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synced 2025-02-09 13:14:46 +01:00
Modifies bdat to use the HorizonClient and adds an ArpClient. The arp server still needs to be provided.
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1 | Module,DescriptionStart,DescriptionEnd,Name,Summary |
2 | 2,0,999,HandledByAllProcess, |
3 | 2,1,,PathNotFound,Specified path does not exist |
4 | 2,2,,PathAlreadyExists,Specified path already exists |
5 | 2,7,,TargetLocked,Resource already in use (file already opened, savedata filesystem already mounted) |
6 | 2,8,,DirectoryNotEmpty,Specified directory is not empty when trying to delete it |
7 | 2,13,,DirectoryStatusChanged, |
8 | 2,30,45,InsufficientFreeSpace, |
9 | 2,31,,UsableSpaceNotEnoughForSaveData, |
10 | 2,34,38,InsufficientFreeSpaceBis, |
11 | 2,35,,InsufficientFreeSpaceBisCalibration, |
12 | 2,36,,InsufficientFreeSpaceBisSafe, |
13 | 2,37,,InsufficientFreeSpaceBisUser, |
14 | 2,38,,InsufficientFreeSpaceBisSystem, |
15 | 2,39,,InsufficientFreeSpaceSdCard, |
16 | 2,50,,UnsupportedSdkVersion, |
17 | 2,60,,MountNameAlreadyExists, |
18 | 2,1001,,PartitionNotFound, |
19 | 2,1002,,TargetNotFound, |
20 | 2,1004,,ExternalKeyNotFound,The requested external key was not found |
21 | 2,2000,2499,SdCardAccessFailed, |
22 | 2,2001,,SdCardNotFound, |
23 | 2,2004,,SdCardAsleep, |
24 | 2,2500,2999,GameCardAccessFailed, |
25 | 2,2503,,InvalidBufferForGameCard, |
26 | 2,2520,,GameCardNotInserted, |
27 | 2,2951,,GameCardNotInsertedOnGetHandle, |
28 | 2,2952,,InvalidGameCardHandleOnRead, |
29 | 2,2954,,InvalidGameCardHandleOnGetCardInfo, |
30 | 2,2960,,InvalidGameCardHandleOnOpenNormalPartition, |
31 | 2,2961,,InvalidGameCardHandleOnOpenSecurePartition, |
32 | 2,3001,,NotImplemented, |
33 | 2,3002,,UnsupportedVersion, |
34 | 2,3003,,SaveDataPathAlreadyExists, |
35 | 2,3005,,OutOfRange, |
36 | 2,3200,3499,AllocationMemoryFailed, |
37 | 2,3312,,AesXtsFileFileStorageAllocationError, |
38 | 2,3313,,AesXtsFileXtsStorageAllocationError, |
39 | 2,3314,,AesXtsFileAlignmentStorageAllocationError, |
40 | 2,3315,,AesXtsFileStorageFileAllocationError, |
41 | 2,3383,,AesXtsFileSubStorageAllocationError, |
42 | 2,3500,3999,MmcAccessFailed, |
43 | 2,4000,4999,DataCorrupted, |
44 | 2,4001,4299,RomCorrupted, |
45 | 2,4023,,InvalidIndirectStorageSource, |
46 | 2,4241,4259,RomHostFileSystemCorrupted, |
47 | 2,4242,,RomHostEntryCorrupted, |
48 | 2,4243,,RomHostFileDataCorrupted, |
49 | 2,4244,,RomHostFileCorrupted, |
50 | 2,4245,,InvalidRomHostHandle, |
51 | 2,4301,4499,SaveDataCorrupted, |
52 | 2,4302,,UnsupportedSaveVersion, |
53 | 2,4303,,InvalidSaveDataEntryType, |
54 | 2,4315,,InvalidSaveDataHeader, |
55 | 2,4362,,InvalidSaveDataIvfcMagic, |
56 | 2,4363,,InvalidSaveDataIvfcHashValidationBit, |
