Kawe Mazidjatari 4b72afb74f Light refactor for logging
Moved logging functions to dbg.h (tier0) and export them from the dll.
Added additional functions for checking bad pointers (debug only!).
Reduced output code size.
2022-05-25 14:18:29 +02:00

545 lines
20 KiB

#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "rtech/rtech_utils.h"
File : rtech.cpp
Date : 18:07:2021
Author : Kawe Mazidjatari
Purpose: Implements the 'rtech_game' core utilities
- 18:07:2021 | 13:02 : Created by Kawe Mazidjatari
- 10:09:2021 | 18:22 : Implement 'StringToGuid' method
- 12:11:2021 | 14:41 : Add decompression method to ConCommand callback
- 25:12:2021 | 23:20 : Made everything more readable thanks to bezdna5-rs
- 28:03:2022 | 18:00 : Added getting pak info by PakID.
// Purpose: calculate 'GUID' from input data
std::uint64_t __fastcall RTech::StringToGuid(const char* pData)
std::uint32_t* v1; // r8
std::uint64_t v2; // r10
std::int32_t v3; // er11
std::uint32_t v4; // er9
std::uint32_t i; // edx
std::uint64_t v6; // rcx
std::int32_t v7; // er9
std::int32_t v8; // edx
std::int32_t v9; // eax
std::uint32_t v10; // er8
std::int32_t v12; // ecx
std::uint32_t* a1 = (std::uint32_t*)pData;
v1 = a1;
v2 = 0i64;
v3 = 0;
v4 = (*a1 - 45 * ((~(*a1 ^ 0x5C5C5C5Cu) >> 7) & (((*a1 ^ 0x5C5C5C5Cu) - 0x1010101) >> 7) & 0x1010101)) & 0xDFDFDFDF;
for (i = ~*a1 & (*a1 - 0x1010101) & 0x80808080; !i; i = v8 & 0x80808080)
v6 = v4;
v7 = v1[1];
v3 += 4;
v2 = ((((std::uint64_t)(0xFB8C4D96501i64 * v6) >> 24) + 0x633D5F1 * v2) >> 61) ^ (((std::uint64_t)(0xFB8C4D96501i64 * v6) >> 24)
+ 0x633D5F1 * v2);
v8 = ~v7 & (v7 - 0x1010101);
v4 = (v7 - 45 * ((~(v7 ^ 0x5C5C5C5Cu) >> 7) & (((v7 ^ 0x5C5C5C5Cu) - 0x1010101) >> 7) & 0x1010101)) & 0xDFDFDFDF;
v9 = -1;
v10 = (i & -(signed)i) - 1;
if (_BitScanReverse((unsigned long*)&v12, v10))
v9 = v12;
return 0x633D5F1 * v2 + ((0xFB8C4D96501i64 * (std::uint64_t)(v4 & v10)) >> 24) - 0xAE502812AA7333i64 * (std::uint32_t)(v3 + v9 / 8);
// Purpose: calculate 'decompressed' size and commit parameters
std::uint32_t __fastcall RTech::DecompressPakFileInit(RPakDecompState_t* state, std::uint8_t* fileBuffer, std::int64_t fileSize, std::int64_t offNoHeader, std::int64_t headerSize)
std::int64_t input_byte_pos_init; // r9
std::uint64_t byte_init; // r11
std::int32_t decompressed_size_bits; // ecx
std::int64_t byte_1_low; // rdi
std::uint64_t input_byte_pos_1; // r10
std::uint32_t bit_pos_final; // ebp
std::uint64_t byte_1; // rdi
std::uint32_t brih_bits; // er11
std::uint64_t inv_mask_in; // r8
std::uint64_t byte_final_full; // rbx
std::uint64_t bit_pos_final_1; // rax
std::int32_t byte_bit_offset_final; // ebp
std::uint64_t input_byte_pos_final; // r10
std::uint64_t byte_final; // rbx
std::uint32_t brih_bytes; // er11
std::int64_t byte_tmp; // rdx
