Mostly-done SDL_events.h

This commit is contained in:
David Gow 2013-04-04 23:36:22 +08:00
parent 295a054e5f
commit 1512009b64

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@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
/* We have lots of padding fields, which we want private */
#pragma warning disable 0169
namespace SDL2
public static class SDL2
@ -391,7 +394,7 @@ namespace SDL2
public enum SDL_WindowEventID
public enum SDL_WindowEventID : byte
@ -438,16 +441,6 @@ namespace SDL2
public IntPtr driverdata; // void*
public struct SDL_WindowEvent
public uint type;
public uint windowID;
public byte windowEvent; // event, lolC#
public int data1;
public int data2;
/* IntPtr refers to an SDL_Window* */
public static extern IntPtr SDL_CreateWindow(
@ -2112,6 +2105,417 @@ namespace SDL2
/* TODO: Input Events:
#region SDL_events.h
/* General keyboard/mouse state definitions. */
public const byte SDL_PRESSED = 0;
public const byte SDL_RELEASED = 1;
/* The types of events that can be delivered. */
public enum SDL_EventType : uint
/* Application events */
SDL_QUIT = 0x100,
/* Window events */
/* Keyboard events */
SDL_KEYDOWN = 0x300,
/* Mouse events */
/* Joystick events */
/* Game controller events */
/* Touch events */
/* Gesture events */
/* Clipboard events */
/* Drag and drop events */
SDL_DROPFILE = 0x1000,
/* Events SDL_USEREVENT through SDL_LASTEVENT are for
* your use, and should be allocated with
* SDL_RegisterEvents()
/* The last event, used for bouding arrays. */
/* Fields shared by every event */
public struct SDL_GenericEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
/* Window state change event data (event.window.*) */
public struct SDL_WindowEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public UInt32 windowID;
public SDL_WindowEventID windowEvent; // event, lolC#
byte padding1;
byte padding2;
byte padding3;
public Int32 data1;
public Int32 data2;
/* Keyboard button event structure (event.key.*) */
public struct SDL_KeyboardEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public UInt32 windowID;
public byte state;
public byte repeat; /* non-zero if this is a repeat */
byte padding2;
byte padding3;
// TODO: SDL_Keysym struct.
//TODO: SDL_Text*Event (need to work out char[] in C#)
/* Mouse motion event structure (event.motion.*) */
public struct SDL_MouseMotionEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public UInt32 windowID;
public UInt32 which;
public byte state; /* bitmask of buttons */
byte padding1;
byte padding2;
byte padding3;
public Int32 x;
public Int32 y;
public Int32 xrel;
public Int32 yrel;
/* Mouse button event structure (event.button.*) */
public struct SDL_MouseButtonEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public UInt32 windowID;
public UInt32 which;
public byte button; /* button id */
public byte state; /* SDL_PRESSED or SDL_RELEASED */
byte padding1;
byte padding2;
public Int32 x;
public Int32 y;
/* Mouse wheel event structure (event.wheel.*) */
public struct SDL_MouseWheelEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public UInt32 windowID;
public UInt32 which;
public Int32 x; /* amount scrolled horizontally */
public Int32 y; /* amount scrolled vertically */
/* Joystick axis motion event structure (event.jaxis.*) */
public struct SDL_JoyAxisEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public Int32 which; /* SDL_JoystickID */
public byte axis;
byte padding1;
byte padding2;
byte padding3;
public Int16 axisValue; /* value, lolC# */
public UInt16 padding4;
/* Joystick trackball motion event structure (event.jball.*) */
public struct SDL_JoyBallEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public Int32 which; /* SDL_JoystickID */
public byte ball;
byte padding1;
byte padding2;
byte padding3;
public Int16 xrel;
public Int16 yrel;
/* Joystick hat position change event struct (event.jhat.*) */
public struct SDL_JoyHatEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public Int32 which; /* SDL_JoystickID */
public byte hat; /* index of the hat */
public byte hatValue; /* value, lolC# */
byte padding1;
byte padding2;
/* Joystick button event structure (event.jbutton.*) */
public struct SDL_JoyButtonEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public Int32 which; /* SDL_JoystickID */
