The fetchDependencies script puts build files in External/build directory.
Xcode puts build files in standard Library/.../DerivedData directory.
Copy compiled external static library files to External/build/iOS &
External/build/macOS regardless of location of intermediates.
Add separate ExternalDependencies Xcode project.
Move external dependencies to ExternalDependencies project.
The fetchDependencies script builds external dependencies libraries into External/build.
The fetchDependencies script prepares SPIRV-Tools without preparing glslang.
MoltenVK links to pre-built external dependency static libraries.
MoltenVK includes external library headers using full relative paths.
Update to latest dependency libraries for Vulkan SDK 1.1.92.
Generate Hologram demo dispatch files in fetchDependencies and remove them from git.
Update MoltenVK version to 1.0.27.
Update What's New document.
Fixes to to cleanup bitcode and architecture support.
Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version.
Update MoltenVK version to 1.0.26.
Update Xcode projects to Xcode 10.1.
Update What's New document.
Enabling bitcode in Xcode only adds the -fembed-bitcode-marker flag, which doesn't actually create bitcode. The Archive action transforms that flag to -fembed-bitcode which actually creates the bitcode. Adding the User-Defined Setting BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode forces bitcode to be created without archiving.
Support creation of static library and build framework and dynamic library from it.
Add Makefile to better support command line or script building integration.
Update demos to each use one of framework, static library, and dynamic library.
Refactor and rename the build scripts.
Refactor and rename the Xcode Schemes.
Update build and runtime documentation.
Update What's New document.
Remove linking MoltenVKSPIRVToMSLConverter from Build Phase in favour of PreLink.
Update to Vulkan header 1.1.83.
Update to latest version of library dependencies.
Support separate specialization for each workgroup dimension.
Support zero as a specialization ID value.
Cleanup MoltenVKShaderConverterTool.
Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version.
Update MoltenVK version to 1.0.14.
Map 1D buffer view contents to 2D Metal texture.
Add MVKPhysicalDeviceMetalFeatures::maxTextureDimension element.
Set VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxTexelBufferElements to maxTextureDimension ^ 2.
Shaders accessing buffer view use special function to map 1D buffer view coordinates
to 2D Metal texture coordinates.
Pass maxTextureDimension to shader.
Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version for appropriate shaders.
Update MoltenVK version to 1.0.13.
Dynamically create frag shaders for clearning attachments and images.
Dynamically create frag shaders for blitting scaled images.
MVKGraphicsPipeline don't create MTLRenderPipelineState if vertex function conversion fails.
MVKComputePipeline don't create MTLComputePipelineState if compute function conversion fails.
Handle SPIRV-Cross errors thrown during SPIR-V parsing in compiler construction.
Set undefined property limits to large, but not max, values to avoid casting issues in app.
Mark multiDrawIndirect features as available.
Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version.
Update to MoltenVK version 1.0.5.
via vkGetPipelineCacheData(), vkCreatePipelineCache() & vkMergePipelineCaches().
Add the cereal serialization framework as a dependency.
Update documentation. Update project settings to Xcode 9.3.
Remove duplicate build of SPIRV-Tools in fetchDependencies.
Remove folder symlinks from Externals and MoltenVKShaderCompiler folders.
Update header search paths to reference External folders directly.
Update External/ documentation.
Update MoltenVK version to 1.0.1 to reflect new build instructions.
Minor update to performance logging.
Load external library versions using script instead of Git submodules.
SPIRV-Cross, Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers & VulkanSamples versions recorded in files.
glslang version determined by Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers.
SPIRV-Tools & SPIRV-Headers versions loaded by glslang.
When MoltenVK is built as part of the LunarG SDK, use external libraries
sourced from parent Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers.
Use Vulkan headers from Vulkan-LoaderAndValidationLayers.
No longer generate Vulkan specification.
Update documentation.
Log which GPU is attached to a VkDevice.
Sort multiple GPU's to put higher-power GPU's at front of list.
Use pipelineStatisticsQuery feature to determine whether pipeline stats are available.
Update to latest SPIRV-Cross.
Fix OOM conditions with multiple consecutive two-vector OpVectorShuffles.
Support non-square row-major matrix conversions.
Add ability to write SPIR-V to file for debugging purposes.
Update to latest use of SPIRV-Cross testability.
Update to latest SPIRV-Cross version.
Improved extraction of entry point name and workgroup size from SPIR-V.
Consolidate to a single document.
MSL enhancements to nested function use of globals.
Support customizing MSL based on iOS or macOS platform.
MSL threadgroup barrier memory scope only on iOS MSL 2.0.
Update to latest SPIRV libraries.
Use clang instead of libtool for building dynamic library from static library.
Fix SDK issue when building dylib with Xcode 9 on Sierra.
Add scripts to update submodules to latest versions.
Update to latest versions of submodules.
Remove Brenwill code signing IDs from Demo projects.