vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges() synchronizes managed device memory to CPU.
Add MVKDevice::invalidateMappedMemoryRanges(). Add MVKMTLBlitEncoder struct. MVKDevice::getQueue() defaults to queue family zero and queue zero.
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Released TBD
- Add support for extensions:
- `VK_KHR_device_group`
- Add support for `VkEvent`, using either native `MTLEvent` or emulation when `MTLEvent` not available.
- `vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges()` synchronizes managed device memory to CPU.
- Revert to supporting host-coherent memory for linear images on macOS.
- Ensure Vulkan loader magic number is set every time before returning any dispatchable Vulkan handle.
- Fix crash when `VkDeviceCreateInfo` specifies queue families out of numerical order.
@ -360,6 +360,11 @@ protected:
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKDevice
typedef struct {
id<MTLBlitCommandEncoder> mtlBlitEncoder = nil;
id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuffer = nil;
} MVKMTLBlitEncoder;
/** Represents a Vulkan logical GPU device, associated with a physical device. */
class MVKDevice : public MVKDispatchableVulkanAPIObject {
@ -387,7 +392,7 @@ public:
PFN_vkVoidFunction getProcAddr(const char* pName);
/** Retrieves a queue at the specified index within the specified family. */
MVKQueue* getQueue(uint32_t queueFamilyIndex, uint32_t queueIndex);
MVKQueue* getQueue(uint32_t queueFamilyIndex = 0, uint32_t queueIndex = 0);
/** Block the current thread until all queues in this device are idle. */
VkResult waitIdle();
@ -528,6 +533,9 @@ public:
void freeMemory(MVKDeviceMemory* mvkDevMem,
const VkAllocationCallbacks* pAllocator);
#pragma mark Operations
/** Applies the specified global memory barrier to all resource issued by this device. */
void applyMemoryBarrier(VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
@ -565,6 +573,9 @@ public:
/** Populates the specified statistics structure from the current activity performance statistics. */
void getPerformanceStatistics(MVKPerformanceStatistics* pPerf);
/** Invalidates the memory regions. */
VkResult invalidateMappedMemoryRanges(uint32_t memRangeCount, const VkMappedMemoryRange* pMemRanges);
#pragma mark Metal
@ -2122,6 +2122,9 @@ void MVKDevice::freeMemory(MVKDeviceMemory* mvkDevMem,
#pragma mark Operations
// Adds the specified resource for tracking, and returns the added resource.
MVKResource* MVKDevice::addResource(MVKResource* rez) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_rezLock);
@ -2197,6 +2200,25 @@ void MVKDevice::getPerformanceStatistics(MVKPerformanceStatistics* pPerf) {
if (pPerf) { *pPerf = _performanceStatistics; }
VkResult MVKDevice::invalidateMappedMemoryRanges(uint32_t memRangeCount, const VkMappedMemoryRange* pMemRanges) {
@autoreleasepool {
VkResult rslt = VK_SUCCESS;
MVKMTLBlitEncoder mvkBlitEnc;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < memRangeCount; i++) {
const VkMappedMemoryRange* pMem = &pMemRanges[i];
MVKDeviceMemory* mvkMem = (MVKDeviceMemory*)pMem->memory;
VkResult r = mvkMem->pullFromDevice(pMem->offset, pMem->size, false, &mvkBlitEnc);
if (rslt == VK_SUCCESS) { rslt = r; }
if (mvkBlitEnc.mtlBlitEncoder) { [mvkBlitEnc.mtlBlitEncoder endEncoding]; }
if (mvkBlitEnc.mtlCmdBuffer) {
[mvkBlitEnc.mtlCmdBuffer commit];
[mvkBlitEnc.mtlCmdBuffer waitUntilCompleted];
return rslt;
#pragma mark Metal
@ -85,8 +85,18 @@ public:
* If this memory is host-visible, pulls the specified memory range from the device.
* Normally, pulling will only occur if the device memory is non-coherent, but pulling
* to coherent memory can be forced by setting evenIfCoherent to true.
