#region License
/* SDL2# - C# Wrapper for SDL2
 * Copyright (c) 2013 Ethan Lee.
 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
 * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
 * the use of this software.
 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
 * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
 * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
 * appreciated but is not required.
 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
 * misrepresented as being the original software.
 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
 * Ethan "flibitijibibo" Lee <flibitijibibo@flibitijibibo.com>

#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace SDL2
	public static class SDL2
		#region SDL2# Variables
		/* Used by DllImport to load the native library. */
		internal const String nativeLibName = "SDL2.dll";
		#region SDL_stdinc.h
		public enum SDL_bool
			SDL_FALSE = 0,
			SDL_TRUE = 1
		#region SDL.h
		public const uint SDL_INIT_TIMER =		0x00000001;
		public const uint SDL_INIT_AUDIO =		0x00000010;
		public const uint SDL_INIT_VIDEO =		0x00000020;
		public const uint SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK =		0x00000200;
		public const uint SDL_INIT_HAPTIC =		0x00001000;
		public const uint SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER =	0x00002000;
		public const uint SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE =	0x00100000;
		public const uint SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING = (
		public static extern int SDL_Init(uint flags);
		public static extern int SDL_InitSubSystem(uint flags);
		public static extern void SDL_Quit();
		public static extern void SDL_QuitSubSystem(uint flags);
		public static extern uint SDL_WasInit(uint flags);
		#region SDL_hints.h
		public const string SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER =
		public const string SDL_HINT_RENDER_OPENGL_SHADERS =
		public const string SDL_HINT_RENDER_VSYNC =
		public const string SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_XVIDMODE =
		public const string SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_XINERAMA =
		public const string SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_XRANDR =
		public const string SDL_HINT_GRAB_KEYBOARD =
		public const string SDL_HINT_IDLE_TIMER_DISABLED =
		public const string SDL_HINT_ORIENTATIONS =
		public const string SDL_HINT_XINPUT_ENABLED =
		public const string SDL_HINT_ALLOW_TOPMOST =
		public enum SDL_HintPriority
		public static extern void SDL_ClearHints();
		[DllImport(nativeLibName, EntryPoint = "SDL_GetHint")]
		private static extern IntPtr INTERNAL_SDL_GetHint(
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string name
		public static string SDL_GetHint(string name)
			return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_SetHint(
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string name,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string value
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_SetHintWithPriority(
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string name,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string value,
			SDL_HintPriority priority
		#region SDL_error.h
		public static extern void SDL_ClearError();
		[DllImport(nativeLibName, EntryPoint = "SDL_GetError")]
		private static extern IntPtr INTERNAL_SDL_GetError();
		public static string SDL_GetError()
			return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(INTERNAL_SDL_GetError());
		public static extern void SDL_SetError(
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string fmt,
		#region SDL_log.h
		/* Begin nameless enum SDL_LOG_CATEGORY */
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION = 0;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ERROR = 1;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_ASSERT = 2;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_SYSTEM = 3;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_AUDIO = 4;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_VIDEO = 5;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RENDER = 6;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_INPUT = 7;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_TEST = 8;
		/* Reserved for future SDL library use */
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RESERVED1 = 9;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RESERVED2 = 10;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RESERVED3 = 11;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RESERVED4 = 12;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RESERVED5 = 13;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RESERVED6 = 14;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RESERVED7 = 15;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RESERVED8 = 16;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RESERVED9 = 17;
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_RESERVED10 = 18;
		/* Beyond this point is reserved for application use, e.g.
