This change prints script errors and their callstack to the console even when sq_showvmoutput < 2 (this avoids confusion when running a dedicated server and the server 'appears' to shutdown the game on its own. You could also check the script log files which are written to at all times, but having some indication is nice).
Using the 'new' keyword and then assigning *this to *pNewConVar will lead to having 2 copies of the same constructed data, and one being used in the SDK whilst the other one being used by the engine.
We unfortunately cannot write the code exactly like the engine, as we hook the engine and dependent heavily on its global memalloc singleton.
This commit fixes the memory leak and allows the engine to free the memory as well whenever it wants to.
Set 'survival_wallrun_enabled' and 'survival_wallrun_enabled' to 0 in defaults.
I get a lot of mixed opinions on this, there are people who prefer wallrunning and double jumping, but there are also people who don't want these enabled. I received advice to disable them for defaults for the time being (all br modes and firing range/training modes have them disabled, tdm/ctf and dev_default have them enabled).
* Don't clear the token string each time we get a response from the master server (it gets assigned each time anyways, so if the master server decides to change it the user will get the new one, this operation only happens once a second).
* Clear the token message when no longer hosting.
COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS and COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH are confirmed to be 128 (original code is 64).
New register func sets the callback bit fields accordingly (no longer hardcoded).
* Moved ConVar usage text that where part of the help string to the usage string parameter.
* Flagged ConVar 'bhit_abs_origin' as FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY | FCVAR_REPLICATED.
* Check 'bhit_enable' before running the 'bhit' command callback.
* Fixed spelling in a few area's.
Checking/Unchecking will now switch between them properly.
-forceborder does not work and the issue resides in the engine itself (it does the same bitshift operation as -windowed for some reason).
Moved m_nMaxMilesAudioQueues in CGlobalVarsBase behind m_nMaxClients.
m_nMaxClients and m_nGameMode align correctly now, including the mapname and mapversion in CGlobalVars
CUtlVector containing callbacks (you can have several callbacks for each ConVar).
also, in 'ConVar::InternalSetValue' Valve and Respawn run V_atod (atof) on function param 'pszValue', but they also check if input param 'pszValue' is a nullptr (which in this case, 'pszNewValue' gets set to an empty string), but yet they deref 'pszValue' (nullptr or not) in 'SetColorFromString' and V_atod, is this correct behavior?
For now I swapped these out with 'pszNewValue' for the very rare event the string happens to be nullptr.
* Use responceid from server to determine in which context to log.
* Moved all script loggers from combined enums to minus instead (SERVER = -3, CLIENT = -2, UI = -1 SERVER_CODE = 0, etc), this makes it much easier to align stuff in combined systems such as the RUI logger or NetMsg().
* Color log networked RCON messages properly on the client.
* Added dedicated logger for all received RCON messages (net_console.log).
* Log commands submitted through in-game console (allows for easier debugging when going through log files).
* Implemented robust length-prefix framing logic for non-blocking sockets (previously used character sequences to determine length, but you cannot use character sequences on protocol buffers as its binary data. This logic should fix all problems regarding some commands not getting networked properly to the server and stuff not getting printed on the client).
* Increased buffer size to std::vector::max_size when netconsole is authenticated (MAX_NETCONSOLE_INPUT_LEN still remains enforced on accepted but not authenticated connections to prevent attackers from crashing the server).
* Process max 1024 bytes each recv buffer iteration.
* Additional optimizations and cleanup.
Implemented StringSplit() (split string with a delimiter, and stop splitting after either the last delimiter has been reached, or nMax, so when nMax is 2, then 'SET mat_sky_color 255 255 0 255' gets split into: "SET" "mat_sky_color" "255 255 0 255").
Netconsole now sends ConVar's/ConCommands and values separately with use of StringSplit.
ConVar now uses internal ChangeStringValue (this runs the callback).
The command is only implemented on the dedicated server or debug servers, so i cannot tell for sure what exactly 'bhit' does. But its either some form of telemetry or debug.
The command sends the player index that got hit on the prediction engine, the bullet fire origin and the angles relative to the target that got hit.
For now the command draws the bullet trajectory if it hits a player.
This commit also fixes the 'Unknown command: bhit' message.
* dtIntersectSegSeg2D: Calculate over zy-plane instead.
* dtOverlapPolyPoly2D: Calculate over zy-plane instead.
* dtNavMeshQuery::findRandomPoint: z = h.
* dtNavMeshQuery::raycast: Invert hit normals.
* Update all comments to use xyz vector instead (previously xzy (xz-plane z-height)).