* Fixed bug where multiple of the same entries get added to the global ban/refuse list.
* Fixed bug where we still use the client instance after deleting it in 'CBanSystem::BanListCheck()'.
* Load banlist at a later state (not at construction of class), this is needed for a future change of adapting the 'business' code to feature the game's FileSystem.
* CServer cleanup.
* More detailed ban messages (banned, added to refused list, removed from slot, etc..).
* Use localization key for banned message ("#Valve_Reject_Banned").
* Add const qualifiers to all CPylon methods.
* This commit requires changes on the master server, these changes are already performed, however the new master server isn't live yet until we publish the new release.
* Run 'CHostState::Think()' in the main thread.
* Construct 'NetGameServer_t' objects in main thread before dispatching (TODO: browser).
* Dispatch the call to 'CBanSystem::AddConnectionRefuse' from 'SV_IsClientBanned' to the main thread if we aren't main.
* Return bool for CBanSystem::AddEntry and CBanSystem::DeleteEntry for future optimizations (next commit).
Moved logging functions to dbg.h (tier0) and export them from the dll.
Added additional functions for checking bad pointers (debug only!).
Reduced output code size.
Moved server/client headers and implementations into dedicated subfolder.
Renamed Some classes to match the game binary (e.g. CBaseClient is now CClient).
Removed redundant files.