Rebuilds SV_BroadcastVoiceData with an additional check of "sv_alltalk" cvar to disable team checking, allowing for servers to enable global voice chat
Initial implementation of the bulk ban check system. This implementation takes a snapshot of the currently connected clients, sends it up to the master server, and the master server returns anything within this list that is marked 'banned'. The server would then kick the player from the server. This commit also removes the global banned list cache, as the bulk checking system offers a lot more freedom regarding banning specific players and have it sync across all available servers.
Fixed crash due to destructor of CSocketCreator being called during shutdown. If the socket fails to close, an error is logged. But at this point, all sockets have been closed already and the logger system has already been destroyed. Allocated as dynamic memory to avoid destructor being called at this stage.
The IP that is sent to the server should be in base format only (no brackets or port). The buffer size was also too small to contain the entire length of the full IP address with port and brackets.
If 'sv_rcon_maxconnections' is set higher than current auth socket count, reopen listen socket. If its set lower, close all sockets until auth socket count matches 'sv_rcon_maxconnections'. Sockets are getting closed in reverse order, so the netcon that connected last will be disconnected first.
* Decoding and encoding is done into a single buffer, from raw buffers to avoid extraneous copies.
* Added base class holding all core logic for encoding, decoding, receiving and processing of the RCON protocol. This code was initially identical between all implementations of RCON, deduplicating this avoids bugs.
* Added more sophisticated error handling, stop right away when decoding for example fails.
* Added ability to have more than one active authenticated net console on the server. Controlled by cvar 'sv_rcon_maxconnections' (default 1).
* Max packet size for accepted, but not authenticated sockets is now controled by cvar 'sv_rcon_maxpacketsize' (default 1024).
This fixes the exceptions that were caused by loading ported bsps with replaced models
CStaticProp::Init was using static prop lump data to request non-existent skins due to the replaced models, causing invalid material pointers to be fetched.
When encountered, these skins will be forced to 0 and an error will be printed.
Ideally these issues are fixed from within the bsp file before they are shipped.
* Prevent attacker from being able to abuse and overflow the banned list vector.
* Improved IPv6 comparison performance.
* Change size fields of payload frame from unsigned to signed.
* Close all accepted sockets on RCON server shutdown.
* Fixed uncontrolled format specifier in 'NetMsg' call on the RCON client.
* Removed extraneous call to 'PrintPercentageEscape'.
* Compare, and disable RCON logs if user attempts to connect to listen server's RCON.