool FindIsDirectory(FileFindHandle_t handle) = 0;
virtual void FindClose(FileFindHandle_t handle) = 0;
// Same as FindFirst, but you can filter by path ID, which can make it faster.
virtual const char* FindFirstEx(
const char* pWildCard,
const char* pPathID,
FileFindHandle_t* pHandle
) = 0;
// Searches for a file in all paths and results absolute path names for the file, works in pack files (zip and vpk) too
// Lets you search for something like sound/sound.cache and get a list of every sound cache
virtual void FindFileAbsoluteList(CUtlVector<CUtlString>& outAbsolutePathNames, const char* pWildCard, const char* pPathID) = 0;
// File name and directory operations
// FIXME: This method is obsolete! Use RelativePathToFullPath instead!
// converts a partial path into a full path
virtual const char* GetLocalPath(const char* pFileName, char* pLocalPath, ssize_t localPathBufferSize) = 0;
// Returns true on success ( based on current list of search paths, otherwise false if
// it can't be resolved )
virtual bool FullPathToRelativePath(const char* pFullpath, char* pRelative, ssize_t maxlen) = 0;
// Gets the current working directory
virtual bool GetCurrentDirectory(char* pDirectory, unsigned int maxlen) = 0; // Last parameter is a DWORD passed to 'GetCurrentDirectoryA()' internally.
// Filename dictionary operations
virtual FileNameHandle_t FindOrAddFileName(char const* pFileName) = 0;
virtual bool String(const FileNameHandle_t& handle, char* buf, ssize_t buflen) = 0;
// Asynchronous file operations
//--------------- [ !!! AMOS: !!! ALL ASYNC METHODS ARE UNIMPLEMENTED !!! PURECALL !!! ] ---------------//
// Global operations
virtual void PureCall0() = 0;
virtual void PureCall1() = 0;
virtual void PureCall2() = 0;
virtual void PureCall3() = 0;
virtual void PureCall4() = 0;
virtual void PureCall5() = 0;
// Debugging operations
// Dump to printf/OutputDebugString the list of files that have not been closed
virtual void PrintOpenedFiles(void) = 0;
virtual void PrintSearchPaths(void) = 0;
// output
virtual void SetWarningFunc(void (*pfnWarning)(const char* fmt, ...)) = 0;
virtual void SetWarningLevel(FileWarningLevel_t level) = 0;
virtual void AddLoggingFunc(void (*pfnLogFunc)(const char* fileName, const char* accessType)) = 0;
virtual void RemoveLoggingFunc(FileSystemLoggingFunc_t logFunc) = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_14038C240(__int64 a1) = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_14038C380(__int64 a1) = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_14038C400(__int64 a1, __int64 a2) = 0;
// Returns the file system statistics retrieved by the implementation. Returns NULL if not supported.
virtual const FileSystemStatistics* GetFilesystemStatistics() = 0;
// Start of new functions after Lost Coast release (7/05)
virtual FileHandle_t OpenEx(const char* pFileName, const char* pOptions, unsigned flags = 0, const char* pathID = 0/*, char** ppszResolvedFilename = NULL*/) = 0;
// Extended version of read provides more context to allow for more optimal reading
virtual ssize_t ReadEx(void* pOutput, ssize_t sizeDest, ssize_t size, FileHandle_t file) = 0;
virtual ssize_t ReadFileEx(const char* pFileName, const char* pPath, void** ppBuf, bool bNullTerminate = false, bool bOptimalAlloc = false, ssize_t nMaxBytes = 0, ptrdiff_t nStartingByte = 0, FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL) = 0;
virtual FileNameHandle_t FindFileName(char const* pFileName) = 0;
#if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO )
virtual void EnableBlockingFileAccessTracking(bool state) = 0;
virtual bool IsBlockingFileAccessEnabled() const = 0;
virtual IBlockingFileItemList* RetrieveBlockingFileAccessInfo() = 0;
virtual void SetupPreloadData() = 0;
virtual void DiscardPreloadData() = 0;
// Fixme, we could do these via a string embedded into the compiled data, etc...
enum KeyValuesPreloadType_t
// If the "PreloadedData" hasn't been purged, then this'll try and instance the KeyValues using the fast path of compiled keyvalues loaded during startup.