57 | 2,4364,,InvalidSaveDataIvfcHash, |
58 | 2,4372,,EmptySaveDataIvfcHash, |
59 | 2,4373,,InvalidSaveDataHashInIvfcTopLayer, |
60 | 2,4402,,SaveDataInvalidGptPartitionSignature, |
61 | 2,4427,,IncompleteBlockInZeroBitmapHashStorageFileSaveData, |
62 | 2,4441,4459,SaveDataHostFileSystemCorrupted, |
63 | 2,4442,,SaveDataHostEntryCorrupted, |
64 | 2,4443,,SaveDataHostFileDataCorrupted, |
65 | 2,4444,,SaveDataHostFileCorrupted, |
66 | 2,4445,,InvalidSaveDataHostHandle, |
67 | 2,4462,,SaveDataAllocationTableCorrupted, |
68 | 2,4463,,SaveDataFileTableCorrupted, |
69 | 2,4464,,AllocationTableIteratedRangeEntry, |
70 | 2,4501,4599,NcaCorrupted, |
71 | 2,4512,,InvalidNcaFsType, |
72 | 2,4527,,InvalidNcaProgramId, |
73 | 2,4601,4639,IntegrityVerificationStorageCorrupted, |
74 | 2,4602,,InvalidIvfcMagic, |
75 | 2,4603,,InvalidIvfcHashValidationBit, |
76 | 2,4604,,InvalidIvfcHash, |
77 | 2,4612,,EmptyIvfcHash, |
78 | 2,4613,,InvalidHashInIvfcTopLayer, |
79 | 2,4641,4659,PartitionFileSystemCorrupted, |
80 | 2,4642,,InvalidPartitionFileSystemHashOffset, |
81 | 2,4643,,InvalidPartitionFileSystemHash, |
82 | 2,4644,,InvalidPartitionFileSystemMagic, |
83 | 2,4645,,InvalidHashedPartitionFileSystemMagic, |
84 | 2,4646,,InvalidPartitionFileSystemEntryNameOffset, |
85 | 2,4661,4679,BuiltInStorageCorrupted, |
86 | 2,4662,,InvalidGptPartitionSignature, |
87 | 2,4681,4699,FatFileSystemCorrupted, |
88 | 2,4701,4719,HostFileSystemCorrupted, |
89 | 2,4702,,HostEntryCorrupted, |
90 | 2,4703,,HostFileDataCorrupted, |
91 | 2,4704,,HostFileCorrupted, |
92 | 2,4705,,InvalidHostHandle, |
93 | 2,4721,4739,DatabaseCorrupted, |
94 | 2,4722,,SaveDataAllocationTableCorruptedInternal, |
95 | 2,4723,,SaveDataFileTableCorruptedInternal, |
96 | 2,4724,,AllocationTableIteratedRangeEntryInternal, |
97 | 2,4741,4759,AesXtsFileSystemCorrupted, |
98 | 2,4742,,AesXtsFileHeaderTooShort, |
99 | 2,4743,,AesXtsFileHeaderInvalidKeys, |
100 | 2,4744,,AesXtsFileHeaderInvalidMagic, |
101 | 2,4745,,AesXtsFileTooShort, |
102 | 2,4746,,AesXtsFileHeaderTooShortInSetSize, |
103 | 2,4747,,AesXtsFileHeaderInvalidKeysInRenameFile, |
104 | 2,4748,,AesXtsFileHeaderInvalidKeysInSetSize, |
105 | 2,4761,4769,SaveDataTransferDataCorrupted, |
106 | 2,4771,4779,SignedSystemPartitionDataCorrupted, |
107 | 2,4781,,GameCardLogoDataCorrupted, |
108 | 2,4790,4799,MultiCommitContextCorrupted, |
109 | 2,4791,,InvalidMultiCommitContextVersion,The version of the multi-commit context file is too high for the current MultiCommitManager implementation. |
110 | 2,4792,,InvalidMultiCommitContextState,The multi-commit has not been provisionally committed. |
111 | # The range name is a guess. 4812 is currently the only result in it |
112 | 2,4811,4819,ZeroBitmapFileCorrupted, |
