@ -16,25 +16,49 @@ Copyright (c) 2015-2021 [The Brenwill Workshop Ltd.](http://www.brenwill.com)
MoltenVK 1.1.3
Released TBD
Released 2021/04/27
- Add beta support for using Metal argument buffers for shader resources on _macOS_, by setting
`MVK_CONFIG_USE_METAL_ARGUMENT_BUFFERS` environment variable (disabled by default). This dramatically
expands the number of resources that can be submitted to a pipeline stage, per the Vulkan
`VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing` extension. **Currently available on _macOS 10.16 (Big Sur)_ or later,
and on earlier _macOS_ versions on _Intel_ GPU's**.
- Add support for `HDR10` colorspace via `VK_COLOR_SPACE_HDR10_HLG_EXT` and `VK_COLOR_SPACE_HDR10_ST2084_EXT`.
- Always explicitly set `CAMetalLayer` colorspace property based on _Vulkan_ parameters,
and don't rely on _Metal_ default values.
- Avoid use of _Metal_ renderpass load and store actions on memoryless attachments.
- Fix memory leak on swapchain destruction.
- Remove project qualifiers from references to `SPIRV-Cross` header files.
- Add `MVKConfiguration::resumeLostDevice` and `MVK_CONFIG_RESUME_LOST_DEVICE` env var,
to allow `VkDevice` to resume after non-fatal `VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST` error.
- `MVKDescriptorPool` pools its descriptor sets.
- Enable `MVKConfiguration::preallocateDescriptors` and `MVK_CONFIG_PREALLOCATE_DESCRIPTORS`
environment variable by default to preallocate descriptors when a `VkDescriptorPool` is created.
- Avoid use of _Metal_ renderpass load and store actions on memoryless attachments.
- Fix memory leak on swapchain destruction.
- Fix `MVKPhysicalDevice::getSurfaceFormats()` returning `VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED`.
- Fix memory leak where swapchains and images were not destroyed due to a retention loop.
- Fix advertising single-texel alignment capability for texel buffers.
- Fix time and space inefficiencies caused by missed shader cache lookup hits in `MVKShaderLibraryCache`.
- Log enhanced command buffer errors in debug mode.
- Ensure queue submission message logging occurs before submission object is destroyed.
- Remove project qualifiers from references to `SPIRV-Cross` header files.
- Only perform automatic GPU capture on queue identified by `MVKConfiguration::defaultGPUCaptureScopeQueueIndex`
and `defaultGPUCaptureScopeQueueFamilyIndex`.
- Introduce `MVKConfigLogLevelBits`, `MVKConfigAutoGPUCaptureScopeBits`, and `MVKConfigTraceVulkanCallsBits`
enums to specify config API values in a Vulkan-friendly manner, while automatically documenting the same values for env vars.
- Add `MVKConfiguration::apiVersionToAdvertise` and `MVK_CONFIG_API_VERSION_TO_ADVERTISE`
env var to configure **MoltenVK** to advertise a particular _Vulkan_ version.
- Add `MVKConfiguration::advertiseExtensions` and `MVK_CONFIG_ADVERTISE_EXTENSIONS`
env var to configure **MoltenVK** to force advertising support for no, or minimal, _Vulkan_ extensions.
env var to configure **MoltenVK** to force advertising support for no, or minimally few, _Vulkan_ extensions.
- Remove the `Hologram` and `API-Samples` demo apps, and remove
`LunarG/VulkanSamples` as a dependency library.
- Add `NDEBUG` macro to all Release builds to remove `assert()` calls.
- Update dependency libraries to match _Vulkan SDK 1.2.176_.
- Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version:
- MSL: Support long `ulong` types in buffers in 2.3+.
- MSL: Support padding Metal argument buffer entries based on argument index.
- Add interfaces to aid with LTO-style optimization
- Handle edge cases in `OpCopyMemory`.