* If pBlitEnc is not null, it points to a holder for a MTLBlitCommandEncoder and its
* assocated MTLCommandBuffer. If this instance has a MTLBuffer using managed memory,
* this function may call synchronizeResource: on the MTLBlitCommandEncoder to
* synchronize the GPU contents to the CPU. If the contents of the pBlitEnc do not
* include a MTLBlitCommandEncoder and MTLCommandBuffer, this function will create
* them and populate the contents into the MVKMTLBlitEncoder struct.
VkResult pullFromDevice(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, bool evenIfCoherent = false);
VkResult pullFromDevice(VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize size,
bool evenIfCoherent = false,
MVKMTLBlitEncoder* pBlitEnc = nullptr);
#pragma mark Metal
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "MVKDeviceMemory.h"
#include "MVKBuffer.h"
#include "MVKImage.h"
#include "MVKQueue.h"
#include "MVKEnvironment.h"
#include "mvk_datatypes.hpp"
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
@ -91,12 +92,24 @@ VkResult MVKDeviceMemory::flushToDevice(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size,
return VK_SUCCESS;
VkResult MVKDeviceMemory::pullFromDevice(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize size, bool evenIfCoherent) {
VkResult MVKDeviceMemory::pullFromDevice(VkDeviceSize offset,
VkDeviceSize size,
bool evenIfCoherent,
MVKMTLBlitEncoder* pBlitEnc) {
// Coherent memory is flushed on unmap(), so it is only flushed if forced
VkDeviceSize memSize = adjustMemorySize(size, offset);
if (memSize > 0 && isMemoryHostAccessible() && (evenIfCoherent || !isMemoryHostCoherent()) ) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(_rezLock);
for (auto& img : _images) { img->pullFromDevice(offset, memSize); }
if (pBlitEnc && _mtlBuffer && _mtlStorageMode == MTLStorageModeManaged) {
if ( !pBlitEnc->mtlCmdBuffer) { pBlitEnc->mtlCmdBuffer = [_device->getQueue()->getMTLCommandQueue() commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences]; }
if ( !pBlitEnc->mtlBlitEncoder) { pBlitEnc->mtlBlitEncoder = [pBlitEnc->mtlCmdBuffer blitCommandEncoder]; }
[pBlitEnc->mtlBlitEncoder synchronizeResource: _mtlBuffer];
return VK_SUCCESS;
@ -166,14 +166,10 @@ void MVKSwapchain::signalWhenAvailable(uint32_t imageIndex, MVKSemaphore* semaph
if (_device->_useMTLEventsForSemaphores) {
// Unfortunately, we can't assume we have an MTLSharedEvent here.
// This means we need to execute a command on the device to signal
// the semaphore. Alternatively, we could always use an MTLSharedEvent,
// but that might impose unacceptable performance costs just to handle
// this one case.
MVKQueue* queue = _device->getQueue(0, 0);
id<MTLCommandQueue> mtlQ = queue->getMTLCommandQueue();
id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff = [mtlQ commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences];
[mtlCmdBuff enqueue];
// This means we need to execute a command on the device to signal the semaphore.
// Alternatively, we could always use an MTLSharedEvent, but that might impose
// unacceptable performance costs just to handle this one case.
id<MTLCommandBuffer> mtlCmdBuff = [_device->getQueue()->getMTLCommandQueue() commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences];
[mtlCmdBuff commit];
@ -429,15 +429,10 @@ MVK_PUBLIC_SYMBOL VkResult vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges(
VkDevice device,
uint32_t memRangeCount,
const VkMappedMemoryRange* pMemRanges) {
VkResult rslt = VK_SUCCESS;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < memRangeCount; i++) {
const VkMappedMemoryRange* pMem = &pMemRanges[i];
MVKDeviceMemory* mvkMem = (MVKDeviceMemory*)pMem->memory;
VkResult r = mvkMem->pullFromDevice(pMem->offset, pMem->size);
if (rslt == VK_SUCCESS) { rslt = r; }
MVKDevice* mvkDev = MVKDevice::getMVKDevice(device);
VkResult rslt = mvkDev->invalidateMappedMemoryRanges(memRangeCount, pMemRanges);
return rslt;
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