std::int64_t stream_len_needed; // r14
std::int64_t result; // rax
std::uint64_t inv_mask_out; // r8
std::int64_t qw70; // rcx
std::int64_t stream_compressed_size_new; // rdx
const std::uintptr_t mask = UINT64_MAX;
const std::uintptr_t file_buf = std::uintptr_t(fileBuffer);
state->m_nInputBuf = file_buf;
state->m_nOut = 0i64;
state->m_nOutMask = 0i64;
state->dword44 = 0;
state->m_nTotalFileLen = fileSize + offNoHeader;
state->m_nMask = mask;
input_byte_pos_init = offNoHeader + headerSize + 8;
byte_init = *(std::uint64_t*)((mask & (offNoHeader + headerSize)) + file_buf);
state->m_nDecompPosition = headerSize;
decompressed_size_bits = byte_init & 0x3F;
byte_init >>= 6;
state->input_byte_pos = input_byte_pos_init;
state->m_nDecompSize = byte_init & ((1i64 << decompressed_size_bits) - 1) | (1i64 << decompressed_size_bits);
byte_1_low = *(std::uint64_t*)((mask & input_byte_pos_init) + file_buf) << (64
- ((std::uint8_t)decompressed_size_bits
+ 6));
input_byte_pos_1 = input_byte_pos_init + ((std::uint64_t)(std::uint32_t)(decompressed_size_bits + 6) >> 3);
state->input_byte_pos = input_byte_pos_1;
bit_pos_final = ((decompressed_size_bits + 6) & 7) + 13;
byte_1 = (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFui64 >> ((decompressed_size_bits + 6) & 7)) & ((byte_init >> decompressed_size_bits) | byte_1_low);
brih_bits = (((std::uint8_t)byte_1 - 1) & 0x3F) + 1;
inv_mask_in = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFui64 >> (64 - (std::uint8_t)brih_bits);
state->m_nInvMaskIn = inv_mask_in;
state->m_nInvMaskOut = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFui64 >> (63 - (((byte_1 >> 6) - 1) & 0x3F));
byte_final_full = (byte_1 >> 13) | (*(std::uint64_t*)((mask & input_byte_pos_1) + file_buf) << (64
- (std::uint8_t)bit_pos_final));
bit_pos_final_1 = bit_pos_final;
byte_bit_offset_final = bit_pos_final & 7;
input_byte_pos_final = (bit_pos_final_1 >> 3) + input_byte_pos_1;
byte_final = (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFui64 >> byte_bit_offset_final) & byte_final_full;
state->input_byte_pos = input_byte_pos_final;
if (inv_mask_in == -1i64)
state->header_skip_bytes_bs = 0;
stream_len_needed = fileSize;
brih_bytes = brih_bits >> 3;
state->header_skip_bytes_bs = brih_bytes + 1;
byte_tmp = *(std::uint64_t*)((mask & input_byte_pos_final) + file_buf);
state->input_byte_pos = input_byte_pos_final + brih_bytes + 1;
stream_len_needed = byte_tmp & ((1i64 << (8 * ((std::uint8_t)brih_bytes + 1))) - 1);
result = state->m_nDecompSize;
inv_mask_out = state->m_nInvMaskOut;
qw70 = offNoHeader + state->m_nInvMaskIn - 6i64;
state->m_nLengthNeeded = stream_len_needed + offNoHeader;
state->qword70 = qw70;
state->byte = byte_final;
state->byte_bit_offset = byte_bit_offset_final;
state->dword6C = 0;
state->m_nCompressedStreamSize = stream_len_needed + offNoHeader;
