Kawe Mazidjatari 04bee896be Fix string/wstring type conflict
cppkore uses string/wstring as StringBase while we use std::string/std::wstring as string/wstring. Changed all types in cppkore to String/WString instead.
2022-05-21 21:51:35 +02:00

574 lines
20 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <CommCtrl.h>
#include "Keys.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "Action.h"
#include "Message.h"
#include "DropTarget.h"
#include "EventBase.h"
#include "StringBase.h"
#include "ControlTypes.h"
#include "AnchorStyles.h"
#include "CreateParams.h"
#include "MouseButtons.h"
#include "ControlStyles.h"
#include "ControlStates.h"
#include "KeyEventArgs.h"
#include "PaintEventArgs.h"
#include "MouseEventArgs.h"
#include "ControlCollection.h"
#include "BoundsSpecified.h"
#include "InvalidateEventArgs.h"
#include "DragEventArgs.h"
#include "KeyPressEventArgs.h"
#include "HandledMouseEventArgs.h"
// Used for reflection messages
#define WM_REFLECT (WM_USER + 0x1C00)
// Undocumented flags
#define DCX_USESTYLE 0x00010000
#define DCX_NODELETERGN 0x00040000
// Remove built-in macros
#undef SetWindowText
#undef DrawText
namespace Forms
// Defines the base class for controls, which are components
// with visual representation.
class Control
virtual ~Control();
// Makes the control display by setting the visible property to true.
virtual void Show();
// Hides the control by setting the visible property to false.
virtual void Hide();
// Creates a new instance of the specified control with the given parent.
virtual void CreateControl(Control* Parent = nullptr);
// Attempts to set focus to this control.
bool Focus();
// Indicates whether the control has focus.
bool Focused();
// Indicates whether the control can receive focus.
bool CanFocus();
// Indicates whether the control can be selected.
bool CanSelect();
// Indicates whether the control or one of it's children currently has focus.
bool ContainsFocus();
// Suspends the control layout functionality.
void SuspendLayout();
// Resumes layout functionality.
void ResumeLayout(bool PerformLayout = true);
// Indicates whether the control is currently enabled.
bool Enabled();
// Indicates whether the control is currently enabled.
void SetEnabled(bool Value);
// The AllowDrop property. If AllowDrop is set to true then
// this control will allow drag and drop operations and events to be used.
bool AllowDrop();
// The AllowDrop property. If AllowDrop is set to true then
// this control will allow drag and drop operations and events to be used.
void SetAllowDrop(bool Value);
// Indicates whether the control is visible.
bool Visible();
// Indicates whether the control is visible.
void SetVisible(bool Value);
// This will enable or disable double buffering.
bool DoubleBuffered();
// This will enable or disable double buffering.
void SetDoubleBuffered(bool Value);
// Indicates whether the control has captured the mouse.
bool Capture();
// Indicates whether the control has captured the mouse.
void SetCapture(bool Value);
// The current value of the anchor property. The anchor property
// determines which edges of the control are anchored to the container's
// edges.
AnchorStyles Anchor();
// The current value of the anchor property. The anchor property
// determines which edges of the control are anchored to the container's
// edges.
void SetAnchor(AnchorStyles Value);
// The tab index of this control.
uint32_t TabIndex();
// The tab index of this control.
void SetTabIndex(uint32_t Value);
// The location of this control.
Drawing::Point Location();
// The location of this control.
void SetLocation(Drawing::Point Value);
// The size of the control.
Drawing::Size Size();
// The size of the control.
void SetSize(Drawing::Size Value);
// The maximum size of the control.
Drawing::Size MaximumSize();
// The maximum size of the control.
void SetMaximumSize(Drawing::Size Value);
// The minimum size of the control.
Drawing::Size MinimumSize();
// The minimum size of the control.
void SetMinimumSize(Drawing::Size Value);
// The background color of this control.
Drawing::Color BackColor();
// The background color of this control.
void SetBackColor(Drawing::Color Color);
// The foreground color of the control.
Drawing::Color ForeColor();
// The foreground color of the control.
void SetForeColor(Drawing::Color Color);
// Retrieves the current font for this control.
Drawing::Font* GetFont();
// Retrieves the current font for this control.
void SetFont(Drawing::Font* Font);
// The parent of this control.
Control* Parent();
// The parent of this control.
void SetParent(Control* Value);
// The client rect of the control.
Drawing::Rectangle ClientRectangle();
// The size of the clientRect.
Drawing::Size ClientSize();
// The size of the clientRect.
void SetClientSize(Drawing::Size Value);
// Computes the location of the client point in screen coords.
Drawing::Point PointToScreen(const Drawing::Point& Point);
// Computes the location of the screen point in client coords.