public byte button;
public byte state; /* SDL_PRESSED or SDL_RELEASED */
byte padding1;
byte padding2;
/* Joystick device event structure (event.jdevice.*) */
public struct SDL_JoyDeviceEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public Int32 which; /* SDL_JoystickID */
/* Game controller axis motion event (event.caxis.*) */
public struct SDL_ControllerAxisEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public Int32 which; /* SDL_JoystickID */
public byte axis;
byte padding1;
byte padding2;
byte padding3;
public Int16 axisValue; /* value, lolC# */
UInt16 padding4;
/* Game controller button event (event.cbutton.*) */
public struct SDL_ControllerButtonEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public Int32 which; /* SDL_JoystickID */
public byte button;
public byte state;
byte padding1;
byte padding2;
/* Game controller device event (event.cdevice.*) */
public struct SDL_ControllerDeviceEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public Int32 which; /* joystick id for ADDED, else
instance id */
// TODO: Touch Finger events, Gesture Events
/* File open request by system (event.drop.*), disabled by
* default
public struct SDL_DropEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public IntPtr file; /* char* filename, to be freed */
/* The "quit requested" event */
public struct SDL_QuitEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
/* A user defined event (event.user.*) */
public struct SDL_UserEvent
public UInt32 type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public UInt32 windowID;
public Int32 code;
public IntPtr data1; /* user-defined */
public IntPtr data2; /* user-defined */
/* A video driver dependent event (event.syswm.*), disabled */
public struct SDL_SysWMEvent
public SDL_EventType type;
public UInt32 timestamp;
public IntPtr msg; /* SDL_SysWMmsg*, system-dependent*/
/* General event structure */
// C# doesn't do unions, so we do this ugly thing. */
public struct SDL_Event
public SDL_EventType type;
public SDL_WindowEvent window;
public SDL_KeyboardEvent key;
//TODO: TextEditingEvent, TextInputEvent
public SDL_MouseMotionEvent motion;
public SDL_MouseButtonEvent button;
public SDL_MouseWheelEvent wheel;
public SDL_JoyAxisEvent jaxis;
public SDL_JoyBallEvent jball;
public SDL_JoyHatEvent jhat;
public SDL_JoyButtonEvent jbutton;
public SDL_JoyDeviceEvent jdevice;
public SDL_ControllerAxisEvent caxis;
public SDL_ControllerButtonEvent cbutton;
public SDL_ControllerDeviceEvent cdevice;
public SDL_QuitEvent quit;
public SDL_UserEvent user;
public SDL_SysWMEvent syswm;
//TODO: Touch, Gesture events
public SDL_DropEvent drop;
/* Pump the event loop, getting events from the input devices*/
public static extern void SDL_PumpEvents();
public enum SDL_eventaction
//TODO: SDL_PeepEvents
/* Checks to see if certain events are in the event queue */
public static extern SDL_bool SDL_HasEvent(SDL_EventType type);
//TODO: SDL_HasEvents
/* Clears events from the event queue */
public static extern void SDL_FlushEvent(SDL_EventType type);
//TODO: SDL_FlushEvents
/* Polls for currently pending events */
public static extern int SDL_PollEvent(out SDL_Event _event);
/* Waits indefinitely for the next event */
public static extern int SDL_WaitEvent(out SDL_Event _event);
/* Waits until the specified timeout (in ms) for the next event
public static extern int SDL_WaitEventTimeout(out SDL_Event _event, int timeout);
/* Add an event to the event queue */
public static extern int SDL_PushEvent(ref SDL_Event _event);
//TODO: All of the event filter stuff.
/* These are for SDL_EventState() */
public const int SDL_QUERY = -1;
public const int SDL_IGNORE = 0;
public const int SDL_DISABLE = 0;
public const int SDL_ENABLE = 1;
/* This function allows you to enable/disable certain events */
public static extern byte SDL_EventState(SDL_EventType type, int state);
/* Get the state of an event */
public static byte SDL_GetEventState(SDL_EventType type)
return SDL_EventState(type, SDL_QUERY);
/* Allocate a set of user-defined events */
public static extern UInt32 SDL_RegisterEvents(int numevents);
/* TODO: Force Feedback:
@ -2122,3 +2526,5 @@ namespace SDL2
#pragma warning restore 0169