state->m_nDecompStreamSize = result;
if (result - 1 > inv_mask_out)
stream_compressed_size_new = stream_len_needed + offNoHeader - state->header_skip_bytes_bs;
state->m_nDecompStreamSize = inv_mask_out + 1;
state->m_nCompressedStreamSize = stream_compressed_size_new;
return result;
// Purpose: decompress input data
std::uint8_t __fastcall RTech::DecompressPakFile(RPakDecompState_t* state, std::uint64_t inLen, std::uint64_t outLen)
std::uint64_t decompressed_position; // r15
std::uint32_t byte_bit_offset; // ebp
std::uint64_t byte; // rsi
std::uint64_t input_byte_pos; // rdi
std::uint64_t some_size; // r12
std::uint32_t dword6C; // ecx MAPDST
std::uint64_t v12; // rsi
std::uint64_t i; // rax
std::uint64_t dword6c_shl8; // r8
std::int64_t dword6c_old; // r9
std::int32_t LUT_200_val; // ecx
std::uint64_t v17; // rax
std::uint64_t byte_new; // rsi
std::int64_t LUT_0_VAL; // r14
std::int32_t byte_4bits_1; // ecx
std::uint64_t v21; // r11
std::int32_t v22; // edx
std::uint64_t out_mask; // rax
std::int32_t v24; // er8
std::uint32_t LUT_400_seek_backwards; // er13
std::uint64_t out_seek_back; // r10
std::uint64_t out_seekd_1; // rax
std::uint64_t* out_seekd_back; // r10
std::uint64_t decompressed_size; // r9
std::uint64_t inv_mask_in; // r10
std::uint64_t header_skip_bytes_bs; // r8
std::uint64_t v32; // rax
std::uint64_t v33; // rax
std::uint64_t v34; // rax
std::uint64_t stream_decompressed_size_new; // rcx
std::int64_t v36; // rdx
std::uint64_t len_needed_new; // r14
std::uint64_t stream_compressed_size_new; // r11
char v39; // cl MAPDST
std::uint64_t v40; // rsi MAPDST
uint64_t v46; // rcx
std::int64_t v47; // r9
std::int64_t m; // r8
std::uint32_t v49; // er9
std::int64_t v50; // r8
std::int64_t v51; // rdx
std::int64_t k; // r8
char* v53; // r10
std::int64_t v54; // rdx
std::uint32_t lut0_val_abs; // er14
std::int64_t* in_seekd; // rdx
std::int64_t* out_seekd; // r8
std::int64_t byte_3bits; // rax MAPDST
std::uint64_t byte_new_tmp; // r9 MAPDST
std::int32_t LUT_4D0_480; // er10 MAPDST
std::uint8_t LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits; // cl MAPDST
std::uint64_t byte_4bits; // rax MAPDST
std::uint32_t copy_bytes_ammount; // er14
std::uint32_t j; // ecx
std::int64_t v67; // rax
std::uint64_t v68; // rcx
std::uint8_t result; // al
if (inLen < state->m_nLengthNeeded)
return 0;
decompressed_position = state->m_nDecompPosition;
if (outLen < state->m_nInvMaskOut + (decompressed_position & ~state->m_nInvMaskOut) + 1 && outLen < state->m_nDecompSize)
return 0;
byte_bit_offset = state->byte_bit_offset; // Keeping copy since we increment it down below.
byte = state->byte; // Keeping copy since its getting overwritten down below.
input_byte_pos = state->input_byte_pos; // Keeping copy since we increment it down below.
