Kawe Mazidjatari 87157d3202 Update config files
Most of these are managed by the launcher. Keeping these here will cause problems as values we set in the launcher get reset by those.
2022-05-29 02:31:43 +02:00

75 lines
4.8 KiB

/////////////////// client_dev configuration file.
// This file is executed automatically on startup.
//// CLIENT ////
cl_noTimeoutLocalHost "1" // Do not time-out on local connections.
cl_threaded_bone_setup "0" // Has to be disabled on the client to prevent deadlock.
cl_predict_cmdlimit "5000" // Num client frames since last valid snapshot before pauzing simulation.
cl_updaterate_mp "20" // Sets the num delta ticks per second.
base_tickinterval_mp "0.0500" // Sets the num simulation frames per second.
//// PLATFORM ////
origin_disconnectWhenOffline "0" // Whether the client disconnect itself from the server if Origin is offline.
//// DEBUG TEXT ////
cl_showfps "1" // Shows detailed client/server data.
cl_showpos "1" // Shows detailed position data.
host_speeds "2" // Show general system running times.
cl_showhoststats "1" // Shows detailed host stats.
cl_hoststats_invert_rect_x "0" // Inverts the X rect for host speeds debug overlay.
cl_hoststats_invert_rect_y "0" // Inverts the Y rect for host speeds debug overlay.
cl_hoststats_offset_x "10" // Host stats 'X' offset.
cl_hoststats_offset_y "10" // Host stats 'Y' offset.
cl_showsimstats "1" // Shows detailed simulation stats.
cl_simstats_invert_rect_x "1" // Inverts the X rect for simulation debug overlay.
cl_simstats_invert_rect_y "1" // Inverts the Y rect for simulation debug overlay.
cl_simstats_offset_x "650" // Simulation stats 'X' offset.
cl_simstats_offset_y "120" // Simulation stats 'Y' offset.
cl_showgpustats "1" // Shows detailed GPU memory stats.
cl_gpustats_invert_rect_x "1" // Inverts the X rect for texture streaming debug overlay.
cl_gpustats_invert_rect_y "1" // Inverts the Y rect for texture streaming debug overlay.
cl_gpustats_offset_x "650" // GPU stats 'X' offset.
cl_gpustats_offset_y "105" // GPU stats 'Y' offset.
cl_drawconsoleoverlay "1" // Shows DevMsg RUI console overlay.
cl_consoleoverlay_lines "5" // Num log lines for RUI console overlay.
cl_consoleoverlay_invert_rect_x "0" // X offset for RUI console overlay.
cl_consoleoverlay_invert_rect_y "1" // Y offset for RUI console overlay.
cl_consoleoverlay_offset_x "10" // RUI console overlay 'X' offset.
cl_consoleoverlay_offset_y "170" // RUI console overlay 'Y' offset.
phys_showObjectCount "1" // Shows physics object count.
rui_defaultDebugFontFace "ArameMono" // Sets the RUI debug font face.
hitch_alert_color "255 000 000 255" // Sets the RUI hitch alert font color.
//// DEBUG DRAW ////
r_drawrenderboxes "1" // Enable render boxes.
r_visualizetraces_duration "25" // Duration before code overlays get decayed.
r_debug_overlay_nodecay "0" // If set, don't decay any overlay.
cl_ent_bbox "1" // Display entity bounding boxes.
cl_ent_rbox "1" // Display entity render boxes.
cl_ent_absbox "1" // Display entity abs boxes.
//// MATSYS ////
mat_showdxoutput "1" // Shows debug information from the DirectX hook system.
gl_clear_color_buffer "1" // Enable or disable the clearing of the main color buffer.
//mat_sync_rt "1" // Enable to debug render threads more easily (!slower!).
//mat_sync_rt_flushes_gpu "1" // Enable to debug render threads more easily (!slower!).