Create fat builds of static, dynamic & framework libraries if both iOS
and simulator versions have been created from separate manual Xcode builds.
Refactor scripts for creating fat libraries to reuse across projects.
Add MVK_BUILT_PROD_DIR to replace use of BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR in most scripts
to allow flexibility across per-platform compilation.
MVKShaderConverterTool add support to output SPIR-V as header (.h) files.
Add MVKShaderConverterTool Xcode target.
Add MVKShaderConverterTool Package Xcode scheme.
fetchDependencies builds MVKShaderConverterTool and runs
it on shader files in VulkanSamples API-Samples directory.
Add `MVK_CONFIG_TEXTURE_1D_AS_2D` environment variable, enabled by default.
Modify 1D warning messages to recommend use of `MVK_CONFIG_TEXTURE_1D_AS_2D`.
Update to latest version of SPIRV-Cross.
Align pipeline cache contents to latest CompilerMSL::Options structure.
Clean up code signing on demo Xcode projects.
Declare _formatDescriptions[] in as officially writable
because Clang now locates static const in non-writable memory.
Update build settings to Xcode 11.
Update about embedding `libMoltenVK.dylib` in an application.
Support runtime shader compilation from GLSL.
Return VK_ERROR_INVALID_SHADER_NV on shader and pipeline compilation errors.
Add MVKShaderCompilationPerformance::glslToSPRIV to track GLSL conversion performance.
Rename MoltenVKGLSLToSPIRVConverter MVKShaderStage enum to MVKGLSLConversionShaderStage
to avoid naming conflicts with MoltenVK MVKShaderStage enum.
Hologram demo load SPIR-V directly instead of using GLSL through either
MoltenVKGLSLToSPIRVConverter or VK_NV_glsl_shader extension.
Update to latest version of VulkanSamples that supports MVKGLSLConversionShaderStage.
Refactor build scripts.
Update paths to MoltenVKGLSLToSPIRVConverter framework in demos.
Fix rare build race condition on MoltenVKShaderConverter link to MoltenVK.
Add KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Portability as external dependency repo.
Add ExternalRevisions/Vulkan-Portability_repo_revision.
Add vk_extx_portability_subset.h header file to mvk_vulkan.h.
MVKImageView allow constructor with no image or device.
Add mvkVkComponentMappingsMatch() & mvkVkComponentSwizzlesMatch() functions.
Cleanup some local var init warnings.
Update to latest dependency libraries for Vulkan SDK 1.1.92.
Generate Hologram demo dispatch files in fetchDependencies and remove them from git.
Update MoltenVK version to 1.0.27.
Update What's New document.
Fixes to to cleanup bitcode and architecture support.
Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version.
Update MoltenVK version to 1.0.26.
Update Xcode projects to Xcode 10.1.
Update What's New document.
Support creation of static library and build framework and dynamic library from it.
Add Makefile to better support command line or script building integration.
Update demos to each use one of framework, static library, and dynamic library.
Refactor and rename the build scripts.
Refactor and rename the Xcode Schemes.
Update build and runtime documentation.
Update What's New document.
On iOS, only compile IOSurface support, and link IOSurface framework to
libMoltenVK.dylib, if IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is at least iOS 11.0.
Update to latest version of SPIRV-Cross.
Update MoltenVK version to 1.0.15.
via vkGetPipelineCacheData(), vkCreatePipelineCache() & vkMergePipelineCaches().
Add the cereal serialization framework as a dependency.
Update documentation. Update project settings to Xcode 9.3.