Kawe Mazidjatari ef69611435 Replace memalloc calls throughout entire SDK
Global 'direct' usage of 'MemAllocSingleton()' has been jettisoned. Where possible, smart pointers were used instead. During the refactor, the following bugs were addressed and fixed:
- The virtual destructor of 'CCVarIteratorInternal' was NOT called on destruction.
- Class function 'KeyValues::MakeCopy' did NOT calculate the buffer size of the wide string correctly, the original calculation was 'len+1*sizeof(wchar_t)', but should've been '(len+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)'.

Some other code changes include:
- Tier0 include 'memstd.h' has been moved above all thirdparty includes, to make sure the memalloc functions get shadowed with ours in third party libraries as well.
- RPak file paths string literals are now defines.
- 'DestroyOverlay' has been refactored to match the assembly of the game.
2023-06-26 22:34:24 +02:00

1090 lines
38 KiB

// Purpose: Valve Pak utility class.
// packedstore.cpp
// Note: VPK's are created in pairs of a directory file and pack file(s).
// - <locale><target>_<level>.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk --> directory file.
// - <target>_<level>.bsp.pak000_<patch>.vpk ------> pack file.
// The directory file contains the entire directory tree of the VPK. The
// filesystem essentially mounts this as additional paths to search through.
// Each asset is an entry in the VPK directory (see 'VPKEntryBlock_t'), an asset
// contains at least 1 chunk (see 'VPKChunkDescriptor_t'). If an asset is larger
// than 'ENTRY_MAX_LEN', the asset will be carved into chunks of 'ENTRY_MAX_LEN'
// or smaller, as this is the size of the decompress buffer in the engine.
// The VPK can be patched; the descriptor of this file would be adjusted as such
// that it would read the data from a different pack file containing the patched
// data. The only files that need to be shipped after a patch is the patched VPK
// directory file, and the additional pack file containing the patch. Untouched
// data is still getting read from the old pack file.
#include "tier1/cvar.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "mathlib/adler32.h"
#include "mathlib/crc32.h"
#include "mathlib/sha1.h"
#include "filesystem/filesystem.h"
#include "vpc/keyvalues.h"
#include "vpklib/packedstore.h"
// Purpose: initialize parameters for compression algorithm
void CPackedStore::InitLzCompParams(void)
/*| PARAMETERS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
m_lzCompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = VPK_DICT_SIZE;
m_lzCompParams.m_level = GetCompressionLevel();
m_lzCompParams.m_compress_flags = lzham_compress_flags::LZHAM_COMP_FLAG_DETERMINISTIC_PARSING;
m_lzCompParams.m_max_helper_threads = fs_packedstore_max_helper_threads->GetInt();
// Purpose: initialize parameters for decompression algorithm
void CPackedStore::InitLzDecompParams(void)
/*| PARAMETERS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
m_lzDecompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = VPK_DICT_SIZE;
m_lzDecompParams.m_decompress_flags = lzham_decompress_flags::LZHAM_DECOMP_FLAG_OUTPUT_UNBUFFERED;
m_lzDecompParams.m_struct_size = sizeof(lzham_decompress_params);
// Purpose: gets the LZHAM compression level
// output : lzham_compress_level
lzham_compress_level CPackedStore::GetCompressionLevel(void) const
const char* pszLevel = fs_packedstore_compression_level->GetString();
if(strcmp(pszLevel, "fastest") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_FASTEST;
else if (strcmp(pszLevel, "faster") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_FASTER;
else if (strcmp(pszLevel, "default") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
else if (strcmp(pszLevel, "better") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_BETTER;
else if (strcmp(pszLevel, "uber") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_UBER;
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
// Purpose: obtains and returns the entry block to the vector
// Input : &entryBlocks -
// hDirectoryFile -
// output : vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>
void CPackedStore::GetEntryBlocks(CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& entryBlocks, FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile) const
CUtlString fileName, filePath, fileExtension;
while (!(fileExtension = FileSystem()->ReadString(hDirectoryFile)).IsEmpty())
while (!(filePath = FileSystem()->ReadString(hDirectoryFile)).IsEmpty())
while (!(fileName = FileSystem()->ReadString(hDirectoryFile)).IsEmpty())
const CUtlString svFilePath = FormatEntryPath(filePath, fileName, fileExtension);
entryBlocks.AddToTail(VPKEntryBlock_t(hDirectoryFile, svFilePath.Get()));
// Purpose: scans the input directory and returns the values to the vector if path exists in manifest
// Input : &entryValues -
// *workspacePath -
// *dirFileName -
// Output : true on success, false otherwise
bool CPackedStore::GetEntryValues(CUtlVector<VPKKeyValues_t>& entryValues,
const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& dirFileName) const
KeyValues* pManifestKV = GetManifest(workspacePath, GetLevelName(dirFileName));
if (!pManifestKV)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Invalid VPK build manifest KV; unable to parse entry list\n");
return false;
CUtlVector<CUtlString> ignoreList;
if (!GetIgnoreList(ignoreList, workspacePath))
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "No ignore file provided; continuing build without...\n");
for (KeyValues* pSubKey = pManifestKV->GetFirstSubKey(); pSubKey != nullptr; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey())
const char* pszFileName = pSubKey->GetName();
if (!VALID_CHARSTAR(pszFileName))
CUtlString fileName;
fileName.Format("%s%s", workspacePath.Get(), pszFileName);
if (ShouldPrune(fileName, ignoreList))
// Do not add to the build list.
