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synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
Added 2 comments that speaks for them self's, and 2 additional checks for the second loop as I had triggered several cases where it would loop indefinitely still, as we break out of the parallel loop and continue into the old school loop for the remainder of the outSeqNr - currentIndex frames. This should fix all problems related to this function. After numerous of tests with varying arbitrary outSeqNr values that were vastly larger than the current packet flow index, the bug was no longer triggered. A similar test had also be performed were multiple clients would do this at the same time, and even then; the server frame time(s) remained identical and the whole thing never hung.
433 lines
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433 lines
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// Purpose: Netchannel system utilities
#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "tier0/frametask.h"
#include "tier1/cvar.h"
#include "vpc/keyvalues.h"
#include "common/callback.h"
#include "engine/net.h"
#include "engine/net_chan.h"
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
#include "engine/server/server.h"
#include "engine/client/client.h"
#include "server/vengineserver_impl.h"
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: gets the netchannel network loss
// Output : float
float CNetChan::GetNetworkLoss() const
int64_t totalupdates = this->m_DataFlow[FLOW_INCOMING].totalupdates;
if (!totalupdates && !this->m_nSequencesSkipped_MAYBE)
return 0.0f;
float loss = (float)(totalupdates + m_nSequencesSkipped_MAYBE);
if (totalupdates + m_nSequencesSkipped_MAYBE < 0.0f)
loss += float(2 ^ 64);
return m_nSequencesSkipped_MAYBE / loss;
// Purpose: gets the netchannel sequence number
// Input : flow -
// Output : int
int CNetChan::GetSequenceNr(int flow) const
if (flow == FLOW_OUTGOING)
return m_nOutSequenceNr;
else if (flow == FLOW_INCOMING)
return m_nInSequenceNr;
return NULL;
// Purpose: gets the netchannel connect time
// Output : double
double CNetChan::GetTimeConnected(void) const
double t = *g_pNetTime - connect_time;
return (t > 0.0) ? t : 0.0;
// Purpose: flows a new packet
// Input : *pChan -
// outSeqNr -
// acknr -
// inSeqNr -
// nChoked -
// nDropped -
// nSize -
void CNetChan::_FlowNewPacket(CNetChan* pChan, int flow, int outSeqNr, int inSeqNr, int nChoked, int nDropped, int nSize)
float v7; // xmm4_8 (was double)
int v8; // r13d
int v9; // r14d
int v12; // r12d
int currentindex; // eax
int nextIndex; // r15d
int v17; // r8d
int v18; // ebp
unsigned int v19; // eax
int v20; // r9 (was char)
int v21; // r8d
__int64 v22; // r14
float time; // xmm0_4
__int64 v24; // rdx
__int64 v25; // rcx
__int64 v26; // rdx
__int64 v27; // rcx
__int64 v28; // rdx
__int64 v29; // rcx
int v30; // edx
int v31; // r8 (was char)
float v32; // xmm0_4
__int64 v33; // r9
__int64 v34; // rax
__int64 v35; // rdx
int v36; // r8d
float v37; // xmm3_4
__int64 result; // rax
float v39; // xmm1_4
float v40; // xmm0_4
float v41; // xmm1_4
netframe_header_t* v42; // rdx
float v43; // xmm0_4
float v44; // xmm2_4
float v45; // xmm0_4
v7 = (float)*g_pNetTime;
v8 = flow;
v9 = inSeqNr;
netflow_t* pFlow = &pChan->m_DataFlow[flow];
v12 = outSeqNr;
netframe_header_t* pFrameHeader = nullptr;
netframe_t* pFrame = nullptr;
currentindex = pFlow->currentindex;
if (outSeqNr > currentindex)
nextIndex = currentindex + 1;
if (currentindex + 1 <= outSeqNr)
// This variable makes sure the loops below do not execute more
// than NET_FRAMES_BACKUP times. This has to be done as the
// headers and frame arrays in the netflow_t structure is as
// large as NET_FRAMES_BACKUP. Any execution past it is futile
// and only wastes CPU time. Sending an outSeqNr that is higher
// than the current index by something like a million or more will
// hang the engine for several milliseconds to several seconds.
