Kawe Mazidjatari f120354e96 Initial port to CMake
* All libraries have been isolated from each other, and build into separate artifacts.
* Project has been restructured to support isolating libraries.
* CCrashHandler now calls a callback on crash (setup from core/dllmain.cpp, this can be setup in any way for any project. This callback is getting called when the apllication crashes. Useful for flushing buffers before closing handles to logging files for example).
* Tier0 'CoreMsgV' function now calls a callback sink, which could be set by the user (currently setup to the SDK's internal logger in core/dllmain.cpp).

* Add a batch file to autogenerate all projects.
* Add support for dedicated server.
* Add support for client dll.

* Game crashes on the title screen after the UI script compiler has finished (root cause unknown).
* Curl error messages are getting logged twice for the dedicated server due to the removal of all "DEDICATED" preprocessor directives to support isolating projects. This has to be fixed properly!
2023-05-10 00:05:38 +02:00

122 lines
4.7 KiB

#pragma once
// Internals
BOOL IsBadReadPtrV2(void* ptr);
BOOL FileExists(const fs::path& svFilePath);
BOOL FileEmpty(ifstream& pFile);
MODULEINFO GetModuleInfo(const char* szModule);
// Debug
void DbgPrint(LPCSTR sFormat, ...);
void PrintLastError(void);
void HexDump(const char* szHeader, const char* szLogger, const void* pData, size_t nSize);
// Char
char* StripTabsAndReturns(const char* pInBuffer, char* pOutBuffer, int nOutBufferSize);
char* StripQuotes(const char* pInBuffer, char* pOutBuffer, int nOutBufferSize);
// String
bool HasPartial(const string& svInput, const string& svPartial);
bool HasExtension(const string& svInput, const string& svExtension);
string GetExtension(const string& svInput, bool bReturnOriginal = false, bool bKeepDelimiter = false);
string RemoveExtension(const string& svInput);
bool HasFileName(const string& svInput, const string& svFileName);
string GetFileName(const string& svInput, bool bRemoveExtension = false, bool bWindows = false);
string RemoveFileName(const string& svInput, bool bWindows = false);
string CreateTimedFileName();
string CreateUUID();
void CreateDirectories(string svInput, string* pszOutput = nullptr, bool bWindows = false);
string ConvertToWinPath(const string& svInput);
string ConvertToUnixPath(const string& svInput);
bool IsEqualNoCase(const string& svInput, const string& svSecond);
bool IsValidBase64(const string& svInput, string* psvOutput = nullptr);
string Base64Encode(const string& svInput);
string Base64Decode(const string& svInput);
string UTF8Encode(const wstring& wsvInput);
//string UTF8Decode(const string& svInput);
size_t UTF8CharLength(const uint8_t cInput);
bool IsValidUTF8(const char* pszString);
bool StringIsDigit(const string& svInput);
bool CompareStringAlphabetically(const string& svA, const string& svB);
bool CompareStringLexicographically(const string& svA, const string& svB);
bool StringReplace(string& svInput, const string& svFrom, const string& svTo);
string StringReplaceC(const string& svInput, const string& svFrom, const string& svTo);
string StringEscape(const string& svInput);
string StringUnescape(const string& svInput);
size_t StringCount(const string& svInput, char cDelim);
vector<string> StringSplit(string svInput, char cDelim, size_t nMax = SIZE_MAX);
string& StringLTrim(string& svInput, const char* pszToTrim, bool bTrimBefore = false);
string& StringRTrim(string& svInput, const char* pszToTrim, bool bTrimAfter = false);
string& StringTrim(string& svInput, const char* pszToTrim, bool bTrimAll = false);
string FourCCToString(int n);
// Bytes
vector<int> StringToBytes(const string& svInput, bool bNullTerminator);
pair<vector<uint8_t>, string> StringToMaskedBytes(const string& svInput, bool bNullTerminator);
vector<int> PatternToBytes(const string& svInput);
pair<vector<uint8_t>, string> PatternToMaskedBytes(const string& svInput);
vector<int> IntToDigits(int iValue);
// Print
void PrintM128i8(__m128i in);
void PrintM128i16(__m128i in);
void PrintM128i32(__m128i in);
void PrintM128i64(__m128i in);
void AppendPrintf(char* pBuffer, size_t nBufSize, char const* pFormat, ...);
string PrintPercentageEscape(const string& svInput);
string FormatV(const char* szFormat, va_list args);
string Format(const char* szFormat, ...);
// Array
template <typename Iter, typename Compare>
Iter ExtremeElementABS(Iter first, Iter last, Compare compare)
auto abs_compare = [compare](LONG a, LONG b)
return compare(abs(a), abs(b));
return std::min_element(first, last, abs_compare);
template <typename Iter> // Return lowest element in array.
Iter MinElementABS(Iter first, Iter last)
return ExtremeElementABS(first, last, std::less<>());
template <typename Iter> // Return highest element in array.
Iter MaxElementABS(Iter first, Iter last)
return ExtremeElementABS(first, last, std::greater<>());
// Net
int CompareIPv6(const IN6_ADDR& ipA, const IN6_ADDR& ipB);
// Time
std::chrono::nanoseconds IntervalToDuration(const float flInterval);