some_size = state->qword70;
if (state->m_nCompressedStreamSize < some_size)
some_size = state->m_nCompressedStreamSize;
dword6C = state->dword6C;
if (!byte_bit_offset)
goto LABEL_9;
v12 = (*(std::uint64_t*)((input_byte_pos & state->m_nMask) + state->m_nInputBuf) << (64 - (std::uint8_t)byte_bit_offset)) | byte;
for (i = byte_bit_offset; ; i = byte_bit_offset)
byte_bit_offset &= 7u;
input_byte_pos += i >> 3;
byte = (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFui64 >> byte_bit_offset) & v12;
dword6c_shl8 = (std::uint64_t)dword6C << 8;
dword6c_old = dword6C;
LUT_200_val = LUT_200[(std::uint8_t)byte + dword6c_shl8];// LUT_200 - u8 - ammount of bits
v17 = (std::uint8_t)byte + dword6c_shl8;
byte_bit_offset += LUT_200_val;
byte_new = byte >> LUT_200_val;
LUT_0_VAL = LUT_0[v17];// LUT_0 - i32 - signed, ammount of bytes
if (LUT_0_VAL < 0)
lut0_val_abs = -(std::int32_t)LUT_0_VAL;
in_seekd = (std::int64_t*)(state->m_nInputBuf + (input_byte_pos & state->m_nMask));
dword6C = 1;
out_seekd = (std::int64_t*)(state->m_nOut + (decompressed_position & state->m_nOutMask));
if (lut0_val_abs == LUT_4E0[dword6c_old])
if ((~input_byte_pos & state->m_nInvMaskIn) < 0xF
|| (state->m_nInvMaskOut & ~decompressed_position) < 0xF
|| state->m_nDecompSize - decompressed_position < 0x10)
lut0_val_abs = 1;
v39 = byte_new;
v40 = byte_new >> 3;
byte_3bits = v39 & 7;
byte_new_tmp = v40;
if (byte_3bits)
LUT_4D0_480 = LUT_4D0[byte_3bits];// LUT_4D0 - u8
LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits = LUT_4D8[byte_3bits];// LUT_4D8 - u8 - ammount of bits
byte_new_tmp = v40 >> 4;
byte_4bits = v40 & 15;
byte_bit_offset += 4;
LUT_4D0_480 = LUT_480[byte_4bits];// LUT_480 - u32
LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits = LUT_4C0[byte_4bits]; // LUT_4C0 - u8 - ammount of bits???
byte_bit_offset += LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits + 3;
byte_new = byte_new_tmp >> LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits;
copy_bytes_ammount = LUT_4D0_480 + (byte_new_tmp & ((1 << LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits) - 1)) + lut0_val_abs;
for (j = copy_bytes_ammount >> 3; j; --j)// copy by 8 bytes
v67 = *in_seekd++;
*out_seekd++ = v67;
if ((copy_bytes_ammount & 4) != 0) // copy by 4
*(std::uint32_t*)out_seekd = *(std::uint32_t*)in_seekd;
out_seekd = (std::int64_t*)((char*)out_seekd + 4);
in_seekd = (std::int64_t*)((char*)in_seekd + 4);
if ((copy_bytes_ammount & 2) != 0) // copy by 2
*(std::uint16_t*)out_seekd = *(std::uint16_t*)in_seekd;
out_seekd = (std::int64_t*)((char*)out_seekd + 2);
in_seekd = (std::int64_t*)((char*)in_seekd + 2);
if ((copy_bytes_ammount & 1) != 0) // copy by 1
*(std::uint8_t*)out_seekd = *(std::uint8_t*)in_seekd;
input_byte_pos += copy_bytes_ammount;
decompressed_position += copy_bytes_ammount;
*out_seekd = *in_seekd;
out_seekd[1] = in_seekd[1];
input_byte_pos += lut0_val_abs;
decompressed_position += lut0_val_abs;
byte_4bits_1 = byte_new & 0xF;
dword6C = 0;
v21 = ((std::uint64_t)(std::uint32_t)byte_new >> (((std::uint32_t)(byte_4bits_1 + 0xFFFFFFE1) >> 3) & 6)) & 0x3F;// 6 bits after shift for who knows how much???
v22 = 1 << (byte_4bits_1 + ((byte_new >> 4) & ((24 * (((std::uint32_t)(byte_4bits_1 + 0xFFFFFFE1) >> 3) & 2)) >> 4)));// ammount of bits to read???
