Class has been mostly copied from the Valve SourceSDK.
Modified to fit this particular engine.
Modifications include:
* More consistent naming.
* Using c++ style casts over c style casts.
* Using c++ datatypes for assigning default.
- nullptr and size_t for pointers and size types.
* Added proper pointer to g_pFileSystem_Stdio.
* Renamed existing one to g_pFullFileSystem (correct name).
* Obtain g_pFileSystem from the same constructor as g_pFileSystem_Stdio.
* Added new function 'GetAvailablePlaylists' to all VM's.
* Moved function 'GetAvailableMaps' from UI VM to all VM's.
* Improved logic behind 'GetAvailableMaps'.
* Server browser and SQVM now rely on 'MOD_GetAllInstalledMaps'. This new function populates the global vector 'g_vAllMaps' with all installed maps.
* Improved 'KeyValues' structure to use union for shared members.
Load ui_sdk.rpak after ui_mp.rpak.
Moved the loading of common_sdk.rpak to after common_sp.rpak/common_mp.rpak.
This should allow overriding existing assets.
Moved logging functions to dbg.h (tier0) and export them from the dll.
Added additional functions for checking bad pointers (debug only!).
Reduced output code size.
* Finished designer code for launcher gui.
* Basic implementation of setting flags for host launch option.
* Check in 'CHostState::LoadConfig' if -launcher is below 1.. if condition is met the cfg's will be executed from 'CHostState::LoadConfig'.
* Added 'StringIsDigit' utility.
* Mostly rebuild CServer structure.
* Partially rebuild CNetworkStringTable structure.
* Partially rebuild CNetworkStringTableContainer structure.
* Removed redundant patterns which are now covered in the data structure.
Moved server/client headers and implementations into dedicated subfolder.
Renamed Some classes to match the game binary (e.g. CBaseClient is now CClient).
Removed redundant files.
Add '-nodiscord' and '-nobakedparticles' to launch params for dedicated.
Add hook for 'MemAlloc_Internal()'.
Rename loggers to be more consistent with naming.
Revert omitting frame pointers.
Hook CPakFile::Unload() and track when mp_lobby is unloaded.
Removed duplicate pointers for MOD_ProcessPakQueue().
Use DWORD for thread id comparison in MOD_ProcessPakQueue().
Use RPakHandle_t for all RPak handles.
This is currently the most robust way to perform this.
However it might fail still as the locks don't seem valid for the second loads (we currently load more paks from the same queue..).
We need to push the strings to the queue list and let the engine load these too so a new lock is acquired for that job.
* Heavily reduced string compares for coloring logs (the left overs require a dedicated hook, this is for the future)
The new method uses a ImVec 4 constant containing the color obtained via a switch case by context, this is then out into the new CConLog structure where the loop in the console will now gather the colors directly from.
Error/Warning use a single constant.
* Fixed bugs in several log locations where the ostringstream was cleared before the emission causing double logs.
* Added global log mutex to log wrappers that lacked those.