Drawing::Point PointToClient(const Drawing::Point& Point);
// Computes the location of the client rectangle in screen coords.
Drawing::Rectangle RectangleToScreen(const Drawing::Rectangle& Rect);
// Computes the location of the screen rectangle in client coords.
Drawing::Rectangle RectangleToClient(const Drawing::Rectangle& Rect);
// Gets the current text associated with this control.
virtual String Text();
// Sets the current text associated with this control.
virtual void SetText(const String& Value);
// Brings this control to the front of the z-order.
void BringToFront();
// Sends this control to the back of the z-order.
void SendToBack();
// Style flags attached to this control.
bool GetStyle(ControlStyles Flag);
// Style flags attached to this control.
void SetStyle(ControlStyles Flags, bool Value);
// State flags attached to this control.
bool GetState(ControlStates Flag);
// State flags attached to this control.
void SetState(ControlStates Flags, bool Value);
// Invalidates the control and causes a paint message to be sent to the control.
void Invalidate(bool InvalidateChildren = false);
// Executes a delegate on the thread that owns the control's underlying window handle.
void Invoke(Action Method);
// Gets whether or not an invoke is required.
bool InvokeRequired();
// Forces the control to paint any currently invalid areas.
void Update();
// Forces the control to invalidate and immediately repaint itself and children.
void Refresh();
// Returns the native handle of this control
HWND GetHandle();
// Returns the type of this control
ControlTypes GetType();
// Retrieves the form that the control is on.
Control* FindForm();
// Retrieves the container control that we have, if any.
Control* GetContainerControl();
// Retrieves the next control in the tab order of child controls.
Control* GetNextControl(Control* Ctrl, bool Forward);
// Verifies if a control is a child of this control.
bool Contains(Control* Ctrl);
// Returns a reference to this controls child collection, if available
const std::unique_ptr<ControlCollection>& Controls();
// Activates this control.
void Select();
// Selects the next control following Ctrl.
bool SelectNextControl(Control* Ctrl, bool Forward, bool TabStopOnly, bool Nested, bool Wrap);
// Updates this control in it's parent's z-order.
void UpdateZOrder();
// Invokes the default window procedure associated with this Window. It is
// an error to call this method when the Handle property is zero.
void DefWndProc(Message& Msg);
// We must define control event bases here
virtual void OnPaint(const std::unique_ptr<PaintEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnPaintBackground(const std::unique_ptr<PaintEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnMouseClick(const std::unique_ptr<MouseEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnMouseDoubleClick(const std::unique_ptr<MouseEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnMouseUp(const std::unique_ptr<MouseEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnMouseDown(const std::unique_ptr<MouseEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnMouseMove(const std::unique_ptr<MouseEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnInvalidated(const std::unique_ptr<InvalidateEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnMouseWheel(const std::unique_ptr<HandledMouseEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnKeyPress(const std::unique_ptr<KeyPressEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnKeyUp(const std::unique_ptr<KeyEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnKeyDown(const std::unique_ptr<KeyEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnDragEnter(const std::unique_ptr<DragEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnDragOver(const std::unique_ptr<DragEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnDragDrop(const std::unique_ptr<DragEventArgs>& EventArgs);
virtual void OnDragLeave();
virtual void OnFontChanged();
virtual void OnVisibleChanged();
virtual void OnHandleCreated();
virtual void OnHandleDestroyed();
virtual void OnTextChanged();
virtual void OnMouseEnter();
virtual void OnMouseLeave();
virtual void OnMouseHover();
virtual void OnLostFocus();
virtual void OnGotFocus();
virtual void OnStyleChanged();
virtual void OnLocationChanged();
virtual void OnSizeChanged();
virtual void OnResize();
virtual void OnClientSizeChanged();
virtual void OnMouseCaptureChanged();
virtual void OnBackColorChanged();
virtual void OnForeColorChanged();
virtual void OnClick();
virtual void OnDoubleClick();
virtual void OnEnabledChanged();
// We must define event handlers here
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> Click;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> DoubleClick;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> MouseEnter;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> MouseLeave;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> MouseHover;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> SizeChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> Resize;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> LostFocus;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> GotFocus;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> TextChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> FontChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> HandleCreated;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> HandleDestroyed;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> EnabledChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> VisibleChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> LocationChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> BackColorChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> ForeColorChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> StyleChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> ClientSizeChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> MouseCaptureChanged;
EventBase<void(*)(Control*)> DragLeave;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<DragEventArgs>&, Control*)> DragEnter;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<DragEventArgs>&, Control*)> DragDrop;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<DragEventArgs>&, Control*)> DragOver;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<KeyEventArgs>&, Control*)> KeyUp;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<KeyEventArgs>&, Control*)> KeyDown;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<KeyPressEventArgs>&, Control*)> KeyPress;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<PaintEventArgs>&, Control*)> Paint;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<MouseEventArgs>&, Control*)> MouseUp;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<MouseEventArgs>&, Control*)> MouseDown;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<MouseEventArgs>&, Control*)> MouseMove;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<MouseEventArgs>&, Control*)> MouseClick;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<MouseEventArgs>&, Control*)> MouseDoubleClick;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<InvalidateEventArgs>&, Control*)> Invalidated;
EventBase<void(*)(const std::unique_ptr<HandledMouseEventArgs>&, Control*)> MouseWheel;
// The standard windows message pump for this control.
