When fatal is set, the function will show a error dialogue, which will halt the process and close when the message is dismissed. Else we will end up in a crash.
Run all Cbuf_Execute calls in the main thread. This should fix every problem related to (but not only):
* Connecting to server while RUI dialogue is still open.
* Connecting to server while in an active game.
* Running 'weapon_reparse'.
* Removed some unused signatures.
* Named 2 CBaseFileSystem methods, and applied them to 'MOD_ProcessPakQueue()'.
* Renamed 'qword_1671061C8' to 'g_pMTVFTaskItem'.
* Renamed 'g_pMapVPKCache' to 'g_szMTVFItemName'.
* Only set first byte to 0 in 'g_szMTVFItemName' (actual size is 0x100, not 0x40).
* Use c++ methods as much as possible.
* Use enum types for accessing NavMesh objects from array.
* Use size_t for for loops when testing against size types.
* Don't compute strlen twice of more on the same string.
* Don't use unnecessary c string casts if there is a method with a std::string overload.
* Don't create string objects from string pointers if we could use them directly.
* Don't initialize RCON password twice on each change, and don't set if the new password equals the old.
* Use responceid from server to determine in which context to log.
* Moved all script loggers from combined enums to minus instead (SERVER = -3, CLIENT = -2, UI = -1 SERVER_CODE = 0, etc), this makes it much easier to align stuff in combined systems such as the RUI logger or NetMsg().
* Color log networked RCON messages properly on the client.
* Added dedicated logger for all received RCON messages (net_console.log).
* Log commands submitted through in-game console (allows for easier debugging when going through log files).
* Pointer to g_pMemAllocSingleton
* New wrapper for returning the singleton, and creating one if not yet initialized (game shares the same pointer, and is aware of its creation).
CVEngineServer::IsPersistenceAvailable() is inline with Persistence_SetXP in S0 and S1. the virtual function never gets fired.
The approach for S0/S1 will call CVEngineServer::IsPersistenceAvailable() when Persistence_SetXP() is ran (the first function to ever use pClient->m_nPersistenceState after the SendServerInfo query).
SourceSDK mathlib port with light modifications.
Renamed Vector to Vector3D (to avoid confusion with std::vector (declared as vector) and Vector2D/Vector4D).
CConsole now uses a dedicated class for logging text (modified CTextEditor class (CTextLogger)). The class uses an ImDraw list with a character vector to draw the text.
Text could be selected by double click (word), triple click (line), a selection by dragging the cursor, or everything with 'ctrl + a'.
The game uses 2 types, CSquirrelVM (mostly exposed to the VScript API of the engine) and HSQUIRRELVM (mostly used for internal squirrel functions like sq_pushbool etc..).
This refactor properly splits the CSquirrelVM* functions from the HSQUIRRELVM (SQVM*) ones. The functions have also been renamed accordingly and the prototypes have been adjusted to use the correct pointer type.
* Fixed compiler error when trying to compile SDK Launcher in debug (static lib was not compiled with static link runtime).
* Documented most stuff in basepanel.cpp
* Split some logic into dedicated functions in basepanel.cpp
* Implemented VDF parser from Matthias Moeller.
* Parse playlist file and load all playlists into the combo box.
Moved logging functions to dbg.h (tier0) and export them from the dll.
Added additional functions for checking bad pointers (debug only!).
Reduced output code size.
* Finished designer code for launcher gui.
* Basic implementation of setting flags for host launch option.
* Check in 'CHostState::LoadConfig' if -launcher is below 1.. if condition is met the cfg's will be executed from 'CHostState::LoadConfig'.
* Added 'StringIsDigit' utility.
* Mostly rebuild CServer structure.
* Partially rebuild CNetworkStringTable structure.
* Partially rebuild CNetworkStringTableContainer structure.
* Removed redundant patterns which are now covered in the data structure.
Moved server/client headers and implementations into dedicated subfolder.
Renamed Some classes to match the game binary (e.g. CBaseClient is now CClient).
Removed redundant files.
Add '-nodiscord' and '-nobakedparticles' to launch params for dedicated.
Add hook for 'MemAlloc_Internal()'.
Rename loggers to be more consistent with naming.
Revert omitting frame pointers.
Show colors on console and use color constant to determine color instead of comparing strings in the console render loop. removed 5 string compares which should once again bump the performance quite a bit. The last string compares will be removed soon
* Rebuild SetRestrictedServerCommand and SetRestrictedClientCommands
* Implemented new CMemory Function to walk through a VTable.
* pDetours->GetCon() gets called first now.
Note: this does not work reliably still.
The only way we could make this work 100% reliable would be to fully rebuild '0x140341D40' in the SDK and load our pak files among with the pre-existing g_pakLoadApi->AsyncLoad() call in this function, as this will ensure everything will be ran synchronously.
The current approach by taking some JT fifolock wrapper will only work reliably between one level change, unsure why the second and up fail.
Rare crash when the sqvm tries to look for an animation sequence on a missing prop_dynamic model (mdl/error.rmdl doesn't support animations), its purely to indicate there is a problem).
This is mainly for development only and in the event so many models/textures/shaders are missing, the engine would effectively crash otherwise (if some of these aren't disabled).
In 'datacache/mdlcache.cpp' the function 'CMDLCache::FindMDL' attempts to find 'mdl/error.rmdl' and assigns the studiohdr and handle to the members of CMDLFallback.
In 'CMDLCache::FindUncachedMDL' we check if a model exists, if a model does not exist, we replace the studiohdr with the one of error.rmdl we stored in the CMDLFallback structure.
This does actually work (on the dedicated server it doesn't crash at all!), but on the client it crashes when trying to gather props (right before rendering), setting the ConVar* 'old_gather_props' does interesting things (check IDA around this ConVar*). setting this to 1 causes it to crash in another CMDLCache method when trying to deref something in the global cache pool.
This method is easy to rebuild. I will do this soon and attempt to return error.rmdl parts from here as well if results are null (this might actually just work).
Leaving 'old_gather_props' to 0 causes it to crash in the middle of the function which is supposed to gather the props the 'new' way.
The gather props functions are kind of daunting
NOTE: Currently only confirmed to work somewhat properly on the dedicated server for prop_static. prop_dynamic is unconfirmed. And (almost?) works on the client.
* Added new function to CMemory allowing you to hook a virtual method from a virtual method table.
* Added SVC_Print Class
* Hooked SVC_Print::Process and print the messages the server sends.
*!! Still needs verification for earlier seasons.