int16_t(pSubKey->GetInt("preloadSize", NULL)),
pSubKey->GetInt("loadFlags", static_cast<uint32_t>(EPackedLoadFlags::LOAD_VISIBLE) | static_cast<uint32_t>(EPackedLoadFlags::LOAD_CACHE)),
int16_t(pSubKey->GetInt("textureFlags", static_cast<uint16_t>(EPackedTextureFlags::TEXTURE_DEFAULT))),
pSubKey->GetBool("useCompression", true),
pSubKey->GetBool("deDuplicate", true))
return true;
// Purpose: gets the parts of the directory file name
// Input : &dirFileName -
// nCaptureGroup - (1 = locale + target, 2 = level)
// Output : part of directory file name as string
CUtlString CPackedStore::GetNameParts(const CUtlString& dirFileName, int nCaptureGroup) const
std::cmatch regexMatches;
std::regex_search(dirFileName.Get(), regexMatches, DIR_REGEX);
return regexMatches[nCaptureGroup].str().c_str();
// Purpose: gets the level name from the directory file name
// Input : &dirFileName -
// Output : level name as string (e.g. "mp_rr_box")
CUtlString CPackedStore::GetLevelName(const CUtlString& dirFileName) const
std::cmatch regexMatches;
std::regex_search(dirFileName.Get(), regexMatches, DIR_REGEX);
CUtlString result;
result.Format("%s%s", regexMatches[1].str().c_str(), regexMatches[2].str().c_str());
return result;
// Purpose: gets the manifest file associated with the VPK name (must be freed after wards)
// Input : &workspacePath -
// &manifestFile -
// Output : KeyValues (build manifest pointer)
KeyValues* CPackedStore::GetManifest(const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& manifestFile) const
CUtlString outPath;
outPath.Format("%s%s%s.txt", workspacePath.Get(), "manifest/", manifestFile.Get());
KeyValues* pManifestKV = FileSystem()->LoadKeyValues(IFileSystem::TYPE_COMMON, outPath.Get(), "PLATFORM");
return pManifestKV;
// Purpose: gets the contents from the global ignore list (.vpkignore)
// Input : &ignoreList -
// &workspacePath -
// Output : a string vector of ignored directories/files and extensions
bool CPackedStore::GetIgnoreList(CUtlVector<CUtlString>& ignoreList, const CUtlString& workspacePath) const
CUtlString toIgnore;
toIgnore.Format("%s%s", workspacePath.Get(), VPK_IGNORE_FILE);
FileHandle_t hIgnoreFile = FileSystem()->Open(toIgnore.Get(), "rt", "PLATFORM");
if (!hIgnoreFile)
return false;
char szIgnore[MAX_PATH];
while (FileSystem()->ReadLine(szIgnore, sizeof(szIgnore) - 1, hIgnoreFile))
if (!strstr(szIgnore, "//")) // Skip comments.
if (char* pEOL = strchr(szIgnore, '\n'))
// Null newline character.