virtual void WndProc(Message& Msg);
// Routine to get the default GDI+ palette for a control.
static HPALETTE SetUpPalette(HDC Dc, bool Force, bool RealizePalette);
// Gets the current state of the mouse buttons.
static MouseButtons GetMouseButtons();
// Gets the current position of the mouse in screen coordinates.
static Drawing::Point GetMousePosition();
// Retrieves the current state of the modifier keys.
static Keys GetModifierKeys();
// Determines if the required scaling property is enabled
bool RequiredScalingEnabled();
// Determines if the required scaling property is enabled
void SetRequiredScalingEnabled(bool Value);
// Routine to scale a control
virtual void Scale(Drawing::SizeF IncludedFactor, Drawing::SizeF ExcludedFactor, Control* Ctrl);
// The control handle
HWND _Handle;
// The control base windows proc
LONG_PTR _WndProcBase;
// The RTTI type of this control
ControlTypes _RTTI;
// The parent control if any
Control* _Parent;
// A collection of children controls, if we are a container control
std::unique_ptr<ControlCollection> _Controls;
// Internal size caching
uint32_t _X;
uint32_t _Y;
uint32_t _Width;
uint32_t _Height;
uint32_t _ClientWidth;
uint32_t _ClientHeight;
// Internal tab index caching
uint32_t _TabIndex;
// Internal min/max size caching
uint32_t _MaximumWidth;
uint32_t _MaximumHeight;
uint32_t _MinimumWidth;
uint32_t _MinimumHeight;
// Internal text caching
String _Text;
// Contains the anchor information...
struct AnchorDeltasCache
float XMoveFrac;
float YMoveFrac;
float XSizeFrac;
float YSizeFrac;
RECT InitialRect;
bool InitialRectSet;
} _AnchorDeltas;
// Internal layout anchor
AnchorStyles _Anchor;
// Control base colors
Drawing::Color _BackColor;
Drawing::Color _ForeColor;
// Control brush, if any
uintptr_t _BackColorBrush;
// Control base font
std::unique_ptr<Drawing::Font> _Font;
// Updates the bounds of the control based on the handle the control is bound to.
void UpdateBounds();
// Updates the bounds of the control based on the bounds passed in.
void UpdateBounds(uint32_t X, uint32_t Y, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height, uint32_t ClientWidth, uint32_t ClientHeight);
// Updates the bounds of the control based on the bounds passed in.
void UpdateBounds(uint32_t X, uint32_t Y, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height);
// Sets the bounds of the control.
void SetBounds(uint32_t X, uint32_t Y, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height);
// Updates the deltas of the control based on the anchor
void UpdateDeltas();
// Updates the initial position based on anchor
void UpdateInitialPos();
// Internal selection routine
virtual void Select(bool Directed, bool Forward);
// Internal layout resuming routine
virtual void OnLayoutResuming(bool PerformLayout);
// Internal child layout resuming routine
virtual void OnChildLayoutResuming(Control* Child, bool PerformLayout);
// Gets the current control window style
uint32_t WindowStyle();
// Sets the current controls window style
void SetWindowStyle(uint32_t Value);
// Gets the current control extended style
uint32_t WindowExStyle();
// Sets the current controls extended style
void SetWindowExStyle(uint32_t Value);
// Internal routine to calculate client size into size
Drawing::Size SizeFromClientSize(int32_t Width, int32_t Height);
// Internal routine to scale a size, based on control limitations
Drawing::Size ScaleSize(Drawing::Size Start, float X, float Y);
// Internal routine to scale a control, calculating bounds
void ScaleControl(Drawing::SizeF IncludedFactor, Drawing::SizeF ExcludedFactor, Control* Ctrl);
// Internal routine to scale child controls, calculating bounds
void ScaleChildControls(Drawing::SizeF IncludedFactor, Drawing::SizeF ExcludedFactor, Control* Ctrl);
// Internal routine to scale a control by factor
virtual void ScaleControl(Drawing::SizeF Factor, BoundsSpecified Specified);
// Internal routine to scale a bounds by a factor
virtual Drawing::Rectangle GetScaledBounds(Drawing::Rectangle Bounds, Drawing::SizeF Factor, BoundsSpecified Specified);
// The GDI brush for our background color.
