Implement net message process budget (channel gets removed if value is exceeded).
Use 'net_processLimit' to enable the implementation on the server. It will get enabled by default after testing and some cleanup. This helps against people trying to slow the server down by spamming net messages with a higher rate, e.g. using 'bind "mousewheel_up" "status"'.
Moved logging functions to dbg.h (tier0) and export them from the dll.
Added additional functions for checking bad pointers (debug only!).
Reduced output code size.
Moved server/client headers and implementations into dedicated subfolder.
Renamed Some classes to match the game binary (e.g. CBaseClient is now CClient).
Removed redundant files.
* Add ConVar to allow user to set/unset FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ConVar's (default behavior would never be hit without this ConVar).
* Add icons to display the flags of a certain CommandBase.
* Fixed Dear ImGui not displaying images correctly (descriptor needs DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB due to the nature of this game).
* Dynamically obtain buffer sizes of resources taken from modules.
* Light SDK cleanup.