*pEOL = '\0';
if (pEOL - szIgnore > 0)
// Null carriage return.
if (*(pEOL - 1) == '\r')
*(pEOL - 1) = '\0';
return true;
// Purpose: formats the file entry path
// Input : &filePath -
// &fileName -
// &fileExt -
// Output : formatted entry path
CUtlString CPackedStore::FormatEntryPath(const CUtlString& filePath,
const CUtlString& fileName, const CUtlString& fileExt) const
CUtlString result;
const char* pszFilePath = filePath.Get();
bool isRoot = pszFilePath[0] == ' ';
result.Format("%s%s.%s", isRoot ? "" : pszFilePath,
fileName.Get(), fileExt.Get());
return result;
// Purpose: builds the VPK manifest file
// Input : &entryBlocks -
// &workspacePath -
// &manifestName -
void CPackedStore::BuildManifest(const CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& entryBlocks, const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& manifestName) const
KeyValues kv("BuildManifest");
KeyValues* pManifestKV = kv.FindKey("BuildManifest", true);
for (const VPKEntryBlock_t& entry : entryBlocks)
const VPKChunkDescriptor_t& vDescriptor = entry.m_Fragments[0];
KeyValues* pEntryKV = pManifestKV->FindKey(entry.m_EntryPath.Get(), true);
pEntryKV->SetInt("preloadSize", entry.m_iPreloadSize);
pEntryKV->SetInt("loadFlags", vDescriptor.m_nLoadFlags);
pEntryKV->SetInt("textureFlags", vDescriptor.m_nTextureFlags);
pEntryKV->SetBool("useCompression", vDescriptor.m_nCompressedSize != vDescriptor.m_nUncompressedSize);
pEntryKV->SetBool("deDuplicate", true);
CUtlString outPath;
outPath.Format("%s%s%s.txt", workspacePath.Get(), "manifest/", manifestName.Get());
CUtlBuffer outBuf(int64_t(0), 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER);
kv.RecursiveSaveToFile(outBuf, 0);
FileSystem()->CreateDirHierarchy(outPath.DirName().Get(), "PLATFORM");
FileSystem()->WriteFile(outPath.Get(), "PLATFORM", outBuf);
// Purpose: validates extraction result with precomputed CRC32 hash
// Input : &assetPath -
// : nFileCRC -
void CPackedStore::ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(const CUtlString& assetPath, const uint32_t nFileCRC)
FileHandle_t hAsset = FileSystem()->Open(assetPath.Get(), "rb", "PLATFORM");
if (!hAsset)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to open '%s' (insufficient rights?)\n", __FUNCTION__, assetPath.Get());
uint32_t nLen = FileSystem()->Size(hAsset);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> pBuf(new uint8_t[nLen]);
FileSystem()->Read(pBuf.get(), nLen, hAsset);
uint32_t nCrc32 = crc32::update(NULL, pBuf.get(), nLen);
if (nCrc32 != nFileCRC)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Computed checksum '0x%lX' doesn't match expected checksum '0x%lX'. File may be corrupt!\n", nCrc32, nFileCRC);
// Purpose: attempts to deduplicate a chunk of data by comparing it to existing chunks
// Input : *pEntryBuffer -
// &descriptor -
// chunkIndex -
// Output : true if the chunk was deduplicated, false otherwise
bool CPackedStore::Deduplicate(const uint8_t* pEntryBuffer, VPKChunkDescriptor_t& descriptor, const size_t chunkIndex)
string entryHash(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pEntryBuffer), descriptor.m_nUncompressedSize);
entryHash = sha1(entryHash);
auto p = m_ChunkHashMap.insert({ entryHash.c_str(), descriptor });
if (!p.second) // Map to existing chunk to avoid having copies of the same data.