uintptr_t BackColorBrush();
// Gets the current text of the Window
virtual String WindowText();
// Sets the current text of the Window
virtual void SetWindowText(const String& Value);
// Updates the control styles...
void UpdateStyles();
// Registers the control drop target.
void SetAcceptDrops(bool Accept);
// Resets the mouse leave listeners.
void ResetMouseEventArgs();
// Destroys the window handle
void DestroyHandle();
// Performs layout of child controls based on their anchors.
virtual void PerformLayout();
// Processes a key message.
virtual bool ProcessKeyMessage(Message& Msg);
// Previews a key message.
virtual bool ProcessKeyPreview(Message& Msg);
// Processes a key message and properly generates key events.
virtual bool ProcessKeyEventArgs(Message& Msg);
// Internal routine to get control visibility.
virtual bool GetVisibleCore();
// Internal routine to change control visibility.
virtual void SetVisibleCore(bool Value);
// Gets the CreateParams for this control instance.
virtual CreateParams GetCreateParams();
// An internal routine that is the root window message processor.
static LRESULT CALLBACK InternalWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// Used when the control can house other controls.
virtual void AddControl(Control* Ctrl);
// Used to properly clean up the control.
virtual void Dispose();
// Sets the text and background colors of the DC, and returns the background HBRUSH.
virtual uintptr_t InitializeDCForWmCtlColor(HDC Dc, int32_t Message);
// Custom message index cache
static uint32_t WM_MOUSEENTER;
static uint32_t WM_INVOKEUI;
// GDI+ palette for rendering
static HPALETTE HalftonePalette;
// Whether or not we are a container
virtual bool IsContainerControl();
// GDI region copying
static HRGN CreateCopyOfRgn(HRGN InRgn);
// Constructs a control from a handle
static Control* FromHandle(HWND hWnd);
// Constructs a control from a child handle
static Control* FromChildHandle(HWND hWnd);
// The control styles
ControlStyles _ControlStyles;
// The control states
ControlStates _ControlStates;
// Total count of suspended layout transactions
uint8_t _LayoutSuspendCount;
// Whether or not DPI/Font scaling is required
bool _RequiredScalingEnabled;
// Required scaling mode
BoundsSpecified _RequiredScaling;
// The control drag drop interface
std::unique_ptr<DropTarget> _DropTarget;
// We must define each window message handler here...
void WmMouseDown(Message& Msg, MouseButtons Button, uint32_t Clicks);
void WmMouseUp(Message& Msg, MouseButtons Button, uint32_t Clicks);
void WmMouseEnter(Message& Msg);
void WmMouseLeave(Message& Msg);
void WmMouseHover(Message& Msg);
void WmClose(Message& Msg);
void WmEraseBkgnd(Message& Msg);
void WmPaint(Message& Msg);
void WmCreate(Message& Msg);
void WmShowWindow(Message& Msg);
void WmMove(Message& Msg);
void WmParentNotify(Message& Msg);
void WmCommand(Message& Msg);
void WmQueryNewPalette(Message& Msg);
void WmNotify(Message& Msg);
void WmNotifyFormat(Message& Msg);
void WmCaptureChanged(Message& Msg);
void WmCtlColorControl(Message& Msg);
void WmKillFocus(Message& Msg);
void WmSetFocus(Message& Msg);
void WmMouseMove(Message& Msg);
void WmSetCursor(Message& Msg);
void WmMouseWheel(Message& Msg);
void WmKeyChar(Message& Msg);
void WmWindowPosChanged(Message& Msg);
void WmInvokeOnUIThread(Message& Msg);
// Removes pending messages from the message queue.
void RemovePendingMessages(uint32_t MsgMin, uint32_t MsgMax);
// Internal routine to update a child's z-order.
void UpdateChildZOrder(Control* Ctrl);
// Internal routine to update a childs index in the control array.
void UpdateChildControlIndex(Control* Ctrl);
// This is called recursively when visibility is changed for a control.
void SelectNextIfFocused();
// Internal routine to find the next available control.
Control* GetNextSelectableControl(Control* Ctrl, bool Forward, bool TabStopOnly, bool Nested, bool Wrap);
// Internal routine to get the first child in tab order.
Control* GetFirstChildcontrolInTabOrder(bool Forward);
// Internal routine used to reflect messages up from a top level control.
static bool ReflectMessageInternal(HWND hWnd, Message& Msg);
// Internal routine to check for a container control
static bool IsFocusManagingContainerControl(Control* Ctrl);
// Internal routine to make sure a class is registered
static String RegisterWndClass(const char* ClassName, DWORD ClassStyle, bool& Subclass);