Add MVKPhysicalDeviceMetalFeatures::mslVersionEnum and set from Metal feature sets.
Derive MVKPhysicalDeviceMetalFeatures:: mslVersion from mslVersionEnum.
MVKDevice::getMTLCompileOptions() sets MTLCompileOptions::languageVersion
from MVKPhysicalDeviceMetalFeatures::mslVersionEnum.
MVKAssert logs error even when assertions disabled.
While Metal *does* allow read access to multisampled textures, it does
*not* allow write access. In Vulkan, storage images are always writable.
Therefore, we can't fully support this feature.
Refactor build scripts.
Update paths to MoltenVKGLSLToSPIRVConverter framework in demos.
Fix rare build race condition on MoltenVKShaderConverter link to MoltenVK.
Add mvkGetRegistryID() function to check OS support for registry ID.
and make it an env var / build setting combo.
Rename to MVKLogging.cpp.
Track version of spvAux buffer struct in SPRIV-Cross and
fail build if different than version expected by MoltenVK.
Update MoltenVK version to 1.0.33.
Update What's New document.
This could happen, for example, if image views with a non-default
swizzle are used with shaders that don't sample those images. In this
case, MoltenVK will warn, because the pipeline said not to set up the
aux buffer.
This requires macOS 10.13 or iOS 11, for the `currentAllocatedSize`
property of `MTLDevice`. Ideally, we'd check for that method instead of
keying on the version.
Actually turn on the `layeredRendering` feature for A12 on iOS. This
should actually allow clients to take advantage of that on A12 devices.
Turn on the `variableMultisampleRate` and `inheritedQueries` features.
`variableMultisampleRate` means that pipelines with no attachments may
have different sample counts. Since no-attachment pipelines are
emulated, we don't have that limitation anyway. If and when Metal gains
real support for no-attachment pipelines, we may have to revisit this.
`inheritedQueries` means that queries may apply to secondary command
buffers as well as primary commands. Secondary command buffers are also
emulated, and should by virtue of being inlined into the primary's
`MTLCommandBuffer` inherit any query-related state.
Use the `maxBufferLength` property of `MTLDevice` when available to get
the true maximum buffer size. (This is one of the "secret" properties in
earlier versions of Metal. It finally became a public, supported API in
Metal 2.1.)
Limit the number of dual-source blending color attachments to 1. This is
a documented limitation of Metal 1.2. I don't know if Metal 2 or 2.1
have lifted this restriction.
Indicate that this implementation uses the standard sample locations.
For Metal, these are actually documented in "Using Programmable Sample
Positions," which discusses setting custom sample locations. The default
sample locations given there are all consistent with the standard
locations documented in the Vulkan spec.