			enum {
		public const int SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_CUSTOM = 19;
		/* End nameless enum SDL_LOG_CATEGORY */
		public enum SDL_LogPriority
		public static extern void SDL_Log(
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string fmt,
		public static extern void SDL_LogVerbose(
			int category,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string fmt,
		public static extern void SDL_LogDebug(
			int category,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string fmt,
		public static extern void SDL_LogInfo(
			int category,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string fmt,
		public static extern void SDL_LogWarn(
			int category,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string fmt,
		public static extern void SDL_LogError(
			int category,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string fmt,
		public static extern void SDL_LogCritical(
			int category,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string fmt,
		public static extern void SDL_LogMessage(
			int category,
			SDL_LogPriority priority,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string fmt,
		public static extern void SDL_LogMessageV(
			int category,
			SDL_LogPriority priority,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string fmt,
		public static extern SDL_LogPriority SDL_LogGetPriority(
			int category
		public static extern void SDL_LogSetPriority(
			int category,
			SDL_LogPriority priority
		public static extern void SDL_LogSetAllPriority(
			SDL_LogPriority priority
		public static extern void SDL_LogResetPriorities();
		// TODO: SDL_LogGetOutputFunction
		// TODO: SDL_LogSetOutputFunction
		#region SDL_version.h, SDL_revision.h
		public struct SDL_version
			public byte major;
			public byte minor;
			public byte patch;
		private static extern void SDL_GetVersion(ref SDL_version ver);
		[DllImport(nativeLibName, EntryPoint = "SDL_GetRevision")]
		private static extern IntPtr INTERNAL_SDL_GetRevision();
		public static string SDL_GetRevision()
			return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(
		public static extern int SDL_GetRevisionNumber();
		#region SDL_video.h
		/* Actually, this is from SDL_blendmode.h */
		public enum SDL_BlendMode
			SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE =	0x00000000,
			SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND =	0x00000001,
			SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD =	0x00000002,
			SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD =	0x00000004
		public enum SDL_GLattr
		public enum SDL_WindowEventID
		public enum SDL_WindowFlags
			SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN =		0x00000001,
			SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL =		0x00000002,
			SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN =		0x00000004,
			SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN =		0x00000008,
			SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS =		0x00000010,
			SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE =		0x00000020,
			SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED =		0x00000040,
			SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED =		0x00000080,
			SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS =	0x00000200,
			SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_FOCUS =	0x00000400,
				(SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN | 0x00001000),
			SDL_WINDOW_FOREIGN =		0x00000800,
		public struct SDL_DisplayMode
			public uint format;
			public int w;
			public int h;
			public int refresh_rate;
			public IntPtr driverdata; // void*
		public struct SDL_WindowEvent
			public uint type;
			public uint windowID;
			public byte windowEvent; // event, lolC#
			public int data1;
			public int data2;
		/* IntPtr refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_CreateWindow(
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string title,
			int x,
			int y,
			int w,
			int h,
			uint flags
		/* window and renderer refer to an SDL_Window* and SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(
			int width,
			int height,
			uint window_flags,
			ref IntPtr window,
			ref IntPtr renderer
		/* IntPtr refers to an SDL_Window*. data is a void* pointer. */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_CreateWindowFrom(IntPtr data);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_DestroyWindow(IntPtr window);
		public static extern void SDL_DisableScreenSaver();
		public static extern void SDL_EnableScreenSaver();
		/* IntPtr refers to an SDL_DisplayMode. Just use closest. */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode(
			int displayIndex,
			ref SDL_DisplayMode mode,
			ref SDL_DisplayMode closest
		public static extern int SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(
			int displayIndex,
			ref SDL_DisplayMode mode
		[DllImport(nativeLibName, EntryPoint = "SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver")]
		private static extern IntPtr INTERNAL_SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver();
		public static string SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver()
			return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(
		public static extern int SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(
			int displayIndex,
			ref SDL_DisplayMode mode
		public static extern int SDL_GetDisplayBounds(
			int displayIndex,
			ref SDL_Rect rect
		public static extern int SDL_GetDisplayMode(
			int displayIndex,
			int modeIndex,
			ref SDL_DisplayMode mode
		public static extern int SDL_GetNumDisplayModes(
			int displayIndex
		public static extern int SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays();
		public static extern int SDL_GetNumVideoDrivers();
		[DllImport(nativeLibName, EntryPoint = "SDL_GetVideoDriver")]
		private static extern IntPtr INTERNAL_SDL_GetVideoDriver(
			int index
		public static string SDL_GetVideoDriver(int index)
			return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern float SDL_GetWindowBrightness(
			IntPtr window
		/* IntPtr refers to void* data. window refers to an SDL_Window*. */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_GetWindowData(
			IntPtr window,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string name
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern int SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(
			IntPtr window
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern int SDL_GetWindowDisplayMode(
			IntPtr window,
			ref SDL_DisplayMode mode
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern uint SDL_GetWindowFlags(IntPtr window);