// Otherwise, it'll just fall through to the regular KeyValues loading routines
virtual KeyValues* LoadKeyValues(KeyValuesPreloadType_t type, char const* filename, char const* pPathID = 0) = 0;
virtual bool LoadKeyValues(KeyValues& head, KeyValuesPreloadType_t type, char const* filename, char const* pPathID = 0) = 0;
virtual bool GetFileTypeForFullPath(char const* pFullPath, wchar_t* buf, size_t bufSizeInBytes) = 0;
virtual bool ReadToBuffer(FileHandle_t hFile, CUtlBuffer& buf, ssize_t nMaxBytes = 0, FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL) = 0;
// Optimal IO operations
virtual bool GetOptimalIOConstraints(FileHandle_t hFile, uint64_t* pOffsetAlign, uint64_t* pSizeAlign, uint64_t* pBufferAlign) = 0;
virtual void* AllocOptimalReadBuffer(ptrdiff_t nOffset = 0/*!!! UNUSED !!!*/, ssize_t nSize = 0) = 0;
virtual void FreeOptimalReadBuffer(void*) = 0;
virtual bool __fastcall sub_140383E00(__int64 a2) = 0;
virtual bool sub_1403836A0() = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_140384310(int a1) = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall CheckVPKMode(int nMode) = 0; // Checks if the VPK mode equals the mode input.
// Cache/VPK operations
virtual bool ReadFromCache(const char* pPath, FileSystemCache* pCache) = 0;
virtual bool __fastcall sub_14037FFA0(__int64 a1, unsigned int a2, __int64 a3) = 0;
virtual void SetVPKCacheModeClient() = 0; // g_nVPKCacheMode = 1;
virtual void SetVPKCacheModeServer() = 0; // g_nVPKCacheMode = 2;
virtual bool IsVPKCacheEnabled() = 0; // g_nVPKCacheMode != 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall PrecacheTaskItem(__int64 a1) = 0;
virtual void ResetItemCacheSize(int edx) = 0;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140380100(__int64 a1) = 0;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140380230(char a2) = 0;
virtual void* __fastcall sub_1403801F0(const void* a1, unsigned int a2) = 0;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140380220(__int64 a1) = 0;
virtual bool ResetItemCache() = 0;
virtual char __fastcall sub_1403836D0(int a1, char* a2, unsigned int a3) = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_140383840(unsigned int a1, __int64 a2, char* a3, unsigned int BufferCount) = 0;
virtual const char** __fastcall sub_140383760(unsigned int a1) = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_140383A20(const char* a1) = 0;
virtual VPKData_t* MountVPKFile(const char* pVpkPath) = 0;
virtual const char* UnmountVPKFile(const char* pBasename) = 0;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140383370() = 0;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140383560() = 0;
virtual unsigned __int64 __fastcall PnpCtxRegQueryInfoKey(__int64 a1, char* a2, unsigned int* a3, unsigned __int64 a4, unsigned __int64 a5, void(__fastcall* a6)(unsigned __int64)) = 0;
virtual char* sub_1403842B0() = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_1403842C0(__int64 a1, unsigned int a2, __int64 a3) = 0;
virtual char __fastcall LoadMainVPK(const char* pszVPKFile) = 0;
virtual __int64 sub_140380080() = 0;
virtual char __fastcall sub_14038B530(const char* a1, unsigned __int8* a2, char* a3, __int64 Count) = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_14038C830(unsigned __int16* a1) = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_140388360(char* a1, __int64 a2) = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_140384C60(char* a1, unsigned __int64 a2) = 0;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140382A80() = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_14038CC90(int a1, unsigned int a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4) = 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall UserMathErrorFunction() = 0;