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "Mapping chunk '%zu' ('%s') to existing chunk at '0x%llx'\n",
chunkIndex, entryHash.c_str(), p.first->second.m_nPackFileOffset);
descriptor = p.first->second;
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: determines whether the file should be pruned from the build list
// Input : &filePath -
// &ignoreList -
// Output : true if it should be pruned, false otherwise
bool CPackedStore::ShouldPrune(const CUtlString& filePath, CUtlVector<CUtlString>& ignoreList) const
if (!V_IsValidPath(filePath.Get()))
return true;
FOR_EACH_VEC(ignoreList, j)
CUtlString& ignoreEntry = ignoreList[j];
if (ignoreEntry.IsEqual_CaseInsensitive(filePath.Get()))
return true;
FileHandle_t fileHandle = FileSystem()->Open(filePath.Get(), "rb", "PLATFORM");
if (fileHandle)
int nSize = FileSystem()->Size(fileHandle);
if (!nSize)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "File '%s' listed in build manifest appears empty or truncated\n", filePath.Get());
return true;
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "File '%s' listed in build manifest couldn't be opened\n", filePath.Get());
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: packs all files from workspace path into VPK file
// Input : &vpkPair -
// *workspaceName -
// *buildPath -
void CPackedStore::PackWorkspace(const VPKPair_t& vpkPair, const char* workspaceName, const char* buildPath)
CUtlString workspacePath(workspaceName);
CUtlString packFilePath;
CUtlString dirFilePath;
packFilePath.Format("%s%s", buildPath, vpkPair.m_PackName.Get());
dirFilePath.Format("%s%s", buildPath, vpkPair.m_DirName.Get());
FileHandle_t hPackFile = FileSystem()->Open(packFilePath.Get(), "wb", "GAME");
if (!hPackFile)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to write to '%s' (read-only?)\n", __FUNCTION__, packFilePath.Get());
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> pEntryBuffer(new uint8_t[ENTRY_MAX_LEN]);
if (!pEntryBuffer)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to allocate memory for entry buffer!\n", __FUNCTION__);
CUtlVector<VPKKeyValues_t> entryValues;
CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t> entryBlocks;
if (!GetEntryValues(entryValues, workspacePath, vpkPair.m_DirName))
uint64_t nSharedTotal = NULL;
uint32_t nSharedCount = NULL;
FOR_EACH_VEC(entryValues, i)
const VPKKeyValues_t& entryValue = entryValues[i];
FileHandle_t hAsset = FileSystem()->Open(entryValue.m_EntryPath.Get(), "rb", "PLATFORM");
if (!hAsset)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to open '%s' (insufficient rights?)\n", __FUNCTION__, entryValue.m_EntryPath.Get());
const char* szDestPath = (entryValue.m_EntryPath.Get() + workspacePath.Length());
if (PATHSEPARATOR(szDestPath[0]))
uint32_t nLen = FileSystem()->Size(hAsset);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> pBuf(new uint8_t[nLen]);
FileSystem()->Read(pBuf.get(), nLen, hAsset);
FileSystem()->Seek(hAsset, 0, FileSystemSeek_t::FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "Packing entry '%i' ('%s')\n", i, szDestPath);
VPKEntryBlock_t& entryBlock = entryBlocks[i];
FOR_EACH_VEC(entryBlock.m_Fragments, j)
VPKChunkDescriptor_t& descriptor = entryBlock.m_Fragments[j];
FileSystem()->Read(pEntryBuffer.get(), int(descriptor.m_nCompressedSize), hAsset);
descriptor.m_nPackFileOffset = FileSystem()->Tell(hPackFile);
if (entryValue.m_bDeduplicate && Deduplicate(pEntryBuffer.get(), descriptor, j))
nSharedTotal += descriptor.m_nCompressedSize;
// Data was deduplicated.
if (entryValue.m_bUseCompression)
lzham_compress_status_t lzCompStatus = lzham_compress_memory(&m_lzCompParams, pEntryBuffer.get(), &descriptor.m_nCompressedSize, pEntryBuffer.get(),
descriptor.m_nUncompressedSize, nullptr);
if (lzCompStatus != lzham_compress_status_t::LZHAM_COMP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Status '%d' for chunk '%i' within entry '%i' in block '%hu' (chunk packed without compression)\n",
lzCompStatus, j, i, entryBlocks[i].m_iPackFileIndex);
descriptor.m_nCompressedSize = descriptor.m_nUncompressedSize;
else // Write data uncompressed.