113 | 2,4812,,IncompleteBlockInZeroBitmapHashStorageFile, |
114 | 2,5000,5999,Unexpected, |
115 | 2,5307,,UnexpectedErrorInHostFileFlush, |
116 | 2,5308,,UnexpectedErrorInHostFileGetSize, |
117 | 2,5309,,UnknownHostFileSystemError, |
118 | 2,5320,,InvalidNcaMountPoint, |
119 | 2,6000,6499,PreconditionViolation, |
120 | 2,6001,6199,InvalidArgument, |
121 | 2,6002,6029,InvalidPath, |
122 | 2,6003,,TooLongPath, |
123 | 2,6004,,InvalidCharacter, |
124 | 2,6005,,InvalidPathFormat, |
125 | 2,6006,,DirectoryUnobtainable, |
126 | 2,6007,,NotNormalized, |
127 | 2,6030,6059,InvalidPathForOperation, |
128 | 2,6031,,DirectoryNotDeletable, |
129 | 2,6032,,DestinationIsSubPathOfSource, |
130 | 2,6033,,PathNotFoundInSaveDataFileTable, |
131 | 2,6034,,DifferentDestFileSystem, |
132 | 2,6061,,InvalidOffset, |
133 | 2,6062,,InvalidSize, |
134 | 2,6063,,NullptrArgument, |
135 | 2,6064,,InvalidAlignment, |
136 | 2,6065,,InvalidMountName, |
137 | 2,6066,,ExtensionSizeTooLarge, |
138 | 2,6067,,ExtensionSizeInvalid, |
139 | 2,6068,,InvalidSaveDataInfoReader, |
140 | 2,6069,,InvalidCacheStorageSize, |
141 | 2,6070,,InvalidCacheStorageIndex, |
142 | 2,6071,,InvalidCommitNameCount,Up to 10 file systems can be committed at the same time. |
143 | 2,6080,6099,InvalidEnumValue, |
144 | 2,6081,,InvalidSaveDataState, |
145 | 2,6082,,InvalidSaveDataSpaceId, |
146 | 2,6200,6299,InvalidOperationForOpenMode, |
147 | 2,6201,,FileExtensionWithoutOpenModeAllowAppend, |
148 | 2,6202,,InvalidOpenModeForRead, |
149 | 2,6203,,InvalidOpenModeForWrite, |
150 | 2,6300,6399,UnsupportedOperation, |
151 | 2,6302,,SubStorageNotResizable, |
152 | 2,6303,,SubStorageNotResizableMiddleOfFile, |
153 | 2,6304,,UnsupportedOperationInMemoryStorageSetSize, |
154 | 2,6306,,UnsupportedOperationInFileStorageOperateRange, |
155 | 2,6310,,UnsupportedOperationInAesCtrExStorageWrite, |
156 | 2,6316,,UnsupportedOperationInHierarchicalIvfcStorageSetSize, |
157 | 2,6324,,UnsupportedOperationInIndirectStorageWrite, |
158 | 2,6325,,UnsupportedOperationInIndirectStorageSetSize, |
159 | 2,6350,,UnsupportedOperationInRoGameCardStorageWrite, |
160 | 2,6351,,UnsupportedOperationInRoGameCardStorageSetSize, |
161 | 2,6359,,UnsupportedOperationInConcatFsQueryEntry, |
162 | 2,6364,,UnsupportedOperationModifyRomFsFileSystem, |
163 | 2,6365,,UnsupportedOperationInRomFsFileSystem,Called RomFsFileSystem::CommitProvisionally. |
164 | 2,6366,,UnsupportedOperationRomFsFileSystemGetSpace, |
165 | 2,6367,,UnsupportedOperationModifyRomFsFile, |
166 | 2,6369,,UnsupportedOperationModifyReadOnlyFileSystem, |
167 | 2,6371,,UnsupportedOperationReadOnlyFileSystemGetSpace, |
168 | 2,6372,,UnsupportedOperationModifyReadOnlyFile, |
169 | 2,6374,,UnsupportedOperationModifyPartitionFileSystem, |