int numPacketFrames = 0;
v17 = outSeqNr - nextIndex;
if (v17 + 1 >= 4)
v18 = nChoked + nDropped;
v19 = ((unsigned int)(v12 - nextIndex - 3) >> 2) + 1;
v20 = nextIndex + 2;
v21 = v17 - 2;
v22 = v19;
time = (float)*g_pNetTime;
nextIndex += 4 * v19;
v24 = (v20 - 2) & NET_FRAMES_MASK;
v25 = v24;
pFlow->frame_headers[v25].time = time;
pFlow->frame_headers[v25].valid = 0;
pFlow->frame_headers[v25].size = 0;
pFlow->frame_headers[v25].latency = -1.0;
pFlow->frames[v24].avg_latency = pChan->m_DataFlow[FLOW_OUTGOING].avglatency;
pFlow->frame_headers[v25].choked = 0;
pFlow->frames[v24].dropped = 0;
if (v21 + 2 < v18)
if (v21 + 2 >= nChoked)
pFlow->frames[v24].dropped = 1;
pFlow->frame_headers[(v20 - 2) & NET_FRAMES_MASK].choked = 1;
v26 = (v20 - 1) & NET_FRAMES_MASK;
v27 = v26;
pFlow->frame_headers[v27].time = time;
pFlow->frame_headers[v27].valid = 0;
pFlow->frame_headers[v27].size = 0;
pFlow->frame_headers[v27].latency = -1.0;
pFlow->frames[v26].avg_latency = pChan->m_DataFlow[FLOW_OUTGOING].avglatency;
pFlow->frame_headers[v27].choked = 0;
pFlow->frames[v26].dropped = 0;
if (v21 + 1 < v18)
if (v21 + 1 >= nChoked)
pFlow->frames[v26].dropped = 1;
pFlow->frame_headers[(v20 - 1) & NET_FRAMES_MASK].choked = 1;
v28 = v20 & NET_FRAMES_MASK;
v29 = v28;
pFlow->frame_headers[v29].time = time;
pFlow->frame_headers[v29].valid = 0;
pFlow->frame_headers[v29].size = 0;
pFlow->frame_headers[v29].latency = -1.0;
pFlow->frames[v28].avg_latency = pChan->m_DataFlow[FLOW_OUTGOING].avglatency;
pFlow->frame_headers[v29].choked = 0;
pFlow->frames[v28].dropped = 0;
if (v21 < v18)
if (v21 >= nChoked)
pFlow->frames[v28].dropped = 1;
pFlow->frame_headers[v20 & NET_FRAMES_MASK].choked = 1;
pFrame = &pFlow->frames[(v20 + 1) & NET_FRAMES_MASK];
pFrameHeader = &pFlow->frame_headers[(v20 + 1) & NET_FRAMES_MASK];
pFrameHeader->time = time;
pFrameHeader->valid = 0;
pFrameHeader->size = 0;
pFrameHeader->latency = -1.0;
pFrame->avg_latency = pChan->m_DataFlow[FLOW_OUTGOING].avglatency;
pFrameHeader->choked = 0;
pFrame->dropped = 0;
if (v21 - 1 < v18)
if (v21 - 1 >= nChoked)
pFrame->dropped = 1;
pFrameHeader->choked = 1;
// Incremented by four since this loop does four frames
// per iteration.
numPacketFrames += 4;
v21 -= 4;
v20 += 4;
} while (v22 && numPacketFrames < NET_FRAMES_BACKUP);
v12 = outSeqNr;
v8 = flow;
v9 = inSeqNr;
// Check if we did not reach NET_FRAMES_BACKUP, else we will
// execute the 129'th iteration as well. Also check if the next
// index doesn't exceed the outSeqNr.
if (numPacketFrames < NET_FRAMES_BACKUP && nextIndex <= v12)
v30 = v12 - nextIndex;
v31 = nextIndex;
v33 = v12 - nextIndex + 1;
pFrame = &pFlow->frames[v31 & NET_FRAMES_MASK];
pFrameHeader = &pFlow->frame_headers[v31 & NET_FRAMES_MASK];
v32 = v7;
pFrameHeader->time = v32;
pFrameHeader->valid = 0;
pFrameHeader->size = 0;
pFrameHeader->latency = -1.0;
pFrame->avg_latency = pChan->m_DataFlow[FLOW_OUTGOING].avglatency;
pFrameHeader->choked = 0;
pFrame->dropped = 0;
if (v30 < nChoked + nDropped)
if (v30 >= nChoked)
pFrame->dropped = 1;
pFrameHeader->choked = 1;
} while (v33 && numPacketFrames < NET_FRAMES_BACKUP);
v9 = inSeqNr;
pFrame->dropped = nDropped;
pFrameHeader->choked = (short)nChoked;
pFrameHeader->size = nSize;
pFrameHeader->valid = 1;
pFrame->avg_latency = pChan->m_DataFlow[FLOW_OUTGOING].avglatency;
pFlow->currentindex = v12;
v34 = 544i64;
if (!v8)
v34 = 3688i64;
pFlow->current_frame = pFrame;
v35 = 548i64;
v36 = *(_DWORD*)(&pChan->m_bProcessingMessages + v34);
if (v9 > v36 - NET_FRAMES_BACKUP)
if (!v8)
v35 = 3692i64;
result = (__int64)pChan + 16 * (v9 & NET_FRAMES_MASK);