		/* IntPtr refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_GetWindowFromID(uint id);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern int SDL_GetWindowGammaRamp(
			IntPtr window,
			ref ushort red,
			ref ushort green,
			ref ushort blue
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_GetWindowGrab(IntPtr window);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern uint SDL_GetWindowID(IntPtr window);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern uint SDL_GetWindowPixelFormat(
			IntPtr window
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_GetWindowPosition(
			IntPtr window,
			ref int x,
			ref int y
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_GetWindowSize(
			IntPtr window,
			ref int w,
			ref int h
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		[DllImport(nativeLibName, EntryPoint = "SDL_GetWindowSurface")]
		private static extern IntPtr INTERNAL_SDL_GetWindowSurface(
			IntPtr window
		public static SDL_Surface SDL_GetWindowSurface(IntPtr window)
			SDL_Surface result;
			IntPtr result_ptr = INTERNAL_SDL_GetWindowSurface(
			result = (SDL_Surface) Marshal.PtrToStructure(
			return result;
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		[DllImport(nativeLibName, EntryPoint = "SDL_GetWindowTitle")]
		private static extern IntPtr INTERNAL_SDL_GetWindowTitle(
			IntPtr window
		public static string SDL_GetWindowTitle(IntPtr window)
			return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_GL_BindTexture(
			IntPtr texture,
			ref float texw,
			ref float texh
		/* IntPtr and window refer to an SDL_GLContext and SDL_Window* */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_GL_CreateContext(IntPtr window);
		/* context refers to an SDL_GLContext */
		public static extern void SDL_GL_DeleteContext(IntPtr context);
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported(
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string extension
		public static extern int SDL_GL_GetAttribute(
			SDL_GLattr attr,
			ref int value
		public static extern int SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval();
		/* window and context refer to an SDL_Window* and SDL_GLContext */
		public static extern int SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(
			IntPtr window,
			IntPtr context
		public static extern int SDL_GL_SetAttribute(
			SDL_GLattr attr,
			int value
		public static extern int SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(int interval);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_GL_SwapWindow(IntPtr window);
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_GL_UnbindTexture(IntPtr texture);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_HideWindow(IntPtr window);
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_IsScreenSaverEnabled();
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_MaximizeWindow(IntPtr window);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_MinimizeWindow(IntPtr window);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_RaiseWindow(IntPtr window);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_RestoreWindow(IntPtr window);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern int SDL_SetWindowBrightness(
			IntPtr window,
			float brightness
		/* IntPtr and userdata are void*, window is an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_SetWindowData(
			IntPtr window,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string name,
			IntPtr userdata
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern int SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode(
			IntPtr window,
			ref SDL_DisplayMode mode
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern int SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(
			IntPtr window,
			SDL_bool fullscreen
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern int SDL_SetWindowGammaRamp(
			IntPtr window,
			ref ushort red,
			ref ushort green,
			ref ushort blue
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_SetWindowGrab(
			IntPtr window,
			SDL_bool grabbed
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_SetWindowIcon(
			IntPtr window,
			ref SDL_Surface icon
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_SetWindowPosition(
			IntPtr window,
			int x,
			int y
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_SetWindowSize(
			IntPtr window,
			int w,
			int h
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_SetWindowTitle(
			IntPtr window,
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string title
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern void SDL_ShowWindow(IntPtr window);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern int SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(IntPtr window);
		/* window refers to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern int SDL_UpdateWindowSurfaceRects(
			IntPtr window,
			SDL_Rect[] rects,
			int numrects
		public static extern int SDL_VideoInit(
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string driver_name
		public static extern void SDL_VideoQuit();
		#region SDL_render.h
		public enum SDL_RendererFlags
			SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE =		0x00000001,
		public enum SDL_RendererFlip
			SDL_FLIP_NONE =		0x00000000,
			SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL =	0x00000001,
			SDL_FLIP_VERTICAL =	0x00000002
		public enum SDL_TextureAccess
		public enum SDL_TextureModulate
		public unsafe struct SDL_RendererInfo
			public string name; // const char*
			public uint flags;
			public uint num_texture_formats;
			public fixed uint texture_formats[16];
			public int max_texture_width;
			public int max_texture_height;
		/* IntPtr refers to an SDL_Renderer*, window to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_CreateRenderer(
			IntPtr window,
			int index,
			uint flags
		/* IntPtr refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_CreateRenderer(
			ref SDL_Surface surface
		/* IntPtr refers to an SDL_Texture*, renderer to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_CreateTexture(
			IntPtr renderer,
			uint format,
			int access,
			int w,
			int h
		/* IntPtr refers to an SDL_Texture*, renderer to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(
			IntPtr renderer,
			ref SDL_Surface surface
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern void SDL_DestroyRenderer(IntPtr renderer);
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern void SDL_DestroyTexture(IntPtr texture);
		public static extern int SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers();
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode(
			IntPtr renderer,