descriptor.m_nCompressedSize = descriptor.m_nUncompressedSize;
FileSystem()->Write(pEntryBuffer.get(), int(descriptor.m_nCompressedSize), hPackFile);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Build block totaling '%zu' bytes with '%zu' shared bytes among '%zu' chunks\n", FileSystem()->Tell(hPackFile), nSharedTotal, nSharedCount);
VPKDir_t vDirectory;
vDirectory.BuildDirectoryFile(dirFilePath, entryBlocks);
// Purpose: rebuilds manifest and extracts all files from specified VPK file
// Input : &vpkDirectory -
// &workspaceName -
void CPackedStore::UnpackWorkspace(const VPKDir_t& vpkDir, const char* workspaceName)
CUtlString workspacePath(workspaceName);
if (vpkDir.m_Header.m_nHeaderMarker != VPK_HEADER_MARKER ||
vpkDir.m_Header.m_nMajorVersion != VPK_MAJOR_VERSION ||
vpkDir.m_Header.m_nMinorVersion != VPK_MINOR_VERSION)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "Unsupported VPK directory file (invalid header criteria)\n");
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> pDestBuffer(new uint8_t[ENTRY_MAX_LEN]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> pSourceBuffer(new uint8_t[ENTRY_MAX_LEN]);
if (!pDestBuffer || !pSourceBuffer)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to allocate memory for entry buffer!\n", __FUNCTION__);
BuildManifest(vpkDir.m_EntryBlocks, workspacePath, GetLevelName(vpkDir.m_DirFilePath));
const CUtlString basePath = vpkDir.m_DirFilePath.StripFilename(false);
FOR_EACH_VEC(vpkDir.m_PackFiles, i)
const CUtlString packFile = basePath + vpkDir.m_PackFiles[i];
// Read from each pack file.
FileHandle_t hPackFile = FileSystem()->Open(packFile.Get(), "rb", "GAME");
if (!hPackFile)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to open '%s' (insufficient rights?)\n", __FUNCTION__, packFile.Get());
FOR_EACH_VEC(vpkDir.m_EntryBlocks, j)
const VPKEntryBlock_t& entryBlock = vpkDir.m_EntryBlocks[j];
if (entryBlock.m_iPackFileIndex != uint16_t(i))
// Chunk doesn't belongs to this block.
CUtlString filePath;
filePath.Format("%s%s", workspacePath.Get(), entryBlock.m_EntryPath.Get());
FileSystem()->CreateDirHierarchy(filePath.DirName().Get(), "PLATFORM");
FileHandle_t hAsset = FileSystem()->Open(filePath.Get(), "wb", "PLATFORM");
if (!hAsset)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to write to '%s' (read-only?)\n", __FUNCTION__, filePath.Get());
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "Unpacking entry '%i' from block '%i' ('%s')\n", j, i, entryBlock.m_EntryPath.Get());
FOR_EACH_VEC(entryBlock.m_Fragments, k)
const VPKChunkDescriptor_t& fragment = entryBlock.m_Fragments[k];
FileSystem()->Seek(hPackFile, int(fragment.m_nPackFileOffset), FileSystemSeek_t::FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD);
FileSystem()->Read(pSourceBuffer.get(), int(fragment.m_nCompressedSize), hPackFile);
if (fragment.m_nCompressedSize == fragment.m_nUncompressedSize) // Data is not compressed.
FileSystem()->Write(pSourceBuffer.get(), int(fragment.m_nUncompressedSize), hAsset);
size_t nDstLen = ENTRY_MAX_LEN;
assert(fragment.m_nCompressedSize <= nDstLen);
if (fragment.m_nCompressedSize > nDstLen)
break; // Corrupt or invalid chunk descriptor.
lzham_decompress_status_t lzDecompStatus = lzham_decompress_memory(&m_lzDecompParams, pDestBuffer.get(),
&nDstLen, pSourceBuffer.get(), fragment.m_nCompressedSize, nullptr);
if (lzDecompStatus != lzham_decompress_status_t::LZHAM_DECOMP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "Status '%d' for chunk '%zu' within entry '%zu' in block '%hu' (chunk not decompressed)\n",
lzDecompStatus, k, j, i);
else // If successfully decompressed, write to file.
