g_pFullFileSystem is a pointer to g_pFileSystem_Stdio in the compiled module.
Inherit CBaseFileSystem for CFileSystem_Stdio (second VFTable pointer).
Additional cleanup.
More detailed operation statistics.
Discard VPK directory files who's header doesn't match engine requirements.
Separated manifest properly between language and context (you can now package for each language and context from a single workspace).
Initial proper implementation pending cleanup.
The new system builds a manifest file when a VPK is unpacked. The manifest files contains data such as the entry flags and texture flags. It also contains a field determining whether the file should be compressed or not.
When a user repacks a pack, the system attempts to load this manifest file and does a lookup to the object to retrieve the flags (most of these flags are unknown, but they are used by the engine and are necessary for stuff like cubemaps and texture files to work correctly. Cubemaps won't work with proper flags, and textures (decals, particle system components, etc..) will look washed out without them.
I think some also determine whether a file within the VPK should be cached or not, so simply marking everything as 0x101 will probably end up in more CPU time and higher filesystem cache usage (depot/ is only 0x1, I don't think anything there is getting cached ever without the 0x100 flag).
User could also repack a VPK while excluding anything that is not in the manifest file. So you could unpack all VPK's into a single directory (each VPK has its own manifest file tied to its level name), and rebuild all the VPK's with only the files that where originally in them.
fs_pack_vpk command usage: <locale> <context> <level_name> <manifest_only>
locale determines the pak language (default english), context determines whether is a server/client vpk, level_name determines the BSP name of the pak, manifest_only determines whether the pack system should only include files within the manifest (leaving this arg out will build all files into the vpk).
The VPK workspace path is determined with ConVar 'fs_packedstore_workspace'.
The 'fs_pack_vpk' allows compressing specific files into a VPK (compressed). This implementation has better compression ratio's then currently available VPK tools with compression (at the cost of speed).
The implementation is early, a directory iterator with a files for flags is planned soon to fully rebuild VPK's on-demand. A dedicated standalone program is also planned.
The output dir and archive formats should match 1:1 with the original game
The game uses 2 types, CSquirrelVM (mostly exposed to the VScript API of the engine) and HSQUIRRELVM (mostly used for internal squirrel functions like sq_pushbool etc..).
This refactor properly splits the CSquirrelVM* functions from the HSQUIRRELVM (SQVM*) ones. The functions have also been renamed accordingly and the prototypes have been adjusted to use the correct pointer type.
* Return global pointer with 'KeyValuesSystem()'.
* Declare 'bCreate' as false by default for 'GetSymbolForString()' and 'GetSymbolForStringCaseSensitive()'.
* Added vftable interface for 'IFileSystem::RemoveSearchPath'.
* Added hook for 'CBaseFileSystem::AddSearchPath'.
* Added hook for 'CBaseFileSystem::RemoveSearchPath'.
* Added method in KeyValues for loading a KV file and parsing it via the game exe (loads from cache, vpk and disk).
* Added method in KeyValues to parse GameInfo.txt when the engine loads this.
* Added proper pointer to g_pFileSystem_Stdio.
* Renamed existing one to g_pFullFileSystem (correct name).
* Obtain g_pFileSystem from the same constructor as g_pFileSystem_Stdio.
Moved logging functions to dbg.h (tier0) and export them from the dll.
Added additional functions for checking bad pointers (debug only!).
Reduced output code size.
Moved server/client headers and implementations into dedicated subfolder.
Renamed Some classes to match the game binary (e.g. CBaseClient is now CClient).
Removed redundant files.
* RTech::GetPakLoadedInfo returns a reference now instead of a copy. Make sure to check the pointer is valid from now on if dealing with the returned pak entry.
* RTech::GetPakLoadedInfo now has a overloaded function that takes string as argument for searching an pak entry.
* new ConCommand pak_swap which has Pak_Swap_f as callback.
* Pak_Swap_f performs pak unload and then load again.
* pak_requestunload can now be used with pak name
Hook CPakFile::Unload() and track when mp_lobby is unloaded.
Removed duplicate pointers for MOD_ProcessPakQueue().
Use DWORD for thread id comparison in MOD_ProcessPakQueue().
Use RPakHandle_t for all RPak handles.
This is currently the most robust way to perform this.
However it might fail still as the locks don't seem valid for the second loads (we currently load more paks from the same queue..).
We need to push the strings to the queue list and let the engine load these too so a new lock is acquired for that job.
* Buffers are now send properly from the game client and netconsole client (running scripts and executing command's/convar's now work properly).
* Removed 'PASS' string check on server and only rely on 'SERVERDATA_REQUEST_AUTH' enum for auth queries (should make heavy abuse even harder).
This ConVar governs the use of encryption on game packets.
Also removed 'net_toggletrace' ConCommand and added 'net_tracePayload' ConVar as we can no longer hook on-demand as we bound the encryption parameter of the function to a ConVar.
Fixed problem where in certain cases input doesn't get compiled at all.
Fixed problem where quote marks don't get passed correctly to the execute wrapper function.
passing non-string object as reference to constructor.
using CCommand::Arg(index) seems to 'strip' quote marks from the actual buffer.
Moved every pattern to IDetour interface. This allows for debugging patterns scans more easily, and create threads during pattern searching (Operation is now fired in APIENTRY).
Also cleaned up some unused code/extraneous comments.
Slightly increased performance by purging duplicate patterns.
Made variable search less dependent from other results (except if pattern-to-scan results is within the same header)
* Dedicated SDK now supports ASLR enabled executables.
* Complete removal of CEngineClient on the dedicated server.
* Complete removal of gHLClient and g_pHLClient on the dedicated server.
* Performance improvements for the dedicated server frame loop.
* ConVar 'CVCallback_t' structure rebuild.
* Reduced overhead throughout SDK.
Migrating to this to initialize all patterns and prototypes in Systems_Init() instead.
This should make debugging missing/not found patterns easier and allow for opting out variable/constant search (some of these require other patterns to be found, thus resulting in seg faults..).
Also added check to detect if user has a eligible CPU to run this SDK.
The game requires SSE and SSE2 instruction sets. Our SDK requires this too due to the use of SSE intrinsics, so we cannot let the game handle this. We have to check it ourselves.
* Move most definitions to implementation file to avoid recompiling whole program for small changes
* Pass strings by reference for where possible.
* Split Module class to dedicated file.
* Add const qualifiers to all eligible methods for address/module class
* Some renaming