* Pointer to g_pMemAllocSingleton
* New wrapper for returning the singleton, and creating one if not yet initialized (game shares the same pointer, and is aware of its creation).
Add '-nodiscord' and '-nobakedparticles' to launch params for dedicated.
Add hook for 'MemAlloc_Internal()'.
Rename loggers to be more consistent with naming.
Revert omitting frame pointers.
Moved every pattern to IDetour interface. This allows for debugging patterns scans more easily, and create threads during pattern searching (Operation is now fired in APIENTRY).
Also cleaned up some unused code/extraneous comments.
Slightly increased performance by purging duplicate patterns.
Made variable search less dependent from other results (except if pattern-to-scan results is within the same header)
* Improve ConVar class (fixed several bugs).
* Hook CEngineAPI::ModInit() and set m_bRestrictServerCommands from there.
* Disable unused ConVar's and purge unused ConCommands in CEngineAPI::ModInit() for dedicated.
* Small relocation of malloc related signatures.