FileSystem()->Write(pDestBuffer.get(), int(nDstLen), hAsset);
ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(filePath, entryBlock.m_nFileCRC);
// Purpose: 'VPKKeyValues_t' memory constructor
// Input : &entryPath -
// iPreloadSize -
// nLoadFlags -
// nTextureFlags -
// bUseCompression -
// bDeduplicate -
VPKKeyValues_t::VPKKeyValues_t(const CUtlString& entryPath, uint16_t iPreloadSize,
uint32_t nLoadFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, bool bUseCompression, bool bDeduplicate)
m_EntryPath = entryPath;
m_iPreloadSize = iPreloadSize;
m_nLoadFlags = nLoadFlags;
m_nTextureFlags = nTextureFlags;
m_bUseCompression = bUseCompression;
m_bDeduplicate = bDeduplicate;
// Purpose: 'VPKEntryBlock_t' file constructor
// Input : hDirFile -
// *pEntryPath -
VPKEntryBlock_t::VPKEntryBlock_t(FileHandle_t hDirFile, const char* pEntryPath)
m_EntryPath = pEntryPath; // Set the entry path.
m_EntryPath.FixSlashes(); // Fix slashes and remove space character representing VPK root.
m_EntryPath = m_EntryPath.Replace(" " CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR_S, "");
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nFileCRC, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_iPreloadSize, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_iPackFileIndex, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirFile); //
uint16_t nMarker = 0;
do // Loop through all chunks in the entry and add to list.
VPKChunkDescriptor_t entry(hDirFile);
FileSystem()->Read(&nMarker, sizeof(nMarker), hDirFile);
} while (nMarker != static_cast<uint16_t>(PACKFILEINDEX_END));
// Purpose: 'VPKEntryBlock_t' memory constructor
// Input : *pData -
// nLen -
// nOffset -
// iPreloadSize -
// iPackFileIndex -
// nLoadFlags -
// nTextureFlags -
// &pEntryPath -
VPKEntryBlock_t::VPKEntryBlock_t(const uint8_t* pData, size_t nLen, int64_t nOffset, uint16_t iPreloadSize,
uint16_t iPackFileIndex, uint32_t nLoadFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, const char* pEntryPath)
m_nFileCRC = crc32::update(NULL, pData, nLen);
m_iPreloadSize = iPreloadSize;
m_iPackFileIndex = iPackFileIndex;
m_EntryPath = pEntryPath;
size_t nFragmentCount = (nLen + ENTRY_MAX_LEN - 1) / ENTRY_MAX_LEN;
size_t nFileSize = nLen;
int64_t nCurrentOffset = nOffset;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nFragmentCount; i++) // Fragment data into 1 MiB chunks.
size_t nSize = std::min<uint64_t>(ENTRY_MAX_LEN, nFileSize);
nFileSize -= nSize;
m_Fragments.AddToTail(VPKChunkDescriptor_t(nLoadFlags, nTextureFlags, nCurrentOffset, nSize, nSize));
nCurrentOffset += nSize;
// Purpose: 'VPKChunkDescriptor_t' file constructor
// Input : hDirFile -
VPKChunkDescriptor_t::VPKChunkDescriptor_t(FileHandle_t hDirFile)
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nLoadFlags, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nTextureFlags, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nPackFileOffset, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nCompressedSize, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_nUncompressedSize, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirFile); //
// Purpose: 'VPKChunkDescriptor_t' memory constructor
// Input : nLoadFlags -
// nTextureFlags -
// nArchiveOffset -
// nCompressedSize -
// nUncompressedSize -
VPKChunkDescriptor_t::VPKChunkDescriptor_t(uint32_t nLoadFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags,
uint64_t nPackFileOffset, uint64_t nCompressedSize, uint64_t nUncompressedSize)
m_nLoadFlags = nLoadFlags;
m_nTextureFlags = nTextureFlags;
m_nPackFileOffset = nPackFileOffset;
m_nCompressedSize = nCompressedSize;
m_nUncompressedSize = nUncompressedSize;
// Purpose: builds a valid file name for the VPK
// Input : *pLocale -
// *pTarget -
// *pLevel -
// nPatch -
// Output : a vpk file pair (block and directory file names)
VPKPair_t::VPKPair_t(const char* pLocale, const char* pTarget, const char* pLevel, int nPatch)
bool bFoundLocale = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < SDK_ARRAYSIZE(DIR_LOCALE); i++)
if (V_strcmp(pLocale, DIR_LOCALE[i]) == NULL)
bFoundLocale = true;
if (!bFoundLocale)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Locale '%s' not supported; using default '%s'\n", pLocale, DIR_LOCALE[0]);
pLocale = DIR_LOCALE[0];
bool bFoundTarget = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < SDK_ARRAYSIZE(DIR_TARGET); i++)