byte_bit_offset += (((std::uint32_t)(byte_4bits_1 + 0xFFFFFFE1) >> 3) & 6)// shit shit gets shifted by ammount of bits it read or something
+ LUT_440[v21]
+ byte_4bits_1
+ ((byte_new >> 4) & ((24 * (((std::uint32_t)(byte_4bits_1 + 0xFFFFFFE1) >> 3) & 2)) >> 4));
out_mask = state->m_nOutMask;
v24 = 16
* (v22
+ ((v22 - 1) & (byte_new >> ((((std::uint32_t)(byte_4bits_1 + 0xFFFFFFE1) >> 3) & 6)
+ LUT_440[v21]))));
byte_new >>= (((std::uint32_t)(byte_4bits_1 + 0xFFFFFFE1) >> 3) & 6)
+ LUT_440[v21]
+ byte_4bits_1
+ ((byte_new >> 4) & ((24 * (((std::uint32_t)(byte_4bits_1 + 0xFFFFFFE1) >> 3) & 2)) >> 4));
LUT_400_seek_backwards = v24 + LUT_400[v21] - 16;// LUT_400 - u8 - seek backwards
out_seek_back = out_mask & (decompressed_position - LUT_400_seek_backwards);
out_seekd_1 = state->m_nOut + (decompressed_position & out_mask);
out_seekd_back = (std::uint64_t*)(state->m_nOut + out_seek_back);
if ((std::int32_t)LUT_0_VAL == 17)
v39 = byte_new;
v40 = byte_new >> 3;
byte_3bits = v39 & 7;
byte_new_tmp = v40;
if (byte_3bits)
LUT_4D0_480 = LUT_4D0[byte_3bits];
LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits = LUT_4D8[byte_3bits];
byte_bit_offset += 4;
byte_4bits = v40 & 0xF;
byte_new_tmp = v40 >> 4;
LUT_4D0_480 = LUT_480[byte_4bits];
LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits = LUT_4C0[byte_4bits];
if (state->m_nInputBuf && byte_bit_offset + LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits >= 0x3D)
v46 = input_byte_pos++ & state->m_nMask;
byte_new_tmp |= (std::uint64_t) * (std::uint8_t*)(v46 + state->m_nInputBuf) << (61
- (std::uint8_t)byte_bit_offset);
byte_bit_offset -= 8;
byte_bit_offset += LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits + 3;
byte_new = byte_new_tmp >> LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits;
v47 = ((std::uint32_t)byte_new_tmp & ((1 << LUT_4D8_4C0_nBits) - 1)) + LUT_4D0_480 + 17;
decompressed_position += v47;
if (LUT_400_seek_backwards < 8)
v49 = v47 - 13;
decompressed_position -= 13i64;
if (LUT_400_seek_backwards == 1) // 1 means copy v49 qwords?