v42 = (netframe_header_t*)(result + v35);
if (v42->valid && v42->latency == -1.0)
v43 = 0.0;
v44 = fmax(0.0f, v7 - v42->time);
v42->latency = v44;
if (v44 >= 0.0)
v43 = v44;
v42->latency = 0.0;
v45 = v43 + pFlow->latency;
pFlow->latency = v45;
pFlow->maxlatency = fmaxf(pFlow->maxlatency, v42->latency);
if (!v8)
v35 = 3692i64;
v37 = *(float*)(&pChan->m_bProcessingMessages + 16 * (v36 & NET_FRAMES_MASK) + v35);
result = v35 + 16i64 * (((_BYTE)v36 + 1) & NET_FRAMES_MASK);
v39 = v37 - *(float*)(&pChan->m_bProcessingMessages + result);
v40 = (float)((float)(v39 / 127.0) * (float)(v36 - v9)) + v7 - v37;
v41 = fmaxf(pFlow->maxlatency, v40);
pFlow->latency = v40 + pFlow->latency;
pFlow->maxlatency = v41;
// Purpose: shutdown netchannel
// Input : *this -
// *szReason -
// bBadRep -
// bRemoveNow -
void CNetChan::_Shutdown(CNetChan* pChan, const char* szReason, uint8_t bBadRep, bool bRemoveNow)
v_NetChan_Shutdown(pChan, szReason, bBadRep, bRemoveNow);
// Purpose: process message
// Input : *pChan -
// *pMsg -
// Output : true on success, false on failure
bool CNetChan::_ProcessMessages(CNetChan* pChan, bf_read* pMsg)
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if (!ThreadInServerFrameThread() || !net_processTimeBudget->GetInt())
return v_NetChan_ProcessMessages(pChan, pMsg);
const double flStartTime = Plat_FloatTime();
const bool bResult = v_NetChan_ProcessMessages(pChan, pMsg);
if (!pChan->m_MessageHandler) // NetChannel removed?
return bResult;
CClient* pClient = reinterpret_cast<CClient*>(pChan->m_MessageHandler);
ServerPlayer_t* pSlot = &g_ServerPlayer[pClient->GetUserID()];
if (flStartTime - pSlot->m_flLastNetProcessTime >= 1.0 ||
pSlot->m_flLastNetProcessTime == -1.0)
pSlot->m_flLastNetProcessTime = flStartTime;
pSlot->m_flCurrentNetProcessTime = 0.0;
pSlot->m_flCurrentNetProcessTime +=
(Plat_FloatTime() * 1000) - (flStartTime * 1000);
if (pSlot->m_flCurrentNetProcessTime >
Warning(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Removing netchannel '%s' ('%s' exceeded frame budget by '%3.1f'ms!)\n",
pChan->GetName(), pChan->GetAddress(), (pSlot->m_flCurrentNetProcessTime - net_processTimeBudget->GetDouble()));
pClient->Disconnect(Reputation_t::REP_MARK_BAD, "#DISCONNECT_NETCHAN_OVERFLOW");
return false;
return bResult;
#else // !CLIENT_DLL
return v_NetChan_ProcessMessages(pChan, pMsg);
// Purpose: send message
// Input : &msg -
// bForceReliable -
// bVoice -
// Output : true on success, false on failure
bool CNetChan::SendNetMsg(INetMessage& msg, bool bForceReliable, bool bVoice)
if (remote_address.GetType() == netadrtype_t::NA_NULL)
return false;
bf_write* pStream = &m_StreamUnreliable;
if (msg.IsReliable() || bForceReliable)
pStream = &m_StreamReliable;
if (bVoice)
pStream = &m_StreamVoice;
if (pStream != &m_StreamUnreliable ||
pStream->WriteUBitLong(msg.GetType(), NETMSG_TYPE_BITS);
if (!pStream->IsOverflowed())
return true;
// Purpose: check if there is still data in the reliable waiting buffers
bool CNetChan::HasPendingReliableData(void)
return (m_StreamReliable.GetNumBitsWritten() > 0)
|| (m_WaitingList.Count() > 0);
void VNetChan::Attach() const
DetourAttach((PVOID*)&v_NetChan_Shutdown, &CNetChan::_Shutdown);
DetourAttach((PVOID*)&v_NetChan_FlowNewPacket, &CNetChan::_FlowNewPacket);
DetourAttach((PVOID*)&v_NetChan_ProcessMessages, &CNetChan::_ProcessMessages);
void VNetChan::Detach() const
DetourDetach((PVOID*)&v_NetChan_Shutdown, &CNetChan::_Shutdown);
DetourDetach((PVOID*)&v_NetChan_FlowNewPacket, &CNetChan::_FlowNewPacket);
DetourDetach((PVOID*)&v_NetChan_ProcessMessages, &CNetChan::_ProcessMessages);