170 | 2,6375,,UnsupportedOperationInPartitionFileSystem,Called PartitionFileSystemCore::CommitProvisionally. |
171 | 2,6376,,UnsupportedOperationInPartitionFileSetSize, |
172 | 2,6377,,UnsupportedOperationIdInPartitionFileSystem, |
173 | 2,6384,,UnsupportedOperationInDirectorySaveDataFileSystem,Called DirectorySaveDataFileSystem::CommitProvisionally on a non-user savedata. |
174 | 2,6400,6449,PermissionDenied, |
175 | 2,6452,,ExternalKeyAlreadyRegistered, |
176 | 2,6454,,WriteStateUnflushed, |
177 | 2,6457,,WriteModeFileNotClosed, |
178 | 2,6461,,AllocatorAlignmentViolation, |
179 | 2,6463,,MultiCommitFileSystemAlreadyAdded,The provided file system has already been added to the multi-commit manager. |
180 | 2,6465,,UserNotExist, |
181 | 2,6600,6699,EntryNotFound, |
182 | 2,6606,,TargetProgramIndexNotFound,Specified program index is not found |
183 | 2,6700,6799,OutOfResource, |
184 | 2,6706,,MappingTableFull, |
185 | 2,6707,,AllocationTableInsufficientFreeBlocks, |
186 | 2,6709,,OpenCountLimit, |
187 | 2,6710,,MultiCommitFileSystemLimit,The maximum number of file systems have been added to the multi-commit manager. |
188 | 2,6800,6899,MappingFailed, |
189 | 2,6811,,RemapStorageMapFull, |
190 | 2,6900,6999,BadState, |
191 | 2,6902,,SubStorageNotInitialized, |
192 | 2,6905,,NotMounted, |
193 | 2,6906,,SaveDataIsExtending, |
194 | 9,1,,TooLongArgument, |
195 | 9,2,,TooManyArguments, |
196 | 9,3,,TooLargeMeta, |
197 | 9,4,,InvalidMeta, |
198 | 9,5,,InvalidNso, |
199 | 9,6,,InvalidPath, |
200 | 9,7,,TooManyProcesses, |
201 | 9,8,,NotPinned, |
202 | 9,9,,InvalidProgramId, |
203 | 9,10,,InvalidVersion, |
204 | 9,51,,InsufficientAddressSpace, |
205 | 9,52,,InvalidNro, |
206 | 9,53,,InvalidNrr, |
207 | 9,54,,InvalidSignature, |
208 | 9,55,,InsufficientNroRegistrations, |
209 | 9,56,,InsufficientNrrRegistrations, |
210 | 9,57,,NroAlreadyLoaded, |
211 | 9,81,,InvalidAddress, |
212 | 9,82,,InvalidSize, |
213 | 9,84,,NotLoaded, |
214 | 9,85,,NotRegistered, |
215 | 9,86,,InvalidSession, |
216 | 9,87,,InvalidProcess, |
217 | 9,100,,UnknownCapability, |
218 | 9,103,,InvalidCapabilityKernelFlags, |
219 | 9,104,,InvalidCapabilitySyscallMask, |
220 | 9,106,,InvalidCapabilityMapRange, |
221 | 9,107,,InvalidCapabilityMapPage, |
222 | 9,111,,InvalidCapabilityInterruptPair, |
223 | 9,113,,InvalidCapabilityApplicationType, |
224 | 9,114,,InvalidCapabilityKernelVersion, |
225 | 9,115,,InvalidCapabilityHandleTable, |
226 | 9,116,,InvalidCapabilityDebugFlags, |
227 | 9,200,,InternalError, |
228 | 10,1,,NotSupported, |
229 | 10,3,,PreconditionViolation, |
230 | # These should be in the sf::cmif namespace |
231 | 10,202,,InvalidHeaderSize, |
232 | 10,211,,InvalidInHeader, |
233 | 10,221,,UnknownCommandId, |
234 | 10,232,,InvalidOutRawSize, |
235 | 10,235,,InvalidNumInObjects, |
