#MoltenVK Demo Projects
Copyright (c) 2015-2024 [The Brenwill Workshop Ltd.](http://www.brenwill.com)
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Table of Contents
- [*Cube*](#vulkan-tools-cube)
- [Khronos Vulkan-Samples](#khronos-vulkan-samples)
The basic canonical *Cube* sample app from the
[*Vulkan-Tools* repository](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Tools)
is included in this **MoltenVK** package.
This demo renders a basic textured cube that spins in place.
The demo can be found in the `Cube` folder, and in the `Cube` group in the
*Xcode Project Navigator* in the `Demos.xcworkspace` *Xcode* workspace.
To run this demo, run the `Cube-macOS`, `Cube-iOS`, or `Cube-tvOS` *Scheme* from within *Xcode*.
In addition to devices, this demo will also run on an `iOS Simulator` destination.
This demo is not supported on a `tvOS Simulator` destination.
The `Cube` demo is a simple example of installing **MoltenVK** as a `libMoltenVK.dylib` library that
is dynamically linked to the application, and the _Vulkan_ calls all use _Volk_ to dynamically access
function pointers, retrieved from **MoltenVK** using `vkGetInstanceProcAddr()` and `vkGetDeviceProcAddr()`.
It supports all platforms, including _Mac Catalyst_, _iOSSimulator_ and _tvOS Simulator_.
*Khronos Vulkan Samples*
*Khronos Group* provides a [repository](https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Samples)
containing a full suite of standard *Vulkan* samples that run on **MoltenVK** on *macOS*.