Huge cleanup for dedicated. All patches in 'opcodes.cpp' are now directly applied to the executable, and kept as reference in the source file. The patch logic is commented. Any other patches for the dedicated server executable should be documented in the patch file found in 'r5dev/resource/patch'.
In Respawn's engine, the '-forceborder' command line parameter does the same thing as '-noborder'. '-forceborder' should remove the flags (nand) while '-noborder' should append the borderless flag. This code is an attempt to mitigate the problem. There was not enough bytes to assemble the nand operation for this code path without involving code caves or shifting.
server loads "vpk/server_mp_lobby.bsp" instead of "vpk/client_mp_common.bsp" and "vpk/client_frontend.bsp". Also removed the old hack we used to patch string constants to format VPK string paths as we have a proper implementation now using CEngineAPI::SetStartupInfo.
* Check if server is active in command callback before attempting to hot swap.
* Hook 'v_Detour_LevelInit', and log NavMeshes that failed to load.
* Split free/destroy logic into separate function.
* Created constants for NavMesh and AI Network paths/extensions.
* Added performance profiler for hot swap logic in command callback.
* Renamed "navmesh_reload" to "navmesh_hotswap".
* "navmesh_hotswap" is now development only.
* Fix all compiler error for GameSDK on S0 and S1.
* Remove some unused patterns and globals (launch performance gains of 100ms).
* Remove most duplicate patterns.
* Relocate globals from engine to a more appropriate location.
* Renamed some unknown vars to a more appropriate name (most of these where obtained a while back, but as we reversed more parts of the engine, some of these vars become known).
* Renamed some vars to fit the naming convention used in the SDK.
* Fixed pattern debug logging using the wrong pointer, thus displaying the wrong address.
New member: header->offMeshEnds (this is used in Detour_LevelInit which sets fields to -1 starting at the pointer to end of offMeshCons array).
Currently set to 0 so the paths in opcodes.cpp could be disabled.
Check for 'vpk\\server_mp_common.bsp.pak000_000.vpk' presence instead of 'vpk\\client_frontend.bsp.pak000_000.vpk' absence before switching to server VPK's.
This should reduce CPU time even more (2 whole frame loops for chat room (client only) and discord presence (client only)).
Idle mem has been reduced by .8MiB.
Moved server/client headers and implementations into dedicated subfolder.
Renamed Some classes to match the game binary (e.g. CBaseClient is now CClient).
Removed redundant files.
Fixed rare crash in CMDLCache when buffer itteration returns invalid pointer (not null!) for handle.
Made all variables and functions used by BuildPropStaticFrustumCullMap searched dynamically (these should also work on s0, s1 and s2, they are compared but at the moment untested).
TODO: Fix deref crash properly (see bsplib.cpp l291).
Moved every pattern to IDetour interface. This allows for debugging patterns scans more easily, and create threads during pattern searching (Operation is now fired in APIENTRY).
Also cleaned up some unused code/extraneous comments.
Slightly increased performance by purging duplicate patterns.
Made variable search less dependent from other results (except if pattern-to-scan results is within the same header)
* Dedicated SDK now supports ASLR enabled executables.
* Complete removal of CEngineClient on the dedicated server.
* Complete removal of gHLClient and g_pHLClient on the dedicated server.
* Performance improvements for the dedicated server frame loop.
* ConVar 'CVCallback_t' structure rebuild.
* Reduced overhead throughout SDK.
* Move most definitions to implementation file to avoid recompiling whole program for small changes
* Pass strings by reference for where possible.
* Split Module class to dedicated file.
* Add const qualifiers to all eligible methods for address/module class
* Some renaming
Game will check scripts/levels/mapname.json and load all rpaks in the rpak field.
Game now also unloads pak files loaded by the SDK preventing crashes and unnecessary memory usage.
VPK's and STBSP's are planned to be added as well.
* Added ability to invert rect to calculate offsets from bottom/right as well so debug text doesn't get out of view, or obstruct view when window is resized.
* Added Con_NPrintf() hook which shows detailed systems running times and VGUI panel debug information.
* Partially rebuild CGlobalVarsBase and CGlobalVars struct.
* Partially implement BuildAINFile (disk builder) written by BobTheBob9. All that needs to be found are the addresses/offsets for 'pUnkStruct0Count' and 'pUnkLinkStruct1Count' (see ai_node.h). I didn't have time for it yet.
* Patch call which restarts the engine once AIN file has been build (so it doesn't get cleared from memory).
* Temporarily patch write operation in 'Detours_LevelInit()' which writes out of scope since the navmesh structure is misaligned somewhere still with a few bytes.
NOTE: 'CAI_NetworkBuilder::BuildFile()' is for now commented out until the 2 other structs are found in the game dll. Once found then we could start fixing the struct offsets and hope it works as-is.