Only the start interactive was moved if lines were deleted to clamp the vector size. Also fixed the code so the interactives always move if lines get deleted from before their positions, instead of "if" only the mouse is held down.
Use convars to determine the size, by default the width is the same size as the input text bar. The height has also been increased with 90f (shows 12 elements now, this fits perfectly when the game is launched with default options). Also properly clamp the autocomplete window
If you triple click a line in the logger, the selection mode will be set to SelectionMode::Line, however, when we drag with the mouse, the selection remain on SelectionMode::Line, causing the cursor to be stuck, which breaks the ability to scroll select. Mode must be set to normal during dragging.
The types should be floats instead of ints, the compiler actually compiled it as ints after changing to ImCeil. Made vars of correct type and removed extraneous casts.
This allows us to reset the horizontal position only when an user submitted a console command in the text box. We don't want to reset the horizontal position if new lines are added since user could still be reading text that is otherwise clipped away.
Ctrl + arrow should move to word end, not next word. This also fixes a bug where it would index into into the second character when the line end gets reached.
This code originated from an imgui code editor, where it would make sense to have per-character colors. But for the console, we only ever do 1 color per line. Just store the string and one color instance, this also allows us to just take the string instead of manually reconstructing it which is very slow. The code now also only stores 32bits for color (per line) instead of 128 bits (ImVec4) as we only ever need to convert it once.
As a result, a bunch of rendering code could be dropped, and the pass filter is now also very fast as we don't need to reconstruct the string to check for the filter, we just pass a char* in which doesn't cost any perf.
Moved implementation to dedicated class 'CImguiSystem' with the following changes:
* Added mutex for ImGui_ImplWin32_WndProcHandler(), the window proc is ran from a different thread than CImguiSystem::SampleFrame() is being called from. Needs a mutex as both functions interact with the input queue list.
* Added init stages for debugging and preventing the system from running certain parts of the code if a certain stage hasn't been reached yet.
* NULL out ImGuiContext::ConfigNavWindowingKeyNext , we don't need any nav window shortcuts as users don't need then in-game, and it also interferes with certain key binds some users have.
* CImguiSystem::SampleFrame() (previously ImguiSystem_SampleFrame()), is now being called from CMaterialSystem::SwapBuffers(), as that function is called from the main thread while also getting updated during level loads/etc, so instead of switching between 2 static buffers for as long as the levels are being loaded, we imgui updates properly too and directly swap afterwards.
* Removed hack in CGame::WindowProc() where we would only run windowproc if we aren't shutting the game down. This was needed as there was a chance of a crash at some rare cases, but this was simply due to a missing mutex which has been addressed and fixed as of this commit.
* Lock mutex during init and shutdown.
- Mark 'con_drawnotify' FCVAR_MATERIAL_SYSTEM_THREAD
- Add assert for char* in CTextOverlay::AddLog()
- Make buffer stack based in CTextOverlay::DrawFormat()
- Make color var struct const in CTextOverlay::DrawCrosshairMaterial()
ImGui drawing code now takes place in the main thread, a snapshot of the render data is created in CMaterialSystem::SwapBuffers(), and is being rendered in the render thread right before SpinPresent().
The reason why this was necessary, is because ConVar::GetString() isn't thread safe if its not marked FCVAR_MATERIAL_SYSTEM_THREAD or FCVAR_ACCESSIBLE_FROM_THREADS, and we used it for the console suggestions window, which iterates over every ConVar, accessible from threads or not.
Fix incorrect function prototype and add additional logic implemented in the engine. The code was crashing as the first parameter is the command target, but appears unused, the second parameter was actually the parameter that contained a pointer to the CCommand object which we needed.
Fully implemented ConVar class so we could statically construct all SDK convars, this avoids a level of indirection, and allows for creating ConVar's everywhere in the project.
This patch also removed the settings tab of the ImGui server browser, as it has threading issues, while it technically never caused a crash yet, it has been removed as there was no point keeping it vs the work required to make it thread save (it only managed 2 convars which are perfectly manageable through cfg's or the in-game console).
Also temporarily disabled the creation of ConVar's in the mod system due to a memory leak, we would allocate and register a convar based on details parsed out of a mod file definition, but never unregister and free it.
Properly implement the ConCommandBase and ConCommand classes so we could statically construct all ConCommand objects in the global scope of each translation unit, this way we don't need to put them in a global file and deal with preprocessor directives to compile then in/out for certain projects.
Add missing types to fully mapped out PakGlobals_s struct, which is a 13MiB+ structure! This covers the vast majority of the pakfile system which is why we had to change a bunch of stuff for this patch. This patch also comes with:
- Reversed 'JobFifoLock_s' structure
- Reversed 'PakTracker_s' structure
- Reversed 'PakAssetTracker_s' structure
Many globals have been dropped as they were covered by the large PakGlobals_s singleton.
The pak decoder logic has been changed up as well, we now use a decode mode enumerant which will make it easier to add in more decoders for the pak files in the future.
Mutex should be locked before IsConnected(), as IsConnected() accesses CSocketCreator which checks a vector (not thread safe), lock the mutex in the correct place.
- Upgraded hashing algorithm to SHA-512, and store the raw hash instead of a string copy, which is way cheaper to compute and compare.
- Only ever close sockets once in CRConServer::SetPassword().
- Made the game server & game client RCON singletons static.
- Added calls to gracefully shutdown RCON server and RCON client on Engine/SDK shutdown.
- Added more prints so RCON user knows when its shutdown, or when their password change is in effect, etc.
- Fixed bug where we could tokenize an empty string when we dispatch a console command.
- Removed 2 std::string copy constructions
- Removed 32 sprintf calls per token auth request.
- Fixed a bug where we format the NucleusID as s64 instead of u64.
- Added additional hardening for when token/sessionId stitching fails, this will now always reject the connection.
- Improved the macro to make sure we always free the JWT claims if it has been allocated.
* Move member vars to correct place, to match it with the engine.
* Added out-of-band network message ID's for the R5 engine.
Also implemented 'ServerDataBlockSender::SendDataBlock()' and 'ClientDataBlockReceiver::AcknowledgeTransmission()'. NOTE that these are currently not tested, and also not in use! The code uses the version stored in the vftable which is what the engine itself provides. These have been implemented for reference only. If they need to be used, they need to be thoroughly tested first!
All routines are now fully implemented. This was delayed on purpose as some bit buffer functions have changed due to the use of 64bit integers for sizes, and also the coord types. The porting of this has to be done carefully; all
reimplemented functions have been changed to feature 64bit integers (where necessary) for syze types, and all values in coordsize.h have been tweaked to reflect the changes in the R5 engine 1:1, allowing us to properly implement the coord bit buffer functions as well.