if (V_strcmp(pTarget, DIR_TARGET[i]) == NULL)
bFoundTarget = true;
if (!bFoundTarget)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Target '%s' not supported; using default '%s'\n", pTarget, DIR_TARGET[0]);
pTarget = DIR_TARGET[0];
m_PackName.Format("%s_%s.bsp.pak000_%03d.vpk", pTarget, pLevel, nPatch);
m_DirName.Format("%s%s_%s.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk", pLocale, pTarget, pLevel);
// Purpose: 'VPKDir_t' file constructor
// Input : &dirFilePath -
VPKDir_t::VPKDir_t(const CUtlString& dirFilePath)
// Purpose: 'VPKDir_t' file constructor with sanitation
// Input : &dirFilePath -
// bSanitizeName - retrieve the directory file name from block name
// Output : VPKDir_t
VPKDir_t::VPKDir_t(const CUtlString& dirFilePath, bool bSanitizeName)
if (!bSanitizeName)
std::cmatch regexMatches;
std::regex_search(dirFilePath.String(), regexMatches, BLOCK_REGEX);
if (regexMatches.empty())
CUtlString sanitizedName = dirFilePath;
sanitizedName = sanitizedName.Replace(regexMatches[0].str().c_str(), "pak000_dir");
bool bHasLocale = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < SDK_ARRAYSIZE(DIR_LOCALE); i++)
if (sanitizedName.Find(DIR_LOCALE[i]) != -1)
bHasLocale = true;
if (!bHasLocale) // Only sanitize if no locale was provided.
CUtlString packDirPrefix;
for (size_t i = 0; i < SDK_ARRAYSIZE(DIR_TARGET); i++)
const char* targetName = DIR_TARGET[i];
if (sanitizedName.Find(targetName) != -1)
packDirPrefix = packDirPrefix.Replace(targetName, packDirPrefix);
// Purpose: 'VPKDir_t' file constructor
// Input : &dirFilePath -
void VPKDir_t::Init(const CUtlString& dirFilePath)
// Create stream to read from each pack file.
FileHandle_t hDirFile = FileSystem()->Open(dirFilePath.Get(), "rb", "GAME");
if (!hDirFile)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to open '%s' (insufficient rights?)\n", __FUNCTION__, dirFilePath.Get());
FileSystem()->Read(&m_Header.m_nHeaderMarker, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirFile);
FileSystem()->Read(&m_Header.m_nMajorVersion, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_Header.m_nMinorVersion, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_Header.m_nDirectorySize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_Header.m_nSignatureSize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirFile); //
g_pPackedStore->GetEntryBlocks(m_EntryBlocks, hDirFile);
m_DirFilePath = dirFilePath; // Set path to vpk directory file.
m_PackFileCount = 0;
for (VPKEntryBlock_t& entryBlock : m_EntryBlocks)
if (entryBlock.m_iPackFileIndex > m_PackFileCount)
m_PackFileCount = entryBlock.m_iPackFileIndex;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < m_PackFileCount + 1; i++)
m_PackFiles.AddToTail(GetPackFile(dirFilePath, i));
// Purpose: formats pack file path for specific directory file
// Input : &directoryPath -
// iPackFileIndex -
// output : string
CUtlString VPKDir_t::GetPackFile(const CUtlString& directoryPath, uint16_t iPackFileIndex) const
CUtlString packChunkName = StripLocalePrefix(directoryPath);
CUtlString packChunkIndex;
packChunkIndex.Format("pak000_%03d", iPackFileIndex);
packChunkName = packChunkName.Replace("pak000_dir", packChunkIndex.Get());
return packChunkName;
// Purpose: strips locale prefix from file path
// Input : &directoryPath -
// Output : directory filename without locale prefix
CUtlString VPKDir_t::StripLocalePrefix(const CUtlString& directoryPath) const
CUtlString fileName = directoryPath.UnqualifiedFilename();
for (size_t i = 0; i < SDK_ARRAYSIZE(DIR_LOCALE); i++)
fileName = fileName.Replace(DIR_LOCALE[i], "");
return fileName;
// Purpose: writes the vpk directory header
// Input : hDirectoryFile -
void VPKDir_t::WriteHeader(FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile) const
FileSystem()->Write(&m_Header.m_nHeaderMarker, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&m_Header.m_nMajorVersion, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&m_Header.m_nMinorVersion, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&m_Header.m_nDirectorySize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&m_Header.m_nSignatureSize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
// Purpose: writes the directory tree size
// Input : hDirectoryFile -
void VPKDir_t::WriteTreeSize(FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile) const