			ref SDL_BlendMode blendMode
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(
			IntPtr renderer,
			ref byte r,
			ref byte g,
			ref byte b,
			ref byte a
		public static extern int SDL_GetRenderDriverInfo(
			int index,
			ref SDL_RendererInfo info
		/* IntPtr refers to an SDL_Renderer*, window to an SDL_Window* */
		public static extern IntPtr SDL_GetRenderer(IntPtr window);
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_GetRendererInfo(
			IntPtr renderer,
			ref SDL_RendererInfo info
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_GetTextureAlphaMod(
			IntPtr texture,
			ref byte alpha
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_GetTextureBlendMode(
			IntPtr texture,
			ref SDL_BlendMode blendMode
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_GetTextureColorMod(
			IntPtr texture,
			ref byte r,
			ref byte g,
			ref byte b
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture*, pixels to a void* */
		public static extern int SDL_LockTexture(
			IntPtr texture,
			ref SDL_Rect rect,
			ref IntPtr pixels,
			ref int pitch
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_QueryTexture(
			IntPtr texture,
			ref uint format,
			ref int access,
			ref int w,
			ref int h
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture, pixels to a void* */
		public static extern int SDL_QueryTexturePixels(
			IntPtr texture,
			ref IntPtr pixels,
			ref int pitch
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderClear(IntPtr renderer);
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer*, texture to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderCopy(
			IntPtr renderer,
			IntPtr texture,
			ref SDL_Rect srcrect,
			ref SDL_Rect dstrect
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer*, texture to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderCopyEx(
			IntPtr renderer,
			IntPtr texture,
			ref SDL_Rect srcrect,
			ref SDL_Rect dstrect,
			double angle,
			ref SDL_Point center,
			SDL_RendererFlip flip
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderDrawLine(
			IntPtr renderer,
			int x1,
			int y1,
			int x2,
			int y2
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderDrawLines(
			IntPtr renderer,
			SDL_Point[] points,
			int count
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderDrawPoint(
			IntPtr renderer,
			int x,
			int y
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderDrawPoints(
			IntPtr renderer,
			SDL_Point[] points,
			int count
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderDrawRect(
			IntPtr renderer,
			ref SDL_Rect rect
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderDrawRects(
			IntPtr renderer,
			SDL_Rect[] rects,
			int count
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderFillRect(
			IntPtr renderer,
			ref SDL_Rect rect
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderFillRects(
			IntPtr renderer,
			SDL_Rect[] rects,
			int count
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RendererGetViewport(
			IntPtr renderer,
			ref SDL_Rect rect
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern void SDL_RenderPresent(IntPtr renderer);
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderReadPixels(
			IntPtr renderer,
			ref SDL_Rect rect,
			uint format,
			IntPtr pixels,
			int pitch
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_RenderSetViewport(
			IntPtr renderer,
			ref SDL_Rect rect
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(
			IntPtr renderer,
			SDL_BlendMode blendMode
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer* */
		public static extern int SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(
			IntPtr renderer,
			byte r,
			byte g,
			byte b,
			byte a
		/* renderer refers to an SDL_Renderer*, texture to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_SetRenderTarget(
			IntPtr renderer,
			IntPtr texture
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(
			IntPtr texture,
			byte alpha
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(
			IntPtr texture,
			SDL_BlendMode blendMode
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_SetTextureColorMod(
			IntPtr texture,
			byte r,
			byte g,
			byte b
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern void SDL_UnlockTexture(IntPtr texture);
		/* texture refers to an SDL_Texture* */
		public static extern int SDL_UpdateTexture(
			IntPtr texture,
			ref SDL_Rect rect,
			IntPtr pixels,
			int pitch
		#region SDL_pixels.h
		/* TODO: SDL_pixels.h:
		 * http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.fcg/CategoryPixels
		 * http://hg.libsdl.org/SDL/file/default/include/SDL_pixels.h
		#region SDL_rect.h
		public struct SDL_Point
			public int x;
			public int y;
		public struct SDL_Rect
			public int x;
			public int y;
			public int w;
			public int h;
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_EnclosePoints(
			SDL_Point[] points,
			int count,
			ref SDL_Rect clip,
			ref SDL_Rect result
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_HasIntersection(
			ref SDL_Rect A,
			ref SDL_Rect B
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_IntersectRect(
			ref SDL_Rect A,
			ref SDL_Rect B,
			ref SDL_Rect result
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_IntersectRectAndLine(
			ref SDL_Rect rect,
			ref int X1,
			ref int Y1,
			ref int X2,
			ref int Y2
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_RectEmpty(ref SDL_Rect rect);
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_RectEquals(
			ref SDL_Rect A,
			ref SDL_Rect B
		public static extern void SDL_UnionRect(
			ref SDL_Rect A,
			ref SDL_Rect B,
			ref SDL_Rect result
		#region SDL_surface.h
		public struct SDL_Surface
			// TODO...
		/* TODO: SDL_surface.h:
		 * http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.fcg/CategorySurface
		 * http://hg.libsdl.org/SDL/file/default/include/SDL_surface.h
		#region SDL_clipboard.h
		public static extern SDL_bool SDL_HasClipboardText();
		[DllImport(nativeLibName, EntryPoint = "SDL_GetClipboardText")]
		private static extern IntPtr INTERNAL_SDL_GetClipboardText();
		public static string SDL_GetClipboardText(string name)
			return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(
		public static extern int SDL_SetClipboardText(
			[InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
				string text
		/* TODO: Input Events:
		 * http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.fcg/APIByCategory#Input_Events
		/* TODO: Force Feedback:
		 * http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.fcg/APIByCategory#Force_Feedback
		/* TODO: Audio:
		 * http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.fcg/APIByCategory#Audio