v50 = *(std::uint8_t*)out_seekd_back;
v51 = 0i64;
for (k = 0x101010101010101i64 * v50; (std::uint32_t)v51 < v49; v51 = (std::uint32_t)(v51 + 8))
*(std::uint64_t*)(v51 + out_seekd_1) = k;
if (v49)
v53 = (char*)out_seekd_back - out_seekd_1;
v54 = v49;
*(std::uint8_t*)out_seekd_1 = v53[out_seekd_1];// seekd = seek_back; increment ptrs
} while (v54);
for (m = 0i64; (std::uint32_t)m < (std::uint32_t)v47; m = (std::uint32_t)(m + 8))
*(std::uint64_t*)(m + out_seekd_1) = *(std::uint64_t*)((char*)out_seekd_back + m);
decompressed_position += LUT_0_VAL;
*(std::uint64_t*)out_seekd_1 = *out_seekd_back;
*(std::uint64_t*)(out_seekd_1 + 8) = out_seekd_back[1];
if (input_byte_pos >= some_size)
v12 = (*(std::uint64_t*)((input_byte_pos & state->m_nMask) + state->m_nInputBuf) << (64 - (std::uint8_t)byte_bit_offset)) | byte_new;
if (decompressed_position != state->m_nDecompStreamSize)
goto LABEL_22;
decompressed_size = state->m_nDecompSize;
if (decompressed_position == decompressed_size)
state->input_byte_pos = input_byte_pos;
result = 1;
state->m_nDecompPosition = decompressed_position;
return result;
inv_mask_in = state->m_nInvMaskIn;
header_skip_bytes_bs = state->header_skip_bytes_bs;
v32 = inv_mask_in & -(std::int64_t)input_byte_pos;
byte_new >>= 1;
if (header_skip_bytes_bs > v32)
input_byte_pos += v32;
v33 = state->qword70;
if (input_byte_pos > v33)
state->qword70 = inv_mask_in + v33 + 1;
v34 = input_byte_pos & state->m_nMask;
input_byte_pos += header_skip_bytes_bs;
stream_decompressed_size_new = decompressed_position + state->m_nInvMaskOut + 1;
v36 = *(std::uint64_t*)(v34 + state->m_nInputBuf) & ((1LL << (8 * (std::uint8_t)header_skip_bytes_bs)) - 1);
len_needed_new = v36 + state->m_nLengthNeeded;
stream_compressed_size_new = v36 + state->m_nCompressedStreamSize;
state->m_nLengthNeeded = len_needed_new;
state->m_nCompressedStreamSize = stream_compressed_size_new;
if (stream_decompressed_size_new >= decompressed_size)
stream_decompressed_size_new = decompressed_size;
state->m_nCompressedStreamSize = header_skip_bytes_bs + stream_compressed_size_new;
state->m_nDecompStreamSize = stream_decompressed_size_new;
if (inLen >= len_needed_new && outLen >= stream_decompressed_size_new)
some_size = state->qword70;
if (input_byte_pos >= some_size)
input_byte_pos = ~state->m_nInvMaskIn & (input_byte_pos + 7);
some_size += state->m_nInvMaskIn + 1;
state->qword70 = some_size;
if (state->m_nCompressedStreamSize < some_size)
some_size = state->m_nCompressedStreamSize;
goto LABEL_26;
v68 = state->qword70;
if (input_byte_pos >= v68)
input_byte_pos = ~inv_mask_in & (input_byte_pos + 7);
state->qword70 = v68 + inv_mask_in + 1;
state->dword6C = dword6C;
result = 0;
state->input_byte_pos = input_byte_pos;
state->m_nDecompPosition = decompressed_position;
state->byte = byte_new;
state->byte_bit_offset = byte_bit_offset;
return result;
// Purpose: gets information about loaded pak file via pak ID
RPakLoadedInfo_t* RTech::GetPakLoadedInfo(int nPakId)
for (int i = 0; i < *s_pLoadedPakCount; ++i)
RPakLoadedInfo_t* info = &g_pLoadedPakInfo[i];
if (!info)
if (info->m_nPakId != nPakId)
return info;
Warning(eDLL_T::RTECH, "%s - Failed getting RPakLoadInfo_t for PakId '%d'\n", __FUNCTION__, nPakId);
return nullptr;
// Purpose: gets information about loaded pak file via pak name
RPakLoadedInfo_t* RTech::GetPakLoadedInfo(const char* szPakName)
for (int i = 0; i < *s_pLoadedPakCount; ++i)
RPakLoadedInfo_t* info = &g_pLoadedPakInfo[i];
if (!info)
if (!info->m_pszFileName || !*info->m_pszFileName)
if (strcmp(szPakName, info->m_pszFileName) != 0)
return info;
Warning(eDLL_T::RTECH, "%s - Failed getting RPakLoadInfo_t for Pak '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, szPakName);
return nullptr;
RTech* g_pRTech = new RTech();