FileSystem()->Seek(hDirectoryFile, offsetof(VPKDir_t, m_Header.m_nDirectorySize), FileSystemSeek_t::FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD);
FileSystem()->Write(&m_Header.m_nDirectorySize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_SEP, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
// Purpose: writes the vpk chunk descriptors
// Input : hDirectoryFile -
// &vMap -
// Output : number of descriptors written
uint64_t VPKDir_t::WriteDescriptor(FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile,
std::map<CUtlString, std::map<CUtlString, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>>& vMap) const
uint64_t nDescriptors = NULL;
for (auto& iKeyValue : vMap)
FileSystem()->Write(iKeyValue.first.Get(), int(iKeyValue.first.Length() + 1), hDirectoryFile);
for (auto& jKeyValue : iKeyValue.second)
FileSystem()->Write(jKeyValue.first.Get(), int(jKeyValue.first.Length() + 1), hDirectoryFile);
for (auto& vEntry : jKeyValue.second)
CUtlString entryPath = vEntry.m_EntryPath.UnqualifiedFilename().StripExtension();
FileSystem()->Write(entryPath.Get(), int(entryPath.Length() + 1), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&vEntry.m_nFileCRC, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&vEntry.m_iPreloadSize, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&vEntry.m_iPackFileIndex, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FOR_EACH_VEC(vEntry.m_Fragments, i)
/*Write chunk descriptor*/
const VPKChunkDescriptor_t* pDescriptor = &vEntry.m_Fragments[i];
FileSystem()->Write(&pDescriptor->m_nLoadFlags, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&pDescriptor->m_nTextureFlags, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&pDescriptor->m_nPackFileOffset, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&pDescriptor->m_nCompressedSize, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&pDescriptor->m_nUncompressedSize, sizeof(uint64_t), hDirectoryFile);
if (i != (vEntry.m_Fragments.Count() - 1))
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_SEP, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
else // Mark end of entry.
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_END, sizeof(uint16_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_SEP, sizeof(uint8_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_SEP, sizeof(uint8_t), hDirectoryFile);
FileSystem()->Write(&PACKFILEINDEX_SEP, sizeof(uint8_t), hDirectoryFile);
return nDescriptors;
// Purpose: builds the vpk directory tree
// Input : &vEntryBlocks -
// &vMap -
void VPKDir_t::BuildDirectoryTree(const CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vEntryBlocks,
std::map<CUtlString, std::map<CUtlString, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>>& vMap) const
for (const VPKEntryBlock_t& vBlock : vEntryBlocks)
CUtlString fileExt = vBlock.m_EntryPath.GetExtension();
CUtlString filePath = vBlock.m_EntryPath.DirName();
if (!filePath.IsEmpty() && filePath[0] == '.')
filePath = " "; // Has to be padded with a space character if empty [root].
if (!vMap.count(fileExt))
vMap.insert({ fileExt, std::map<CUtlString, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>() });
if (!vMap[fileExt].count(filePath))
vMap[fileExt].insert({ filePath, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>() });
// Purpose: builds the vpk directory file
// Input : &svDirectoryPath -
// &vEntryBlocks -
void VPKDir_t::BuildDirectoryFile(const CUtlString& directoryPath, const CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vEntryBlocks)
FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile = FileSystem()->Open(directoryPath.Get(), "wb", "GAME");
if (!hDirectoryFile)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to write to '%s' (read-only?)\n", __FUNCTION__, directoryPath.Get());
auto vMap = std::map<CUtlString, std::map<CUtlString, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>>();
BuildDirectoryTree(vEntryBlocks, vMap);
uint64_t nDescriptors = WriteDescriptor(hDirectoryFile, vMap);
m_Header.m_nDirectorySize = static_cast<uint32_t>(FileSystem()->Tell(hDirectoryFile) - sizeof(VPKDirHeader_t));
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Build directory totaling '%zu' bytes with '%zu' entries and '%zu' descriptors\n",
size_t(sizeof(VPKDirHeader_t) + m_Header.m_nDirectorySize), vEntryBlocks.Count(), nDescriptors);
// Singleton
CPackedStore* g_pPackedStore = new CPackedStore();