Untoggled by default due to popular demand (most wanted to launch full screen). Also renamed maxFPS field to fpsMax to remain consistency with the actual cvar name.
Some of its defines were located in the 'launcher' library directory, but it only contained defines for the SDK launcher, this has been moved to 'sdklauncher_const.h'. Also renamed the 'launcher_pch.h' PCH to 'sdklauncher_pch.h' to avoid confusion with 'launcher' and 'sdklauncher'.
* Fixed bug causing command line interface not to work properly.
* Optimized warning text and instructions.
* Terminal will not be freed when compiled in Debug/Profile.
* The console will now forward the command to all game window instances.
* Fixed compiler error when trying to compile SDK Launcher in debug (static lib was not compiled with static link runtime).
* Documented most stuff in basepanel.cpp
* Split some logic into dedicated functions in basepanel.cpp
* Implemented VDF parser from Matthias Moeller.
* Parse playlist file and load all playlists into the combo box.
* Finished designer code for launcher gui.
* Basic implementation of setting flags for host launch option.
* Check in 'CHostState::LoadConfig' if -launcher is below 1.. if condition is met the cfg's will be executed from 'CHostState::LoadConfig'.
* Added 'StringIsDigit' utility.