236 | 10,236,,InvalidNumOutObjects, |
237 | 10,239,,InvalidInObject, |
238 | 10,261,,TargetNotFound, |
239 | 10,301,,OutOfDomainEntries, |
240 | # These should be in the sf::impl namespace |
241 | 10,800,899,RequestContextChanged, |
242 | 10,801,809,RequestInvalidated, |
243 | 10,802,,RequestInvalidatedByUser, |
244 | 10,811,819,RequestDeferred, |
245 | 10,812,,RequestDeferredByUser, |
246 | 20,1,,TooLargeKeyOrDbFull, |
247 | 20,2,,KeyNotFound, |
248 | 20,4,,AllocationFailed, |
249 | 20,5,,InvalidKeyValue, |
250 | 20,6,,BufferInsufficient, |
251 | 21,1,,OutOfProcesses, |
252 | 21,2,,InvalidClient, |
253 | 21,3,,OutOfSessions, |
254 | 21,4,,AlreadyRegistered, |
255 | 21,5,,OutOfServices, |
256 | 21,6,,InvalidServiceName, |
257 | 21,7,,NotRegistered, |
258 | 21,8,,NotAllowed, |
259 | 21,9,,TooLargeAccessControl, |
260 | 24,1,,DeviceNotFound, |
261 | 24,4,,DeviceAsleep, |
262 | 122,1,,InvalidArgument, |
263 | 122,2,,NotFound, |
264 | 122,3,,TargetLocked, |
265 | 122,6,,AlreadyOpen, |
266 | 122,7,,NotOpen, |
267 | 122,9,,ServiceOpenLimitReached, |
268 | 122,10,,SaveDataNotFound, |
269 | 122,31,,NetworkServiceAccountNotAvailable, |
270 | 122,80,,PassphrasePathNotFound, |
271 | 122,90,,PermissionDenied, |
272 | 122,91,,AllocationFailed, |
273 | 122,204,,InvalidDeliveryCacheStorageFile, |
274 | 122,205,,StorageOpenLimitReached, |
275 | 123,0,4999,SslService, |
276 | 124,0,,Cancelled, |
277 | 124,1,,CancelledByUser, |
278 | 124,100,,UserNotExist, |
279 | 124,200,269,NetworkServiceAccountUnavailable, |
280 | 124,430,499,TokenCacheUnavailable, |
281 | 124,3000,8191,NetworkCommunicationError, |
282 | 202,140,149,Invalid, |
283 | 202,601,,DualConnected, |
284 | 202,602,,SameJoyTypeConnected, |
285 | 202,603,,ColorNotAvailable, |
286 | 202,604,,ControllerNotConnected, |
287 | 202,3101,,Canceled, |
288 | 202,3102,,NotSupportedNpadStyle, |
289 | 202,3200,3209,ControllerFirmwareUpdateError, |
290 | 202,3201,,ControllerFirmwareUpdateFailed, |
291 | 205,110,119,IrsensorUnavailable, |
292 | 205,110,,IrsensorUnconnected, |
293 | 205,111,,IrsensorUnsupported, |
294 | 205,120,,IrsensorNotReady, |
295 | 205,122,139,IrsensorDeviceError, |
296 | 428,1,49,InvalidArgument, |
297 | 428,2,,NullArgument, |
298 | 428,3,,ArgumentOutOfRange, |
299 | 428,4,,BufferTooSmall, |
300 | 428,51,,ServiceNotInitialized, |
301 | 428,1000,1999,InvalidData, |
302 | 428,1001,1019,InvalidKip, |
303 | 428,1002,,InvalidKipFileSize,The size of the KIP file was smaller than expected. |
304 | 428,1003,,InvalidKipMagic,The magic value of the KIP file was not KIP1. |
305 | 428,1004,,InvalidKipSegmentSize,The size of the compressed KIP segment was smaller than expected. |
306 | 428,1005,,KipSegmentDecompressionFailed,An error occurred while decompressing a KIP segment. |